Ask New Alderaan First Impressions

Jonathen Baize


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Mar 26, 2023
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He listened to how she explained how she actually had thrown trees around as a teen. Jon didn't bother pointing out unusual it still was when compared to the rest of the Galaxy.

He smiled as she fumed slightly over him not telling her what was said on the balcony. "You can probably imagine how to conversation went. We just talked about us, him trying to decide if I was up to the task of being with you. He didn't try to throw me off the balcony, so that's got to be a good sign." he said with a wink.
Jon didn't worry at all about her meeting his parents though he was sure she would worry. That was only fair given how much he had stressed out about tonight.

"That is the question..isn't it?" he spoke quietly as the music played, taking another sip from his glass. "We can slow down anytime, just say the word.." he said with a smile. Truthfully, he wouldn't have changed anything about their relationship, except for maybe the distance between their being able to see one another.

"I had a really great time. Thank you for setting it up." he said.
"We are saying goodbye just yet..." he said, leaning over and kissing her before relaxing back in his chair. He was perfectly happy in that moment, deciding to enjoy their time together to the fullest.

Kalique Baize


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Mar 21, 2023
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He soon started elaborating and she kept herself from rolling her eyes as he explained what her father had tried to figure out. "See...this is what I don't like. He can be protective all he wants, but I don't agree with him objectifying me like sounds like he was about to start to teach you how to deal with if he's the expert".

No, you didn't need a liscene or pass a test to be with her and Jonathen knew her better than anyone else anyway, so it was a little frustrating to hear how he saw all of that. Her father rarely knew her adult version anyway, so that he even tried annoyed her. In the end, he probably still meant well, but it was...complicated.

"But need to dwell on that. I'm glad it did go so well and honestly, him inviting you to come along for golf is a pretty good sign", still, she was almost convinced they'd try to use him as a means to manipulate her at some point. Good thing Jon knew how to handle that though.

"Oh no..I'm totally fine with it". Being with him just felt great and introducing him to his parents had been the right step for sure. She was all perfectly happy and there was nothing she intended to do differently. "I'm glad this all worked out...and we'll enjoy the rest of the night" she happily agreed, leaning in for a soft kiss.

"You know that how on many of those tall sky scrapers there are some public would you feel about checking one out? Be honest". The suggestion came to her spontaneously, but she was imagining a great view up there. Not that she wanted to leave right now, but perhaps they could end their night with such a view.


Jonathen Baize


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Mar 26, 2023
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He had seen it as rather harmless overprotectiveness but certainly understand how it could be frustrating for her. Instead of responding, he just listened. He hoped she knew how he felt about her. He adored her fierce independence. She was a true partner, and while he was very protective of her, she was just as protective of him.

"Good." he said with a smile. He felt like they were on the same page. Things had happened naturally, it all felt right to him, and he trusted Kali felt the same. He wondered what the future held, excited to see what came next for them.

"That sounds great! I bet there are some amazing views." he said, continuing to sip at his drink. Heights certainly weren't his thing, but it wouldn't be an issue. They relaxed for a few more minutes, Jon simply enjoying her company and the music played softly in the background. The conversation was pleasant.

They slipped out and back into the night air as a song ended. They soon found one of these public rooftops and ascended in the lift towards the roof. They stepped out to a nice terrace. It was dimly lit, the cityscape in the background. They were above the normal traffic lanes; it hummed quietly in the background. They stepped up to the railing; Jon smiled at her. "Beautiful." he said, clearly not talking about the city.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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With the pleasant, relaxed background music, it was really easy to give herself into this beautiful moment. So far, they've shared terrifying, even traumatic near death experiences and unforgettably wonderful moments alike, but both had contributed their part to forming their strong bond.

He understood her like no one else and she knew how rare this was, just as she was well aware of how it was the other way around as well. Today had been another important milestone and she was simply grateful and happy as she leaned in for a soft kiss. Their conversation then continued while she was happy about the idea they had forged.

After relaxing a little while chatting, they finished their drinks and moved over to the nearest accessible public rooftop. It wasn't super late, but still late enough so that most visitors had already left and they were almost left to themselves. Beneath, the busy hustle and bustle enfolded and soft remnants of sound hummed in the background, however not at all disturbing the beautiful moment they shared on the roof.

"How very true" she replied softly, her gaze resting only on him. The night air was even more refreshing and thus sobered her up. Not that she had been drunk, but the wine and cocktail had formerly left a slight trace that was now gone, which made her feel incredibly alive.

She closed the little distance between them and again, her lips found their way to his. "You know what I've never asked? When you kissed me for the first time in the med bay...what exactly was on your mind?". A smirk spead across her lips as she gently voiced what she was still curious about. It was crazy what had happened in the meantime and while it was quite some time ago, she still remembered the moment so vividly. Regardless of how bold and confident she was, in this moment, she had been grateful for how he had seized the initiative...


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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He smiled as she leaned up to kiss him. This had been a great idea. The city was certainly something for sure. Most cities were loud and dirty, but this city seemed different, more pristine.

Jon rested a hand on the small of her back as they looked out over the city. He glanced over at her as she asked a question about all those nights ago in orbit above Entralla.

"Maybe I thought that was the only way I was going to convince you to go back to bed where he needed to be, had to do something to get you off balance." he teased quietly, letting it hang in the air for a moment before giving his actual answer. "I was desperately relieved that you were alright," he answered more truthfully. "During that mission, when we got separated. I knew I couldn't lose you. I have lost people before, and I will again, but I knew then that losing you would be different." he said.

"I'd like to think it has been one of my better decisions," he said quietly, glancing back over at her.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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It was a nice feeling that whenever she looked at him, that inner spark she had felt back then was ignited again and again. Surely, there was much more there now as what had started with admiration, attraction and soon care had continously blossomed and grown into a love as deep as to always keep her heart full.

His presence was still captivating and she lost herself in the brown of his beautiful eyes every time. As he gave her an answer, she couldn't help but to chuckle softly as even though she knew he was teasing, he did have a point still. He gave her a more honest reply next and her smile just widened as she shared this feeling with him. She had been overly grateful he had been alive after he had decided to go in and face that thing.

"I'd like to agree with you there...perhaps one of the best decisions even" she softly replied as she turned herself towards him. "It was an incredible tender moment...I still love to remember this particular moment". Well, there were countless moments she loved to remember, but this had been the start after all.

"I love you and I'm truly blessed to have you", she reached up slowly, gently cupping his cheeks before she let her lips melt against his. She deepened the kiss this time before she pulled back slightly and added, "Reminiscing stage...that's wild".


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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"I love you." he replied, pulling her closer in, letting himself be pulled into another kiss. He laughed at her comment, hands holding her around her waist. "We can't stop, can we?" he asked with another chuckle.

"Actually, there is something I have been meaning to talk to you about that is kind of related to that.." he said. "Maybe just think about it.." he continued pausing slightly. "I have been thinking about moving to a different place, and I was wondering what you would think about us getting a place together maybe?" he said. Jon still lived in the same tiny apartment he had gotten when he first became an officer. It was time for something else. "I know it won't fix our schedules, but we spend any shared free time on Raxus together anyway..." he said, trailing off.

It made sense to him and seemed like another logical step in their relationship. Maybe she didn't feel the same way, and that was fine as well, but he hoped she would at least think about it.

"No pressure or anything just had been something on my mind recently," he said.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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"Nope...but do we have to?" she replied with a smirk, still holding his gaze with pure love and affection in her eyes. They had talked about it before, so it was obviously a rhetorical question, but he suddenly mentioned how there was something on his mind and so she quirked a brow. "Sure".

He started by mentioned how she should think about it, but he did immediately drop something major right after. "I-. Okay, this admittedly caught her off guard a little and it was reflected in the way her mouth flapped open for a moment.

She knew that in front of him, she didn't have to keep her composure or even a straight face like she always did when on duty and thus the emotions that followed were genuine. However, while there was genuine surprise for a moment, delight immediately settled in after and a warm smile just spread on her lips.

"That is an amazing idea...honestly, I don't have to think about this twice, because similar thoughts crossed my mind after Serenno" she admitted warmly, taking his hand. "I'd really love that" they had their little, relatively impersonal apartments, but surely didn't need two, so she clarified her response.

"A new chapter...and building our shared home base. Truly, this sounds wonderful..and it will be absolutely exciting". It did feel like just the right step and the idea really excited her. Despite often having found herself in barracks with many others, she had never shared an actual place with anyone, but she was completely in love with the idea already.

"But...I call dibs on shopping groceries, like always. Can't let you ever surprise me with a frog" she couldn't resist the temptation of bringing that up again and a chuckle immediately followed.


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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The question caught her off guard; her surprised reaction almost made him abandon the question. Maybe they weren't on the same page, but he pressed forward anyways.

He let out a relieved breath when she grew more excited a second later. "I am really glad you feel that way..." he admitted. They didn't need to rush it, but it was good to have a plan. He was clearly already excited about it.

"I think it will be a blast. Maybe we can look at some places next time we get a day off. See what kind of things we like/dislike." he suggested. He gave her a mock frown when she claimed dominion over the groceries. "Well, we can certainly discuss that further..." he said, frown giving way to a silent laugh a second later.

"But I guess that means I get to be in charge of the art, and I think I know just the picture to start us off with." he said. "Speaking of which, we should get another picture because I know you think you may have changed me and how I dress." he said, gesturing to his suit. "...but I don't think this is going to be too common of an occurrence," he said half-jokingly.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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She was once again lucky that he had been thr one to approach her with the thought as she had literally not voiced it yet after having assumed he wouldn't want to move anytime soon anyway, but for her there was nothing that spoke against it and she was absolutely happy about the idea.

"Sure! I mean we definitely need something more spacious". What both of them had right now was relatively small and they needed some kind of office space. Also, they could afford it and while they wouldn't need unnecessary luxuries, they could still look for something really nice.

"Nuh uh. That's not up for discussion. Not even aggressive negotiations would help..." she trailed off jokingly, clarifying her point. She was already convinced that out of fun, he'd definitely place an amphibian in the fridge one day or another, but maybe she could slow that process down.

"Ooh absolutely! Let's do it" she was then already pulling out her phone, adjusted the light settings and her hair and extended her arm to take a cute selfie off the two of them with the admittedly stunning skyline in the background. "Let's me check...ohhh this is perfect" she remarked happily. "Good call. We often forget to take photos". Thus, it was a good thing he had remembered.

The thing about the wardrobe was indeed true though and she just had to chuckle as he remarked that again. "I know I know...I'm sorry for dragging you into these scenarios again and again" she replied, before she added, "But honestly whenever we've got some time off, I suddenly have plenty of occasions to wear fancy dresses as well". She still preferred her uniforms, as they were simply practical, but it was a welcome change.

"But hmm...if you're in charge of the art, can I claim miscellaneous wall decorations? I have a really good idea" she was obviously making up categories, but it was true that she had an idea.


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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He agreed about needing more space. The small one-bedroom flat he had been staying in had been great when he was first getting established, but it would certainly be nice to have more room.

He held up his hands in surrender. "Okay then," he said. "You win," he added warmly. "I'll wait a few months before bringing weird food back home," he said in compromise. Jon was a patient man; he could wait her out until she let her guard down, then he would strike.

As she took out her phone, they took several pictures before reviewing them. They were great. "I like that one.." he said, pointing out his favorite.

He took the opportunity to look her up and down. "Well, I don't mind that part at all.." he said with a wink.

he moved on to claiming more areas of their hypothetical home. "What's a miscellaneous wall decoration?" he asked. Jon had like one picture on his wall, and the rest of the walls were blank. The closest thing he had to any wall decorations was an old antique imperial blaster pistol that he displayed.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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Home...there was something about the way he said it that immediately made her eyes light up. It would be wonderful to share a home with him and she couldn't wait...yet even after his surrender, she remained a little suspicious. "Revenge will be bitter sweet..." she replied, a mischievous smirk crossing her lips.

"If I were you I'd we careful...two can play this game and do you really think you can take me on?" she answered challengly, nudging hm playfully as she continued to tease. "I'll also make sure I'll get a copy of your play...we can establish a nightly routine when we watch a little scene each night". Was that mean? Perhaps a little. She hadn't even seen it, but she still couldn't wait and thus she laughed.

His sweet remarks filled her with this familiar warmth and she did wrap her arm around him again. "I can't tell you will be a surprise. But miscellaneous wall decorations also comprise weapon racks for us. I'll make sure the lightsaber holders will be engraved appropriately with the right inscriptions. Left will be Jon's and right Kali's", she continued with a smirk, hinting at how he had repeatedly been handed the lightsaber she usually wore left. Even if she was partly being playful, making those plans with him was just lovely.


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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"Is that a threat, Lady Demici?" he said with feigned shock before his face grew more serious. "Maybe I have just been letting you think you could take me all this time, just bidding my time." he said, leaning in. "My sweet, naive Knight." he continued to tease before kissing her again.

She was certainly looking forward to this play of his, so he decided to give her just the smallest taste. He took her hands and started to dance. "No, it can't be, I'll just ignore. But then she's never looked at me that way before!" he sang before he spun her. Was it great? No, it was pretty silly and ridiculous, but he remembered the words, which surprised him slightly.

"The left one is definitely my favorite..." he said with another laugh. "I guess I will just have to wait and be surprised" he finally said.

It had started to grow late, and they still had an early morning ahead of them. He could honestly have stayed up there all night and planned with her, the excitement invigorating him, but he thought better of it. "Ready to get going?" he asked finally.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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"I guess that's up for interpretation" she challengingly teased, cooking her head to the side before he quipped back. She then leaned back in his embrace, giggling as she playfully tried to pull free. "You've been the villain all along...I knew it" she dramatically sighed as if she was about to faint, before she found herself laughing again.

He suddenly reached for her hands then and began to sing while he skillfully guided her across the rooftop. She was absolutely surprised about how he finally dared to let her get a small taste of his brilliant performance in his famed roll and was still chuckling in delight as he stopped. "Oooh this was great! Look how well you can still put it off...I'll see whether I can get the script then you can keep practicing until you'll need it again!". She was indeed quite amused, but she was obviously also grateful for how he had decided to share it with her. "Thank you...damn I can't wait to see it all".

She nodded as he really had to be careful for a little longer and perhaps he'd see it soon enough. If they found a new apartment soon, she absolutely knew what to hang first. "Yes...we do need a little sleep even if this is one of these nights where I just wish it would have some extra hours" she softly replied before she slipped her hand into his and led him towards the lift.

The busy city wasn't really quiet yet, but it had gotten a little less busy after all. They called a cab and just a little while later they found themselves back in the elevator towards their hotel room. "Thank you for this wonderful night". They weren't in bed yet, but she had to express some of her gratitude again. Once above, she'd dimly lit the loft as sooner or later they had to get tired somehow, but she really couldn't wait to fall asleep in his embrace. "Do you feel tired?" she asked him as she slipped out of her shoes, noticing that the skyline outside still offered an amazing view. Still, her gaze immediately flicked back to Jon.


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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He laughed at her dramatics. "You have discovered my evil plans...A shame.." he finally said.

He laughed as she lit up about the small performance. This was a side that no one else saw. Everywhere else, he was the no-nonsense Commander, but he had always felt a little more relaxed with her, but even this was somewhat out of character even with her. Regardless, it was a special night.

He agreed with the sentiment, wishing for just a little more time, but it wasn't in the cards for this trip. They went back to the hotel, having plenty of dreaming and planning to keep them busy.

They soon arrived back at the hotel, lights dim as they settled in for the night. "For you...anything," he replied. He meant that. He slipped off his jacket and then shirt before hanging them up and returning to her. "Not particularly," he said with a smile. That was true; the day's excitement had kept him fairly alert to this point. For now, he had much higher priorities than sleep, though.

"You?" he asked quietly as he leaned in and kissed her, letting the desire that had built up all day finally take hold of him. He led her back against the wall, hand moving up the outside of her leg.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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Even if the alcohol had left her system ages ago, thanks to their continous playful banter and lighthearted exchange she was feeling very chirpy. They both seemed to be in their highest spirits and it felt great to let loose like this and the mood carried over into the hotel to some extent.

The dim lighting immediately created a romantic atmosphere that brought her away from the overly cheerful, excited state and into something way more intimate. "Oh...I like what I see" she remarked and right after a smirk was planted on her lips as she watched him approach.

She had to lift her chin a little as he kissed her and was slowly moving backwards until she couldn't step back further. "No...not at all" they had purposely held back earlier, but now that they had no where to go, her desire for him soon took hold of her.

With passion in her eyes, she let her hand trail across his bare chest while a slight gasp escaped her as his hand wander up her leg. There was still fabric inbetween, but this could be changed rather quickly. She reached up with one hand and reached into his hairs as she pulled him closer. "and I truly like where this is going.." she whispered as she parted from his lips for a little while, her other hand slipping to the wasitband of his pants.


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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The heat between them rose, her cool hand sliding down his body. He moved to help her out of the dress he had admired so much earlier, now only a hindrance.

The emergency notification on his phone went off. He stopped, his whole body urging him to ignore it, to throw out a window, anything. If it was going off, something bad had happened, really bad.

With a deflated rumble, he buried his face into her should for just a second before picking it up off the nightstand. His eyes widened slightly. "I...I have to go..." he said. "I'm really sorry.." he said, looking back at her. He turned the holo on, quickly changing it to the channel that broadcast Senate meetings. They were replaying the scene from several minutes ago where the Empire had promised to go to Dathomir. "My regiment is being deployed to Dathomir.." he said, a look of deep concern on his face.

His leave had been revoked; orders were received to report directly to Raxus and prepare for immediate deployment. He was being given emergency transport back to the Imperial Captial.

The next minutes were spent hurriedly throwing things in a bag and changing clothes. Their meetings had never been cut short like this before; this was new and scary. For the first time, he feared leaving something behind.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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After the wonderful night, she gave herself in to him completely. Her breaths grew heavier and between the passionate kisses, they removed more clothes that were only in the way, until suddenly their outlet of desire was interrupted by the emergency signal.

What was happening? Her eyes widened as they immediately stopped and she hurried after him to check I everything was alright, but there was already concern written into her features. "What's going on?" she asked rather breathlessly, until he began to explain.

"Dathomir?" she repeated in shock, her eyes and ears following the holo while everything inside her was suddenly emopassed by a very unpleasant cold. A shiver went down her spine before goosebumps laced her skin and she briefly threw her dress back on.

She immediately realized was this all meant and the news felt like a punch right in the guts. She was supposed to head to Centares tomorrow night, but this meant that she apperently wasn't called to Dathomir as well. She blinked a few times before she hurriedly went into the bathroom and gathered whatever was his before she stuffed it into his bag.

She knew what this all meant and a desperate fear suddenly washed over her. She wanted to come with immediately, yet knew that without orders, she couldn't. An emergency transport was already on its way and they only had minutes yet the realization of having him go right now was gut-wrenching.

After she had helped him pack she watched rather helplessly as he changed, still shaken and not fully processing the news before she forced herself to swallow. She had to keep it together even if she was deeply worried, but this wouldn't make parting easier. "You should have everything...I'll take the rest with me" for a moment she just staredbat the floor before she met his gaze which was obviously hard.

This was their hardest goodbye so far and as she wrapped her arms around him, she prayed she wouldn't have to let him go, but she knew she had to. Reluctantly, she pulled back and reached up to cup his cheeks and kiss him, and even if it was breathe, it was intens band there were all kinds of emotions in it.

"I love you...please take care" she then took her hand into his, savoring the last moments before she added, "You've faced the wildest and strongest dark sided spirit I've ever seen and I know you'll guide your men through the horrors of Dathomir. But please take care".

She wasn't allowing any dark thoughts into her mind, knowing she didn't want to imagine the thought of actually having this as their last goodbye. They were both soldiers for the Empire and regularly put their lives at stakes for it while serving, however this still somehow felt different.


Jonathen Baize


Character Profile
Mar 26, 2023
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Jon didn't know much about the former Imperial Empress but knew that this would be a fight like none he and his soldiers had faced.

He took the bag from her, slinging a backpack over his shoulder. They had never had to part ways like this, though it had all been inevitable given their chosen paths. Still, this was no ordinary battle. They both knew it. There was a bit of awkwardness in the room as he finished gathering things. "Thank you." he said, somewhat sheepishly, as she handed him the last of the things he needed, the rest she could take with her.

They embraced Jon, pulling her to him tightly. "I love you, too" he replied, pulling back for her kiss. "Hey now.." he said, managing a weak smile. "We always make it through.." he said, squeezing her hand. It was a hollow promise but one he clung to. He leaned his head against hers for a moment before kissing her on the forehead. "I will call you when I can." he promised. Pulling away from her proved to be one of the more difficult things had done in his life.

That night had been a night of dreams, hope, and plans for the future. Those were what would get him through the days to come. He stepped on the elevator, turning to face her; he gave another weak smile. "I expect you will have some great places for us to go look at when I get back." he said, trying to defuse the tension in himself.

"I love you." he mouthed silently as the doors closed.


Kalique Baize


Character Profile
Mar 21, 2023
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Countless thoughts raced through her mind as she attempted to digest what was happening. From one moment to the next, everything changed and their relaxing night ended with him leaving for a terrible battle ahead. Damn. She wanted to be there too, watching over him and his troops and protecting them with whatever she could, but even as she peered at her datapad there was no notification yet.

She chewed the inside of her lips as she was stuck in the middle of a very rare occasion of her actually feeling antsy and nervous as this was nothing close to an ordinary mission. She knew he had to go and thus she swallowed all those concerns as best as she could but the emotions were slowly boiling up.

"We do..." she agreed, however quietly, her spirits visibly dimmed. She tried to tell herself how this would all be okay, but it was hard to hold onto those thoughts as it already ached her to let him leave now. "I'll keep my devices on and check for broadcasts..." she was convinced there'd be plenty of live streamed footage in something that major...but would it even be bearable to watch?

They finally pulled away from one another and she tried her best to keep a straight face as she slowly waved. "Of prepared for some intense flat viewing" a forced smirk followed as she tried to lighten the mood, but as she softly whispered, "I love you, too" the doors closed and with it came the tears. They streamed down her cheek the moment he vanished from sight as all of her worries washed over her like a tidal wave.

She knew those days would come, but now that the first one came, she felt terrible. She knew she had to keep her emotions at bay but for now she allowed herself the silent sobbing as she fell flat on the bed. She curled up soon after and just stared through the windows, her gaze directed at the vast skyline outside and feeling so incredibly empty without him in this bed. This night she kept tossing and turning in unrest as she knew he was in transit, but whenever a message came, she was there to respond as long as she still could talk to him...

