Kayenta's Workshop

Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score
For Character work and formatting issues. Please do not reply. But feel free to pm cause feedback is great!

Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score
Talik Kru

Broken Name: Talik Kru [fate’s stone]

Birth Name: Talik’ru [ mountainous destiny]

Age: 29 years, born 471 ABC

Gender: Female

Species: Lethan Twi’lek

Homeworld: Ryloth

Faction: Imperial Republica

Role: Sith Infiltrator, Diplomatic Attaché

Rank: 1

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 150 lbs

Skin Colour: Pale Red with black tattoos

Eye Colour: Amber

Force Sensitive: Yes

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Standing at 5' 10" in height, Talik'ru carries herself with the grace of a dancer, though it is inadvisable to request such from her. Hard labor has given her an athletic build which she maintains through continued rigorous training. Of Lethan stock, her complexion carries the red hues of her lineage. Her lekku extend from the back of her skull and are adorned with black tattoos in sickle-like arcs along their length. This pattern is continued in sweeping arcs that rise along her jawline like the talons of some beast. Amber eyes add to the eeriness of her penetrating gaze. While her attire largely consists of long skirts and crop tops, choosing not to wear any adornments about her lekku, she has been known to don more decorative attire upon formal occasions.


Strength – 6/10
Dexterity – 9/10
Constitution – 6/10
Intelligence – 7/10
Wisdom - 5/10
Charisma – 8/10


Distrusting of most but especially those of other races. A bit Xenophobic, the opinionated Twil'ek is often stubborn and bullheaded once she gets a notion. Impulsive, quick to take offense, she fights hard not to be lead around by her emotions. It is a constant struggle balancing reason and passion and if balked in one avenue to her goals she will contrive another means. Rarely does she let go of her chosen path despite how long it may take to achieve.



Born into the lowest levels of Kala’uun, Talik’ru grew up in a large family with herself being the only daughter. The family made their living from raising Rycrit then selling the meat and hides in the markets above. Being female didn’t spare her the physical labor as she was expected to work as hard as her brothers.

At times she participated in family hunting trips to add wild game to their trade, and as such she was trained in the use of the Lyaer'tsa, a Twi’leki spear tipped with a vibroblade, as well as tracking and survival skills needed for the harsh environment on Ryloth. These trips were treats for the young Twi'lek who often pitted her skills against those of her siblings in friendly competition.

Despite their hard work, which was but part of the extended family's ventures, the family business was a struggling one. Her father raised the meat but it was his brother who ran the markets in the levels above. While there were plenty of hands on their end of the business, her Aunt had given her uncle no children and all the labors fell to just the two of them. It came to the point that when she was 15 years of age she was fostered to her uncle in the upper levels to work the market. He would get the extra hand he needed and she would be provided an education. Despite the opportunity she was given, one her brother's would never receive, she protested quite vocally.

The ‘education’ went badly as by then her ideas about her role in life didn’t include catering to some slave master and she staunchly refused to be schooled as such. Asking her to dance was likely to earn the querent a knife in the back. Stubbornness won out, though her aunt complained loudly that were she properly trained she would fetch a good price, her uncle was not prepared to stoop to such measure in order to secure the family business. Thus she was trained for running the business. Talik'ru excelled at her studies learning all she could about their trade and by age 17 she was managing the establishment and turning a good profit for the family, both her uncle’s and her own.

Lower level defenses gone bad. Family member deaths by Lylek attack on Rycrit herd. It’s poison tail stinger pinned her father down while her brothers were torn to shreds trying to save him. Uncle takes in her mother and little brothers while inheriting the Rycrit herds as guardian for his minor nephews.

Drama erupted between the female members of the household, her Aunt certain that Talik’ru’s mother was trying to steal her husband and her treatment turned cruel. Her mother refused to allow Talik’ru to confront the woman or complain to her uncle reminding her that it was this woman’s good will alone that kept them from being thrown out into the street. At all costs they must not get on her bad side.

During her 20th year, things came to a head between the women. Her aunt gave evidence to have her mother arrested for a crime she did not commit and Talik’ru flew into a rage. Years of biting her tongue and being subservient to the woman escaped without her mother there to rein her in and she attacked. The blow she struck to the woman’s face with her fist was nominal at best, however her Aunt fell upon the edge of the hearthstone taking a fatal blow to the head. Talik’ru fled and never looked back sure that the woman’s poison tongue in her uncle’s ear made sticking around to explain pretty pointless; her name was broken and she became Talik Kru.

Made her way to the spaceport above along with a delivery of goods going to an off world customer. Any oddity about her presence was smoothed over by impressing upon the crew the importance of the client and hence the added personal touch of a family member’s attendance. Forces were waiting for them at their destination to arrest and take her into custody. Certainly not the best thought out plan.

Sentenced to death, her Uncle plead for mercy at the last moment and so she was sold into slavery her price going to him to pay back a life for a life. On the auction block she was nearly purchased by a proxy for some mysterious buyer but was out bid by a Togruta man. It was to be the first time she had knowingly met one of the Sith.

The man’s name was Sobrosh Res and it was through him that she became aware of her sensitivity to the force. The training was hard but it spoke to her inner nature more readily than had all her mother’s words about being meek and small. Through his tutelage she began to explore where her greatest talents lay and how to improve upon her weaknesses.

She spent one year on Shili with her master studying the force, the local customs, and his philosophy of being one with nature until once again her whole life was changed. An assassin arrived killing her master and making short work of her efforts to kill him, the man ended up locking a shock collar on her neck and once more she was captive to the will of another. This time the relationship between master and slave would not turn out so amicably.

Soren Misu [aka Allerius], a member of some high ranking people from who knew where, told the most outrageous lies. He said her Master was a traitor to the Imperial Republica and as his apprentice that made her a traitor too. Then he enrolled her in an Academy, lied to them about buying her at a slave market and training her himself before finally bringing her to enroll. His threats to have her executed as a traitor if she revealed the truth kept her mouth shut, so while she endured her captivity she planned to learn everything she could so that one day she could cut him down.

Her stubbornness often got in the way of her studies,especially since her course track seemed to be predetermined. and she spent eight years in training before finally graduating. Currently, at age 29, she awaits her first assignment at the Imperial Intelligence HQ.




Average Lightsaber combatant
Average Marksmanship - hold-out blasters, ship's lazer cannon
Average Pilot – Crux-Class Starfighter
Languages - Galactic Basic Standard, Twi’leki, Togruti, Sith


Force Lightning - Average
Telekinesis - Poor
Force Stealth - Expert
Force Sense - Average
Precog - Average
Force drain - Expert


1 main arm - Lightsaber
2 side arms - hold-out blasters
1 melee - [ unused slot ]
Light Armour: Sith Marauder Armor
Ship - Crux-Class Star Fighter
Imperial Intelligence Datapad


Sobrosh Res - Former master, the Togruta was slain by Allerius Katress. [NPC/ Deceased]

Allerius Katress - This SOB killed her master, took her prisoner, lied his butt off to put her into an Academy on Coruscant, and threatens to implicate her as a traitor to the Republica to ensure her silence. She awaits the day when she can kill him.[/fancybox4]


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    Currently Talik Kru has completed her training at the Academy on Coruscant and has been assigned to Sith Intelligence Corps. On her way to HQ, she will receive her first assignment and find out who her partner is to be.
  • rp

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score

Name: Ner’Giza [ Stiletto ]

Age: 32 years, born 468 ABC

Species: Rutian, Twi’lek

Gender: Female

Species: Rutian Twi’lek

Homeworld: Ryloth

Faction: Galactic Alliance

Rank: Rebel

Role: Smuggler

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 160 lbs

Skin Colour: Blue

Eye Colour: Amber

Force Sensitive: Yes, unaware

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance: Ner'Giza is failry average in size and height for her species being 5' 10" and 160 pounds. Training in dance in her earlier years gave her grace, strength, and her slender physique which she later honed through martial training. Her headwrap is unadorned made from Rycrit hide while strips of leather wind about her lekku. Amber color eyes peer out over a well defined mouth which is prone to breaking out into frequent laughter. Comfort is the key phrase when it comes to her attire and for Ner'Giza that means a good pair of supple knee boots, form fitting trousers beneath the drape of a loin cloth and whatever halter top happens to be clean at the moment.



Strength: 7/10
Dexterity: 9/10
Stamina: 6/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Charisma: 8/10

PERSONALITY: A hard working individual, she can be a bit impulsive at times, seeing the immediate needs rather than thinking in terms of the long run. While she is fond of her solitude, not from social awkwardness but more so a need for her own sense of peace, she is also something of a practical joker.

If life has taught her anything is that it is just as easy to laugh as it is to cry. While laughter is to be shared, she believes that her tears are private and she is not apt to share such things with others. Mostly hiding behind a sense of humor, she does have quite the temper whose release is often followed by remorse. Her tendency toward quick action, going in fast and striking hard has served her well enough so far...

Motivated by her need to effect change for her people, her passionate nature has been focused toward supporting the rebellion. Trained to follow and obey the conventions set out by the traditions of her enslaved people, her independent nature found much there against which to rebel. She finds no contentment in the status quo and this restlessness is sure to carry her deep into precarious grounds.




Ner’Giza spent the first 14 years of her life with her parents, Ila’Nerca and Shiri’Nerc in the city of Kala’uun. Her education consisted of everything she would need to be a good slave to whoever her father decided to sell her to; naturally this included dance among other methods to become the most alluring of slaves and fetch a good price. Her father’s brother, Taln’erca was against this practice claiming that his brother was afflicted with the Brightsickness and not thinking straight. Such was not the case, but tempers often ran high between the brothers. While her father was an acquiescent product of generations of slave mentality, and despite being born of the Sesk’kesva, merchant class, ever eager to secure their financial means. Her uncle was of a more rebellious nature and turned his hand to smuggling.

The sale turned into a double cross, the slavers capturing her parents rather than pay the sum of one dancing girl and would have made off with everyone were it not for her uncle’s interference. She was never quite sure how he happened to be there, in the right place at the right time and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. It was not like she could go back in time and warn her parents of his suspected duplicity. Surely the sibling feud did not run so deep as to include arranging for her parent’s capture and sale leaving her uncle with custody of his niece. It didn’t matter for that night her life completely changed forever.

Instead of spending her life ‘under contract’ to one of the Hutt, she was indoctrinated into the mentality of resistance. No longer did her days consist of dancing and appealing to the baser desires of a master, but hand to hand combat and the art of deception. Moving from Kala’uun to her uncle’s place in Lessu, which had the distinction of being situated at the end point of the Death Wind Corridor, she was soon absorbed into a small resistance faction under the mentorship of her uncle.

Her father had been so conciliatory, always acting in a placating manner, and never causing waves. Faced with a whole universe of possibilities, a sense of pride in who her people were and what they could be began to grow in the teen. Ner’Giza would never be content to just ‘ride out the storm’ again. No, she wanted to be the storm.

Uncle Taln’erca’s role in the resistance revolved heavily around smuggling. It was a battle worth fighting, the right to determine free trade, or at least this is what he always told her as he was showing her the ins and outs of the lifestyle. While she knew that their small movement needed to have funding from somewhere it seemed to be lacking in the sort of convictions for which she was searching. To Ner-Giza, his means of survival was no different than that of her father.

Taln’erca’s view of the goals of a rebellion might be at odds with her own, but he was never stinting in seeing that she had every advantage. Once it was discovered she had an aptitude for flying, he made certain she received training from some of the veteran pilots the tiny rebel cell had to offer. While her new skill set would secure her place with the smuggler’s, it was the freedom it brought that made her feel alive. Determined to acquire her own ship one day, she flew the runs that were assigned saving all the funds she could hide away.

Not long after she reached her goal that she ran into her future partner, Aurelian Keth. It was one of those right time and place kind of moments, with his extra set of hands jumping in to help her load her cargo. It didn’t help much that they were being shot at by some double crossing gun runners; otherwise she might have been a little more discriminating in throwing in with a complete stranger. As it turned out the Human was not all that hard to convince to team up with her on the ship, The Tempest Hunter. She spun tales of their future exploits together, he helped trade the ‘rescued guns’ for some Empire contraband, while they made the delivery to some struggling folks on Ryloth. She liked to call it judicious redistribution of goods. Recalling that day, the best part was the look on his face when he found out the cargo had been guns! It had teased her sense of humor to keep hidden her true purpose from the man.

Expanding into making supply runs for other cells, they began to maneuver their way into the broader resistance against the Empire.




Average Survival, Hunting
Excellent Athletics
Excellent Marksmanship -blasters, rifles, ship's lazer cannons
Excellent Melee - Lyaer'tsa
Questionable Demolition - you press the button it goes off, right?
Languages - Huttese, Galactic Basic, Twi'leki/Rhyl
Average Dance
Average Singing
Average Blackmarket
Poor Mechanical - droid dependent, KLT - fix it, fix it, fix it!



1 main arm - Vorantikus Blaster Rifle
2 side arms - Guardian Hold Out Blasters
1 melee - Lyaer'tsa
4 grenades -
Medium Armour - Ranger Scout Armour
Ship - Mynock-Series Freighter
Droid - KLT-Series Astromech Droid


Taln'erca - uncle who took her in, brought her into a small smuggling and resistance cell. [ NPC ]

Aurelian Keth - A scholarly man, he is Ner'Giza's partner aboard The Tempest Hunter. His thoughtful approach provides a nice counter to her impulsive ways.



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    Up until now Ner'Giza and her partner Aurelian Keth, have been aboard The Tempest Hunter running missions within a minor rebel cell based at the end of the Death Wind Corridor, in Lessu on Ryloth. Their desire to become part of the greater Alliance prompts them to leave for Savareen by way of the Corelian Run.

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score




Open Market
Twi'leki Historical Weapon, usually homemade and/or inherited

Overall Length: 74 Inches
Blade Length: 19 Inches
Blade Width: 3.5 Inches
Handle Length: 48 Inches
Haft Diameter: 1 inch

2.5 kg

durasteel with cortosis weave finish on spear head, Rycrit horn with phrik coating the haft.


Melee - meant for wounding, not killing




A spear comprised of durasteel and cortoise weave to eliminate electrocution to the user from electrical weaponry and to prevent the power cell and generator from exploding. The cortoise weave is especially effective against Lightsabers in that it deactivates them after coming into contact. A vibrosword forms the tip of the spear as per Twi'leki design. The compact ultrasonic generator is located in the tip of the haft where the blade is attached. Light saber resistant. While this ultra sonic weapon increases the cutting effectiveness of the spear tip, it is not designed to kill but merely injure. The phrik coating upon the haft provides similar protection as the cortoise weave upon the spear tip.


Generic Tech, Reskinned Vibroblade pertinent to Twi'leki heritage


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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score

Doz Noth's Lightsaber

Republic/Hutts/Open Market, etc

Name of manufactuer

Rough dimensions

In kg

Wood/durasteel/chromium, etc
Blaster/Pulse Wave/Slugthrower/Melee


Shots per power pack

Semi Automatic/Burst/Automatic

In meters

Describe your weapon in more detail here. What features does it have? Does it have a scope, a folding stock, or a grenade launcher? Is it modular or have self-repair features? Who was it designed for? What's your weapon's purpose? If it's a melee weapon, is it lightsaber resistant, and does it have any unusual properties? You can only use features you've written down and had approved, so include everything you intend to use. What makes this different from other, similar tech?

Legal? Illegal? Restricted? Describe any nuances on the legality of your weapon to own and carry in different places around the galaxy. Pulse Wave and most Slugthrower weapons are banned in many places, just like disruptors would be in the future, whereas simple stun pistols would be legal on all but the most extremely pacifistic worlds. Portable missile launchers and such are likely illegal in much of the Core, but whipcord launchers and other non lethal devices would be considered humane and legal. Basically, what happens if you get caught by the authorities with this?

Why? Why did you create this? No, seriously. Weapons are judged with greater scrutiny than other tech. Guns in Star Wars go "pew pew" and burn your opponent, that's pretty much all you need to know. If you're submitting a weapon for approval, it needs to be pretty exotic or special. And remember, slugthrowers in Star Wars will never be as damaging as blasters, nor will the rounds travel as fast. No exceptions. Ever. Does that break RL physics? Yes, but SW rarely uses RL physics. This will influence any ruling made on your technology, so please explain at length what your intentions are. If this is generic tech, you can omit this section.

YES/NO. Advanced tech requires an approved plot to build, steal, buy, or otherwise obtain. Most unusual or above average technologies should fit into this category. Also include any other special notes about acquisition, if possible. How might one obtain this tech?

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score


Ranger Armour is designed to fulfill the needs of many hyperspace explorers and planetary surveyors, along with the occasional bounty hunter and military scout, who anticipate a little bit of trouble along the way. The simple and durable base system and the roomy helmet made it quite easily adapted for her Twi'leki physiognomy. This design simplicity, along with its affordability, means it is most commonly found in use among pioneering scout and exploration services in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions, where its features are most useful. The armor consists of an abrasion and tear resistant body suit topped with protective duraplast plates. It is capped with a helmet which seals the bodysuit around the neck. The body suit is sealed and insulated, which regulates the wearers body temperature in harsh environments and provides some protection against atmospheric contaminants, but it does not protect against extreme heat or cold for extended periods and is not rated for vacuum exposure. The suit is water resistant, but full immersion is not recommended. Most models come equipped with a weather resistant poncho (available in a variety of colors) as a bonus.


Ranger Armor is primarily used as an environmental protection unit and explorers outfit, despite its secondary popularity with bounty hunters and military personnel, and is legal for wear in most systems.


Meeting tech requ's. Reskinned Ranger Scout Armour gen-tech.


Type and Coverage

Type: Medium

  • Head: A full coverage duraplast helmet with transparisteel t-visor
  • Torso: Duraplast upper torso plate
  • Back: Duraplast upper back plating
  • Lower Arms: Duraplast gauntlets
  • Lower Legs: Armored Boots with duraplast shin and calf plating, and knee pads


Function 1: Scout HUD
  • Scout HUD - Contains a 4x magnifier and Compass.
Function 2: Survival HUD
  • Reads atmosphere composition and detects toxins.
Function 3: Environment Suit
  • While it is not rated for extended exposure to extreme hazards, this body suit (when combined with an enclosed helmet) can protect the wearers body from the effects of environmental and weaponized toxins and similar hazards for up to 5 posting rounds.
Function 4: Filter
  • Filters are bulky attachments to a helmet or function as part of a mask, and filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most airborne toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances (like acid clouds) and are sensitive to damage (like being crushed)..

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score



Mynock-Series Freighter

Free use.

Republic Fleet Systems.

Light freighter.

Cargo transport.

Durasteel and transparisteel.

Length - 30 meters.

1 minimum, 2 optimum.


20 standard tons.


1 standard month.

An Mynock-series freighter with stock specifications can reach 70 MGLT maximum acceleration, and has decent maneuvering characteristics.

  • 1x aft dual light laser ball turret.


Republic Fleet Systems, at one time one of the Galaxy's most prolific warship manufacturers, has been reduced to a shadow of its former self over the last 5 centuries. Since the Sith takeover of the Galactic Republic, the company's special relationship with the government has effectively ended, being supplanted by the Sith-backed Imperial Fleet Works corporation. Republic Fleet Systems has nevertheless managed to stay in business, primarily by transferring most of it marketing and product development to commercial sales rather than military. Due to its status as a remnant of the old Republic era, and the use some of its products have been put to by less reputable elements of the spacer community, the company has acquired something of a "bad boy" reputation.

One of the company's better known civilian offerings is the Mynock-series freighter, a fast cargo transport which has become a staple of courier services and smugglers alike. 30 meters in length, it can carry up to 20 standard tons of cargo and can achieve a stock top speed of about 70 MGLT, not enough to outrun most starfighters but still impressive. It can nominally be operated by a single pilot, but a copilot is required to do things like operate the ship's defensive ball turret, which is located at the rear of the ship to better fend off pursuing vessels. The Mynock can carry up to 4 passengers in addition to the crew.

The Mynock is renowned for its speed and versatility, being the freighter of choice for hot-shot pilots the Galaxy over. As mentioned, it is popular with courier services transporting small amounts of high-value cargo, and with smugglers moving the same sort of thing. The type is often modified by the latter group, and customized Mynocks are a common sight in and around less reputable spaceports.

Legal. Mynock-class freighters are a common sight across the Galaxy, and they are considered innocuous enough in most systems. Customized examples may draw slightly more scrutiny from authorities, however.

To meet Gen-tech requirements and provide a place to record modifications to Ner'Giza's ship.

No. Mynock-class freighters are fairly common, and would be simple to buy, steal or otherwise acquire.

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score

Talik Kru's Armor

Given to her by Allerius Katriss upon the day of her graduation, it provides utility and style for an air of militaristic authority that ornate armor helps reinforce. The basic form of this armor consists of a customized dueling mask, along with phrik coated gloves- useful for any duel involving lightsabers. The rest of the ensemble includes a high quality cloak and hood in a style popular among the Imperial court.


As much fashion statement as armor, protection in this style is legal almost everywhere.


To serve tech requirement for Talik's armour


Type and Coverage

Type: Light

  • Torso: Duraplast plating covering mid and upper torso
  • Back: Duraplast plating covering mid and upper back
  • Lower Arms: 500 Dueling Gloves

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score
"Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the weak. The Dark Side is about survival. It's about unleashing your inner power. It glorifies the strength of the individual. "
~ Rule of Two

Doz Noth

Name: Doz Noth
Homeworld: Iridonia
Age: 22 years
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Female

Faction: Old Empire
Rank: Sith Acolyte
Occupation: Medical intern
Force Sensitive: Yes
Level: 1

Height: 180 cm
Weight: 64.8 kg
Hair Colour: Brunette
Eye Colour: Yellow
Skin Colour: Red with black Sith tattoos

Double-bladed Lightsaber
Zhaboka - Iridonian double bladed sword
Blastech DH-7 Pistol
Sith Marauder Armour
Crux-class Starfighter
KLT-48X (Tax)
NV5 Personav
TDS-1100 Portable Computer
DTX-1480 Infomaster
Signal Tracer

Standing at 180 cm, the Zabrak moves with confidence in her physical abilities. Her most striking features are without a doubt the horns running down the mid of middle line of her skull with single horns to either side of her head near her temples, as well as her red complexion baring the black tattoos of the Sith. Yellow eyes seem to hint of an inner fire with the woman, who carries her head with the slight upward angle of pride.


Strength – 7/10
Dexterity – 9/10
Constitution – 9/10
Intelligence – 7/10
Wisdom - 6/10
Charisma – 7/10


Proud and somewhat arrogant in demeanor, she is never boastful but only makes claims that she has the ability to back up. This again is just part of her sense of pride and her way of giving honor to her family’s name. Socially she is reserved, prefering to observe others due to the sheltered existence of her early tutoring at home. While exhibiting a keen sense of curiosity, it is directed more toward the sciences rather than a need to rebel against authority.

Endowed with a competitive spirit, she pushes herself to the limits in everything she does, physically, mentally, and academically. She had confidence in her skills, knowing what she is capable, and yet a fear lives inside her that she is unable to name or fully confront. Seldom rude or vulgar, she doesn’t really understand the preoccupation that other seem to derive from indulging in one’s baser instincts.



Born into a moderately wealthy family on the Independent Planet of Iridonia, she was raised in a traditional household. A proud and self reliant people, she was not pampered and sheltered from the harsh realities of life but expected to be stand on her own. The wealth of her parents was not her own, though her parents used it to further her chances for a prosperous life hiring tutors and eventually enrolling her at University. Steeped in the traditions of her clan, she could only bring true honor through her own successes.

Her early education consisted of both physical and intellectual pursuits with long hours dedicated to both. She began showing an aptitude for Biology at an early age. While the private tutors were engaged for her academics her father oversaw her martial training personally. It was a matter of pride that she learn the family techniques of combat and despite his busy life as a Military Strategist for the Iridonian government, he refused to entrust this important aspect of his daughter’s future to another.

Upon reaching the age of thirteen, and the sprouting of her ridge of horns, she endured a rigorous test in survival in the bleak wilderness of Iridonia. With only the clothes on her back she lived primitively for a month before returning. Nightmares plagued her during her last week in the bush growing in intensity with every passing night. Returning home she shared the dreams with her mother who told her not to mention them to another soul. Only her mother’s obvious fear made her stop questioning the command and she hid the dreams lest they be seen as a sign of cowardice. The whole thing was confusing and part of her would always question her mother’s need for secrecy. During the rite of passage she was marked with the traditional tattoos of clan Noth, the water guardians.

When she was fifteen, under the advice of her tutors, she was enrolled at University where she prepared for medical school. She planned to become a Physician and somewhat following her father in a military career, but during her second year a visit from her father changed everything. Certain that something was bothering his wife, she finally shared the knowledge about their daughter’s dreams.

Her father had brought a stranger with him, an old friend from his youth, who tested her determining she was indeed force sensitive. Explaining the dangers she faced, she agreed to accompany the man to Korriban where she would enter the academy and begin her force training. She took well to the doctrine of self reliance, for it fit well within her cultural upbringing, but it was the part about family being unimportant in which she struggled.

Slowly throughout her training the lies were stripped away as she was forced to confront the truth of why she had been sent away, not because her parents wished her to master her power but because they feared what she would become. The lie caused a deep wound and seemed like a betrayal of everything she had been raised to believe. Knowing her parents for the hypocrites they really were, she determined to use her power to grow in strength.

As the years progressed she worked to obtain her degree in Neuroscience but her Sith training always took precedence. Having graduated to become an Acolyte of the Sith, she seeks out one of the Zabrak instructors to overlay her clan tattoos in the style of the sith. Obscuring the mark of her clan in favor of her new identity, one not so naive and trusting, she embarks on her new role as an Acolyte of the Sith.[/fancybox2]


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    Having graduated from the Academy on Korriban, Doz Noth embarks on her new life as an Acolyte fo the Sith in the Old Empire.

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score

Doz Noth's Armour

Doz Noth’s armour provides her with the versatility of being both appropriate to her status as one of the Sith while providing her with the functionality she requires. In her chosen field the air of ‘militaristic authority’ cast by ‘ornate armor’ creates her desired impression.

The basic form of this armor consists of her officer’s uniform without insignia, sector markings, and regional command colors. A long loin cloth drapes down in the front and back providing the illusion of feminine attire without sacrificing mobility with a skirt. Overlaying this the form fitting chest and back plates are comprised of duraplast. Dueling gloves that cover her lower arms with a high quality cloak and hood in a style popular among the Imperial court to complete the ensemble.


As much fashion statement as armor, protection in this style is legal almost everywhere though its distinctive Sith appearance is likely to make Doz unwelcome in certain inferior sectors of the galaxy.


To provide custom set of light armour for Doz Noth.


Type and Coverage

Type: Light

  • Torso: Duraplast plating covering mid and upper torso
  • Back: Duraplast plating covering mid and upper back
  • Lower Arms: 500 Dueling Gloves

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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Talik Kru's Dueling Mask

While the days of Sith Lords and Jedi scum crossing blades is long passed, many Sith still cross blades amongst their own brothers and sisters, and even more like to maintain an air of militaristic authority that ornate armor helps reinforce. The basic form of this armor consists of a customized mask suiting the personality of the wearer, along with phrik coated gloves- useful for any duel involving lightsabers. The rest of ensemble consists of a fairly typical Imperial officers uniform sans insignia, sector markings and regional command colors- those are all held to the discretion of the wearer- and a high quality cloak and hood in a style popular among the Imperial court.


Protection in this style is legal almost everywhere, requires individual fittings.


To serve tech requirement for Talik's helmet.


Type and Coverage

Type: Light

  • A full coverage duraplast head cap with Transparisteel 3/4 faceshield

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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► 51 yrs, born 449 ABC​
► Twi'lek​
106 kg
► Color​
► Blue​
► Ryloth​
► Male​
► Gallactic Alliance​
► N/A​
► No​
Taln'erca, though loyal to the concept of the Galactic Alliance, holds no official rank within the organization. The middle aged Twi'lek has spent the bulk of his life engaged in smuggling assisting the resistance movement upon Ryloth from his base in one of the planet's capital cities, Lessu. His territory of operations runs along the Death Wind Corridor. His small cell of rebels serves the Alliance in an unofficial capacity as his efforts center solely upon aiding his homeworld.

► 449 ABC: Born on Ryloth
► 459 ABC: Older sister marries into Giza clan. Begins pilot training.
► 465 ABC: Joins resistance cell on Ryloth.
► 470 ABC: Establishes Nercathi Imports, as a front for Smuggler's ring.
► 473 ABC: Establishes small smuggler base on Roon.
► 482 ABC: Adopts niece Ner'Giza after her parents are taken by slavers.
► 499 ABC: Adopts Aurelian Keth into the family.
► Currently Semi-retired when it comes to field work, younger cell members take on the bulk of the dangerous missions. Even so, he will give a mission his personal attention as needed.
An accomplished pilot: he is conversant in all aspects of his craft whether that be as the pilot, co-pilot, gunner, mechanic, or navigator. Although for minor upgrades and repairs he would have to hire out the work, he is able to maintain his own craft through his skills and the use of droids.

Astute Business Acumen: Publicly known as a legit businessman, Taln'erca is skilled at acquiring licencees and documentation that omit the need for forgeries. His black market contacts are extensive within his territory. Among the Twi'lek he is known for his relief work. Though his ventures are small time, his name might have a certain familiarity to it on the local scene.

Martial Ability: His combat skills are considerable, though still below that of someone with special ops training. In short he is a skilled marksman, deadly with demolitions, a worthy opponent in hand to hand combat, and limits his use of blades to throwing knives. Master of the Lyaer'tsa.
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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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Blue Angel

Malla-class starfighter

Galactic Alliance/Wookiees.




Durasteel and transparisteel.

Length - 12.5 meters.

1 pilot. Assigned Pilot Ner' Giza; call sign Star Seven


20 kilograms.


5 standard days.

90 MGLT maximum acceleration and decent maneuvering characteristics.



The Malla-class starfighter was a type of snubfighter designed by the Wookiees to defend Kashyyyk from slavers and others with ill-intent. The class was given the name malla, the Wookiee word for "green," due to its distinctive green coloration (though some undergo paint jobs and can have different colors). The design and specifications for the snubfighter were eventually given to the Galactic Alliance by Wookiee sympathizers and shipbuilders; as a result, some Malla starfighters can be found among the rebel fleet.

The snubfighter was appealing to the rebellion due to similar specifications to the more widespread RX/5 starfighters and was slightly cheeper to produce than the SP2 Stardancer due to the lack of a dedicated navicomputer. Instead, the Malla-class had sockets for astromech droids, which would act as navigators for their pilots, storing up to ten jumps at a time. Otherwise, the fighter had all of the normal equipment of a snubfighter, including two light laser cannons and a concussion missile launcher, all of which allowed it to attack ground targets.

Also appealing is the ship's hyperdrive, which allows it to jump through hyperspace and strike at critical targets at a moment's notice. They were commonly deployed for reconnaissance and escort purposes, and were also used to engage enemy fighters as part of a fighter screen in fleet battles. With a maximum speed of 90 MGLTs, this snubfighter is a force to be reckoned with.

Restricted. In civilized systems, pilots must be properly licensed or be members of recognized armed groups.

To create a reskin of two pre-made starfighters for Wookiee use and for Star Squadron in particular. As such the Blue Angel's pilot is Ner'Giza; call sign Star Seven.

No. As it is modeled on the SP2 Stardancer, Malla starfighters are available, although being legally restricted makes them non-trivial for the average individual to own.
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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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Open Market


60 cmlength


Durasteel with Cortosis weave finish

Melee (slashing)



Melee/Touch/Arm's Length

Vibroblades aren't always necessarily vibroblades- the term is often used interchangeably for all advanced bladed weapons, whether they produce their cutting power through high frequency vibration, monomolecular sharpened edges, energized surfaces, or other methods. But when people say vibroblade, mostly what they're referring to is this- a long dagger or short sword sized cutting implement with some sort of power cell fueled component that gives it an advantage over the common kitchen knife. These weapons are wildly popular throughout all the known galaxy in one form or another, and see use in the hands of everyone from the common alleyway mugger to the soldier on the battlefield to the richest and most powerful.

Vibroblades are so common that they are legal practically everywhere as tools or self defense implements in one form or another.

To create the baseline for all modern melee weapons.


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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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~ You have a right to defend yourself, but you do not have a right to teach anyone a lesson.

Myjin Roin
Name: Myjin Roin

Homeworld: Manaan

Age: 27 years

Species: Selkath

Gender: Male

Faction: Independent

Rank: Wastrel

Occupation: Clerk, 4th year college student

Force Sensitive: Yes

Level: 1

Height: 155 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Eye Colour: Blue

Skin Colour: Green
Standing at only 5 foot in height he weighs in about 130 pound all muscle. Spending a frequent amount of time in his family’s underwater dwelling, his forays into the sea keep him fit as does his martial training. His complexion is green mottled with natural patterns for camouflage characteristic of his species. Blue eyes full of mirth and a ready laugh, his demeanour and slight stature does not give off a very aggressive impression. While off world he is typically clothed in his armour which is specialized in that it maintains his body moisture.

Myjin Roin is a college student seeking to become an Arbitor in the Ahto City Civil Authority. However his extracurricular activities often get in the way of his studies as he had not yet learned to balance his zeal for Swoop Racing against that of his professional goals.

His early years, like all of his kind, were spent in the sea living in his family’s pod. His mother would often take him out into the open seas and train him in the ways of survival. He seemed to exhibit an innate talent for locating the most rich fisheries, had a remarkable sense of direction, and was very good with taming some of the sea creatures.

Raised under the philosophy that all life is sacred, he struggled with understanding how death is a necessary part of life. For a whole year he refused to eat of the sea anything other than plants giving his mother constant fits. His father only laughed and said to leave the boy be, he would eat when he got hungry enough. His sentimentality placed a moral dilemma upon most of his survival training for though he excelled in the physical aspects, his aim with a harpoon was dead on, and he developed an uncanny sense of direction; he still refused to participate in the hunts as anything more than a spectator.

It was his little sister who helped him to come to terms with his moral quandary when she asked him if the fisher birds were evil monsters. Her seriousness was laughable and he grinned telling her that they were just hungry and had to eat something. She grinned saying she would see him at dinner and swam away. His mother had witnessed the exchange and approached laying her hand upon his shoulder. Cautioning him softly to guard against excessive righteousness, she said such things would blind him to the truth and that he must find balance by assuming his niche within nature, not outside or above.

Reaching the age at which he could begin an amphibious existence, he moved to his family residence in Ahto City. The pod was not abandoned as his sister’s capability to breath air had not yet developed. Taking to land was the most difficult physical adjustment he had faced in his young life. Falling is his least favorite sensation and to this day he still has a certain aversion to heights. Socially being awkward on land didn’t inhibit him much as the other’s his own age were all a bit ungainly at first. Soon enough he made the adjustments and found there were many things on the surface that were enjoyable.

Swoop Racing. His passion for the speed was something he took to honestly as his father was an avid racer. His mother encouraged the hobby as it would give the guys something special to do together while she was still out to sea with his sister. As long as he kept his grades up he could work on the racer with his dad and compete at local meets. They absolutely forbade him to go to Tarsis, but it was an ever growing dream to race in the circuit there.

Again it was his sister, once she was able to live in Ahto too, that nudged his interests and opinions in another direction. She absolutely insisted on taking martial training, joining in a small club after school but she was much too young to do this on her own. So it was that together they would train, even though it took away from his swoop racing a bit. Despite his aversion to combat and violence in general he was well pleased with the philosophy for self improvement it offered. While their training was deadly, as time progressed for the siblings, the focus was upon gaining control over one’s self: body, mind, and soul.

Oddly enough when the siblings were come into their adult years it was his sister who would take up a career in the medical profession while his goal would be one with the Ahto City Civil Authority. Perhaps it was not so out of step with his mentality, for the civil authority were taxed with upholding the stance of neutrality to which Manaan adhered. He adopted the mind set that avoiding the conflict of the Galaxy was the only way they could maintain their Sovereignty and avoid the fate of so many other Imperial Worlds. The schism in the Empire only served to reinforce his views.

He hoped to one day become an Arbiter and actually be able to effect peaceful change between those in conflict. But as yet his duties were mostly secretarial in nature in the judicial branch of the ACCA. Basically, he was a file clerk in the court house keeping track of all those who were come to trial for everything from domestic disturbances and littering, to kolto smuggling and even murder. It was only an internship but one day when he finished his degree this would look great on his application to a good master’s program in arbitration. The only thing holding him back was one year left in his undergraduate degree and well, his age. The people on the enrollment board always wanted to know why it took so long to earn his degree.

“Damn that Swoop racing. Alright, I confess! I broke the deal with mom and my grades went to the sewer once I was an adult and in college. But so what if it’s taken me 6 years to do what my sister did in 2? Not to mention that extra year to do over in high school before I could graduate? And yeah, it’s hard having my baby sister already working on her master’s degree, but it is hardly my fault she picks up on everything in half the time it does the rest of the Galaxy, now is it?”

Perhaps young Myjin Rois hadn’t adapted to land as well as he first thought for he often felt like he was drowning in thin air. But whatever, there was a swoop race he had to go to on Tarsis and he wasn’t about to miss it.[/fancybox2]

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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Free use.



Personal transport.

Durasteel and duralumin.

Length - 3 meters.



25 kg.



A 67-X Stormcloud with stock specifications can reach 440 kph over level ground, and has excellent maneuvering characteristics.


  • Entertainment system (optional).
  • Integrated comlink (optional).
  • Navigation system (optional).
  • Climate-controlled seat (optional).

The 67-X Stormcloud is a high-powered, high-altitude speeder bike - also known as a "swoop" - produced by the Adno corporation. Like nearly all swoops, the Stormcloud can be described best as "a pair of engines with a seat," which is more or less accurate. Unlike standard speeder bikes, which are slower and fly relatively close to the ground, swoops like the Stormcloud have over-powered repulsors and much more potent drive units. As a result, swoops are much faster and can reach much higher altitudes, although they are proportionally more dangerous and difficult to fly. Like speeder bikes, they seldom have safety equipment, and unlike them often fly at heights from which any fall is fatal.

As far as stock amenities, the Stormcloud offers little to surprise a potential customer, although factory options include an entertainment deck, navigation system, integrated comlink and a climate-controlled seat. Built primarily to carry its pilot only, a single passenger can theoretically slip onto the same seat behind them, but this arrangement is cramped and precarious. The vehicles is also able to carry up to 25 kilograms of cargo. Top speed is around 440 kph, with max altitude being about 2,000 meters.

Swoops like the Stormcloud are favored primarily by beings who like to "live on the edge," and have inspired an entire culture around themselves. Swoop gangs are a common form of criminal organization, and are responsible for illegal spice trafficking, protection rackets, robberies and other crimes on many worlds. This association has led to swoops receiving something of a "bad boy" reputation in much of the Galaxy, although plenty of beings use these vehicles simply as honest transportation.

Legal. Swoops like the 67-X Stormcloud are not military vehicles, nor do they have any features which might make them restricted on most worlds. They may get you a speeding ticket, of course.

To create an example of a standard swoop bike.

No. Swoops like the 67-X Stormcloud are common across the Galaxy, and are fairly easy to buy, steal or otherwise acquire.

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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Ranger Scout Armor

Ranger armoed is designed to fulfill the needs of many hyperspace explorers and planetary surveyors, along with the occasional bounty hunter and military scout, who anticipate a little bit of trouble along the way. The simple and durable base system and the roomy helmet makes the system easily modifiable for different physiologies or individual needs. This design simplicity, along with its affordability, means it is most commonly found in use among pioneering scout and exploration services in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions, where its features are most useful. The armor consists of an abrasion and tear resistant body suit topped with protective duraplast plates. It is capped with a helmet which seals the bodysuit around the neck. The body suit is sealed and insulated, which regulates the wearers body temperature in harsh environments and provides some protection against atmospheric contaminants, but it does not protect against extreme heat or cold for extended periods and is not rated for vacuum exposure. The suit is water resistant, but full immersion is not recommended. Most models come equipped with a weather resistant poncho (available in a variety of colors) as a bonus.


Ranger Armor is primarily used as an environmental protection unit and explorers outfit, despite its secondary popularity with bounty hunters and military personnel, and is legal for wear in most systems.


This provides a baseline medium armor for adventurers, explorers, and scouts and comes in various models designed for the special needs of a variety of species. To meet tech requirement for Myjin Roin.


Type and Coverage

Type: Medium

  • Head: A full coverage duraplast helmet with comm link, retractable, joined to armour.
  • Torso: Duraplast upper torso plate
  • Back: Duraplast upper back plating
  • Lower Arms: Dueling Gloves
  • Lower Legs: Armored Boots, adapted for Selkath feet, with duraplast shin and calf plating, and knee pads


  • Armour includes misting vents to maintain body moisture.
  • Contains no slots for Functions.

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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Myjin Roin's Helmet

It's a helmet. It protects his head. It looks smexy.


Protection in this style is legal almost everywhere, requires individual fittings.


To serve tech requirement for Myjin's helmet.


Type and Coverage

Type: Light

  • A full coverage duraplast helmet
  • Comm link
  • Retractable, joined to armour.
  • Beard not included

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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
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Six Members of Ner'Giza's 12 NPC Crew that calls themselves KANJIKLUB. She just calls them the Quilting Bee.


Front Row: Ji Hu, Slippken
Back Row: Dozer, Akahige, Maddz, Birdman
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Kayenta Moenkopi

She Who Doth Cause The Sun To Shine
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score

Myjin Roin's Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse lightsaber