HoloNet News Congratulatory Speech & a Helping Hand

Raycom Hedarial

Senator, Byss

Character Profile
Sep 24, 2021
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Hedarial was once again seated in the familiarity of his office, and once more, the working camera team was vividly audible near the hovering camera before the desk. Yet, the still mere Senator hardly noticed their hustle and bustle as he sat there silently in thought. He broke the room's silence only every odd moment when he committed some new ideas to the datapad before him.

It had been mere moments since the new Supreme Chancellor had made his first address to the Republic and not two hours since he had been voted into office by the Senate, and already his first acts were being committed to legislation. Hedarial had not even been able to deliver his congratulatory speech, and given the drastic first policy of Chancellor Xerxes, he hardly regretted that now.

"Senator, the team is ready" His Pantoran assistant informed him, her fatigue hardly hidden in her stance now. Looking up to her, Hedarial managed a sympathetic smile and squeezed her hand apologetically. He had only learned after the vote that her brother was a Jedi. "Thank you, Vayna. Please feel free to return home. It's been an even longer day for you."

As she nodded and took her leave, Raycom turned to the camera and gave his thumbs up. Clearing his throat and putting on a sombre smile, he addressed his audience.

"Dear Listeners, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Republic and Galactic Community." He spoke in a monotonous voice. "I am pleased to say that the office of Supreme Chancellor is no longer vacant and that the New Republic now stands with a new leader."

A small pause, and a glance down towards his notes. "I will not pretend that Chancellor Xerxes and myself have always seen eye to eye during the campaign. Nor do I believe I will ever be among his greatest supporters, yet he has discerned himself through eloquently and wide popular support. I wish him well in his years of tenure, and will always stand ready for counsel, should he ever require it."

Hedarial wanted to say more, trying to follow his notes, but he couldn't. He swallowed his sentence and after another small break, he went off his script. "Today, a great many celebrate the outcome of this election. Within the bounds of the republic, but far beyond its borders as well." Internally he pictured and overjoyed Empress Andruil who had just been served the Free Worlds on a silver platter.

"Our new chancellor has promised an age of trade and peace, where our sons and daughters can remain undrafted, and trade runs freely through the Galaxy. Yet sadly, not all are included in this grand vision. A great many have been forced to flee, this very night, or face prosecution."

His face hardened a bit. The very fact the timeframe had been set so low and no meeting had been held, made this executive order an insult to the Senate. And in turn an insult to his agenda. Hedarial had already tasked subordinates with writing up proposals and drafts so his party could try to mitigate the blow onto the Jedi by any proposed bill. Xerxes had given him no opportunity.

"To those that are excluded, you may not listen to me now, instead of searching for hermitage and rescue. Yet those that know of any Jedi, please spread the word that the navy of Byss has sent transport ships to numerous important hub worlds, to collect any Jedi and safely transport them out of the New Republic free of charge. A list with all planets featured has been posted into the Holonet already, and the ships will wait as long as they can to collect any individuals affected, as well as their loved ones. If you have to leave behind possessions, we will try to aid you in acquiring these, as long as the legislation of the Republic permits us to."

It burnt in his throat to say these words. Hedarial had been a politician first and foremost his entire life, and he had not shied away from using a scapegoat in his past. But this was another level. He could not understand how the galaxy cheered whilst the REpublics allies, their guardians, were ferried off like lowly criminals.

"It can be expected that transports will try to charge you higher sums, as you have to leave immediately and can ill afford to not pay, so I hope this offer limits the damage done to your wealth and options." He looked into the camera now, emphasising the words of his next sentence. "If you cannot escape your current position and get to our transports within the legal timeframe, try contacting the Byss Foreign ministry, and it will try to plot a special pick up to get you out safely. I wish you all the very best of luck, and hope the Free World Alliance will welcome you."

With that, he leaned back in his seat. "For now, we can only wait and see what the agreements with the Sith will look like and await further acts by our new chancellor. May the coming years bring prosperity to the Republic."

With that, he ended the broadcast. He handed the camera crew a small bonus for their hard work in the last few days, and then made his way outside the building. He had a meeting with his party scheduled, and an oppositional government to make that would not form itself.