Crime and Punishment



Character Profile
Nov 8, 2022
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Yvon stared ahead blankly as they shuffled into the Czerka courtroom, chains shackling their wrists and ankles. The past few… whatever units of time had been a blur, an alternation of pain and monotony. They had tried to keep track of time, counting the units of time in their blank and empty cell in between rounds of torture. Their count was lost however every time they were strapped to the rack for the next round of questioning. The Czerka interrogators had been impressed with the Echani's resilience, laughing as the slicer underwent wave after wave of torment.

Then the skirtopanol came out and it was all over.

Yvon could barely remember much after the needle had broke their skin. Just more pain, more questions, and an unceasing babble of words pouring out of their unwilling mouth. They got everything, or almost everything. Their birth name, aliases, their accomplice, the fixer who had given them the job. The steps they had taken to get to the door. The assault and subsequent murder of Teddy. There was only one name they didn't get out of the slicer. Yvon

Through a hole in their line of questioning the slicer had managed to keep their chosen name to themselves, for all the good it did them as they were ushered up to the courtroom stand.

"Presiding over this trial, Judge Hask Burgdell."

Yvon continued to stare ahead blankly, though they took in the form of the judge as the man waddled his way to the bench. Old and rich and fat off sentencing people for Czerka no doubt. Innocent and guilty alike. Yvon knew there was no justice in this courtroom, only more corporate greed.

Not that it mattered, they were guilty as hell.

"First trial of the day, will the accused state their name for the record." A litigation droid spoke up at Yvon, who just stood and continued to stare, blank and silent. There were a few moments of silence before the droid spoke for them.

"Avaren Beryli Senriel of Begali, Clan Losoth. Echani female, height five foot nine, weight one hundred and forty-five pounds. Aged, twenty one years old. We will now list the crimes against Czerka corporation, the fines, and their equivalent sentencing years."

Yvon's eye twitched slightly as the droid spoke but otherwise made no response.

"The crimes and punishments are as follows;

One count of conspiracy to commit corporate espionage, 250,000 credits or the equivalent 50 years of indentured servitude.

Two counts of theft of Czerka property, 100,000 credits or the equivalent 20 years of indentured servitude.

Two counts of alteration of Czerka property, 100,000 credits or the equivalent 20 years of indentured servitude.

One count of illegal trespass of Czerka property, 50,000 credits or the equivalent 10 years of indentured servitude.

One count of assault of a Czerka employee, 50,000 credits or the equivalent 10 years of indentured servitude.

One count of murder of a Czerka employee, 100,000 credits or the equivalent 20 years of indentured servitude.

Two counts of attempted destruction of evidence, 100,000 credits or the equivalent 20 years of indentured servitude.

How do you plead?"

The droid finished it's list of crimes and left a space of time for Yvon to speak. They said nothing, they already knew the ending to this story. After a few moments of silence the judge spoke loudly, his gavel banging once.

"I find you guilty of all crimes. The punishment is a fine of 750,000 credits to be tendered immediately."

A momentary pause as the judge gave an opportunity for Yvon to pay. They had money, but not with them. All of their possessions had been seized while they were stunned, not that they ever carried that much anyways. Either way it was a farce.

"Very well, if you refuse to pay the fine I have no choice. I sentence you to 150 years of indentured servitude to the Czerka Corporation. Next case."

There was a moment of scuffle as a droid grabbed Yvon from behind and forced them down into a chair. The buzz of a razor stripped the dyed black hair from their head down to their scalp before the quiet buzz of a needle and the presence of a sharp pain at the base of their neck as the droid tattooed a barcode there.

"TAS-588298, you are now Sentient Property of the Czerka Corporation."

Yvon felt their mind go numb as the words entered. They had known this was coming, but hearing the words spoken was something else. They were led from the courtroom and to their fate.
