Caj "Chaos" Krayte


SWRP Writer
Oct 4, 2017
Reaction score
Caj "Chaos" Krayte

This is very similar to what Caj looks like except for the fact that he holds a different blaster pistol, doesn't smoke, has no stubble, and has dark green eyes.

Born on Tatooine
NAME: Caj "Chaos" Krayte
FACTION: Caj will be joining the Blackbird Pirates
RANK: He will try to start out as a Captain and then hopefully ascend to the prestigious rank of High Captain.
AGE: 27
Planet of Birth: Tatooine
FORCE SENSITIVE: Caj is not and never has been "Force Sensitive"



Hair Color:
Midnight Black
Eye Color: Dark Green
Skin Color: Semi-Tan but not too much or little(see pic for details)
Height: approximately 6 foot and 3 inches
Weight: 156 lb
Other: No stubble



Charisma: 8/10
Dexterity: 9/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Wisdom: 8/10
Strength: 6.5/10
Constitution: 6/10
Stamina: 7.5/10
Thievery: 9.55/10
Pilot: 7.5/10
Hunter: 7.25/10
Hand-to-hand fighting: 3.5/10
Grenades: 2.5/10
Marksmanship: 7.85/10​

For the type of upbringing that Caj had, he was super smart and definitely sly. He has a commanding aura while surprisingly being able to take orders. His strengths are making solid decisions, befriending others, stealth in and out of battle, and he always having a plan to “get in” and a plan to “get out”. He isn’t fully against killing, but he will not kill another being unless it is well justified under his values and/or orders.


Caj is an adept pilot, not the best but not terrible either. He is a "Master" thief, as called by all of the people who he has robbed from or heard of him. This is because he has never been caught, always gets what he came for, and always leave a token with his family symbol on it to symbolize that he, and only he, was there.He isn't a bad hunter, but he doesn't hunt much or truly enjoy killing...



Caj has a standard way of looking at life: It’s short and it is almost never fulfilling. Thus, he is definitely always interested in loyal allies and friends, because loyalty to a cause is more defining and important than other “things”. He can be seen as semi-stern, super determined, and loyal without fault. However well he can make friends, he always manages to lose them early on in the friendship...



The Krayte Family has been slowly dwindling in number and power during the last three centuries... Due to that, Caj was brought up as the lowly son of a lowly trader, who’s business wasn’t really doing well... so at the age of four, Caj started learning how to steal. He’d watch the older kids for hours, all the time without them knowing, watching them make mistakes and and celebrate successes. Only at the age of six did he set out and successfully steal a knife, bag filled with “exotic” metals(in a six year olds mind, anything new was and still is exotic), and a simple desert-scarf. He would then build up and move towards his biggest goal at the moment - to leave his planet. Why? Just for the feeling of Dependency becoming fully fledged INDEPENDENCE! Such a happy thought coming from the mind of an eight year old, who would still run as fast as his little legs would carry him home for “dinner”. At the age of nine he and 19-ish other boys created D.O.O.M. - Destruction Over Our Mother’s Heads - which wasn’t what D.O.O.M. did. It was actually made to help with stealing things but the main goal was to get off planet and go to some rich planet... So he and his group of loyal friends set off to complete their goal. He had 5 act as “runaway slaves” and had ten others get the attention of the guards guarding the ship(at the time they didn’t know what type of ship it would be, but knew that no matter what they’d go). Then he and the last three would board the ship, except for the fact that everything went wrong and Caj was the only one to get off planet in the stolen ship. When his friends were caught, they were either sold into slavery or killed, but either way when Caj came back for them they weren’t there... When he went looking for them their parents shunned him or straight out threatened him to never come back. From then on he would only come through open desert, not straight to a port/town. The second time he came he met his new pet BLUE. The third time he won 100,000 credits at a podrace, and spent them on weapons and supplies when he went off-world. Fourth time he came to feed BLUE, and that was the main reason from then on other than for work to come back to Tatooine. He got hired by one of many Hutt Lords to rob a wealthy merchant who had “stolen” from him. He robbed him of the materials and also managed to get two RZX-637 "EndBringer" Guardian Droid to steal back half of the stuff from the Hutt. From then on he and the merchant have been allies, each supporting the other(to a certain extent of course). But know Caj would like to join the Blackbird Pirates so that his dream of BLUE being finally “free” can come true.



• one set of semi-modified stalker armor: grapple and mag-boots/repulser boots, plus a nice paint job of his family symbol above his heart painted by himself-worn by Caj
• one 88RS-Stalker carried on a sling across his back
• two MD-12 shotgun blasters (in storage/armory)
• one P-30 Anti-Personnel Rifle (also in storage/armory)
• two blaster pistols with sensor triggers and small scopes, and is usually a pain to reload carried in holster on leg and one in a hidden coat pocket


And one normal knife that he uses for lots of things(eating, fiddling, sabotage, etc) but it is not a vibrosword or an electro of now it’s being carried in a pocket

(Caj can use grenades but only if given them...he won’t carry or stand near(usually) someone who is carrying...)
• Ammunition: Caj usually carries around two extra ammo clips for his pistols and one extra clip for the 88RS-Stalker...


At the age of 14 he stole his ride off of Tatooine: some random bounty hunter's Axion-class Assault Ship(which over the years he's customized and fine-tuned), only to return multiple times for work or for his pet.

• Logri (last name unknown): technician/mechanic, Human, age 24, carries a power wrench and other mystical tools of mechanicism... main job is to keep the ship in good shape
• Ral Vronri: human, Main/“heavy” Gunner, main job is to board or repel enemies
• Tyrealon “Ty” Norheal: Human,usually copilot but sometimes pilot carries a pistol on his left leg, lefty, main job is to pilot the ship during battle
• Jaydfra “Jay” Whidall: hardiest Twi’lek female you’ll ever meet, muscular, amazing aim with most shotguns and also carries a small pistol and electro blade. By the way has Orange skin. New to the team so doesn’t really have a “job” but still manages to fit well with the rest of us.



Yes, two RZX-637 "EndBringer" Guardian Droid for the protection of his ship, cargo, and himself. (Will be handing both over to the Blackbird Pirates for protection of major/main cargo or as bodyguards for the Admiral



The second time that he returned, he went through the open desert...
There he found a tribe of Sandpeople and saw that they were celebrating. One of their men had just been accepted back as mature, because he had slain a Krayt Dragon. It was a female, recently slain, that had also given birth to a male within that same Galactic Week. Caj quickly and quietly coaxed the male Krayt Dragon to his ship(this took about three Standard Galactic Hours, because the Dragon got hungry and was willing to attack Caj...) once there, Caj fed the Dragon, and made the decision that would change his life. He was going to adopt the Krayt Dragon, or BLUE, as he began to call him. Now Caj returns straight to BLUE's hideaway/cavern to feed, pet, and play with him when he's finished with his job/s. Caj must now find someway of getting BLUE safe and well fed each day and night. And that's why Caj has decided to become a Blackbird Pirate, for there might someday be a planet for all of them so that he can safely release BLUE to live peacefully in a non-cramped cargo bay or cave--but into the open "wilderness"...


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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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Hey there. Nice profile. It might be nice if you tone down the stats a little bit. Some of the top four anyway. Stats don't mean a whole lot here, but having two 9/10s followed by two 8/10s is a little bit of a stretch. Your character is more or less pretty good at everything and has no real flaws that I'm seeing.

If you tone those down a tad, i'll approve.

Dark child

You- The Forty Six & 2
SWRP Writer
May 31, 2016
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"No honor among thieves."
Except Caj. ;)

I have just a few notes.

You may use any armor picture that suits your taste and simply state that it's properties are equivalent to Stalker armor if you wish. On the profile, Caj's armor has less plates and the grapple is a bit tougher to cut through. This changes the armor's characteristics and simply put, aesthetic changes are fine, but once you strengthen or lighten different parts of an armor it becomes something different entirely, so remove those two bits and you should be fine.

Caj's weapons are all good. Just add the model of the two pistols he uses (or two separate pistols) as well as the amount of ammunition (charge packs, clips, whatever you wish to call them) Caj carries for all his weapons. You may have already looked at the Tech Compendium, but it is a good place to quickly sift through most of the gear on the site.

Having weapons on your ship/in storage is also ok, just remember to state which weapons Caj is carrying in your first post of any thread you are involved in, if you do not then someone could claim that he never had it on his person, and therefore could not use it.

This next bit is a matter of personal opinion, so don't feel the need to incorporate any of this if you do not want to.

I'm not a pirate, but grenades are great. Caj also seems like the rogue type, so possibly a vibrosword, electroblade, or blastsword would suit him well.

Highlighted links (like the one for the Tech Compendium above) are great for weapons used on profiles because they allow people to see exactly what a character has without having to look them all up. I also noticed that Caj's image isn't displaying for me. If you need help with either of these, or anything listed above, just send me a PM.​
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SWRP Writer
Oct 4, 2017
Reaction score
Thx, I think I fixed the problems but I don’t have a good idea for electro blade/vibrosword usage so I won’t use it.... but thx for the suggestion and support!