Jedi Order Judge Brahman


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score

_N A M E

_F A C T I O N

_R A N K

_S P E C I E S

_A G E

_G E N D E R

_H E I G H T

_W E I G H T
195 lb.

_B U I L D

_F O R C E


Brahman was born centuries ago on the Core World of Empress Teta. Progeny of two affluent Anzat immigrants, he had little to want. Their family were vassals to the elite House Es Cade, an affluent noble house on the planet. From a young age, Brahman found himself devoted to justice, eager to tell other children where he found their faults; especially bullying, which he suffered greatly in the beginning due to the appearance of barely growing up, slower than his peers. However, he was soon able to circumvent escorting his peers by skipping grades and entering university early. He studied law, eventually acquiring a license to practice law. For over two centuries, he served as a prosecutor, largely representative for House Es Cade, but also for other houses when his infamy spread into gossip circles.

When he was 257, Brahman was anointed as one of the lower court judges. Ever decades and centuries, he would continue to rise in the circuits. A century before the fall of the Jedi, he oversaw the case involving some Jedi and a Dark Sider, a member of the Krath Cult. Prior to this, Brahman had little interaction and understanding of the Jedi. However, in his research to better understand the case, he found himself adoring what the Jedi stood for. The Dark Side was the embodiment of what was wrong with the galaxy, and the Jedi ushered in opposition to this anarchy. Harsher than any case before, Judge Brahman ended the case with the cultist receiving major consequences for his actions. This would repeat as a crackdown began towards other members of the Krath cult. Judge Brahman continued to work alongside the Jedi, one of whom sensed the Force sensitivity in Brahman. Brahman knew he had a special connection to life, but had attributed it to being an Anzat. Brahman voiced interest in joining the Jedi, but was refused, stating he was too old.

Judge Brahman took the rejection in stride. He understood the Jedi had reason to stick with young children as recruits. His mindset was too ingrained, not easily molded into the facet needed to be a chevalier against the Dark Side. As such, Judge Brahman would spend his freetime exploring these unlocked abilities, though slow to master, being self-taught.

An Anzat has the ability to drink the lifeforce of a living being, their "soup". Judge Brahman rarely used this ability; typically, he would use them during executions of guilty parties of cases, as House Es Cade favored to sentence since they had a pet Anzat at hand. His first consumption of an outsider's Soup was when he was shy of his 550th birthday. A Krath cultist had approached him one evening after a night of drinks with some colleagues, seeking revenge for the judgments against his kin. The cultist had planned to murder Judge Brahman, to make him an example for any future cases against his brethren. However, the Dark Sider found himself blindsided when in a flash of panic, Brahman telekinetically slammed the cultist into the alleyway wall. Instincts flaring within, Brahman had finished his Soup before he realized what he had done. Sickened by his loss of control, he guiltily found himself pleased. He couldn't be a Jedi, but he had done the Force's work; he had, albeit only a small amount in the grand scheme of things, cleansed the Dark Side's corruption.

In the following decade, the Krath Cult was nearly extinguished by the courts (namely Judge Brahman) and an unknown vigilante. The Jedi sent a representative to investigate, but the Clone Wars broke out and the Jedi were repurposed for the war effort. Judge Brahman was insignificant in the Clone Wars, only preceding over the cases of a couple low-level Separatists. Judge Brahman entertained the idea of going after the evidently Dark Jedi Count Dooku, but knew he'd never get close, that he lacked the skill to go after such a powerful nexus of the Dark Side.

The Clone Wars had a tragic end, in the eyes of Judge Brahman. The Jedi were executed by the clones, supposedly bathing in treason. Judge Brahman refused to believe these lies; in his heart, he knew they were being framed, but there was little he could do for them. Instead, he aided where he could, namely pardoning several Antarian Rangers that were accused; alas, months later, they mysteriously died (Brahman was convinced the Empire was behind it). During the time of the Empire, multiple high-level Judges retired. A decade into the empire's reign, Judge Brahman was appointed to one of the ring-judges, one of 10 judges who held the highest judiciary office, holding prestige and influence to match minor noble houses. Judge Brahman was occasionally used as representative for Empress Teta's interests off-world. When word reached his ears of a rebellion, he silently wished them the Force's backing, but contributed nothing, viewing them as another group to be crushed by the empire. However, when whispers reached Judge Brahman about a Jedi in their ranks, a Luke Skywalker, Brahman held hope for the first time, that the Jedi could be overthrown.

Brahman's wishes were met, when at the Battle of Endor the Emperor was slain and the Empire cried its swan song. In the following decades, Judge Brahman was active in the New Republic, representing Empress Teta occasionally. A few times, he was called in to precede over a case or two. Everything seemed like it was going magically. Judge Brahman even entertained the idea of trying to join the Jedi again. However, like with the old Jedi Order, tragedy struck. News leaked that the fledgling Jedi Order lay in ruins and Skywalker was missing. Judge Brahman drowned himself in his work, eventually observing the Resistance as he once had the Rebellion. However, having been disappointed by what had eventually come, he initially held little hope in the rumors of some new Force user named Ray.

A decade after the Battle of Exegol, Judge Brahman let his hope reignite and approached the Jedi, seeking to join their ranks. This time, he was accepted into the fold. Retaining his post with Empress Teta, Brahman's work with the Jedi was limited. However, he did aid in operations where he could, specifically targeting those dabbling in the Dark Side. When the Sith Eternal announced their declaration of war, Judge Brahman was enraged; the Sith would not be allowed to reestablish once more! Judge Brahman actively signed up for several operations against Sith and their allies, slaying them when found, drinking their power. With more power, he'd be able to defeat the more powerful Dark Siders. No more would he cower away from the Count Dookus of the galaxy. The Sith would learn what it meant to cross Judge Brahman. What it meant to cross a Jedi.
Judge Brahman is religiously zealot to the cause of the Jedi, seeking to end the threat of the Sith Eternal and what they represent. Generally a stickler of the rules, his devotion to the Jedi has led him to accept bending the law to favor the Jedi when needed. The rule of the Empire awakened a reality that the law is what matters, and must be recognized for its value to the citizens, not the benefit of the lawmakers. Due to his conflicted nature and work ethic, he has not been able to make a name for himself or earn the respect of the Council to deem him worthy to hold the title of Master.

A calm man in public, he emits a professional manner to outsiders, willing to shed this posterior to those he favors or Jedi in general. However, this politeness is discarded in the face of the Sith; though he will seek somewhat peaceful resolutions with common criminals, he finds lax resolutions to matters with the Sith grievous and sinful, as the Sith have demonstrated giving them any quarter can be lethal.

Judge Brahman is a licensed and practicing lawyer and judge, having served in both capacities (separately) in matters relating to the Jedi in recent decades. Still holding the rank of ring-judge, Judge Brahman holds a diplomatic office for Empress Teta, though his influence with the noble houses has eroded due to decades spent more with the Jedi, even ruling against a minor noble house in a case between that house and a Jedi Knight.

Judge Brahman's lightsaber combat is average, having only a few decades' time of practice. His skill as a Jedi, however, comes with the Force. Proficient in telekinesis, originally self-taught, formal training has improved his skill. In the last decade, he has explored more in the mental arts, to persuade using the Force to acquire confessions or ease his mission against the Dark Siders.

His deviation from usual Jedi practices originates from his Anzat nature. Naturally Anzat have the ability to drink a person's Soup. In the last year, Judge Brahman began exploring ways of using the Force to drink an individual's life without direct contact. He can drain an individual's stamina, over time, but has yet to completely attain the consumption of Soup using solely the Force. With his blind devotion to the Jedi, the epiphany that this ability to drain life from others originating from a Dark Side ability has never crossed his mind.


  • Yellow-bladed lightsaber
  • Phrik Vibroknife
  • Generic blaster
  • Comlink
  • Datapad
  • Medic-grade Medpack
  • Personal starship (TBD)

