Ask Dathomir Double Trouble: The Adventures Continue!

Cayde Isla

Guardian of the Whills

Character Profile
Oct 22, 2021
Reaction score
"Alright, you two- We're coming out of hyperspace!" Kargen Sol, the orange Twi'lek captain of Salvation II, warned his two new partners; Cayde Isla, an EX-Jedi and new Guardian of the Whills and Goompa Yiglit, the one-eyed Ewok who wrangled a rancor.

And that rancor was precisely the reason why they were traveling to Dathomir, of all places, in the first place. It took Cayde a while to convince Kargen to smuggle them over to the red planet of Nightwitches and terrors, but all it took was one look at the sad and homesick rancor, Shriker. The rancor that was placed in a pit fighting arena on Firrerre to fight Cayde and Goompa. Instead of felling the beast, they used her to escape and then offered her the salvation Cayde and Goompa would've wanted to receive.

It took a lot of concentration to get Shriker to calm down, and though Cayde was an adept Force User, it was still a tasking and draining job to calm the mind of such an ill tempered beast. However, with the help of Goompa's very effective native lullaby, they were able to lull the beast to sleep.

Cayde gently rubbed the sleeping rancor's shoulder to wake her up without receiving a fuss. Her small beady black eyes blinked open and she made a low growl of approval. "Hear that, old girl? You're going home!" He said in a hushed tone as to not startle the beast.


Cayde put on his old refurbished, camo green and red, Imperial Cadet helmet on as the hangar door dropped open. Shriker almost immediately bounded out of the cargo hold as soon as the door was finished opening. She let out a shrill cry of relief- she felt at home and Cayde could sense her immense happiness to back on her turf. Then, the beast stopped and looked back at the ship- back at Goompa and Cayde. Her saviors. She roared and rattled the earth and bounced the ship around.

I'll miss you, too, Shriker. Cayde let a single tear roll down his cheek as he smiled from behind the helmet and waved goodbye to the duo's escape route from the slave pit-fights on Firrerre.

But...something called to Cayde as well- and wasn't a rancor. It was the Force. It whispered something to him, beckoning to heed it's call. Hesitantly, Cayde stepped out of the hangar as well. "Yo! What are you doing? We need to get out of here, man! You know the legends about those Witches, right??" But Cayde raised a hand, signaling for Kargen to shut his trap- which he did neglectingly.

It was so strange...Cayde hadn't felt the Force like this since- Dagobah. Another test, perhaps? Maybe it's his voice...Cayde earnestly tried to listen to the whispers of the Force as contently as he could, but to no avail. They wanted him to follow and only follow. Cayde trusted that the rest would be revealed. For a long time, Cayde had been searching for a way to live on after death through the Force, but his tests had proven difficult to find. If this planet held one of his trials, then was not going to leave out of fear of being found. Cayde had no enemies on Dathomir and he was going to keep it that way.

"Goompa, come with me for a moment. And Kargen, keep the ship here where it's well hidden and wait for us to return. I will check in with your comlink every hour or so. If I miss an hour, you're free to leave." He explained briefly. The Twi'lek grunted and headed back into the cockpit. Cayde wanted the Ewok's survival assistance for traversing a planet like Dathomir. Cayde was confident in the one-eyed warrior's abilities as he was with his own. One way or another, Cayde Isla was going to discover this secret of the Force. Maybe he could even enlighten his Ewok companion on a thing or two.

@llamallove @Scoobert