Rejected Buckling Some Swash


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
What is going to happen in your plot?
Flynn has heard a lot about the Five Syndicates and has decided that he wants in on the lowest level - he mainly just wants better access to fences and the like but hey, belonging to a group bigger than just his immediate allies might be good in the future too. The how is a simple matter really, he has been reliably informed that some of the smaller, less important, shipments for the Syndicates are being raided by a local gang that hasn't gotten with the program (i.e joined up or died). He, and some other hopefuls, have been tasked with taking them out.

They're kind of expendable and it would be nice to not have the minor issue happening at all after all so it's a win win for the syndicate!

What other writers (and their characters) will be a part of this?
Interest check thread Here

Where are all the locations in which your plot will take place?
Sullust Space

Please provide a basic in-character timeline of what you expect to happen. Include opposition type for each thread:
  1. Find the Trap - The Syndicate allies must track down a local who is said to be a member of the local gang in question and get answers out of them as to how and where the next ambush of smuggled goods will take place. It is not expected to be pleasant. Self-DM or Dice.
  2. Bait the Trap - The Syndicate allies must collect a cargo of smuggled goods from the regular smuggler's ship in space and transport it down to Sullust while avoiding the militia patrols. A real bit of smuggling to get the ball rolling. Self-DM or Dice.
  3. Spring the Trap - Knowing how and where the local gang intend to spring the trap (assuming threads 1 & 2 were not failures), the allies will lay in wait within the truck speeder being used to transport the smuggled goods across land to avoid customs. When the local gang springs their trap to capture the truck, the allies will spring their counter trap and spring out to show them the error of their decision to cross the Syndicate. Self-DM or Dice.

What do you or your character hope to achieve with this plot? What is the "end-game?” Link any items you’re seeking if applicable.
To get Flynn into the Syndicate at the starting rank (Scoundrel) as a current Indie smuggler. To do the same for any other Indies who join and to further the careers of those already part of the Syndicate.

Do you need any involvement of canon NPCs or faction leaders to be DMed by a staff member? If so, please detail who/what and for what purpose.


Story Admin
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Indie criminals who want to join the 5S don't need to do a plot for it. You're welcome to go forward with RPing this on its own