Freya Velstei's Notes on the Alderaan Investigation

Freya Velstei

SWRP Writer
May 6, 2018
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Please do not post here! This is the private notes for my senator to help with her timeline plan of the investigation and stuff! This thing is just help me keep track of stuff and the info written down is only known to Freya or those who were with her during the testimonies. (The small off topic notes (the ones in grey) are just a bit of in-character planning to make it more suitable for Freya's character and they are known only to her!)

Werner Antilles Explanation of Events

  1. -Worries about his people

  1. -Possible bad blood between him and Lucille

  1. -Thinks Lucille may have killed the late Queen

  1. -Planned a fundraiser during election to improve image of Jedi

  1. -Alien of Wyck's species made their way into Werner's office to steal info. Werner and Wyck made their way in to discover the being was named "Tryck" and actually a prostitute. This being tried to seduce Werner.

  1. -Turns out this was a trap to have assassins kill Werner. The man was saved by Wyck's apprentice.

  1. -A man by the name of "Viktor Crenshaw" started taking artifacts by the library but was fought off by Jedi. (NOTE: Find this Viktor Crenshaw and gather information from him via whatever means. If torture is required he shall be brought to the location of Bastra's criminal base and tortured for any necessary info before being disposed of.)

  1. -Guards turned out to be agents of Lucille and Viktor managed to gain the codes necessary to access electronic devices in the library.

  1. -Viktor is a possible cartel member. (NOTE: If this is true than torturing and other things will be no problem for a man like Wens, and that means no one will miss Viktor when he is disposed of.)

  1. -Lucille wins election when it should have been Kalendros of Werner.

  1. -Werner attempted to escape Alderaan and had several decoys and these decoys were instantly attacked without any warning. It seems perhaps Lucille wanted Werner dead.

  1. -A bounty is now on Werner Antilles head.
Viktor Crenshaw is actually the former head of Republic and Special Operations. This makes the torture method a bit harder. Still, I'm sure we can properly break him if the time calls for it.

A boy by the name Arkelpis Insalius and Kalendros Antilles helped to get Werner off of Alderaan. They are currently being held by Nem'ro. This is tricky, I may have to see if I can get my hands on them. Perhaps this "Free Trade Guild" or a few mercenaries would be willing to raid wherever they are being held.
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