Sith Order Darex Whiker


SWRP Writer
May 21, 2019
Reaction score



Darex Whiker was a human male who served the Sith Order during the 'Force Eternal' era of the Galaxy, though he was insensitive to the force. Matt had wide shoulders, muscular torso and many scars over his face. He was known by his peers for getting things done.

Basic Information

Darex Whiker
Homeworld Coruscant
Age 35
Height 191 centimeters
Weight 118 kilograms
Gender Male
Faction Sith Order
Force Sensitive No


Darex Whiker grew up as an orphan on the lower levels of Coruscant. He was a troublemaker among other children, and did more than stealing food very soon. A gang that ran spice got Darex involved at a young age.

The local authorities managed to imprison Darex after a large-scale operation where they explicitly targeted organized crime. His cellmate, a gamorrean mopped up the floor with him regularly. Fed up with suffering day to day, Darex decided to bulk up and do something about his situation. The gamorrean was too big to deal with physically, so he tried something else. A shady program that the warden ran alongside an army general managed to let Darex serve his prison time in the Navy.

Since Darex was easily expendable, he was tasked to handle some of the riskiest missions, even behind enemy lines. The Navy officers knew well that they could literally do anything to him. Not one person would bat an eye or lift a finger. Luckily for Darex though, he pulled off every task they gave him. Simply the will to live, to get through the mess he got himself into motivated him enough to basically win. On the other hand, he had nothing to loose. And a man with nothing to loose is very dangerous.

They gave him the dirt, but when one of the analysts matching reports recognized the same name coming up with good results, the Navy gave Darex the benefit of the doubt and sent him to get trained to a facility that never existed on paper. By the time Darex finished his studies he was rewarded with a new identification. His new name was clear, never convicted, not even fined.

Although, realistically Darex could never rank up. He knew if he ever tried to climb the ladder, the Navy could take everything from him without any effort. Since his youth he was constantly hurt. Filled with anger, he wanted power to take revenge.

The Sith noticed Darex's needs, and also his abilities. As the Sith Order expanded, they demanded more and more manpower. Darex was eventually persuasively asked to serve the Sith and leave behind the Navy.


Covert Dress
DG-34 Peacemaker Heavy Blaster Pistol
DC-15A Blaster Rifle