Blood, Secrecy, and Fire

Ongye-Ui Miutigheid

Sith Knight
SWRP Writer
Sep 21, 2018
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Watering cans, oddly shaped in resemblance of a flowering bud and vine like spout, were presented to the guests. None had to take them and neither did Koto enforce it. Testing them to see if their care extended. Observing which flora was suitable in the eyes of each individual. Tallying how many plants were given life sustaining water. “Our arrangement of kingdom plantae is extremely varied. Most are foreign, some are native, but all live harmoniously together. If you have any questions about them, just ask.” Koto took his can and started forward. Suddenly he was approached by one of the guards who whispered something into his ear. “Apologies. I must excuse myself for but a moment.” The two walked into an alcove.

Were voices bestowed upon flora, what songs might they sing? Would such a plethora of chromaticism ring pleasantly? Doubtful, each singular thought or speech rarely conforms as individuals perform their own aria. Altruistic hands grasped outward, palming a blossom hanging delicately. Gripped tightly, It became sheltered in these hands. Ongye wondered, pondered more so, if fear was capable by such a simplistic creation. Pleading for release, begging for life, or complacent and thankful to embrace death. There came a smile, not sly but comforting. Happily he’d embrace oblivion, tortured by his past. Propelled forward with monstrous fortitude. Sunlight shined splendent upon the pink blossom. Petals flexed freely, unabated, and unharmed. Wind flowed to stimulate movement though it may have been gratitude. Ongye disqualified any notion that such an entity made of simplistic cells was capable of appreciation. With watering can in hand he moistened the sod just enough. ”May I say something Alek?” The words came with a promising invitation upon the tongue which spoke them. Deserving of adequate attention. What followed depended on Alek but nothing would hinder a progressive thought. Chuckles of rewarding candor following sarcastic responses should they come. ”The Sith have changed since last you’ve been enslaved. Our methods of coercion have changed. Sadly pain and fear are still predominant teachings but dulled since the dark ages.” Clever was the demeanor in which he spoke. Careful to demonstrate half hazard approach and remorsefulness. Such was a silver tongued serpent to do. ”I apologize for earlier. Nothing warranted such hateful words. Truly you are still that young boy. I see it in your eyes. Carrying sins best left in the past. Say I, you should never forget them. Instead feed upon them. If title is nothing more than such, should you continue practices befitting of the name?” Ongye refused to turn around and focus on the two. Partitioning rations of water along the soil’s bed. ”I’d be honored to call you my fraternal brother. With the Jedi it’s only a matter of time before you’re sent to exile. Were you in need of a new home, your presence would be welcomed amongst our kinship.” Lofty hands grazed prickly vines, leaving each intact. Lovingly lifting petals into the air to smell graciously.

“The girl, is she alright?” Koto asked stroking his chin whilst an eye followed Arador.
The guard looked down unsure. Kneeling before his lord. “Possibly, we’re having her taken to be looked at.” Looking up to catch the man’s wandering gaze he said. “What of the boy? Servants say they saw him leaving the yard.”
Separating the space was a drawn out silence. Koto seemingly lost in transient thought. Sighing before speaking up. “We do nothing. His discovery only broadens our future endeavors. Should he speak up now it would only further his criminality. Allow the servants to spread word but make sure it never reaches his highnesses ears.” They parted respectfully. Bowing to one another. He took up the watering can, eyeing Ardor in passing.

Surai Kyaata

SWRP Writer
Oct 1, 2018
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"What?" Surai stared at the guard standing before her. Had the man grown another arm out of his forehead? The Devaronian's bright eyes bore into the spot between his eyes.

"I'm sorry, my Lady. Servants are currently tending to a matter in the shipyard. I cannot let you continue down this hallway. If you return later, I'm sure--" Blah, blah blah, blah, blah blah blah.

Spicing karker of a karking karkson. Would anyone report it if she beat this one's face in? Would anyone really care? "Fine," she growled before just barely remembering her 'manners,' "and thank you." For this wonderfully karking news.

The tall, horned woman turned and started back the way she'd come. After planting everything in the throne room and the entrance all she had left was the damn shipyard. But it was off limits presently. More than usual. If ever there were a time when someone could claim a Devaronian were an evil spirit ready to consume one's soul it was when anger poured out of them; some might swear they could feel the very air heat around them. All fabrications, of course, but there was no telling what would set off a fierce storm of rage and few ever tempted fate to find out.

After a few seconds, however, she stopped. Surai's head snapped to one side. A door stood there, humble and unassuming. Then a thought. And a smile.

Several minutes later a service hatch in the shipyard slid open, and a red woman carefully poked her head out. The horns gave her away long before she could see if the coast was clear, but nothing Surai could do about that. And she wasn't cutting them off. Screw the insecure men of her species that couldn't take a girl with horns bigger than theirs. Fortunately, they didn't cause her any trouble this time; seemed most of the workers had scampered off somewhere. Hopefully taking their time talking about the latest gossip.

Good thing a map of the place had been provided. Better thing that Surai actually studied it. As full of bravado as she could be, she wasn't stupid. Someone handed you a grenade you didn't ask if you should use it -- you found a reason to use it. Preferably somewhere useful; but if that didn't come up, somewhere exciting.

Like a shipyard. Only these weren't grenades.

Alek Varsan

Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Jul 12, 2018
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Alek continued to follow in the tour for some time, he was taking a moment now and again to look at the exotic plant life being shown. He’d never seen any as such as these, reminded him of how much of this galaxy he had yet to see. Choosing not to water anything, he rathered just observe and take it all in for now. His moment of thought broken by the sith from before now speaking to him, he stated that he would make amends for things said before, and go on to explain further of what the sith order had become. Alek was not a mean spirited person, thinking for a moment and began to speak his mind. “I put no fault on you, as you don’t have anything to apologize for. We all have our moments I’m sure, but I’m intrested to hear that the sith have changed their ways in a certain manner.” He paused thinking more than speaking again, “The time I spent under your orders training was intresting to say the least. When I left my outlook on the force as a whole shifted, I can sense the Jedi don’t trust me as they once did. I feel at times I don’t belong to either side, and think I should leave to forge my own path. But I still have ties with the order as of now, the boy that came with me. He is under my training, but once done I may just leave the order and find myself a place to call home.” He had no trouble talking now, for he had kept it inside him for to long, then stating “I still use the way of the dark to do good but the Jedi are afraid, and the sith don’t agree with my methods concerning the use either for another reason. I don’t think I’ll fit in to either group, it may just me being on my own to solve the force for what it means to me, but I thank you for your words of kindness.” His thoughts drifted then, where was Arador? The boy was doing well in training, and with more time would not need his mentor, then he would have to choose to stay or leave the order. But till then Alek would stay for his sake, then he came back to think about the plants in the garden, he fell silent and continued thought.