Five Syndicates Jackson L. Samuel


SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2019
Reaction score

Jackson L. Samuel

Age: 33 - Factions: None - Force Sensitive: No


Jackson L. Samuel is the son of a wealthy family from Coruscant. He was brought up in privilege and never went a day without a roof over his head or a warm meal in his gut. He went to the good schools and made the right choices, and even married the perfect woman. After his marriage, he left for business school with an emphasis in corporate dealing and marketing. After his schooling, he hopped around the lesser known technology companies with jobs in Research & Development, asset market placement, and expansion dynamics. As he hopped he made a name for himself as an up and comer in the industry and even had a few holicrons written about him as the next big tech CEO.

He spent his last few years in a tech company that sold for 10 times the amount it was worth before he had arrived. Because of this success, he was awarded a very hefty bonus in which he spent on his wife and a new space yacht for the two of them.


Personality & Traits

A man of greatly refined, and expensive, tastes, Jackson is a man of idiosyncratic characteristics, from drinking and smoking, to exotic vehicles. His tastes were equally as decadent when it came to food, and he often ensured to wine and dine his business contacts at the restaurants and bars of the casinos throughout the Galaxy.

He was a casually confident almost cocky persona. His wife was of the purest bloodlines and beauty was unmatched in the galaxy, to him. There is nothing he would not do for her and he often made a point to spoil her on every chance he could. When it came to business, a shark is the best way to describe him. He smelled blood or credits in the water, he was out to make it happen, no matter who he had to cut on the way. He was proud of himself for the amount of fame and fortune he has gained as well as the eyes of many corporate head hunters.