Open Chandrila The Pitch

Korre Belasi


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Jul 24, 2021
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OOC: Open to senators of the Free Worlds and the New Republic

Her senate had agreed to open negotiations with the New Republic to merge the two government entities. Before that could happen though, the New Republic would need to agree to the concept themselves.

The meeting would take place on Chandrila, in a large, almost senatorial chamber where members of both parties would be able to seat themselves around a large, round table. Korre sat in one of those chairs, seated next to the New Republic Speaker of the Senate. It was she who had first brought up the potential idea of a merge, and now that Korre had gotten the approval of her Senate to go ahead, they could now pitch the idea to the New Republic.

Kashyyyk was still fresh in everyone’s minds, but this decision had been made before the Sith had attacked, and before the New Republic senators had begun their campaigning. There was no point in putting it off. The New Republic senators, along with any last-minute Free World senators that wished to show as well.

Once everyone had arrived, she would begin her pitch. They would, of course, know the nature of this meeting.

"Thank you ou all for coming. have gathered you all here today to propose that the New Republic and Free Worlds' Alliance begin negotiations to merge. My senate has already voted in favor of such negotiations.

Should the New Republic vote in favor to begin negotiations to merge, it could pave the way for a brighter future for both of us. Combining our governments would unify trade, boosting our economies in the face of falling marktes."
It was no secret that the value of the credit was falling.

"Unified, you would have access to a wider pool of assets that would allow all of us to defend against outside threats and better secure our homeworlds. Current New Republic worlds would have better access to major hyperlanes outside Republic borders, making it cheaper and easier to import and export products."

That would be enticing to the Core Worlds who upheald their luxurious lifestyles from trade with the greater galaxy.

"The New Republic and the Free Worlds will be stronger together. Together, we will be able to end the conflict with the Sith, secure our borders, and bolster our economy.

"I am only proposing that we begin negotiations to merge; an affirmative vote today only opens the door for opportunities down the road."

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Alexander Xerxes

Former Republic Chancellor

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Mar 17, 2022
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The lights of the circular conference room were bright, glinting off the head of the Senator for Botor’s bald head. Watching the light glisten off that beautiful scalp was a pleasant distraction to the Hynesitan Senator as he waited for all those who would attend to arrive. People were chit chatting around him, a number of his party walked past his chair touching him on the shoulder and giving him a nod of approval, his voice would speak for many of the Centrist party today.

The fact he was the now de facto ruler of the Centrist Party and a runner in the current Chancellorship Elections had given Alexander a seat on the large round central table. Only a few months prior he probably would have been sitting in one of the back benches, plotting and scheming but not having the political clout to make anything yet happen.

Once all had arrived Prime Minister Belasi began her speech, Alexander kept his eyes locked on the women the entire time. They had met once before at a party, they seemed to have a fair bit in common then, but now it seems that they sat on opposite ends of the table. Like all in attendance he knew the reasoning for the meeting, if he was honest it made sense and if he was not running for the Chancellorship under the key aspect of keeping them away from the wars the Free World Alliance fought, he may have sided with the Prime Minister. But things change.

Once Korre took her seat, Alexander stood. “Prime Minister Belasi, I thank you for arranging such a meeting on a very important topic. However, I do believe the timing of such a merger is perhaps a little premature. As you are well aware myself and my Honourable colleague the Senator for Byss are currently running for the position of Supreme Chancellor within our Great Republic.”

Alexander looked towards Hedarial who was a few seats away, giving him a small and a small nod in acknowledgement. In the Republic they were enemies, he hoped here they would at least be slightly united. “We and our parties stand apart in our vision for the New Republic as well as its stance with foreign powers such as the Sith Empire and Mandalorians. Agreeing to any negotiations about merging our two Great Governments when one does not have a head and true direction, is only a waste of everyone's time. As we cannot reliably confirm if our ideals truly match up to allow a merger to succeed.”

“I agree that stronger ties between our nations is of paramount importance to both our Governments, but if this is done through trade treaties, formal alliances or mergers can only be decided once a Chancellor has been elected.”


Raycom Hedarial

Senator, Byss

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Sep 24, 2021
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"Oh, most assuredly, Senator, please give my regards to your husband."
It had been some time since Hedarial was last able to walk into a Senate hearing without having to talk to a dozen representatives first. The blend of smiles, agreements and handshakes that had been the last days almost dazzled him, and was it not for his morning briefs by his assistant, he would never remember all the desires of his peers he now needed to keep in mind. For the most part, his chief of staff had been able to whip the party into at least outwardly unison, yet some Senators required individual attention. A promise here, a good word there and occasionally a threat hidden in praise, the content of his conversations was incredibly repetitive.

He could not be happier when he finally reached the Senate chamber. At least for a few hours, he would have some peace. Taking a seat, he took a look at his datapad to ensure he had not missed anyone on his way. With his mind at ease, he took the liberty of letting his gaze wander through the room. He spotted his opponent Xerxes, on the more centrist side of the Republic delegates and surrounded by yes men. He occupied himself by counting how many pats the men received in the short duration watching him and almost chuckled. At least the Centrists weren't any less impending than the Populists.

The arrival of the Prime Minister threw him out of his thoughts, however. Like many delegates, he rose as a sign of respect as she made her way to the podium before seating down when she resumed speaking. Naturally, he knew what she was going to say. A pitch of such momentum did not remain hidden until one brought it into the Senate. Word spread, and Senators came prepared.

As the princess spoke of trade borders, he kept a straight face and nodded only occasionally. Whilst everyone around him seemed to ponder the words she spoke, Hedarial, and assuredly some others instead thought about the implications of these. If the governments were to merge, the FWAs sheer size would dominate political procedures. And the office of Supreme chancellor, at least initially, would most certainly fall into the hands of a formerly FWA politician. Most likely one that had already proven capable of leading...

However, aside from this line of thinking, there were many other implications, some of which he could openly state. As Hedarial listened to the small speech of Xerxes, a small sigh escaped him. What Xerxes stated undoubtedly has merit, yet sadly was completely focused on the current campaign within the republic. Thus leaving both him and Raycom open to attack. Trying to limit the potential of this discussion devolving along these lines, he raised to present his take on the situation.

"I must thank you for your enthusiastic and upbeat words, Prime Minister, yet I cannot listen but think of some of the less savoury implications for the republic." He said with a sad smile. Looking through the republic half of the assembly, he continued in a grave voice: "As our royal Prime Minister of the Free Worlds has stated, we are in a time of economic crisis, having lost many of our trade partners as they fell to Sith tyranny, we are left with only the Free Worlds and the Consortium. One factor we do not need now is amplified tension between us and our remaining trade partners."

Folding his hands, he looked over to the half of the room occupied by the free worlds. "It is a sad but honest truth, that the Free Worlds are at the start of a major recession themselves. They are hit hardest by the war, and now the ISC has begun to sanction them." Naturally, the FWA Senators would be in upheaval at his casual mentioning of the recent rift between their nation and the Consortium, yet he would not let that erupt into turmoil.

"Whether justified or not is not my intention to say, yet it is clear that should the Republic merge with you, these developments will undoubtedly not only hurt our own economic prospects, but would most likely further drive a wedge into the intergalactic community, and we would have to expect further sanctions of the ISC, as well as an escalation to include Republic worlds."

Turning back to the Republic side Hedarial spoke on, slowly unfolding his hands. "And that merely strikes the surface of uncertainty that would come from such negotiations. There are many more to consider. The Republic is a much more centralised entity, would a merger mean that we would have to diminish this core element of our nation? Or how does the Prime Minister, be she as competent as she may, plan to talk hundreds of local governments into diminishing their power to fit our higher standard. Whose nations institutions would be allowed to survive and thrive, and whose would become subordinate to the other's?"

He made a perpetual circular motion with his hand, emphasising the extent to which decisions would need to be made. "And there is so much more to consider. The legislation would need to be unified, jurisdictional procedures would need to be adapted. Renegotiation with member states would need to be reconducted. And all that whilst the Republic stands leaderless and without a course. We would undeniably be in a much weaker capacity to even negotiate our wishes!"

Now he turned to Belasi herself and did so with an expression of true condolement. "Mrs Prime Minister, I love your pitch for a more united Galaxy, but I believe your proposal is too much, too fast, at the wrong time. I believe there is a need for smaller steps in the right direction before we can conduct something as radical as a merger. I am fully in favour of an economic union, with the right parameters. Freedom of trade, services, finance and movement can be discussed, but only after the Republic has decided on a course themselves, and after a strong administration is put in place."

With that, Hedarial yielded the floor to whoever was next on the speaking list. Whether FWA or Republic, it was bound to be interesting.

@lizziie @Braden



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Mad Dog
Apr 5, 2022
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Vaz had realized he was somewhat confused given the open seating, and accidently found himself seated directly behind @Raycom Hedarial the Senator from Byss, as this was his first invitation to a summit such as this Vaz did not quite mesh well into the regular grouping that attended such summits. But had avoided notice by simply observing the happenings around him, and not interjecting before the Prime Minister of the Free Worlds Alliance @Korre Belasi spoke. During her speech, more of a plea really, Vaz's face would host a confused and questioning look.

Senator @Alexander Xerxes took the floor immediately following the Prime Minister, and offered multiple solid points against the merger, followed quickly by @Raycom Hedarial who in a more descriptive way opened the floor to further information detailing the negative effects the Republic would feel should the merger occur. Vaz had thought on each point, and given the momentary lull that occurred following the Senator from Byss decided to stand up himself..

Unlike the others in the room, Vaz stood just over one foot tall, or over one third of a meter, resulting in him standing on the table in front of him while he took the, proverbial in his case, floor, Prime Minister, I am Senator Vaz Du of Kuat.. Vaz began, As I am sure you are aware the Republic credit has taken a bit of a beating itself, however the Free Worlds Alliance is near the verge of a full scale economic recession, the open conflicts between not only the Sith but also the Mandalorian war machine, as well as the publicly obliterated relationship the Free Worlds now hold with the ISC make it difficult to imagine a merger where the Republic benefits in any way. Though this, of course, would not be the only reason to conduct a merger it's a simple matter of who gets more.

The Free Worlds do not harbor a centralized military, and rely on member states to do so, this would undoubtedly force a great strain on the Republic to supply such defensive and offensive capability to each under-supplied planet within your borders, As the Senator of Kuat, who's planet would likely be the one of the few who would ever forced to supply such measures, and I can tell you now that the people I represent would not support such a movement at this time.

Vaz began, glancing over to @Alexander Xerxes, Your government is rife with the operations I personally deem unacceptable, regularly the Free Worlds make use of privateer organizations to fight your wars for you in lieu of a formal, actually trained, and morally sound, military. Not to mention that the law within your borders are upheld by the minimally overseen group of near war criminals.. the Sector Rangers.. who seem act as if they have jurisdiction over the entire galaxy. It is evident the chaos within and at your borders provide a very negative prospect for merger. I can see the benefit in my compatriot the Senator from Byss's statement that perhaps steps to increase our alliances and trade could be beneficial to both of us, but the idea of a merger coming from, not just you Prime Minister, but the Free Worlds in its entirety seems to me to be more akin to grasping at straws, and a desperate attempt to prevent the loss of your own power...

Vaz looked out over the crowd, he'd actually been allowed to speak his whole point, rare that was.. Prime Minister, I'm sure that just looking at me you can ascertain that my homeworld, where my parents live and the rest of my species lies within your borders, not mine, and this makes such a decision all the more hard for me to make myself, but I took an oath, and have a duty to not just the people of Kuat, but of the greater New Republic to protect them from outside threats, and provide them the best opportunities to succeed in freedom, I fear supporting this merger would make me derelict in my duties to those who trusted me with them.. Vaz added before simply ending with, Thank you.. and took his seat once more.

Rubeus Bangalore

General, Iego

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Jan 20, 2022
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General Rubeus Bangalore listened patiently to the other representatives of the galaxy. Korre Belasi was an admirable woman, and Rubeus only felt empathy for her. He couldn't imagine the amount of stress that had been placed on her shoulders in these recent years. Rubeus wished he could do more for the galaxy- do more for Korre to ease her heavy burden. It saddened the old man to know that the most he could do was watch.

All of the New Republic speakers had made it a clear point that though they did appreciate the Prime Minister's push for galactic unity, they were not quite sure the New Republic was ready to merge with the several Free Worlds. Rubeus had to agree with them there. The process would need to be slow and gradual to make sure the rest of the galaxy was able to keep up with the sudden changes. Iego was a simple trades planet with a basic militia that was capable of holding it's own, but probably suffer as Kashyyyk did if it faced an invasion of similar magnitude.

Rubeus wasn't quite sure what to say without repeating everyone else's stance on the subject until the Senator of Kuat spoke. Vaz spoke sourly of the Sector Rangers, which Rubeus could understand, but wasn't sure they were worthy of being considered War Criminals. The Senator was obviously opinionated on the matter of getting rid of the organization, which gave the old General an idea or two on what to say concerning the Sector Rangers.

"I have to agree with the solid points made by the New Republic. A merging of such magnitude would most likely carry negative results. I think a slow and steady process of singular planets joining the New Republic at a time would suffice. It would make sense to start with planets that have more of a peaceful and sound government, but also worlds that can contribute to a militia. I, General Rubeus Bangalore, would be more than willing to join the New Republic with the people of Iego. Of course, I understand that I may have to wait until a Chancellor has been elected. In terms of further planning a merger of this scale, I'd be more than willing to assist." Rubeus dipped his head towards Korre and smiled his gentle and friendly smile. He wanted to at least let her know that one of the Free World's was willing to go along with this idea of hers.

"Concerning Senator Vaz's notes on the current state of our beloved Sector Rangers, there is always room for improvement. I do not think we should completely do away with an organization of such potential, but rebuild it into something better. Whether any of you like it or not, they are some of the FWA's last line of defense. If we are going to take such a thing away, then we should at least replace them with something better. However, this is something the FWA will handle. Not the New Republic. I have a few ideas, myself, of what to do with the Sector Rangers and how they can improve their status among our star systems." Rubeus tone and composure was still calm yet firm and steadfast. There were many good leaders among the Sector Rangers such as Lieutenant Bast that would most likely be willing to help their community shape up in the very least. Rubeus didn't think it would be right or fair to strip the good people of their standing because of the mistakes of others.

@lizziie @Mad Dog @ThisIsHowLibertyDies @Braden

Cassian Graves

Consul, Onderon

Character Profile
Oct 15, 2021
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All of the usual suspects had already arrived, gathered around a large table at the center of the assembly room, fangs polished, claws sharpened, and feathers preened.

Cassian's gaze swept over the group, lingering on Senator Xerxes and Senator Hedarial the longest. After months of grieving, the New Republic had finally shifted its focus from the death of Emil Ro to his replacement. Seated near the Prime Minister herself were the two candidates.

Not a day went by that the pair of senator's faces weren't splashed across the Holonet, from interviews to debates to the usual, run-of-the-mill vote for me adds. Xerxes had the face for it, but Hedarial? Poor fellow—that haircut of his looked like the rear end of an Ewok. Not that Cassian had any experience with that.

Late, Cassian shot Prime Minister Belasi a 'Sorry I'm late' look. In all actuality, the Senator of Onderon wasn't sure if the Prime Minister had expected him to show or if he was even welcome here at all, but that had never stopped him before. Silently, Cassian slipped into the seat next to General Bangalore, the only other Free Worlds representative in attendance, and offered the aging gentleman a friendly smile.

Once the General had concluded his remarks, Cassian would lean over and whisper, "I take it that 'slow and steady wins the race' is your philosophy then, General?" With a playful wink, he added, "Although, at your advanced age, I suppose you have to be."

Leaning back in his chair, Cassian pulled his phone out under the table to send a text message (@Song ). The Zeltron was merely here to observe, not to disrupt proceedings.

@lizziie @Braden @ThisIsHowLibertyDies @Charles @Mad Dog

Korre Belasi


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2021
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Korre listened quietly while the New Republic senators spoke. Senator Xerses made a fair point about the current state of the New Republic. That could be easily solved if she were to declare her candidacy here and now. She could run for the Chancellorship alongside him and Hedarial, and upon winning, the merger would come easier. A problem presented itself there though: she would have to win because her Senate approved of this meeting partially because she had said she would position herself to become Chancellor. If she didn't win, the merger wouldn't go through. It would be a waste of time.

But, though a fair point, she didn't see why they needed a Chancellor for their Senate to vote on the merger. Something like this would need to be taken to their Senate, and whether they had a Chancellor or not seemed irrelevant. The Speaker could serve as the tie-breaker if needed, no?

Hedarial's answer was long-winded and verbose, and he spoke largely to the other New Republic senators who had arrived. In addition to agreeing with Xerses, he spoke about the Free Worlds' declining economy. Senator Du spoke next. Korre was surprised to hear this, as it meant the former Senator Redrish had either retired or been voted out. Those questions would need to wait for later, and she pushed them to the side while she listened. Her brows furrowed as she did; it appeared the new Kuati senator was severely misinformed.

Before Korre could respond, General Bangalore from Iego spoke up. The moment he uttered the phrase "I have to agree with the solid points made by the New Republic", Korre felt her chest fall. "Are you kidding me?" Putting aside that the man was not even a senator, he had deliberately chosen to forgo attending the FWA senate to come here and actively push against her agenda. Why did he not bring them up then?

"General, I wonder why you choose to speak now rather than at the FWA Senate where this was first discussed and voted on," she said cooly, blue eyes trained steadily on the Iego general.

Unfortunately, it seemed this meeting would be of no use to the Free Worlds. A merger with the New Republic might've served to centralize the FWA, but it seemed the NR was not open to the idea. Perhaps she should not have believed the New Republic Speaker of the Senate when she said they would be open to the idea. Perhaps, the timing was just off.

Regardless, other things could be done, and the Belascan felt the need to reassess the situation now.

"If the timing is felt to be premature, then this can be reassessed at a later date," Korre began to those within the meeting room. Her eyes found Senator Xerses in particular, the only one who was kind enough to get straight to the point and not go off on a strange rant about a police force that also existed within the New Republic jurisdiction.

"Thank you all for coming today."

tags: @llamallove @Braden @ThisIsHowLibertyDies @Charles @Mad Dog