Ask Force of Arms

Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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A battle between a Gozanti-class Armed Freighter of the Elite Resources Corporation and a Sphyrna-class Corvette of the Free Miners Cooperative has left both ships adrift, disabled, and badly damaged. The crews need to rescued, kept from killing one another, and discovering who fired first.

Sakas already wanted to punch someone and she had barely even arrived in the system. Emerging from hyperspace had been accompanied by a mass of sound as everyone and their mother seemed to be using open frequencies to both call for help (a good idea) and to curse out the others (a bad idea). The end result was that Sakas' little freighter had barely arrived and already she was regretting not taking a different mission.

Both of the ships they were here to see had taken a battering from each other, the carbon scoring was bad across both ships and neither of them was able to control the fact that they were listing. She was willing to bet the only reason they hadn't killed each other out of spite was because their systems seemed to be down. Weapons and engines for sure - the fact that they hadn't laughed escape pods didn't bode well either.

She nodded to her astromech to get her connected to her partner for this mission, Flynn Jaeger.

"Well Flynn, looks like no one came out of this one looking pretty. Should we split up and start evacuating and getting stories?"
she suggested with a grimace, "Keep them away from each other, get a story each and then chat about what matches up. See if we can see who Han Solo'd this time..."

They needed to know who shot first after all.

"If we splitting I'll take the Gozanti and you can take the Sphyrna. Reckon we'll both need to be standing room only though."


Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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"Name's Cal." The newly minted ranger cut in as his partner for the mission Sakas asked his opinion. Callahan maneuvered The Fortunate Son above the two warring ships. The chatter over the open coms was grating on his already wavering patience. His eyes slid along the body of the Gozati and as he reached the end his brow furrowed. His gaze shifted to the Sphyrna and his frown deepened.

"I'm fine with the divide and conquer mentality, but take a look at the rear engines," He'd allow her a moment to make her own assumptions before adding, "Something's off."

The Fortunate Son listed toward the Sphyrna and approached their docking tube. After being given the mission briefing, he'd taken the time to prepare his cargo bay for an influx of passengers, but the modifications were the bare minimum. He was considering modifying a part of the cargo into a brig, but that didn't matter now.

"I'm in position, you go ahead, I'm gonna keep watch until you're loaded up."


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Wait wasn't it supposed to be Flynn riding with her on this mission? Oh shrak, she'd been given the wrong information again because the brass had changed their minds at the last second hadn't they? Kark it all but this was the second time in the last week and she was beginning to get angry now. Usually the brass messing up didn't bother her but she liked to know who the hell she was supposed to be flying alongside!

Not that it was Cal's fault - she reminded herself of that so as to not take her anger out on him just out of ease. With him being the closest other Ranger it would have been fairly easy to do so. It would have also been a real dick move so she focused on pointedly not doing that.

Something wrong with the engines?

"Something off more than two ships shooting each other for seemingly no damned reason?"

That was fairly off in her books.

Shrugging to herself, she moved over to the Gozanti and started the process of lining her ship up so that they could connect. As the docking was progressing, she made sure to equip herself with her stun blaster. Just in case any of the crew were feeling the desire to go a bit trigger happy. It, unfortunately, happened from time to time when people were geared up with adrenaline.

"Heading onto the Gozanti."

Marching onto the Gozanti, Sakas immediately noticed something was off because there was no one around. The corridor she arrived in was clean, brightly lit, but also very empty. She slowly raised her blaster pistol as she toggled her comlink.

"... Cal there's no one here."
she told the other Ranger with a deep frown, "My droid says the signals are still coming, like they're actively calling out, but I've docked and there's nobody here to meet me. I've got a bad feeling about this..."


Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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McKoy considered pointing out that most ships trying to take the other out aim for the engines. After all, a sitting duck is a cooked one, but he didn't see the point so, he just let the remark hang in the air as he angled The Fortunate Son for docking.

Sakas let him know she was entering the Gonzati and he responded with, "Copy that."

Cal docked and proceeded into the ship with his weapon drawn. He was greeted by the eerie symphony of a ship left adrift. His eyes swept the corridor, his back was pressed against the wall, and his senses were on high alert. He rounded the corner and again was greeted by an empty hallway. McKoy's brow furrowed as he started toward the main bridge. He took cover behind a sensor console and closed his eyes holding his breath in a feeble attempt to catch a whisper of a voice. His eyes snapped open as an indiscernible murmur could be heard just beyond the blast door.

Emerging from behind his cover, Callahan carefully progressed toward the main bridge. He placed his shoulder into the slim corner between the wall and the door panel and pressed his ear against the durasteel. The metal was ice cold against his perspiration slick temple, as he listened for the voice.

"...I repeat," came the voice. Cal pulled away from the wall and looked at the door perplexed. Was the crew hiding on the bridge? No. That couldn't be true. It was too quiet for the crew of a ship this size to be huddled on the bridge just on the other side of the blast door. Callahan pulled his second blaster and prepared for impending danger as he steeled himself for the phantom battle to come.

Cal took a breath and let it out slowly, then smacked the release button on the panel with the butt of his DE-10 and entered with both weapons at the ready.

"This is Ranger Callahan McKoy— " he dropped his declaration mid-way though as the voice rang out in the center of the room.

"I repeat, this is Delaris Marjory, Captian of The Broken Wing Sphyrna-class Corvette of the Free Miners Cooperative..."

Cal lowered his weapons and closed the gap between himself and the voice. He recognized the ship's main coms station and sudden realization slammed into him like a punch to the gut. At the same time, Sakas' voice came over his coms verifying his fears.

Unable to explain the plethora of thoughts stampeding across his brain Cal only managed to get out, "Get back to your ship!"

Cal was almost out of the bridge when the first pirate ship arrived. Callahan swore in Huttese before pinging Sakas, "We've got company."

Following the first starfighter, two more snapped into existence followed by a menacing-looking Corvette that was clearly the flagship of the pirate crew.

Kark me...


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Being on an, apparently, empty ship was weird at the best of times but it was somehow even weirder when there wasn't any evidence of foul play. She had been on ships that had been cleared by pirate raids before and the carbon scoring and other signs of battle was usually omnipresent. Here? Nothing and that was much more worrying.

Still, she might be facing the unknown but she had back up to do it. She wasn't going to be doing this alone, even if Callahan was on a different ship entirely. If some previously unknown alien tried to spit and egg down her throat then she was confident she could hold it off until Callahan came riding on in to save the day.


The message she received from Callahan was NOT welcome at all, especially when it came with the accompanying data her astromech sent her through as well. A trio of SX-18s? Unusual but nothing the two of them in their freighters couldn't handle. But there was a corvette. It was an older model but it was a CR90 - it didn't matter that it was older than both of them combined. The damned thing could destroy either of their ships with a single good hit from their turbolasers - hell even the medium laser turrets would be downright deadly.

"Belay that order."
she shot back over the com unit even as she headed back to her ship, not to pilot it but to grab a change of gear instead, "We don't stand a chance in space combat with their composition as it is."

She grunted as she picked up her rotary cannon before charging back aboard the broken armored freighter. There was another docking point that wasn't in use by her ship so she knew exactly where she had to set herself up.

"You literally don't have ain't got enough firepower to even dent the corvette so..."
she gritted her teeth, "We let it dock with the Gozanti; when it docks, they'll try and board and take me. When they do, you take off and blast the kark out of those fighters. Savy?"

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Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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Callahan's sea-green eyes watched out the viewport as the enemy sprung their trap. The three fighters were angled directly toward the Gozanti flying in a loose V formation and followed by, what Cal assumed was the flagship of their force. Sakas seemed determined to hole up and let them come to her, but that didn't sit right with McKoy.

"Yeah, savvy," he replied

Suddenly, a celebratory warble nearly scared the shit out of him. Cal whipped around weapon at the ready in time to see an astromech spinning in a circle lighter attachment ignited and raised.

McKoy could help but notice the little droid looked more like a birthday cake than an astromech. As the little droid rotated around Cal slowly came into view, ripping a worried scream from the little droid's voice box. Cal raised both hands and took his finger off the trigger.

"Easy there little fella, I'm not gonna hurt you," tried McKoy. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and had to stifle a curse as he watched the corvette begin it's docking process.

The droid clearly didn't believe the man holding the blaster and rocked back and forth on it's legs nervously chittering.

Cal took a tentative step forward and holstered his blaster. "See, no more blaster. What were you working on?"

The droid stopped teetering and managed to put a questioning inflection on his warble sliding a few feet back.

"That's right, I just wanna know what you fixed."

The droid looked to the console then back to Cal and chittered matter of factly. A devious smile spread across Cal's face as he listened to the proud little automaton. "Wow, you're amazing, can you show me?"

The droid practically danced in place before rushing to the controls. It jacked into the weapon systems and the console blinked to life. Cal cocked an appraising eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Prove it."

The droid bleated a slew of curses that loosely translated to Cal's mother being the offspring of a monkey lizard. "Big words, little droid. Why don't you put your credits where your motherboard is."

The droid's dome rotated 180 degrees so that it's singular photoreceptor leveled an obstinant gaze at Callahan. Cal shrugged in response before adding, "Bet you can't take down two of those fighters."

The droid bristled and returned it's gaze to the console. Cal heard the whir of the ship's weapon systems fire up, and he carefully began to edge toward the corridor he'd come from. As soon as the heavy lasers fired he smiled and watched two of the three fighters dissolve in a fiery blast. The droid chortled triumphantly and turned to look at Cal, but the Corellian had already torn down the hallway he'd come from.

The droid warbled in confusion unable to compute being duped.

McKoy sprinted through his docking tube and into his ship. He hit the captain's chair and disengaged The Fortunate Son from the Sphyrna. The remaining Salamander dropped into evasive maneuvers and according to Callahan's sensors, the enemy corvette was preparing to return fire while docked. It'd only be a matter of time before the Sphyrna was reduced to slag.


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Sakas didn’t really know what Cal was intending to do but she didn’t really need to. All she needed to do was keep an eye on what was right in front of her. The corridor between her and the docking ring of the other ship opened up and a small boarding party sprang into action to try and capture her.

Unfortunately for them, Sakas had a friend.

“Eat hot plasma, you nerf-herding karks!”
she declared as she unleashed her rotary cannon, grinning wide as the unsuspecting boarders were suddenly running into a rain of blaster bolts, “Thanks for bringing me a new ship!”

The half down pirates who had come to board the ship she had been on were blasted almost clean apart by the barrage of blaster bolts from the cannon. They didn’t even get a chance to let off a shot of their own before they were busy trying to hold their insides in. None of them succeeded in keeping said insides in either.

Too bad, so sad.

Couldn’t have happened to nicer people really.

The guns on the corvette shut down their fire on Callahan’s position as the captain called for all hands to repel boarders as Sakas began her march. She wasn’t a Ranger anymore she was “that crazy witch with the cannon” and that was exactly what she wanted!

Tearing through the pirates aboard their own ship, she held down the trigger everytime she saw even a hint of them turning a corner, shredding another trio of pirates as she advanced on the bridge.

“Think you can help me fly a corvette outta here, Cal?”

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Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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The Fortunate Son fell into evasive maneuvers as the enemy corvette dumped superheated plasma into the weekend ship. Portions of the Syphna exploded throwing molten slag across the starscape like the ammunition cast from trebuchets as Cal narrowly evaded joining their ranks. A portion clipped the port side of his ship, but the shields took the brunt of the hit.

The main console blared a warning heralding the incoming Salamander and McKoy spit out a Corellian slue that would have made his momma blush. He threw his controls to starboard hard and sent his ship into a corkscrew. Laser fire lit up the space in front of him and he couldn't help but think they looked like fireworks launched in celebration of his early demise. Cal faked left and then committed to a hard right followed by an immediate climb. A shocked warble stole his attention long enough to nearly run him directly into a piece of floating slag.

"How the hell did you get here?!"

The little astromech that had fired off the guns on the Syphna cocked it's domed head to the side and whistled inquisitively. The little BG unit rolled forward and extended it's I/O Socket into The Fortunate Son's main console. Cal felt the droid take the wheel and he leveled it with a skeptical glare.

"Let go of my ship."

The droid blurted. Laser fire narrowly clipped the nose, and Cal accepted his new driver as he rushed to his guns. He slid down the ladder to the ventral laser cannon's and slipped on the headset.

"Alright, you can drive, but this doesn't mean we're partners!"

The droid whistled sarcastically, and Cal took a moment to wonder how he'd processed sarcasm in a whistle, before beginning to track his target. The Salamander was a sleek ship and it's pilot was competent, but that didn't mean they were good. Cal fired once to make them flinch, again to give them a little confidence, and a final time to seal their fate. The Fortunate Son's lasers ripped through the Salamander's shields and turned the annoying little bastard into burning slag.

Callahan pumped his fist in victory as Sakas' voice came over the com line.

"I can't, but I've got a new friend that should be able to help."

The ship shifted toward the Pirate Corvette and to McKoy's surprise, they weren't being turned to dust. As a matter of fact, it didn't appear that any of the enemies' defenses were firing which made the Corellian wonder just what in the hell his partner was up to.

Cal stayed planted on the guns while the BG took them into the hanger.

"What's your location, we're on ship."


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Oh thank the gods there was going to be some back-up. As much as Sakas enjoyed wandering the halls with her rotary cannon like some kind of angry angel of death? The damned thing only had so much ammunition and by default it was too heavy to really lug around so it was back on her ship. She had some more juice left in the tank, sure, but she didn't want to find out how little that was when she didn't have someone to cover for her.

Wait, new friend?

"How in the name of every hell there is did you manage to find a friend out here?"

Maybe one of the ships hadn't been deserted but she doubted it. So long as Callahan wasn't going to bring an ambush of pirates along with him, she was fine with whoever he wanted to bring really. Especially since she had reached the endgame, blasting apart a lone pirate as his friends sealed off the bridge.

Unfortunately she needed to be in there - unfortunate for them at least.

"I'm in front of the bridge doors - they've locked themselves in. I don't know, they seemed rather disturbed to see that I'd brought my rotary cannon to a boarding party."

So inconsiderate of their guests.

"Get here and we can do a breach and clear, get these motherless sons of banthas with their pants round their ankles and take their shiny ship."

The ship was actually kind of grimy, really, but it was the class that counted.

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Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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Callahan jogged down the grimy corridors of the pirates ship both blasters in hand, and a spunky little astromech in tow. The security footage would look like something ripped right outta Galaxy Wars. They rounded a corner and the grizzly sight gave McCoy pause. Blaster fire had painted this pathway in scares and cauterized wounds. Cal furrowed his brow as he was reminded of the galaxy's cruelty. He knew Sakas hadn't had a choice, but that didn't mean he had to like it...

Hell in her shoes, he'd of done the same thing. The unfortunate burden of public service was the constant reminder of just how seedy the galaxy was. The groans of dying pirates brought him out of his downward spiraling introspection and back to this stark reality. Cal kept his weapons ready and moved down the hallway with purpose. He didn't rush, any sign of cowardice could pain him an easy target, and that would only lead to more bloodshed. He kept both weapons at the ready. His eyes scanned left and right accessing each body as he closed in on them. The scrape of metal on metal whipped his body around reflexively just in time to see a wounded pirate struggling to aim his carbine.

Callahan fired. The bolt melted lime green skin from skull and bore a cauterized hole into it's brain. McKoy didn't know what species the being was, but it's death quelled any further opposition. The BG unit whistled a melancholy tune and The Ranger agreed.

The pair rounded a corner and spotted Sakas at the bridge doors. She wasn't what he'd expected, but based on the damage she's done throughout the ship, he wasn't sure what he'd expected. The rotary cannon in her hands explained the carnage, pirates would have never seen it coming. He nodded a salutation and introduced his new friend before nodding to the blast door and asking, "Think you can get us through these doors, little guy?"

The droid warbled and affirmative and made for the console. Callahan pressed up against the right side of the door taking what cover he could find and setting the blaster in his left hand to stun. They'd need someone alive for questioning. He'd look to Sakas and make sure she was prepared, then he'd give the little BG unit the signal.

The doors hissed open in the flash of an eye, time seemed to slow as battle fervor consumed him. A deluge of multicolored superheated plasma scorched the air it traversed leaving the stench of burnt ozone in it's wake. Sparks cascaded from consoles and wall panels as shots missed in the panic-induced initial clash. Callahan rounded the corner, both weapons spitting heat, and his duster billowing out behind him. He fired over the course of three steps, stunning two and mortally wounding one. He dropped into a roll following his fifth shot sending the bolt into a panel the conflagrated into a shower of indigo sparks.

Cal pressed into his new cover and reloaded. He looked to Sakas, ready to make the next move.


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Callahan really had made a friend, it seemed, and a cute little droid one at that. Sakas wasn't about to ask how he had gotten the little astromech droid though since they'd only actually visited a ship each. Either the droid was salvage from a lost crew or it was actually a member of the pirate's crew... she wasn't sure which would be worst right at that precise second but that was beginning to become a fairly normal mental calculation for her at this point.

How badly were things going? So far?

Not at all badly.

Still, Sakas set the rotary cannon down as she spotted the other Ranger and pulled her rifle off of her back. Flicking it into the stun setting, she gave him a grin as she took cover on the opposite side of the doors to the human.

"McKoy you've made yourself a cute friend - wanna tell me his name or you the jealous type?"
she teased him as she tried to get herself psyched up enough that the nerves didn't bother her, "Don't worry, I wouldn't replace you as my partner on this mission just cus you brought a smaller, cuter, little assistant."

The doors opened and the initial barrage of blaster fire was... just so damned expected. Sentients across the Galaxy could pretend to be as rational as they wanted but, sometimes, they just reacted. None of them had seen anything other than the doors opening and yet they started blasting right away, several times each.

Honestly, she was glad people like this were predictable.

Leaning out around the side of the door, Sakas would lay down covering fire from her rifle as Callahan headed further into the bridge of the corvette. Between her own shots and Callahans, a trio of the remaining pirates were stunned by the time Callahan got to cover further inside the bridge.

"This is the Sector Rangers!"
she called out from around the door-frame, "Throw down your weapons and it will be taken into consideration upon your trial for piracy and attempted murder of two Rangers!"

Serious charges.

Serious punishments.

"Ah... alright! I give up!"

Only one voice?

Sakas moved cautiously into the bridge, finding a single pirate left conscious in the bridge. He was dressed in a fancy coat that was probably supposed to look like military uniform from a planet she'd never been on. The captain if she had to guess. With her blaster trained on him, she gestured for him to drop his blaster and he did so before moving to sit in the captain's chair. She let him only because it was easier to keep an eye on him like this.

"Callahan - check his pockets."
she told the other Ranger as lights began to blink on one of the computer units, "Robo-Cutie, see what that flashing is, yeah?"

For her part, Sakas kept the captain in her sights, the blaster rifle aimed squarely at his head.


Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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Callahan moved to frisk the pirate who assured the ranger numerous times he had no intention of resisting, McKoy was extra thorough. While he was patting down the captain, the stowaway mystery droid, Sakas had affectionately named Robocutie, rolled over to the console and connected to it.

The droid recoiled from the console bumping into a chair and then hauling tread toward Cal. The little droid chittered in a panic rocking back and forth on it's gyro, seeming to nod toward the open door. The Captain let a small chuckle escape his lips and Cal cuffed him to his chair. He began to protest, but one wave of the ranger's blaster stopped his protestations in their tracks.

The stamp of metallic feet echoed down the hall, and McKoy glared at the open blast door with the same intensity as he would someone who'd just invoked the name of his mother in vain. He reloaded his weapons and set both to kill. It took everything in him not to draw back and slug the smug smirk off the captain's face, instead, he took cover and prepared for the incoming battle.

"Looks like we got three on the way. DT Sentry Droids."

A grim smile had settled on his face as he accepted the incoming violence. The monotonous stamping came to a halt following it's growing crescendo. Time stretched out for an eternity in the breath it took for the three droids to burst in and open fire. Seared ozone filled the air as the modified E-11's spit superheated plasma from their maws. Robocutie squealed and made for cover, narrowly being missed by stray blaster fire.

Cal peeked around the side of the console and fired two shots. One hit it's mark, but didn't do any significant damage. The DT's moved as a unit and focused their fire on McKoy. He was trying to buy time in hopes Sakas would unload on these soon-to-be scrap heaps before their weapons chewed away at his cover.


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Gods but she wished it was over. Instead the pirates managed to get some reinforcements in the shape of, wait for it, DT-Series Sentry droids. She didn’t know what the old Imperials had against calling a spade a spade because the DT-Series were 100% war droids and calling them anything else was basically just false advertisement damn it.

Using her rifle, she let loose a trio of shots and all three of them hit their mark, one in the centre of the chest of each of the droids. Unfortunately she had been testing their defenses rather than actually trying to destroy them, testing their armor where it was strongest against her rifle with its medium blaster setting.

Unfortunate because it did literally nothing, barely even making a mark on the paint job.

“Karking droids…”
she muttered before clicking her tongue, “Not you Robocutie.”

Had to reassure the poor little droid fellow.

Reaching up to the console that she was using for cover, she tapped urgently at the controls for a moment before waiting, her hand hovering over the button. Blaster fire from the trio of droids came thick and fast but she needed to see when they were in the doorway! It was risky but she would be damned if she just let them get inside.

As the trio of droids made it to the threshold of the room, she hit the button.

Unfortunately, two of the droids had already made it into the bridge of the ship before she could press the button. Thankfully, however, one of them was exactly in the doorway and when she hit the button, the emergency blast doors slammed closed, smashing into the droid before sheering right through it through sheer force.

“Get some you dumbass droids!”
she called out, once again adding, “Not you, Robocutie. Never you.”

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Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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Cal retreated behind cover as the deluges of blaster fire ate into the console he was using for cover. He brought his second blaster out spinning as he heard Sakas return fire. The cacophony of battle was all-consuming and anything she'd said would have been missed by Cal, but that didn't stop him from making his move as soon as her blaster stopped firing.

Cal burst from cover, aimed both blasters, and let them spit. A volley of three shots from each barrel slammed into the droid closest to him. The droids were dependant upon one another for synchronization and with the loss of their pseudo-leader, the other two had been momentarily stunned. As he slid behind another console before the last droid could open fire he made a mental note to buy Sakas a drink, she'd earned it after today.

Robocutie rammed McKoy's leg, the ranger pushed him away the first time, but the second was more insistent. In the chaos of the battle droids arrival, the "Captain" had managed to slip his bonds and was angling to make a run for it.

"Oh, no you don't," grunted Callahan.

As the captain rose to make a dash for it, McKoy let loose two shots. The first hit a step ahead of the pirate causing him to skitter to a stop the next bit into his thigh. He dropped grabbing his leg and swearing in huttese. A mirthless grin slipped across Cal's face as he returned his attention to the real action.

The Ranger patted Robocutie on the head affectionately, noting he owed the droid some form of friendly compensation for it's work today too.


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Robocutie and McKoy were dealing with the captain of the pirates who had just tried to bolt for it while Sakas was focusing on the remaining two droids. The simple fact of the matter was that they didn’t really have the required ordinance to take down the damned things because bringing explosives onto a ship was just a generally dumb move.

Explosives in a compressed environment? Sure, the viewports of starships tended to be reinforced to hell and back but she didn’t really want to risk her life on the chance that they would be able to just tank a god-damn explosion.

Still, she would have loved some for dealing with the droids.

What she did have, however, was an unyielding rage that reared its head when the two droids made to take shots at Robotcutie (and probably McKoy as well) and it was enough to make Sakas want to stab them. So, well, she did. Namely by drawing her vibroknife from it’s sheath on her boot before launching herself onto the back of one of the droids.

Immediately it tried to buck her off but Sakas wrapped her legs around it’s torso and started hacking and stabbing into one of its weak spots where the head connected to the body. The vibroknife slashed and skittered across some of the tougher metals but sliced through wires and servos with a little effort, causing the droid she was riding to start losing control of its functions.

Twisting the knife, both rifles attached to the droid started firing repeatedly. Engaging her core muscles, Sakas roared before twisting, forcing the torso of the droid to twist with her, turning the barrels at the remaining droid. The second droid was caught unawares, blaster bolt after blaster bolt slamming into its side and then, when it turned, its front.

With its friend or foe matrix still in place, the second droid couldn’t open fire on the first one even as the blaster bolts began to break its armor. The first droid, by this point, was almost entirely deactivated as Sakas’ knife attack bore the sweetest of fruit as she pulled its head clean off and held it up.

“McKoy! Hit the other one before it can recover!”
she demanded as the first droid’s blaster fire began to come to a halt as it powered down, “Robocutie…!”

She flashed the astromech a grin.

“You keep doing what you’re doing!”


Callahan McKoy


Character Profile
Jun 27, 2020
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Out of the corner of his eye Callahan saw Sakas launch herself onto the back of one of the droids and then basically rip its head off. His expression phased through a series of emotions starting with shock which gave way to horror and then finally reverences. He made a mental note to avoid the woman’s bad side at all costs, and as she called for him to dispatch the final attack droid, he did so without hesitation.

McKoy lifted his blaster and fired. The droid was already on its last leg as its sensors reeled from the loss of information being fed to it from its comrades and the five shots he'd hit it with already. The droid was mid-dance of terror and confusion when his final shot sent it toppling backward to the ground. It landed with a screech as durasteel scraped durasteel.

McKoy holstered his off-hand weapon, then turned his gaze back to the captain. The blood had drained from the pirate's face and fear colored his visage. McKoy cleared his throat and said, "Two choices. Tell us where the hostages are, and give us a VERY detailed account of what happened or I let you spend a little alone time with my partner."

A sneer had crept onto his lips as the captain's former bravado vacated leaving the man stammering for a response. The pirate broke like a bent twig and gave up everything he had on the operation he'd been put in charge of as well as the coordinates for a hub in the outer rim.

Cal thanked him and then slipped the cuffs on him. The finality of the restraint drained the man of any remaining fervor leaving him to slump in his captain's chair like a petulant child.

"Looks like this one's wrapped up. You wanna take this guy or should I run him to base?"


Sakas Zareen


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Oh they were done?

Thank kark for that, Sakas was able to admit in the privacy of her own mind that she had been flagging a bit in terms of energy. She had tackled a gods-damned droid and stabbed it to death though so she was of the opinion that she deserved to be able to take a little lothcat-nap and have no one give her grief about it.

Shaking her arms out, she retrieved her knife from the droid she had carved up and took no small amount of satisfaction in watching how the scum pirate captain flinched when she did so. She wasn’t going to use a knife against him no matter what he thought but if it made him flinch? Well she wasn’t above playing with the knife a bit to make it all seem much worse.

The crews were (mostly) alive and that was good enough for Sakas. Once her partner was done interrogating the captain she flicked the switch on the side of her pistol before firing once at his head from the side. The captain had just enough time to panic before the stun bolt caught him, sending him to the ground unconscious.

Sakas slumped into the Captain’s chair with a sigh.

“That was… busy.”
She remarked bluntly before laughing, “Man that was awesome!”

She pointed to her partner.

“You were all like ‘pew pew’.”
She began, turning her attention to the astromech, “And you were all like ‘beep beep’. Ah… this has been a fun day.”

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