Ask Getting Outta Dodge


Sith Order

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Nov 22, 2023
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Fortunately, there were no further hiccups as the ship exited Ansion’s airspace. She set the course back towards Korriban to drop Arak off, though the journey would take a while. She still hadn’t set foot on the hot planet, her training mainly taking place on the water worlds. Nash loved her new sabers and the lessons from Sith Master Trael and the off the record ones from Kaldar were proving useful.

As soon as the ship was back on autopilot, she pulled down her hood and glanced over at Arak, “I told you that dude was bad news,” She said, tilting her head to look at him. He had texted some vague information about some cyborg nutcase before his mission. A bit of snooping around and Nash pulled up that the guy was an Apex contractor but also a psychopath, “This wasn’t the way I planned for a reunion,” She said with a raised brow, but an amused grin.

They had been apart for a while and both changed in their own way. Despite always keeping in touch, it was just not the same as being in person. Nash had mellowed out from earlier days of joining the Sith, but her fiery nature remained. She studied Arak for a moment, “Yoooo, have you been working out?”

@Javier esschoolbus

Arak Ragnos

Sith Order

Character Profile
Javier Esschoolbus
Nov 21, 2023
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Arak was mulling over the battle at Ansion. He was unsuccessful in his fight, even coming close to getting grievously wounded a few times. He wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t prepared, and he was weak. How he protect Nash if he needed to if he couldn’t protect himself properly? Even with Sign casting at his disposal the Jedi gained the upper hand. Nash was spectacular with her lightsaber skills, handily dealing with the thugs with little effort, but what if she was truly in danger? What if they both were? What if he was too weak on Umbara? What if Nash…

Arak was pulled from his spiraling by Nash’s words, he turned to look at her, his mind taking a few seconds to put together what she said, “I should’ve listened.” He said with a defeated sigh, the loss weighed on him more than he could’ve expected. Arak always believed he could’ve handled a Padawan easily, he was given a reality check quickly when the fight progressed. He pushed away the thoughts of the fight and his failings in it, “Me either, but I’ll always welcome a chance to be with you.” He said with a smile forming on his lips.

Arak hadn’t seen Nash in a while, too long. Though she’d send him pictures of random adventures and even that one of the spider bite, it wasn’t really seeing her, not to him. When she asked if he’d been working out Arak couldn’t help the bit of surprise that rose to his expression. Arak had noticed his physical changes when he looked at himself in the mirror, but it never occurred to him that his tailored clothing would show off the changes. “Only a little bit here and there.” He tried to lie, Arak had worked out every day for the last couple months. He’d even gotten to the point of doing push ups with Shaela on his back.

“You were amazing out there!” He said excitedly, a glint in his eye. Arak could easily watch Nash fight all day. Well he could watch Nash do a lot of things all day. “You built your saber too.” He continued that glint still in his eyes, he knew Nash had been wanting to make her saber for a while. Dueling was one of the classes she fully enjoyed, and something she’d mentioned enjoying regularly.



Sith Order

Character Profile
Nov 22, 2023
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Nash knew the amount of effort it took to bulk up, especially for someone like Arak who started off thinner. She said nothing about it, only grinning in turn, “Well you look fucking hot,” She blurted out casually. He was her boyfriend and she wasn’t shy about telling him when he looked fine. The ship was on autopilot and they were out of immediate danger.

At the mention of her saber, Nash beamed excitedly. She pulled it out, twirling the hilt around in her hand, “Never thought I’d be into a double-sided saber, but here we are. I love splitting it into two all the time!” She said cheerfully, “I miss Voss though,” Nash said with a sigh, “He’s so busy with his big ambitions and trying to get with Arcanos still,” Nash trailed off. She had a close bond with Vossari, and knew about him more than others. It still disappointed her that he kept going after a man who clearly didn’t see him as the only love of his life.

“Way to send me the most dramatic text ever by the way,” Nash said with a raised brow. She rose from her seat. Without warning, she walked over and plopped right down on his lap, facing him, “Hope I’m not making any injuries worse, but you’re just gonna have to deal,” Nash said simply before leaning in to kiss him. He had gotten used to her bulky weight on him, but perhaps had forgotten it over time…

@Javier esschoolbus

Arak Ragnos

Sith Order

Character Profile
Javier Esschoolbus
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
Arak found himself smiling at her compliment, his face growing slightly flushed by it, “I guess that makes two of us then.” He said in response, he wasn’t quite as bold as Nash was, but he also wasn’t shy to compliment her in his own way.

Arak gazed at her happily as she beamed talking about her lightsaber. It was one of his favorite things about her, how she glowed while talking about something she was passionate about. “You seem comfortable with it. The splitting was really cool, I wasn’t expecting it at all!” He replied excitedly, “Get with Arcanos?” He repeated in a question, “He has two wives now, and there’s no talk of a husband.” Arak mused, putting out loud his internal thoughts, “As long as it’s what he wants I can’t say anything against it.” Arak said with a shrug, he had grown up with the concept of polygamy being part of his normal life. So Voss being after the affections of Arcanos wasn’t something he saw as a bad thing, as long as it was Voss’ choice and desire he’d support him. Though Arak himself only wanted to be with one person and she was next to him.

He gave a sheepish expression at her mentioning his text, “I just wanted to sa…”His words immediately stopped when she plopped into his lap. His hands instinctively gripping her hips. Though he didn’t suffer any lasting wounds he did have some soreness from being pushed and rolling along the ground, but he didn’t care about the pain her weight caused, she was worth dealing with it. Arak leaned into her kiss, greedily kissing her back. He had missed this, missed them, missed her, and he was showing it by how desperately he kissed her.

Arak pulled back, still feeling the bolts of excitement coursing through him as if still tasting her lips, his hand went up and cupped Nash’s face, “Thank you for saving me. I’m sorry if I made you worry too much with my text.” He said softly as he gazed affectionately at the woman he loved. He leaned back in to kiss her, not able to get enough of her. He kissed along her face down to her neck, “I…missed…” He breathed in between kisses. His arms pulling her closer as he kissed her.
