Mission Pack Fearless

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score


The seemingly endless war with the Sith has taken a toll on the galaxy but it is not the only galactic plight. The Jedi Order does not exist for the singular purpose of defeating the Sith. They are meant to guardians of all life. That purpose has been lost as the war with the Sith rages on. Grandmaster @Alexandria Voran seeks to change that perception. She has tasked the Order with focusing their efforts outside the ongoing conflict.

Love Story
Ruusan is a storied planet with political ties dating back to the Old Republic. The Ruusan Reformations forever changed galactic politics. However, of late Ruusan has stayed carefully neutral and avoided tying themselves to any one galactic government. A love triangle between several high powered political families has set the entire planet on edge. Civil war is close to breaking out across the planet which would devastate millions. The Jedi Order has arrived to see if they can broker peace before the killing starts.

Dice; Ask - 2-3 Participants

Forever & Always
The AMS Virus continues to ravage Kashyyyk. 35% of the population are now infected. The Wookies have long been friends of the Jedi Order and that friendship remains. Flesh and bone troops struggle to contain the AMS virus from spreading but Jedi have been successful where ordinary troops fail. The GHO has boots on the ground but the threat of overwhelming infected remain. Assist the in distributing vaccine and holding the infected at bay to give Kashyyyk a fighting chance.

Dice; Ask- 2 Participants
@Sreeya @Altaris

Mr. Perfectly Fine
Denon has been a hot spot since the Sith invasion. The Republic's decision to blockage the planet was short lived but further exacerbated the damage from initial fighting. While the Sith claim the people of Denon are well taken care of, there are still war refugees. Those refugees have fled to Iseno where a growing refugee camp has been established. Unfortunately, a rather unseemly figure has taken to lording over the camp and exploiting the downtrodden. He must be carefully dealt with to ensure the refugees can be safely re-homed.

Self-DM; Open- 2-3 Participants


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
If allowed, I'd like to offer the assistence of Sector Ranger @Jon Callo for thread 3: Mr Perfectly Fine. Let's just say the target is not just unseeming, but also a wanted man.