Armor Darth Ceryx's Armour


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Apr 3, 2018
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Darth Ceryx's Sith Lord Armour

Following her ascension to the title of Sith Lord, Darth Ceryx has assembled an armour set befitting of her position and standing within the Sith Order, as well as a means to provide a clear visual separation between the persona of Darth Ceryx and that of Governor Alyse Ti'Varnus

Keeping in tradition with the fluidic and rhythmic movements of the typical Force wielder Combat forms, Ceryx has opted to layer sectional armour plating atop of her robes so not to hinder her movements whilst the use of whilst the Sarrassian iron plates offers protection to her vital organs, the armour plates are stylised with ornate Chromium detailing and filigrees.

A black leather belt styled around those worn by the Jedi sits around her waist to allow Alyse to carry both her smaller personal supplies and sundries within various food and tool pouches, as well as mounting points for her Lightsaber.

Her main robes are comprised with light flowing muted grey and black armour weave fabric that falls stylised in the traditional Sith Robes, with an armour weave lined detachable hooded cloak that hangs around her neck. Coupled with a set of black DG-500 Duelling Gauntlets, a pair of leather combat leggings and a pair of matching black leather boots that reach just below her knees.


Generally Legal though out the Galaxy. However, with the trappings and style being similar to that of a Sith, suspicion and distrust is likely to occur on worlds that are not openly aligned with the Sith Order.


To Provide Darth Ceryx with an Armour set that would predominantly be used whilst executing the Duties assigned in the capacity of a Sith Lord, as apposed to her general choice of formal and dress attire that would be worn whilst presenting herself as Alyse Ti'Varnus

Restricted Technology ?

NO. Based on generic armour arrangements - However this suit of armour is one of a kind.

Type & Coverage

Type: Light Armour Coverage:

  • Head: Enclosed Sarrassian iron stylised Sith helmet​
  • Front: Sarrassian iron front sectional plating covering abdomen and chest​
  • Lower Arms: DG-500 Duelling Gauntlets covering hands, wrist and forearms, with Decorative Sarrassian iron vambraces ontop.​

Helmet Functions

Function 1: Voice Scrambler (Default; removable with helmet)
  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.​
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes​
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