Armor Cuga Ren's Flight Suit


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Cuga Ren's Flight Suit

Cuga Ren has to keep his appearances up even when he needs a customized version of armored flight suit. Rarely used except when expecting to going into the vacuum of space or at least risking it. Often Malakai had previously not much cared if he ended up dying in the void of space. Though these days it sometimes is required for him to not be so selfish.


Illegal if recognized as a Knight of Ren mask


A personal armored flight suit for Kai as Cuga Ren when he needs it. I intend to also use it to track any personal changes or upgrades.

It's basic af but it's one of a kind.

Type and Coverage

Type: Light Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Head: Open faced helmet with attachable mask.
  • Chest: Lightweight blast vest with removable Duraplast plate inserts
  • Back: Lightweight blast vest with removable Duraplast plate inserts


Function 1: Rebreather
  • Rebreathers, whether built into a helmet or a separate mask, allow for the wearer to breath underwater or in space for brief amounts of time by scrubbing CO2 from their exhaled breath and recycling it. Generally this lasts for up to 5 posts, but heavy exertion can shorten that time.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 2: Emergency Vac-Seal
  • It's no replacement for a dedicated spacesuit if you intend to EVA, but this under suit, when combined with a helmet, can protect the wearer from the immediate effects of exposure to a vacuum for up 5 posting rounds. You still need a way to breathe, however.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 3: Life Support Box
  • Life support boxes are emergency gear designed to be worn in conjunction with other safety equipment, such as vac-suits and rebreathers. The device can be manually activated via a switch on the chest box, but most also automatically engage when exposed to vacuum. When activated, the device projects a small mag-shield "bubble" around the user that is just strong enough to contain a tiny amount of livable atmosphere. Life support boxes double the protection provided by vac seals and rebreathers- however, without other protective gear, the life support box itself provides only 3 rounds of protection from the elements. It also contains a high power distress beacon that the broadcasts the pilots precise coordinates to any ship within a parsec. The distress beacon can be manually deactivated, and can broadcast for much longer time than its wearer can survive.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 4: Computer Spike
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 5: Voice Scrambler
  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes

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