Non-Sentient Kuar Dune Bantha


Space Kitty
SWRP Writer
Aug 16, 2018
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Kuar Dune Bantha


Male Kuar Dune Bantha

The Kuar Tusken tribe keeps the origins of the Kuar Dune Bantha a hard kept secret from outsiders saying that their Gods have gifted them with their unigue Banthas. Since the tribe have always been nomadic as far back as their stories begin to be told it is natural to assume that the Banthas that traveled with the Tusken tribe naturally evolved to fit that lifestyle. Some outsiders speculate that the Tuskens purposely bred Banthas with the genetic mutations ad they came about until a unigue subspecies of Bantha was created. Which ever it is that is true the Kuar tribe truly do have a herd of Bantha that is unlike any other species on Tatooine.

They are so ruthlessly protected by the tribe that anyone who is caught attempting to steal one will be put to death immediately when spotted or found in the desert with the missing Bantha. Even asking for one may result in a harsh result from members of the tribe. Asking how they came about the species will just be ignored or told that the Gods gifted them the creatures.

Like typical Bantha herds. The Kuar Dune Banthas are led by two very old Banthas well beyond their prime and ability to have offspring. It consists of an old matriarch affectionately called Zuzre and her mate affectionately called Taak.


Female Kuar Dune Bantha


If anyone had the luck to see Kuar Dune Bantha and live to tell about it they would tell everyone that there is a slight difference between the typical Dune Bantha and the Kuar Dune Bantha.

First off the coat. Both genders have a coat that is shorter in length than the typical Bantha, but is still thick enough to keep them warm during the cold nights. Their coat ranges from almost white to a dark sandy color. Some of these animals can have two tones of colors. In their coat. Curiously during the mating season the male's coat becomes thicker to protect him from blows he will receive from other males during mating right battles. Just as males gaining thicker fur during mating season female Kuar Banthas loose fur around their belly region when they are nursing young so the calf has an easier time finding her teats.

Another curious feature is the horns. While the males get that classic curling of their horns the males horn is slightly thicker than the other Bantha species. No one knows why. The other curious thing to note is that female Kuar Bantha horns do not curl. Instead they keep a crescent shaped horn.

They are the same height as a typical Bantha but are more athletically built but contain all the same survival instincts and abilities. Because they are more athletic Kuar Banthas are able to move quicker and even gallop for a short distance when needed.

Both males and female Kuar Dune Banthas are more athletically built than typical Dune Banthas and are notably lighter furred than their cousin. There are some slight sexual dimorphism in Kuar Dune Banthas.

Adult Males: Adult male Kuar Banthas are nearly double the size of their female counterpart with the horns being thicker that curl once or twice. The skull around the area of their horns is also a bit more defined than females, possibly to protecf their brain when ramming a rival or sparring partner. During mating season the male's fur thickens to protect himself from blows that may come from another male. The male is also more muscular, stocky built than the females.

Adult Females: Adult female Kuar Banthas are smaller than the males with their horns being smaller and thinner. While the male's horns curl the female's horns maintain a crescent shape rather than curling. While the male's fur thickens during mating season, the female steadily loses fur around her abdominal region until she is nearly hairless or completely hairless. This is so that the calf has an easier time finding her teats.

Kuar Calves: Kuar calves are born looking almost exactly like a typical Dune Bantha with them being fully furred to protect them from the bitter cold Tatooine nights. But as the calf grows it steadily loses some of the thick fur and gains more of that muscular build. When they reach a year old they will develop a "stump" where the calf's horn will begin to grow the next year. At the age of two or three years old the calf will begin to be weaned by it's mother. If the calf is a male, around the age of five the horns will begin to thicken up and the calf will start getting a more stocky build.

Planets Found
Kuar Dune Banthas are only found on Tatooine. If the person is lucky enough to see them and live to tell about it.

Kuar Dune Banthas have a small population of 60 animals.

Like the other "species" of Bantha; the Kuar Bantha's diet consists of any plants they manage to find in the desert environment of Tatooine.

Because Kuar Banthas see members of the Kuar tribe as part of their herd they friendly and docile, even displaying affection towards a Kuar Tusken he or she hasn't bonded to. This is due to every Kuar Bantha inly traveling with this particular tribe. Because of how rarely Kuar Tusken Tribes come across other Tusken tribes due to how nomadic they are and with it the size of territory they control Kuar Bantha rarely encounter other Tuskens they are wary towards Tuskens from other tribes. They won't attack other Tuskens but they won't approach as well. Opting to instead keep their distance.

However when Kuar Bantha see beings of other races they change from docile to aggressive. Males will push to the outside of the herd, keeping females and young in the center. At first they will bellow to alert their Tusken counterparts as well as to warn the intruder they know they are there. Even if they simply caught their scent in the wind. If a strange being tries to get too close the males will begin taking turns to charge at the person until he or she is caught or leaves.

During mating season the male banthas fur thickens to protect them from blows from another male. They may be monogamous and mate anytime during the year. But the main time that female banthas are ready to mate is during the second full moon of all three moons. This causes the males to have a lot of pent up energy and excitement. So they blow off all that excitement and energy by having duels with each other. During the duel two males will stand at a distance from each other. Both will run at eachother, lowering their heads just when they are close. Their horns and skulls will then collide. Creating a thunderous crash that can be heard miles away when carried by the wind just right.

After mating with his mate the female, if the mating is successful, will go through curious changes. As she gets further along her pregnancy Kuar Bantha cows steadily loose the fur that lines their abdomen. This is so the calf can have easy access to her teats. In response to her loosing some of her fur the male stays close to his mate to keep her warm at night. When the calf is born the male is present and actively helps with raising the calf.

There is one interesting behavior with the female banthas however that must be brought up. The female banthas will willingly help take care of another banthas calf by nursing it and looking after it while the other female has a nap. There are accounts of a female bantha taking in an orphaned bantha and raising it as if it were her own.

As according to tradition a Banthas mate is a bantha belonging to his or her Tusken's mate. Meaning that Banthas belonging to Tusken Raiders are monogamous. This is the same for Kuar Banthas that haven't been paired with a mate by the Tusken Raiders. Some Banthas stop mating all together when his or her mate passes away, refusing every possible mate. With some pining for their lost mate until they themselves pass away.

While it is thought that it is the male that decides when to mate it is actually the female that decides when to mate. When the cow has decided that she has enough fat reserves and recovered from caring for her previous calf the female will approach the male and nudge him in the flank with her snout. Then the mating process will begin.

After a gestation period of thirty months a female bantha will give birth to a calf. While not common some give birth to two calves. Having two should mean one not making it to adulthood but between both parents actively taking care of the young and living in a herd both young will most likely survive if a female bantha gives birth to two. The bantha cow will nurse her calf or calves for two years before beginning to wean them off her milk. Because the mothers are very patient with this process it can take anywhere from three months to a year for a calf to be weaned. But even after weaning the calf the bantha cow may not be ready for breeding again for another two years so she can build back up her fat reserves and recover from caring for a calf.

Mating can occur at anytime during the year. But the main time that mating will occur during the second full moon of all three moons. Perhaps because the natural light will allow the pair to get on with the mating orocess and not worry about being attacked by predators since predators prefer the cover of darkness when hunting.

Kuar Bantha are able to survive in the harsh Tatooine landscape just like ther Dune Bantha cousin. They are also able to travel the landscape quicker and even able to put on a burst of speed when needed.

This species of Bantha have a keen sense of smell and hearing. Their sense of smell is so keen that they can differentiate between Kuar Tuskens and Tuskens from other tribes as well as if the scent belongs to a different being. Making them an efficient early warning system for Kuar Tusken Raiders.

Their hearing is so acute that Kuar Banthas can determine if the Tusken approachingis his or her Tusken by the Tusken's footsteps. Not only that but they can also tell if his or her Tusken is injured, exhausted, or sick through the sound of the Tusken's footsteps as well. Kuar Tuskens can also tell the difference between Tusken footsteps and that of other creatures and races as well.

Because of the risk of overheating in the heat of the environment Kuar Bantha are not able to gallop for very long. They are, roughly, able to run for four miles before having to slow down or come to a complete stop to cool off. If they are pushed beyond this limit there is a risk of the animal dropping dead from overheating. Though since these Banthas are precious to their Tusken counterpart a Tusken Raider will never push the Bantha to or beyond the overheating point.

While running they are not able to quickly turn despite having a long tail. This is because their tail has yet to evolve to allow the animals to quickly turn. So their rider has to spot the turn and slow the Bantha down enough to safely make the turn.

Their hearing is so acute that they have a strong, and negative reaction to loud, sharp noises. When such a noise happens they will go into a panic, sometimes running for a couple miles to get away from the source of the noise.

The intent of this lore write up is to create a "species" of Bantha that is the result of the Tusken Raider Kuar tribe nomadic lifestyle and how those Banthas adapted to it.