Ask Coruscant For the eyes of a Ranger are upon you...

Amos McCord


Character Profile
Jul 30, 2021
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Amos smiled warmly- and partly in relief- in response to Kanan's wisecrack. "Clearly you haven't tried the right teas. Before our work together is finished we'll find one that you like!" Amos glanced at the chrono; surprisingly, there wasn't much time left in their meeting. Amos sipped at his tea and hurriedly took a look at his notes to make sure that he had the correct date and time for Kanan's next visit to his office.

Mid-sip, the psychoanalyst spluttered as he read the "next visit" line. "A ride-along?" he eventually managed, his carefully-composed mask falling off as shock and dismay rushed in to take its place. For a moment, Amos thought that there must be some mistake; he didn't do ride-alongs with agents in the field, but he was unable to change that field on his datapad. Apparently HQ had meddled in more than just the appointment time; ride-along observations weren't uncommon, but it had been years since Amos had been assigned as one. HQ must really value Kanan's contributions to the Rangers; and why shouldn't they? But is this necessary?

Still flabbergasted by the sudden change in plans, Amos looked up from his datapad and met Kanan's eyes. "It... looks like I shall see you next at the beginning of your shift tomorrow morning" he said heavily, dreading the assignment. Amos McCord was many thing, but an willing field operative was not one of them.


Kanan Marek


Character Profile
Jan 29, 2020
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Kanan couldn't help but chuckle. The Sector Ranger had never liked tea, particularly hot tea. His mother had attempted to inspire an interest and desire for tea in him as a child but without much luck. In the years since, he'd never drunk a cup when he could avoid it, and he wasn't about to change that now. Kanan was not a man that changed easily or quickly, but Amos McCord was welcome to try. Kanan would welcome the challenge.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see," he smiled.

His eyes followed Amos' gaze to the chronometer that hung on the wall, excited to see that the allotted thirty minutes was almost over. To his own surprise, Kanan had to admit that this appointment hadn't been even half as bad as he had thought it would be. Amos McCord was an agreeable man, and Kanan had not taken a disliking to him.

Nevertheless, he couldn't deny the relief that accompanied the knowledge that he could leave. It felt like this office was suffocating him.

Kanan wasn't sure how to feel about the news that followed, that Amos would be accompanying him tomorrow on his patrols. He didn't like the idea of someone watching over his shoulder while he tried to do his job, but he supposed it was better than another appointment stuck in an office. At least out on the streets he would be more in control. That he could be happy about.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning then," Kanan smirked, standing up and giving Amos a nod. With that, he crossed the room in a few short strides and disappeared through the door.

/Exit Thread​


Amos McCord


Character Profile
Jul 30, 2021
Reaction score
"See you tomorrow" Amos mumbled as Kanan exited, leaving him alone with his thoughts, his notes, and- there it was!- his missing teacup. Begrudgingly, he had to admit that he was about to get a taste of his own medicine by stepping outside of his comfort zone into an unfamiliar environment. The psychoanalyst sipped the tea he'd just found- predictably, it was cold- trying to calm a sudden lump that was forming in his stomach. Tomorrow would be... interesting.

/End Thread