Five Syndicates Halan Terrick


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Feb 13, 2012
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Baron Halan Terrick (born Vasp Ispar) was a wealthy arms dealer, who operated as a contract and information broker in the criminal underworld. Born into a family of core-world nobles, Halan had a tragic upbringing, being catapulted from the world of nannies, ski-ing holidays and other such refined pursuits, following his parent's tragic death in a yachting accident. Alone at such a young age, he was sent to an orphanage, and from there graduated into the Correllian Defence Force (CDF), after completing a degree in galactic political history, passing with flying colours. After spending nearly a decade in the CDFs intelligence division, the young Baron realised that there was simply far more money to be made, and power to be secured, as a 'freelancer' rather than working for a codebreaking cell within a planets intelligence services.

As such, at the age of around thirty, the young man headed off on his own, deleting records of his time with the CDF, and heading to some of the more unscrupulous fringes of the galaxy, where he set up as an information broker, arms dealer, and fixer for the various criminals of the galaxy. Operating as an 'Independent Intelligence & Security Agency', Halan had a very simple objective, to accumulate power and wealth, for himself, and his newfound organisation.

Personality & Traits

Halan Terrick could be summed up in one word: determination.

With an implacable iron will, and ambition that matched all but the galaxies most outlandish personalities, Halan channelled his aspirational sense of purpose into his work from a young age. Committing himself to be the best in his field, regardless of what that field was, he placed his work far ahead of his personal life, his family, friends and desires.

Halan often displayed a charming and polite side, which deftly concealed his ruthless and conniving mind. Regardless, he had a dominating personality, with a cold gaze and tone that enabled him to project confidence and a silent sense of control no matter where he was, or with whom. Having been raised in the upper-classes, he hid his weaknesses and emotions, rarely allowing either to show in public and consistently demanded excellence and perfection from those with whom he worked.

Whilst he made sure to appear calm, effective and pragmatic at all times, he was a sadistic and sociopathic individual through and through. Taking pleasure from seeing others fail, especially because of something he had done, as well as enjoying the hunt of the game for sport, Halan was a nasty individual.

Possessed of an effortless degree of self-confidence, he frequently dismissed 'lesser minds', and would often pause to gloat about his forthcoming victories when he stood within arms-reach of his final goal. Not one to take risks, which was useful in his specific line of work, Halan was nonetheless staggeringly arrogant and self-assured, and, whilst he almost always had a backup plan in case things went wrong, this was often his undoing.

Preferring to use the scalpel rather than the hammer, Halan was always seeking ways to resolve problems for his clients, or himself, in a way that attracted little to no attention, but still got the job done. Driven by the need for efficiency and strategic outcomes, he was a deeply determined opponent, often several steps ahead of the authorities, or others who would seek to undo his plans. Completely ruthless in his work, he had little regard for the lives of those affected by it, considering them to be lesser beings anyway; indeed, he was more than happy to terminate former acquaintances if they considered for the briefest moment, leaving his merry gang.

A man of simple personal tastes, he took little pleasure from the luxuries he could afford, and often only purchased them to maintain his public persona as a businessman.

By far his most noticeable personal trait was his immense intellectual capability. A philosopher, and a lover of classical music, his mind also found itself enticed by matters technological and biological, and he had a deep understanding of both. Able to communicate in basic, as well as to understand multiple droid languages, Huttese and Shyriiwook, he was an accomplished slicer and concocter of poisons.

An administrator of some considerable talent, he was driven by a desire for effective operation and efficiency. He was able to see the various possible outcomes of a given situation and to look at relationships from an emotionless, goal-driven standpoint. Because of this, he was not a person to trust others or form friendships and bonds. He saw personal relationships as something to be seen as a mutual alliance from which he could gain something.

He has a loth cat, called Breeso, who he loves deeply.


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