Going on an indefinite break!


SWRP Writer
Jun 27, 2015
Reaction score
Hey everyone!

Sorry for the out-of-the-blue notification for most people, but I'll be taking an indefinite break.

And before people are worried that I leave because of the drama surrounding Clove; I'm not. I've faced FAR worse in character dramas compared to this, so I'm not rage-quitting! I've been considering going on a break for a while now because I'm burnt out from writing, and my health has just been absolute ass which made writing even harder. I tried to give myself new things to focus on such as a new Jedi, the Star Guardians, but nothing stuck with me.

So that's why I've wrapped up Clove's current arc the moment I saw the opportunity to do so (perhaps a bit rushed, sorry for that). She'll be turned inactive, although in theory she ran off to a small planet to be surrounded with animals! To anybody who I still owe a reply on a thread; I'm super super super sorry. And I'm also sorry for anybody who was relying on Clove for anything like a character arc or something. But I've decided to prioritize my mental and physical health first and focus on picking up some bits of my life that I've dropped the half a year and such. I will stay on Discord though, cause you are all too great to let go! So I hope we can still hang out there!

As for the Star Guardians; if somebody wants to make a PC who's the next leader, let me know on Discord. If nobody steps forwards; I think SG either turns into an NPC organization until somebody /does/ step up, or until I return at some point. And I'll let you all decide how their influence IC goes based on that. No hard feelings if the SG vanishes into nothingness after all this!

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