Jedi Order Jon Callo


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Apr 18, 2015
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NameJon Callo
Age26 Galactic Standard Years
FactionJedi Order (Justicar)
RankLegacy Rank +1: Enforcer notoriety and skill
Force SensitiveYes



Son of Preef and Tumi Callo, Jon had a good peaceful childhood at the Belching Frog Ranch on Takodana. Although they lacked proper connection to HoloNet stations outside of the Tashtor Sector, Jon was quick to love the old ranger westerns. In the games he played with his father he was always the ranger that succesfully subdued notorious outlaws. Ranching was his life as he grew older, herding bantha and helping his father bring milk all the way to Andui.

As he grew older he started to notice the close eye the old Shistavenen Sector Ranger kept on Preef whenever they went to market. At first Jon loved that the Sector Ranger, just like in the movies, was spending so much time at their stall and even sometimes joined them for supper in the local cantina. Then he noticed how despite the familiarity the ranger's right hand never strayed far from his sidearm and that made him wonder.. neither Jon nor his dad had ever come to market armed, well, except for the rifle to keep wild beasts away.

Eventually his father, probably made curious due to the lack of information that reached the ranch, had asked about the Zaa Fenn and Jon had made the mistake to sneak off to a Holoterminal and search the name. What he found was..worrisome. His father had apparently once been a legendary quickdraw-artist and lead the most powerful gang in the galaxy before his apparently violent death.

Needless to say that his relationship with his father quickly detoriated. No longer did he see the kind rancher that was simply naturally gifted with a rifle, but an outlaw who crafted that skill by killing hundreds of good people. During the confrontation back at the Belching Frog Ranch something awakened in Jon that seemed to both surprise as frighten his father, who gave him his old peacemaker and told him to go and find his own way. Jon didn't know if it was a kindness or the old rodian's fear for his own child.. but he did leave and he wasn't sure whether or not he'd ever return.

Years later he did return. Having learned of and witnessed the many horrible acts of a galaxy eternally stuck in a wretched struggle between viciousness and deluded self-importance. He gave back his father's blaster and banished him from his homeworld to return to a wandering life while Jon -still a Sector Ranger- was determined to see law and order preserved on Takodana. A few years later the Jedi Order recruited him to help them in their pledge to protect not just Takodana, but the galaxy.​



As Sector Ranger
As Jedi Padawan

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