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Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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It had been several weeks since her run in with the man on Dathomir. She had expanded her investigation into these "Sith" but still found herself with more questions than answers. She'd met others of his type, discovered some of the nature of their beliefs, and kept telling herself that she would never seen the man again.

And yet he lingered in her mind. She had questions that weren't just about the Sith. They were about him. What he was and believed, what had happened to him on Dathomir, what effect it had had on him. She'd returned to Dathomir and scraped up the remnants of his dried blood, mixing it with hers, and linked them both. Blood trails were a powerful tool used by the Nightsisters in days of old to track slaves. He would be able to sense her as well as she approached.

Her ship dropped out of hyperspace just above the planet Devaron. She could immediately sense the worlds power and its darkness. It wasn't unlike Dathomir in many ways with jungles that spread out over its surface and made her feel right at home as soon as her ship touched down.

She walked over the ground, drinking in her surroundings. The sounds of the animals, the life that teemed here, and the smell of the recent rain. It was all where she felt far more at home. She didn't know where her quarry was, but she could have almost lost herself in enjoying the atmosphere of this world and forget why she was here.
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Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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He was deep in the jungles on the planet, far away from civilization. He had been wandering almost aimlessly, flipping back and forth between two polar sides of his mind. His religion and faith were questioned, and he needed to pull far away from anyone else. He had to find himself again, and it angered him that he was failing his gods.

His back now sported fresh welts, and he bit through the pain. Through it all, he continued his pilgrimage, following a set of coordinates on his datapad. He half followed direction and half tracked the pulse in the Force as a hound tracked blood.

His path led him to a mountain, and he could feel the Force strongest around it. The energy was untouched and simply fed into its surroundings, enriching everything around it. It was alluring for someone like him, and he was drawn like a moth to flame.

The clouds began to churn once more above, the rain that had subsided before continuing once more. He was unbothered by it, looking around till he spotted an opening in the face of the mountain. It appeared to lead into a cave, but he would have to climb to get up to it. With the new wounds on his back, he knew this would be less than ideal.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Renfry jerked her mind back to why she was here. As much as she might want to linger and explore, she had a job to do. She could still sense him. She could feel that he wasn't far, but she could sense... upheaval. She didn't like that they seemed to have some sort of connection, but she could sense his mind more clearly than she would have expected. Something had happened to him... he felt different than he had when they first met. Polarized. Both lighter and darker all at once.

She pressed through the jungles, unsure of how deep she would have to go to find him. She was shocked to find out it wasn't far. Not because he wasn't deep but because the connection had brought her in far closer than expected.

The rains began to fall across the jungles and pound against the trees in a serenading song. She moved quietly, quite adept at living in the jungles but as she came out of the foliage she nearly walked straight into Emryc.

She caught him looking up the face of a cliff and wondered what he was doing. But then, he seemed... conflicted and concentrating.

Drawn to another world of power? she asked. It felt like Dathomir in many ways. Filled with power. He seemed drawn to power like a moth to flame.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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He was about to start climbing when he sensed a familiar presence. He didn’t even turn around when she spoke, his gaze still up along the mountain face. A surge of anger coursed through him. His first thought was that she needed to be eliminated. She had seen him weak, and he couldn’t leave anyone alive like that. She was a witness to his fatal flaws, and that haunted him. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled quietly.

The rain matted his hair to his shoulders, and he knew he would struggle to climb up against the slick rock. He eyed different points that would allow him to hoist himself up.

“Drawn to me after seeing me with my shirt off?” He quipped back after a while. Emryc didn’t want her to see the irritation on his face. It was incredibly rare for anyone to get on his nerves, and she managed to do that just by existing. And yet there was some insufferable block in his mind that stayed his hand from attempting to kill her.

Without another word, he stepped forth and started to climb. There was no doubt that she would feel the Force pulsating strongly from within the cave. It bothered him that she could seek him out so easily. Something happened on Dathomir, something that made him stick out like a sore thumb to her.

Internally fuming, he started the painful trek up. Some of the wounds on his back threatened to open up. He could only silently hope that some wild animal would suddenly spring from the forest and maul her, ridding him of her for good.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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There was a seething within him that she could feel. She reminded herself once more just how dangerous he was. She was playing with fire and she knew it. She knew it wasn't wise, and she was beginning to wonder if it was going to get her killed. Her Clan Mother would have warned her against this. Told her she was being brash, foolish, and reckless. And yet, here she was.

I... no! she objected to his question, though if he had looked he would have seen her face was a shade closer to matching her robes.

He began to climb without giving her another look and she waited there for a moment, looking up and admiring... the view. Very foolish of her, she knew.

She still couldn't look past the rage that she felt within him. There was deep conflict, though she didn't know the source. The vision? Had a spirit from Dathomir taken possession of him? Who was that woman she had glimpsed?

But beyond him was another power. It was strong, like Dathomir. She could tell he didn't want her to follow him, but she had come this far. She was beginning to wonder if she had some sort of deathwish, prodding the bear over and over, but what was life if you denied yourself what you wanted? He was a path to what she sought as she had been to him. She only hoped that it wouldn't kill her in the process.

So she began the climb as well. And it wasn't an easy one. The rocks were slippery, and whether she was comfortable in the wilds or not, it was difficult to make it up the side. She half expected him to get to the top and try to push her off, but she had the wisdom not to push her luck by speaking any more.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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To his great dismay, she began to climb up as well. He grumbled inaudibly under his breath as he climbed. He was having a much more difficult time with it than her, and she was beginning to gain on him. A few wounds opened up and he was bleeding now. He winced from the pain, but he didn’t stop as he kept pushing up. In truth, he had no real plan once he arrived and, for all he knew, there was some sort of creature in the cave.

It was then that he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Before he could even process what happened, his hand reached out lightning fast to grasp the girl’s around the wrist. She had begun to slip and would have likely caught herself, but he acted entirely involuntarily.

For a moment, he simply stared at her with surprise, looking at her for the first time since she had arrived.

“I uh..”

He abruptly released her hand in surprise. And it sent him promptly tumbling down.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Renfry continued her climb, making decent pace given the current conditions. This was no easy climb, either. She didn't pay much heed to the fact that she was gaining on him until a drop of blood came down and hit her hand just as he was about to hoist himself up. He was bleeding? He's wounded again? she wondered to herself.

And she wondered it for the worse. The moment's pause where she had pulled her hand away to look at the drop of blood was all it took for her foot to slip. Her hand shot out with lightning speed to re-grip the rock, but before it did, she felt an iron grip around her wrist.

Her eyes had gone wide from the slip but they remained wide as she found a footing and with the help of that grip, was hoisted up over the edge of the cliff.

Her eyebrows were all the way up now as she looked at him then their hands. He seemed taken aback by his own actions and quickly withdrew his hand. She could feel her face heating up once again... good thing the rain could cool it off. That was how that worked, right?

Thank... you... she said awkwardly. Somehow, he seemed almost more uncomfortable than her, and she found it... difficult to read him. One moment spikes of hatred seemed as though they were ready to cut her in two and the next moment he was saving her from falling. That was about how quickly it had swung on Dathomir as well. It only highlighted the precarious nature of her current... company. It quickened her pulse and she didn't find herself wanting to pull away.

Her gaze moved on from the Sith to the cave. There was no doubt the Shadow was strong here, but she still didn't know what he sought here. For that matter, she didn't even know what he had actually wanted from Dathomir. Perhaps she'd been wrong to look for the answers from him and instead should be seeking them here as well. This place was a wellspring.

She bent down and placed a hand on the ground. She could feel the energy pulsing through the stone, the dirt, and the grass. It was alive and vibrant. It was a world that called to her and it was all centered around this cave. But he had found this cave for a reason. She had tracked him, but he'd come here with intent.

She didn't anticipate him wanting to share that information.

I could help you, she said. She didn't know with what and she didn't know that he would take her up on it, but she made the statement anyway. She walked into the cave, looking back over her shoulder at him as she did.

The air inside was thicker and charged with the same energy she had felt outside. It was like walking into a spider's web with tendrils that stretched out far beyond this planet. She could feel the movement within and what felt similar to the Spirits, and also... different.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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The words ‘thank you’ made him cringe. He didn’t want to be thanked. He didn’t want to ‘help’ her. Those words made his blood boil, and he had to reel himself in to keep from lashing out. Emryc was entirely silent the rest of the way up, hellbent on keeping his focus from budging. The rain completely drenched him, and blood streaked down his back, soaking through his clothing.

He finally pulled himself over the ledge, gazing into the cave. Emryc cast a sideways glance to watch her kneel and touch the ground. Unlike before, she could actually sense the energy here. There was no earpiercing noise, but there was an essence of the Force that hung very tangibly around them.

Emryc was about to walk past her when she blurted out about helping. His jaw twitched, and his eyes narrowed. In the end, he simply rolled his eyes and kept walking in. He had no desire to speak to her, and he certainly didn’t want to keep acting involuntarily.

After he walked deeper in, he paused for a moment. They had walked far enough for him to finally turn to face her. It was dark, and he could only make out the faint outline of her face and the glint in her eye.

“I don’t know if you’re here to find some sort of divine enlightenment or if you just want me to kriff you, but you need to spit it out before I lose my patience,” He hissed at her through almost gritted teeth. She had his full, undivided attention now.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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What was wrong with him? He really was nuts. She'd seen it on Dathomir, she was seeing it now, and yet she kept going. It was a bad idea and she didn't have an ounce of desire to stop.

He seemed infuriated by her very existence, which was just... stupid. Fine, so he didn't want her help. That wasn't going to make her suddenly go away. She thought he was smarter than to turn down a potential ally, but then, she basically knew... nothing about him other than him being a psycho. Maybe she gave him too much credit? Perhaps she'd misread the signs? But he certainly was a wellspring of power.

Her mind was running through all of these thoughts when he abruptly turned to face her. She could sense the intensity in his gaze even in the darkness. She was half expecting him to lash out and attack her again.

It wasn't a physical attack. She was relatively sure that she was supposed to be hurt by what he said, and yet it didn't seem to have the desired effect. In the darkness he would only be able to see the glint of yellow in her eyes but they weren't set in the frown she typically bore. If he could have seen better he might have seen the amused expression on her face.

There was silence for a couple of beats. She could just barely make out the outline of him in the darkness and for a moment contemplated what he said. Yeah, I'd have that, she thought to herself, actually forcing out the thought that was lingering in the back of her mind. Being pulled toward danger seemed to stretch beyond just her studies.

Sure. I'll take both if that's the offer, she said bluntly.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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While he scowled at her, he inwardly had a feeling of triumph. He expected her to sputter and blabber and probably turn a deep shade of red. He expected some mewling response that would make her shrivel up and forget this entire venture. Emryc needed another to aid him in what he wanted to do here, but he didn’t want it to be her. He wanted to send her away because the very idea of her was antithesis to the creed and principles he upheld himself.

However, when she spoke, it caught him completely off guard. She was blunt in the same way he tended to be, and she spun it all around on him. There was the briefest flash of genuine surprise in his eyes. His jaw was slack, and he was left speechless. At the end of it, it only irritated him even more. She was entirely unfazed by his brazen words, and she matched it with equal boldness.

His gaze lingered on hers for a long time, taking in sight of the golden hues. It was as if he was looking at her for the first time. The sounds of rain and thunder erupted outside, the occasional lightning flickering to illuminate his face. The clear look of unamusement was still in his eyes, and yet they burned with tenacity.

Without a word he moved with the Force gracing his advance. In the blink of an eye she would find herself pinned against the opposite wall of the cave. His hand came up to her clothing, yanking with force to tear away at it so her shoulder was exposed. There was no mercy in his actions, no tenderness present. There was only desire. It was no different than the aching thirst that the tomb on Dathomir had for his blood.

Before he proceeded further, there was a deep growl that erupted from inside the cave. He stopped what he was doing, leaning his head in so his forehead rested against the wall with his lips inches above her shoulder. He sighed in irritation at the aptly timed interruption. This was her fault too.

“I hate you too, witch,” He half growled, so close to tasting her skin, and enough to where she could feel his breath. And yet he didn’t.

He pulled back, leaving her in her disheveled state. He held her gaze for a moment longer before spinning on his heel to tear apart whatever kriffing bullshit stopped him from obliging someone that now managed to make his blood boil in more ways than one.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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She watched him, knowing she was teetering on the edge of danger. It just made her pulse quicken all the more and she found her breath was caught in her throat. If her face weren't covered by darkness there would have been an amused look of challenge on it. She was daring him in her own way.

He moved forward quickly, slamming her back against the wall and forcing a gasp from her lips. He tore at her clothes and her breathing quickened as she felt his lips just above her shoulder. She didn't care that it wasn't gentle. Here, in this place, it shouldn't have been. This was the wild. The wild wasn't kind and she didn't want it to be.

A growl from deeper in the cave brought the heated moment to a pause. She could still feel his breath against her shoulder.

Witch. She hated that word. Detested it more than she could say, but rather than her usual attempt to lash out with violence, she had a whole different idea. He pulled away, and she growled in the back of her throat. No, this wouldn't do.

She took a quick step forward and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him and pushing him against the wall. Her gaze was intense even in the darkness and her face was nearly touching his.

I didn't take you for a coward, she said bitingly. The added danger of a threat within the cave only somehow managed to further ignite her.

She leaned forward until her lips brushed up against his ear.

Hate me more, she said, mimicking the exact words he had said on Dathomir.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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He was solely focused on the presence at the end of the cave that made quite a ruckus. He hadn’t counted on anything coming at him from the side. Within seconds, he found himself pinned against his side of the wall. There was a flash of genuine surprise and anger in his eyes, reflected in the moment of a gold sheen that glinted for just a blink. Fury spiked within him at her words and actions, his jaw tightening.

But then she leaned in to whisper his words back into his ear, and he could feel the tickle of her breath and the slightest brush of her lips. He reached a hand up to grasp a fistful of her hair and yank her head back to meet her gaze. He could still hear the growling within the cave and something appeared to approach them.

But her words played within his mind, and he was frozen in place. Thunder boomed outside and the sparks of lightning ignited both their faces. Part of him wanted nothing more than to toss her off the cliff edge and get it over with.

His body moved of its own accord as he flipped them around and pressed her against the cave wall. His gaze remained locked with hers, his hands working dexterously. His eyes never left hers as his fingers traveled like the digits playing over piano keys to unfasten the belt over her robes. It fell with a clutter, unraveling her clothing.

Emryc finally leaned in, but did not kiss her lips, instead tracing them up along the side of her neck. His fingers traced down between her bare chest and continued lower. His touch was surprisingly gentle and a complete shift from his approach earlier. He nibbled and kissed against the crook of her neck, traveling up towards her ear.

His hand continued to travel lower, shoving aside anything in the way. There was a singular purpose, and the road was clear. She would know what was coming, but there was an abruptness to it still. He was venturing where he had no business going, where she only imagined him to go, where it was so forbidden. Her ancestor spirits would have turned away in shame. The spirits on Dathomir would have shrank back from such a brazen display.

She would learn then exactly what kind of man he was, and how he knew exactly where to go and just what to do. He pulled back from her neck to look into her eyes, an almost amused look on his face as his hand continued its magic, fingers playing the strings of an instrument that would elicit the melody of her voice. As the growling from the cave grew even louder, he drew his hand back, shamelessly licking off two of his digits.

“No, I think you will be the one doing all the hating,” He murmured as he winked at her with a grin before drawing his saber to his hand with the Force and dashing deeper into the cave. He would purposely leave her on the edge of a cliff in as many ways as possible. She wouldn’t have this happen on her terms. He wouldn’t give her that satisfaction.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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She expected him to take charge. She knew what kind of a man he was, she could already tell. When he turned to push her against the wall, she didn't resist. He tore away at her clothes and the cold air of the cave bit at her skin, leaving goose bumps all along. She felt his lips on her neck and gasped at his touch. This was... not what she expected. She had expected something more... brutal. Predatory. This was something else and left her breathless.

She tried to stifle a moan, knowing that something was deeper within the cave, but even so it quietly escaped her before she bit down on her lip. She could smell him, and he smelled delicious. She could have simply consumed him. She wanted to...

And then he withdrew. Her eyes shot back open, a flash of what could almost be construed as panic crossing her eyes before she regained her composure.

Y... she started to stammer but she didn't go any further. He was the worst type of tease. Yes, she would be doing all the hating, but she would have her revenge one way or another.

Ugh! she groaned, rather loudly as her head thumped into the cave wall behind her.

It took her a moment to regather her thoughts and composure and then a few moments more to regain her attire.

She was a swirl of emotions - desire, anger, betrayal - all at once, but now she knew there was no way she could allow his life to be easy.

You get a point, she said offering no further explanation. This was quickly turning into a game for her whether he wanted it to or not. It was... agonizing and delicious all at once.

Now she had to go kill some stupid monster inside this cave? Well, that was going to be a letdown. Another letdown.

She took several more deep breaths as she went deeper into the cave. And they didn't need to go that much deeper. The creatures that were the source of the growling were only around the corner and the instant the pair came into view, they were gnashing their teeth and doing something in between a hiss and a growl. It was quite disgusting.

She didn't particularly trust the Sith to have her back, but she began to draw on the magicks around this world. Her hands glowed green as she prepared to attack the first of the creatures. A rounded ball of green energy shot out, slamming into one of the creatures, sending it flying into the far wall while another two made their attack against the Sith, one jumping low and the other high.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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The taste of her was still on his lips, and the sounds of her were committed to memory. They would linger with him longer than he cared to admit. The ghost of a smile was still on his face by the time they stumbled upon the creatures. Saberhilt twirled in his hand before he ignited it, taking in sight of the nasty wretches that were lured by the nexus.

Emryc was about to spring into action when he caught the woman doing something curious. She used the Force in a way he didn’t truly understand, and it bothered him that she had a skill that he didn’t. His nostrils flared and jaw tightened, another spark of anger coming towards her.

As the two creatures jumped at her, Emryc purposely focused on a third that came at him. She could die for all he cared, and with luck her essence on his tongue would outlast her. The thought brought him a measure of comfort as he used the Force to send one of the creatures flying back against a wall.

Emryc jumped forward and cut through with his blade, smelling the horrible innards that were seared by the saber. He didn’t understand what these beings were, but they had been changed in form from being in here for so long.

As they fought their way deeper into the cave, he could make out a large hole in the middle of the floor. Emryc kept walking, leaving the girl to deal with the creatures. He crouched down next to the hole, gazing down and trying to make out what was down there. He could feel the Force pulsating from within.

During this, one of the creatures lunged at him. He didn’t look up as he casually waved his wrist and sent it flying near where the girl was fighting the others. Emryc ignited his saber to light the way below, seeing a spiral staircase leading down. Without waiting, he began to descend down.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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She was quicker than she looked and had spent plenty of years among dangerous animals. It was part of what had ingrained the love of danger inside of her. As the creatures jumped at her, she moved aside, letting another orb slam into the creature as it passed where she'd only just been. She leapt up, her feet hitting the wall and pushing off as she let an arc of green lightning tear from her fingers. The scent of scorched flesh filled the room.

She hit the ground again on the other side only to have the last creature launched at her. It slammed into her from the side and began attacking immediately. Its claws tore into her back, ripping free the fabric of her robes and causing blood to pour free. She cried out in pain as she stumbled forward, for all intents and purposes being felled by an attack that shouldn't have been there.

She was slammed forward into the wall, lashing out with the Force and actually splitting the creature in two with the force of the blow. But her head slammed against the stone and everything began to spin.

She cursed quietly under her breath, taking a step forward. Blood poured free of her back, drenching her clothes. She began to see stars in the cave and then collapsed and everything went black.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc had no idea what was going on up above and he didn’t care. He noticed the girl didn’t follow...but then neither did the strange creatures, so it was a win all around. The Force pulsated strong down here, and it was almost overwhelming. The core of the energy did not come from anything specific, but it did come from the bottom of the hole.

He reached his hands out towards the bottom, trying to focus and concentrate. His dark energies began to seep into the Force that was vibrant and alive in here. It fought against him, but he forced his will upon it.

It was going smoothly until there was a nagging at the back of his mind. With his eyes closed, he saw glimpses of that woman from the past again. Then he was assaulted with waves upon upon waves of guilt. Emryc cried out and fell to his knees, hunching over. His fingers dug into the dirt, and he tried desperately to cling back to his principles. This was that weakness again, it was that fatal flaw that he inherited on Dathomir. It clawed and tore him up from the inside.

It was her fault.

Her words lingered on his mind. ‘I can help you’. Could she? No, he wouldn’t entertain that. Emryc gritted his teeth, trying to pour more of his dark Force into the nexus. However, he was only at half strength while this corruption took hold within him. Emryc realized that he either needed her aid in undoing the curse or her help in corrupting the nexus while he was at half capacity.

“Andraste’s sake…” Emryc sighed, opening his eyes and rubbing his face. After a moment of silent rage, he made his way back up the hole. He could sense some of the creatures were still there, and he would have to get out of the cave to rethink his plan.

As he arrived above, he saw the woman on the ground. Emryc sighed and walked over with an air of annoyance, using his foot to kick her over onto her back. From the rise and fall of her chest, she appeared to be alive, though bloody.

Emryc stared at her face for a long moment, his own face devoid of emotion. After a moment, he knelt down and tossed her over his shoulder. Glaring ahead with the searing rage of a thousand Tatooine suns, he walked over to the edge of the cave entrance and stepped right off. Emryc free fell straight down before using the Force to cushion his landing.

He would find shelter under a rock nearby. By the time she awoke again, her injuries were expertly patched up with a medpack. A small fire had been set, and he was meditating silently with his eyes closed. The storm continued on, the rock overhang their only shelter.


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Renfry strained out of thought and time and every minute felt like a life age, but her eyes cracked open again. She didn't know how long it had been but she knew she was in too much pain to be dead. She groaned quietly as she turned over, confused as she tried to remember where she was and what had happened. This wasn't the cave, and...

She shifted her head around to see him there. There was a momentary spike of fury as she knew that he was responsible for her condition, but then... he was also responsible for the bandages that she could feel clinging to her back.

She lay there for a moment, still unsteady from the multiple impacts but managed to push herself up a moment later into a sitting position. He was sitting there meditating, but for the moment she said nothing. There wasn't trolling or questioning.

She was silent. Thinking. He'd tried to kill her and then saved her? She knew that it meant he wanted something from her, though she wasn't sure what. She'd already offered him help and that had resulted in... well, they both knew what that had resulted in.

But there was also something else. She smirked ever so slightly. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked her. On some level in some warped way. Just as she both hated and liked him. As she suspected he hated and loved himself.

She let the silence linger, waiting for him to break his meditation. It was... oddly unantagonistic of her. Surely this couldn't last, right?

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc was far away from this world. He walked side by side with his idols. He walked with Andraste, Vader, Siris, Kravos and all the rest. He was trying to find peace in the turmoil that was his mind. Anytime he walked with his Lords, that woman from eons ago stepped in with them. She didn’t belong, and yet she was always there with that warm smile. It disgusted him, and he tried to force her out of it.

Renfry would see this in his face sometimes. It wasn’t a peaceful meditation, his eyes rapidly moved under their closed lids. Every so often, his fingers would curl into fists and there would be a twitch in his jaw and the muscles of his neck. A storm raged within his mind, and he constantly fought to rise above the tidal waves.

After a moment, his eyes popped open, glowing gold for a brief moment. They slowly settled back to the silver hues, and he gazed off into the fire for a moment. He was fixated on the flames, and for a moment it appeared as if he was entirely unaware of another presence.

“You wield the Force another way,” He spoke a matter of factly, “I wish to command that power,” He looked up at her then, “Can it be taught?”


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Ah, so that was it, she thought to herself. He wanted to learn to use magick. From what she'd seen so far, she had no interest in teaching him, but she also knew that she was in a precarious position right now. She liked danger, but she didn't fancy actually ending up dead.

She glanced at him for a moment, saying nothing.

Don't even finish a girl off first, she said, shaking her head and letting out a sigh.

She turned her gaze back toward him for a longer duration. She could sense conflict within him that stood out over the power of this place. That was saying something.

You came here for the power in the cave, she said, this time the one to speak matter of factly.

I offered to help and you didn't want it. Why now? she asked. He'd already seen a glimpse of her power on Dathomir. He'd still nearly killed her. If he thought she was going to simply roll over for him - at least metaphorically - then he was mistaken.

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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He had a quip back for her, but he held his tongue. He had an iron resolve, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have human desires. He looked at her for a long moment, pondering on the answers. He was never one to mince words, and one of his other fatal flaws was his lack of a filter. She owed him her life, and she knew that deep inside. He wouldn’t even need to mention it. She didn’t get the luxury of his polite and mild mannered mask. No, she got the real and raw version of him.

“Because I want you,” He began, his face entirely devoid of any emotion. It didn’t even match his words. He could have been relaying the weather for the blank way he looked at her, “I want you many times over. As many times as I like. As much as I like. Whenever I like. Till you’re used up. Till you’re wasted and I’ve had my fill.”

He slowly grinned at her, a cruel grin, “And having you means having the powers that you possess. It means having your soul. So you will give them to me,” He gazed deep into her eyes, not moving a muscle from his meditative stance.

“You have already given over more than you know when you stepped towards the Dark Side of the Force. Towards the path of the Sith,” He said after a pause, “I want to draw from what is already mine.”