HoloNet News Chancellorship candidate Alexander Xerxes speaks

Alexander Xerxes

Former Republic Chancellor

Character Profile
Mar 17, 2022
Reaction score

The toils of the Campaign were hanging heavy on the shoulders of the Hynestian Prince, he was tired, exhausted even. But when news like this dropped, he had to react, even if he was just a Senator he would have put his two pence out into the Galaxy so all could see his stance. But now with the Chancellorship on the line he didn’t have to react he must react. Makeup covered the bags, drops brightened his eyes and caffeine gave him the spurt of energy needed for the late night speech. Alexander stepped onto a podium to him all he could see was a room covered top to bottom in green screen. The New Republic however would see symbols of the Republic, the Centralist party and Hynestia his home.

“Good people of the New Republic. Once again I must begin my statement by sending my heartfelt sorrow and prayers to all those who are caught within the firing lines on Kashyyyk.” He began, eyes forward staring right down the camera. “However, I must publicly condone the actions of the Representative of Kashyyyk who has willingly placed the lives of his people further in danger for the sake of pride and political agenda. His actions along with others have now caused the Consortium of Independent Systems, under President Thorne to break all ties with the Free World Alliance, a critical blow in our dream of a united Democratic Galaxy.”

“As with Senator Drast, Hynestia is open to all refugees of Kashyyyk, we have plenty of beds and food available. I have also spoken to my brother and ships from the Hynestian Royal Navy will be waiting on the border of Republic and Alliance space willing to transfer all who wish to seek safety upon our world. The coordinates of which will be transmitted after this broadcast.”

“This dreadful turn of events is only highlighted by the atrocities committed by the Jedi Order in their attempt to
‘save’ the lives of Kashyyyk’s inhabitants. Not only have the Jedi Order brought down the wrath of the Sith Empire upon the planet, they now knowingly send its inhabitants into the vacuum of space.” Alexander gripped the sides of the podium leaning slightly forward as he continued to speak.

“This is a group that my Honourable colleague, the Seantor of Byss, believes is worth sending our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters to die for. A group whose head once tried to control the mind of our dearly departed Supreme Chancellor.” Alexander raised his fist and slammed it down on the podium. “I say no more. No longer shall the free people of this galaxy die fighting sides of this philosophical debate we have no part in. No longer will our factories build the Jedi, their weapons, our shipyards assemble their fleets, our homes produce their soldiers. No, we must end this war! This begins with our declaration of banishment, not just from Coruscant like my Houranble colleague has done. But from all Republic Space. That is the only way to secure a future for the Republic free of war, free of turmoil. We shall no longer play in these games of Light vs Dark.”

Alexander straightened, the emotion slowly falling out of him, the neutral political face of the Hynestian rising back to the surface. “Once the Senate is back in session tomorrow, I will be proposing a new Republic led initiative working on the exemploray foundations of the ISCRA to help those fleeing Kashyyyk and all other warzones and AMS hotspots. I will also be asking the Speaker to bring the date of the election forward, the time is now for the New Republic to have its Supreme Chancellor in office.”

“So I ask the people now, in light of all that has happened over these past weeks to make a choice. To either fight for a group who has only brought us pain, or join me in a war free tomorrow, unburdened by the turmoil of The Force and full with the prosperity of peace.”