Tabloid Chancellor Ro Intoxicated Following Controversial Senate Session

Elora Trevino


Character Profile
Oct 27, 2021
Reaction score


"Good afternoon, and welcome back to Celebrity Catch, your favorite holonet program dedicated to your favorite celebrities and your least favorite politicians. Don't change that channel because do we have some juicy scandal for you.

"I'm Elora Trevino, still filling in for your regular host, Aveda Jusuzi, while she is away on vacation."
She muttered under her breath with a cough, "Lucky son of a bantha."

Directing her attention to the camera once again, she continued with a smile. "We all know that Supreme Chancellor Emil Ro and scandal are no strangers. The Balmorran has been front and center in the news on more than one occasion, with the massacre at Denon and his late night trip to lower level bars on Coruscant just to name a few.

"Last night, however, was a first. The Chancellor was observed by more than one person—drunker than a Hutt on his way to the senate after party! Witnesses detailed the Chancellor's movements, describing his manner as both 'erratic' and 'clumsy.' One witness says the Chancellor lost his balance on more than one occasion and nearly bumped into her! When he offered his apologies, his speech was slurred and his breath—to quote her own words here— 'smelled like the exhaust port of a tauntaun!'"

Elora shook her head, laughing. "If he was that drunk before the party, I'd hate to see what he looked like after! This incident comes right after the widely publicized Senate Session where the Jedi Grandmaster Alex Voran invaded the Chancellor's mind in the middle of proceedings! It's widely accepted that the Chancellor and Grandmaster have been involved in a steamy, on-again off-again relationship that has spanned several months.

"Many have speculated that the Grandmaster broke up with Chancellor Ro yesterday via telepathic communication, and, if true, it would explain the Chancellor's inebriated state last night. A reporter waiting out back to interview the Chancellor described his visage as 'the face of a heartbroken man' as he left the senate chambers yesterday.

"Was this simply the mistake of a lifetime or a sign of more to come? Is the Chancellor nursing a broken heart? Who will the Chancellor choose to be his rebound? Will he continue to seek out consolation at the bottom of a bottle? Did the Jedi Grandmaster throw the Chancellor over for another man? Tune in tomorrow to hear the answers to these pressing questions and more."






tags: @Mockingjay @Song @Valen Pelora
