Jack Dyartes


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Sep 11, 2010
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"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a merchant seeking fine pearls, who having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it." - Matthew 13:45-46


Jack Dyartes

Captain of the Empire.... Jack Dyartes. Oooo, I like the sound of that. For the next several moments I am going to have your complete attention, savvy? That's right, you get to hear my entire life story; don't worry though, I'm not a geezer that likes to ramble on about myself as if I was anybody important. Instead, I'll tell you about myself and you can decide what to make of me. So pull up a chair, sit on your bum, grab some rum....heh, I rhymed...oh, and enjoy the tale.


I was born on Dantooine thirty-two years before the onset of Second Hutt War, and my family was anything but the ordinary farmer. They were quite the odd bunch, come to think of it. My father, Port Dyartes, was a smuggler in the employ of the notorious Black Sun pirates and would regularly run spice from Republic territories to the Outer Rim. My dear mum, Jacqueline Dyartes, from whom's name my own name is derived, stayed on homestead and raised me. Or should I say, attempted to raise me?

You see I had too much of my father in me, as criminal as he was. Oh sure, he broke the law, but he did so to put food on our table so he was alright in my eye. As a child I was almost always getting into trouble. Now that I think about it, if I wasn't in trouble, that in itself was usually a sign of trouble around our home. Despite mum's protests, my father took me along with him on many of his spice runs, and I got to experience the thrill of space.

My father even taught me how to fly a ship during these runs. Ultimate freedom; that is what space and flying a ship meant to me. It wasn't long before I was getting into more trouble than usual when I was home. Dantooine was a prison to me. One I had to escape. On my fifteenth birthday, I resolved that I would no longer accept bondage. I stowed away on a transport bound for the Republic, and finally escaped the shackles of Dantooine, and the shackles of my parents...


Before I continue my story, I must make it known to you that if I had ever known that the ship I'd stowed away on would take me to Coruscant, the very center of the Republic, I would've never picked that ship. I had no credits and Coruscant is a very expensive place to...uh, pick up residency. So I started doing jobs for the local swoop gangs. They payed well enough, and soon, I had my own apartment in the Lower City of the Galactic City, the sprawling planet-wide city that encompassed Coruscant.

I hated Coruscant more than Dantooine. Still do. For a boy who had been raised on a farm in the vast plains of Dantooine, the city life was at the very least, irritable. I picked up a habit of drinking there. Probably the only good thing that came out of my stay there too. Rum was the name of the beverage, and a heavenly beverage it is. I would drink to forget my troubles, like any other drunk in the cantinas at night. Sometimes I would drink it just to drink. Unfortunately, all the drinking I did drained my "funds" towards getting a ride off world.

At the age of seventeen, after two long and awful years on Coruscant, my business with the swoop gangs got me arrested. Contrary to what you're probably thinking, that was the best thing to happen to me. Because of my adolescence, they shipped me off-world to Anaxes to endure military boot camp. Eight long months I was on Anaxes, but I picked up some handy tricks in the process. Such as the ability to shoot a blaster, use a vibroblade, and I even learned more about piloting.

After my boot camp and subsequent release, I was able to catch ferry to Corulag to find work. It would take me until I was almost nineteen to find steady work. I found it in the form of the Corulag Trade Company (CTC), a merchant company that imported spices mined in the Mid and Outer Rims in exchange for Republic food, weapons, and other such goods. I found myself as a "first mate" of sorts to the captain aboard the CTC Good Will; a large cargo freighter on which I spent most of my time.


The Alsakan Crisis broke out not long after that. During one such conflict, the Good Will was attacked and boarded during an Alsakan raid. The captain was killed in the melee, but I managed to rally the crew and kill off the rest of the Alsakan invaders. I now had command of the Good Will, and so I brought it to nearby Grizmallt for repairs and such. It was there that I realized that I had a grand opportunity set before me, and luckily, I am an opportunistic individual. After repairs were done, I renamed the Good Will the Pearl of Freedom and fled into the Outer Rim; never again to serve the Republic. Instead, like my father before me, I chose the pirates life. A life a freedom..

The Outer Rim was a harsh place. Much of it hadn't yet been charted by the Republic. Diplomacy with the newly discovered Hutt Empire was failing, but it is within this Empire that I found my chance. Ryloth, a planet of the Empire and home to many Twi'lek. That is where I first found a job in piracy. Much of my life after that consisted of targeting Republic merchant vessels on the edge of the Empire's territory. This did not make my crew all that happy. You see, during one such venture, I found myself near Tatooine, when there was a terrible mutiny.

My most trusted men attacked me in my sleep, bound me in cuffs, stuffed me in an escape pod and jettisoned it, taking my beloved ship with them. They thought that'd be the last they'd see of me, but you don't get rid of Captain Jack Dyartes that easily, savvy?


The pod landed in the Dune Sea of Tatooine. Not the most pleasant of places to find yourself after a mutiny, I might add. Nothing but sand for miles around, perhaps a bantha or two would show up every now and then, but the worst part was the heat....and the Tuskens. I wandered aimlessly for what must've been a week. Some will tell you the heat is what caused me to go a bit bonkers, but I think I was bonkers long before this incident.

Eventually, dehydration got to me and I had run out of what stores of water I already had on my person from the pod. Luckily, though, I stumbled across a Jawa sandcrawler. I had no knowledge of their language, but they gave me food and water. Wait, did I say food? Please.... They might as well have given me bantha fodder. In fact...that very well may be what it was... Ick... Anyways, back on track! My peaceful moments with the Jawas didn't even last one standard day. Not. one. kriffin'. day.

The Sand People raided the sandcrawler and, with my luck, I managed to get myself knocked out and captured. You're probably sitting there wondering to yourself how I escaped the Sand People, eh? Well be bloody patient! I'm gettin' to it! The kriffin' Tuskens locked up in their compound and the next day I was brought before the chief. I was surprised when, instead of torturing me, they sat me in the chief's seat. I would later go on to find out that they thought me as some sort of deity after a story told by their clan scholar made them think I was the deity from that story, and they began to worship me.

Most people would like that. I didn't. Oh sure, it was marvelous at first. I got all the finest food, first picks from the hunts, and I was treated as a king among their people. They even began teaching me their language. That's when I learned that they were planning to "oust" me because their clan scholar had made a mistake in his story, something that got him "ousted" I might add. Now, being me, I don't particularly like the idea of being ousted, so I made plans to make my escape.

I'll spare you the details, but let's just say I thought I had given them the slip once I'd escaped the compound, but the tribe discovered my escape attempt and chased me into the desert. Screaming the whole why, I ran aimlessly amongst the dunes, the Tuskens in hot pursuit. Luck shined on me again when I saw a group of farmers on a small skiff had stopped to see what the commotion was about. Without waiting for their approval, I leaped on the skiff and bellowed at them to "Go!" and we took off, leaving the Sand People in our dust, literally.

They dropped me off in Anchorhead, the nearest spaceport, and I managed to barter my way off the planet. The Hutt HoloNet had several stories out on my ship, the Pearl of Freedom. Apparently my old treacherous crew had made quite a name for themselves. That's when I resolved to get my ship back. The Freedom was my ship, and I would not have it be making a name for itself without me at its captain. The First Hutt War was coming to an end around this time, which would make it easier for me to get around. I "commandeered" a ship on Nar Shaadda and set out to find my ship.


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Sep 11, 2010
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Jack Dyartes Part II, Dealing with Darkness

News had been coming in for weeks that the Freedom had changed its target priorities. Instead of attacking Republic merchants as it done under my command, it was reportedly now attacking targets in the newly christened Bogan Territory, where the Bogan Empire was forming. I stopped in every spaceport I could to hear news and rumors of the vessel. Some rumors had it that the ship had a new captain, one who had magic powers. I could only assume this meant a Dark Jedi. Before this, I had never met, nor seen a Jedi much less their evil counterparts. The thought of having to deal with one was...daunting, to say the least.

I ventured into Bogan territory, looking for any signs of my ship. Luck was on my side. The ship attacked a small merchant's space station near Korriban and I happened to be in the system. I was soon caught up in the battle, and my "commandeered" ship was damaged and boarded. You can imagine my horror when I was brought before the Freedom's new captain to find that he was a she, and that she was an ex-Dark Jedi of the Bogan; Alora was her name.

She only sought to humiliate me further, rather than kill me, taking me all the way back to Tatooine where she planned to leave me stranded once more. Ironically, Hutt authorities in the area intervened, disabled the Freedom and boarded. They were looking for me, since I had stolen a prominent merchant's ship back on Nar Shaadda and were searching every ship in that sector. Alora was only too happy to hand me over to them, but she used her "Force" powers to effect the authorities minds so that they would not arrest her or the crew for being pirates aboard the Freedom itself.

I was taken to the Hutt prison at the Vergesso Asteroids, but my stay there wasn't to be long. Two months passed, and the Freedom and her dark captain were beginning to become a thorn in the side of the Hutts and Bogan alike. I used this to barter my freedom, claiming no one knew how to fight the Freedom better than I. I got more than I had bargained for though. Checking my records, Hutt officials had learned of my military boot camp and piloting skills back during my teenage days and shanghaied me into service in the Hutt Navy.

Luckily, however, the ship I was stationed on, the Wrath, was assigned to hunting Alora and her ship full of pirates. We found them on the border of Hutt and Bogan space and engaged in a battle which saw my beloved Freedom almost reduced to scrap. Unfortunately for the crew of the Wrath, when Alora got desperate and boarded the ship, they were no match for her wicked mastery of the dark side and her bloodshine lightsaber.

Due to being a member of the crew, I had been issued a vibroblade made of Mandalorian iron before setting out, and so, my blade was strong enough to fight off her lightsaber. A short sword fight ensued, one that saw a scar put on my left cheek. However, I managed to drive her off. She retreated to the Freedom and managed to get it into hyperspace. With the captain of the Wrath dead from the battle, and my ship again gone, I took command of the Wrath and her crew and set off after Alora.

My search wouldn't be long. Because of the damage it had taken, the Freedom was put down on Denon, a pirate's haven, for repairs. I personally went down to Denon, found Alora and engaged her in one final battle. During the battle, I managed to impale her before she could use her wicked Force powers on me. She died rather violently, but I had at long last regained my ship.

My victory was short-lived, though. Almost immediately after setting off once more from Denon, the Hutt forces stopped my ship, boarded it, and imprisoned me. This time, however, I was visited by a commander of the Hutt Navy. While insubordination, which is what my actions with the Wrath had been considered, usually resulted in death, my killing of Alora and retaking of the Freedom had caused the Navy to reconsider my execution. Something I'm always giddy to hear about. In exchange for keeping my ship and my life, I would have to serve the Hutt Navy for the rest of my life.

I, reluctantly, agreed. Six months later, the Second Hutt War began, and, as luck would have it, I would get sucked into battle. I'm not sure the pirate's life has ever left me, nor will it ever. The Hutts, oddly enough, encourage acts of piracy, as long as it is against their enemies, rather than themselves, so I may not find my service in the navy so grueling in the end. In the end, I'll do whatever brings me the greatest feeling of freedom, but I have a feeling it will always be the pirate's life for me....
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Sep 11, 2010
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