Independent Galen Havard


SWRP Writer
Nov 14, 2019
Reaction score


NAME: Galen Havard
FACTION: Independent | Scout
AGE: Twenty-five
HEIGHT: 6’0”
WEIGHT: 150 lbs.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but unfinished training

With an average height and build, Galen stands six feet tall with dark black hair and green eyes. Like most, the galaxy has left its fair share of scars upon him, a burn along his left wrist being one of the most prevalent among them.

Galen is stubborn through and through, a trait that some would say serves him well but also a trait that has gotten him into trouble more times than he can count. He likes to think he is open-minded about matters, but in reality he tends to make his mind up about people, organizations, and places rather quickly.
Galen has a tendency to be friendly and unguarded, often sporting a smile. Above all, he likes to have a good time. Although not averse to a good deed here and there, he is not motivated by any sense of duty or to better the galaxy as was once his sentiment in the Jedi Order. Credits and adventure are now his two fueling motivators. Particularly credits. His time with the Hutts has instilled a deep rooted desire for independence in him and an unwillingness to take orders that he doesn’t agree with. This eventually caused problems for him within the Order.

Though born on the Outer Rim planet of Abyss, it could hardly be called Galen Havard’s home planet. With a mother who left shortly after he was born and a traveling gambler for a father, home was whatever back alley motel they happened to find themselves in.
According to his father, Galen’s mother had been a Jedi Knight that considered her duties to the Jedi Order more important than her husband and newborn son. Even at a young age this sounded like the ramblings of a bitter man. Galen did not believe such lies. He had heard tales of the Jedi Order and their accomplishments, of their bravery and heroic deeds. He refused to believe that his mother had left him in the incapable hands of a compulsive gambler.

There was little hope for Galen’s father. Try as he might, he never had much luck with cards. Credits were always scarce, and when collectors would come knocking, to the next city Galen and his father would go. To the next space station. To the next planet.
Until one day, on Nar Shaddaa, his father did not run from his collectors. He opened the door and let them in. Credits had not been promised this time. Galen had been, and the Hutts were eager to collect. Bound and sent to Nal Hutta, there was little chance at escaping that deep in Hutt Space. Slavery was legal there.

A boy of nine, Galen was expected to work without complaint. As was the case with most of the Hutt’s slaves, a tracking device was planted within him, further preventing any attempt at escape.

Around the age of fourteen, the Hutts sent a shipment of slaves, including Galen, to Makeb, a planet on the very edge of Hutt Space, to mine for the rare mineral isotope-5. The work was hard, but the change of scenery was welcome. Unbeknownst to him, Galen was not destined to remain a Hutt slave for much longer.
Early one morning, under the blanket of darkness, Jedi Knights raided the camp, freeing as many of the Hutt slaves as they could and removing their tracking chips. To Galen’s utter disbelief, he was then taken to Ajan Kloss to be trained in the ways of the Jedi.
Galen tries not to dwell on the time he spent with the Jedi Order or the painful revelation that his mother was, as his father had truthfully told him many years ago, a Jedi Knight. He does not use his force abilities and ignores any pull he may feel by the force. He is not a fallen Jedi. He is a failed Jedi, and he is fully aware of it. He abandoned his training and simply gave up on it before he could become a Knight.
Now Galen bounces around the galaxy, picking up credits wherever and however he can, treasure hunting, and falling back on his most steady work: a scout for the Tagge Company, among others. Sometimes, late at night as he lies in bed, his thoughts drift back to his life before. But not for long. Life is too short for regrets.

Galen is a fair tracker and skilled navigator. He knows how to use a blaster and has had plenty of experience in hand to hand combat over the years. Although he was taught how to properly wield a lightsaber by the Jedi, his Jedi training went unfinished, and as a result much of that training has fallen by the wayside. Galen has not wielded his lightsaber in years, and any prowess he may have boasted before now needs marked improvement.

  • A Fwit Galen acquired from a Maridun trader and keeps as a pet
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