Armor Corran Velt's Sentinel Armor


SWRP Writer
Jan 1, 2020
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Corran Velt's Sentinel Armor

After facing down ravenous predators, brutal pirates, and Sith in the funeral pyre of Sector Ranger Headquarters, it became quite clear that a blast vest and trusty blaster wouldn't be enough in the long run. Bladed weapons, powerful blasters, and force-powers meant that further equipment was needed to augment the modern ranger.

Using the winnings acquired from an undercover mission, the personal armor was crafted using the best accessible materials the Core Worlds could offer at immense expense, making it impractical for mass production without government investment or personal wealth. Key sections of defense utilize durasteel components while duraplast is utilized in joint locations and the helmet to reduce weight for the wearer. The helmet provides complete protection from falling debris and slices from thrown bladed weapons - the most common head injuries Corran suffered in the basement of the burning Ranger HQ. The helmet itself is the most advanced part of the armor. It contains communications equipment along with a voice scrambler to maintain secrecy between officers. A rebreather allows the wearer to maintain some survivability in space, underwater, or other areas where breathing the outside air could be hazardous for a limited time. The transparisteel viewports come with an advanced HUD for low-light environments or tracking sentients with thermal imaging.

The central body armor that covers the back and torso is a dark durasteel that is segmented to allow movement and to be replaced if damaged. Durasteel makes up the pauldrons as well to protect the shoulders with duraplast bicep guards. The most expensive component of the Sentinal armor are the Phrik-alloy gauntlets that protect the forearms. The forearm guards are capable of withstanding a single determined blow from a lightsaber. A second will break the armor and slice into the flesh of the user. On the left gauntlet is a repuslor unit, meant to deflect melee opponents who manage to close the gap between a blaster-armed Sector Ranger.

Ultimately the Sentinel armor set is a personal prototype project by Lt. Corran Velt, who hopes to find a way to mass-produce such armor for the mainstay officers of the Sector Rangers.


The armor is legal on all worlds. Wearing the helmet on more civilized worlds or areas is more likely to draw attention by authorities or concerned denizens.


To provide @Corran Velt with customized armor after learning harsh lessons at the fall of Sector Ranger HQ.

Type and Coverage

Type: Medium

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Head: A full coverage duraplast helmet with transparisteel viewports
  • Torso: Segmented durasteel armor covering most of the torso
  • Back: Segmented durasteel armor covering most of the back
  • Upper Arms: Durasteel pauldrons and duraplast bicep guards
  • Lower Arms: Phrik-alloy wrist-guards that cover the forearms


Function 1: Voice Scrambler

  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 2: Vision Modes

  • This Allows a Helmet HUD to cycle to low-light OR thermal vision modes.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 3: Rebreather

  • Rebreathers allow for a person to survive underwater or in space for brief amounts of time by scrubbing CO2 from their exhaled breath. Generally this lasts for 3-4 posts, but heavy exertion can shorten that time.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 4: Repulsor (Left arm)

  • Originally designed to counter combat with force sensitives, this tool is able to project a strong repulsor field replicating a Force push. It projects up 10 meters and its limited power cell only allows for 3 uses before it needed changing. The repulsor has significant recoil and the wielder must carefully brace themselves before use- both to ensure accuracy and to prevent the user from being knocked over themselves or having their arm torn from its socket.
  • Force User Compatible?: No