Invasion of Tunisia

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Aug 21, 2007
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A large fleet of fifteen battleships, thirty destroyers, and other cruisers and support craft the French Navy went through the Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of French soldiers and tons of equipment where on board the ships of the fleet. This was one of three large fleets France had assembled and they were now launching an invasion of the country of Tunisia, where the Tunisian government had attacked the French nearly four weeks earlier, and the country voted to go to war.

The fleet came upon the view of Tunisia, and troops were put into troop transports which brought them to shore. There, soldiers began searching for mines and enemy soldiers.

Staying on board the ship, the FRS Napoleon I, was Field Marshal Phillip Toschi looked at the assault from the ship's bow. So far so good, the Tunisians would pay for their attack and the death of noble French citizens.


SWRP Writer
Oct 19, 2007
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President Liu was shocked by this move. The French President was in the middle of a International confrence and he ordered the invasion of Tunisia. Although Tunisia and China are not close allies, it is one of the Major trading partners of China in the whole of North Africa, 4th Largest trading Partner in Africa behind Sudan, Zambia and Kenya. President Liu had to act, he is in the same room as his now new foe. He walked up to President Pierre, saying kindly, but firmly with a strong Chinese accent.

"Do you know what this means?" Not bothering if the Frenchman knew what he was referring to. "It means, the French Government has authorized a full scale assualt on a friend of the People's Republic of China, and should your troops not pull back within the next 48 hours, China would react to this as a case of war-mongering. Which means all French citizens currently in China will be detained, all French Compaines in China will be forced to close down, and Trade between both our Nations will come to a dead stop. Should France install a puppet Government or annex Tunisia as a state of France, China will react with a full scale invasion of Tunisia and possibly bomb Major French Cities in France and the invasion of French held Islands in the pasific and Indian oceans.
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Aug 21, 2007
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Pierre turned to Liu. "Friend, there is no need for hostilities between us. Tunisia launched a missile attack nearly several days ago, I am just reacting like any other French leader in the past would. My territories in the Pacific and Indian oceans will trade with you to make up for Tunisia. I wish to be your ally and not an adversary, monsieur.


Back on the Tunisian shore, French troops were advancing. The invasion was spread across nearly almost all of Tunisia's shore line. French troops came across villages and towns and met opposition. With better technology and with vehicles such as tanks, light armored carriers, and jeeps, the French were victorious. After coming one hundred miles south of the beach, they stopped and began setting up control over the conquered land, also having troops watching the Algerian and Libyan borders.

The troops then began occupying Tunisian villages as bases and set some up where there were no villages. The built temporary ammunition depots and places for vehicles. They killed any Tunisian wielding a weapon and used Tunisian able bodied men for labor. Some of the soldiers during their breaks played with the Tunisian kids, chasing them around and letting them wear their "paintbucket" helmets.
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