Sith Order Lana Walk


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SWRP Writer
Apr 18, 2015
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  • a8b2982b-009c-4ea0-ab16-660bd780802b.png
  • Name:Lana Walk
    Age:16 Zeltros Orbital rotations
    Height:162 centimeters
    Weight:53 kilograms
    Faction:Sith Empire (Acolyte)
    Force Sensitive:Yes

    Holo-log #1
    "I don't know why I'm doing this, well.. I do know, it's because someone suggested it in case I.. forget?

    Anyway, I am Lana Walk and this is my first holo-log. Number one.

    So, for posterity's sake I should probably tell you that I was born on Zeltros. I have -had- two parents and an older sister of sixteen years. For the last five years or so we'd been travelling with the crew of Crime Watch News where my sister had become the co-anchor to the rodian Ryn Runn. She [inaudible muttering].

    I don't know why my parents decided it was best for us to continue to travel with the news crew after my sister died. I guess they really believed in the message? Thought that Preef Callo could keep them safe, or perhaps it was simply because Ryn Rynn still had to pay up Vana's life insurance, which he was refusing to do because her actions after she got infected somehow constituted a breach of conctract? Something like that.. I'm not sure.

    All I know is that the residential level our rented apartment was at suddenly got overrun with infected. Newly infected are so fast and so strong. There was a trash chute so I.. but I was the only that could fit.. so my..."

    Next thing I know I'm on an automated trash speeder heading up and only barely managed to get off before droid-pilot throws me alongside all the trash into the incinerator. I thought I was safe then, surrounded by uninfected scoundrels that worked for a known anti-slavery criminal kingpin, but a mean-looking Cathar thought different. A young Zeltron girl making a highly unlikely escape from the incinerator?

    He sold me off quicker than his boss could shoot.​
  • 128 ABY - Born on Zeltros
    142 ABY - Discovered Force sensitivity
    144 ABY - Became Darth Caelestis' apprentice

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