Sith Order Independent Glade The High Born


SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2022
Reaction score

Glade The High Born​

NAME: Glade The High Born
FACTION: Sith Order
RANK: Agent
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: 28
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 6 Foot 2 Inches
WEIGHT: 175 Pounds

White stripe along her lekku which covers the scars she gained after surviving an attack on a Jedi temple. Her eyes turned pink after learning from stolen jedi holocrons. Her face is fragile yet strong enough to define beauty. Her short height keeps her from gaining the attention of most lifeforms, yet her blue not red skin makes her stand apart from her family tree. Her eyes change color depending on her mood, usually orange; her eyes can turn a purplish pink.

Her light body allows her to move quicker than most dark force users. The ancient knowledge that she knows gives her a few advantages; her first advantage is called fear;, and the second is called true ability. Since she doesn’t use a lot of armor, her chances of being struck down are increased. Still with little to no armor, she can get around most places without having to worry about a thing. Her wit could actually get in the way of conversations, as her sense of being right could be her greatest downfall. The ones she look up to create tension in most places. She exceeded most of her studies, which allowed her attention from high Sith ranks, which could be an actual bad thing. She has never felt the true desire of love, which for most people hurts; but she feels strength.

Before her mother`s death she used to be so sweet. One’s true nature most would say, however one she saw her mother get murdered she turned cold. Once a jokester, she has become isolated like an introvert. She won’t allow a soul to witness her work, unless she truly wanted to. Feared for what she could know; she will not bow to intimidation; unless it was from her superior. Glade is an elegant person; her love for luxury could be seen from her casual appearance. Her sense of being right could create a better understanding, or a battle to the death. She doesn’t believe in hope, she believes in life; she believes in reality and what actually happened. She doesn't allow her curiosity to damage her reputation. Wilson usually is the type to be reserved unless comfortable around one. She can be cruel just to show that she isn't weak despite her size. Wilson is the type of person you would find bettering herself like combat, the force, arms, etc; She's a hard worker. Wilson usually could control her emotions and use them to her advantage.

Her name was Wilson and she lived a good life in Imperial space. At the age of 5, A man in a robe appeared in front of Wilson with his hand extened. "hello love. You'll be ok; come with me, let me show you something." He took Wilson by the hand and walked her to her mother’s corspe. Wilson began to cry, "This is what you do when you can't agree with people, not run. I go plans for you little one." Suddenly he wiped the tears from her face.
For 5 years Wilson trained in the force and lightsaber combat, before being sent on mission at the age of 10. Wilson had two goals at mind revenge, and finding Blue.

She was just an acolyte when she was sent on a mission. As the Jedi temple was being besieged by Sith, Glade was given one objective; steal what she could from the archives. She was found unconscious in rubble after an explosion sent the Jedi temple crashing. The records she held were recovered. After years of training, she finally became an assassin for the Sith and Imperial legion. She always wondered who set her up during the temple invasion; was it her master, was it an imperial, or was it a jealous Darth Lord;, she could only question herself. Her few quests are to find her cousin, avenge her mother’s death, and keep order.

Describe the skills that your character possesses, such as marksmanship, swordsmanship, medical knowledge, multilingual, technological expertise, piloting, jazz hands, etc. If the character is Force sensitive, describe the specializations and/or techniques in the Force that the character has learned, detailing the level of mastery of those techniques, along with the level of proficiency in lightsaber combat.

Force Lightning
Force Push
Force Impale
Force Grip
Force Bone Break
Force Mediation
Force Heal
Force Rage
Lightsaber Combat
Sword Combat
Gun Mastery
Galactic Basic Language

Galactic Translator
2x Vibro Dagger
1x Collapsible Vibro-Sword
1x Short Hand Lightsaber with a red crystal.
Sith Cloak
Sith Robes
DL-44 Heavy Blaster
A Journal of lessons within the force written by a former force user, whom was a jedi.

A white mask that would cover her face and tentacles. A red line would come along the side of her tentacles to the their base which the line would circle around the tentacles and end. If you looked at the mask you would see a mirror image of yourself along with a bar like a common assassin mask would have.(soon to gain)


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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She has wealthy imperial father, which allowed her to travel in a ship. Her bloodline keeps her safe in the game of betrayal.

Delta 7 Starfighter
MC-series Astromech Droid (Which Holds Ancient Archive Data ((Unknown To The Sith))



Dorox Tahal[Pawn]- Exile turned to pawn after a mission to enslave a village.


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