Bread's Repository


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score
Hello my fellows.

While I am still very unknown to many and practically fresh I wish to put forth a few things because to some, approaching things might seem daunting:

When I first started writing and playing a Character I felt very lost and trying to fit into something you are normally not part of can be very daunting for people and sometimes drive them away from even trying.

I want to encourage and speak for the Writers here that collaborative writing is very much that what its name entails, collaborative, whilst ideals of outcomes and your own headcanons may differ from time to time you all endeavor to write a story worth enjoying and therefore it should be paramount Priority to make sure that the one you write with is enjoying themselves just as much as you do.

I believe we all had a time where we tried to stick out, make a solid imprint in the beginning and cling to it like there was no other way but I would like to say that when it comes to writing, simply doing what you do best sometimes is more than enough to reach the goals you wish for, and in the case of wishing for a plot to go into a specific direction reaching out to your writing partner/partners is paramount, if this seems daunting to you, let me alleviate that burden for bickering over differences later on because of lack of Communication will be a bigger ordeal than fielding a discussion over a Plot.

I dont mean to proclaim myself as an Expert but experience does shine through and experience many of the Writers here have, if you find yourself stuck on an idea, lost for a way to follow or simply burnt out I believe I speak for most here do not hesitate to reach out! We all benefit from helping one another because that drives the site and threads onwards.

Regarding strictly PVP Threads (I refer them to as Combat Scenarios) it can field a exciting quarry from the normality of other Threads but believe me they also field the risk of differing minds, this should not deter you from engaging in such however! Combat is among the greatest factors of Character Growth and during these Scenarios one should endeavor to give their opposing writing side utmost respect and courtesy for in times they may yield to you, or you may yield to them out of volition, such are agreements and we as Writers should endeavor to honor them without quarrels but with the outlook to create a vast canvas of opportunity.

Whilst I enjoy to observe People and the Stories they forge it just as much tickles the tips of my finger to be able to write again and being able to provide to a rich community with a open mind, therefore I lay myself or rather what I know best out to you, do not hesitate to reach out for even if it may not seek my involvement I am willing to give a second opinion, analyse, build and improve things you struggle with for you if that enables you to continue where you once thought to stop or start something you always wanted to.

Whilst I appeal to my own niche of writing I am a man of an open mind and find joy in enabling people to resurge in newfound drive and purpose, that is what I strive for so if I can do that for you, enable me to do so.

During this I may also exclaim something that I have made known to some key people already, I am a Digital Artist and willing to lend hands with edits aswell as fresh concepts should they be needed for your Face Claim and Character needs.

That being said, this has been a pleasure to put out there,

- Bread, your elusive Mandalorian Fanatic