Lemon's Laboratory


SWRP Writer
Aug 19, 2018
Reaction score
Don't mind me.



SWRP Writer
Aug 19, 2018
Reaction score



NAME: Dr. Chipa Tozi
AGE: 42

FACTION: Faction
RANK: Rank/Job

HEIGHT: 0.76 m / 2'6"
WEIGHT: 35 kg / 78 lbs


Chipa comes from a rather large, well-to-do Aleena family. She was born on a space station, and has only seen her home planet of Aleen twice in her life. Her father, Jonk, was a crafty salesman (well, more like a conman) who traveled the stars selling holovid subscriptions. In typical Aleena fashion, his family accompanied him on such trips, which eventually evolved from extended holidays to living abroad full time.

Her mother, Miffle, was a homemaker. After having lost Chipa’s older brother to a preventable illness, Miffle obsessively devoted her life to being a better parent, and would adopt many alien orphans over the years. Jonk was fine with this, as people were more likely to buy from a selfless father-figure than a sly solicitor. He usually took a few kids with him on sales calls to take advantage of his customer’s compassion. The perpetual growth of the family eventually prompted Jonk to settle down on Naboo, where they’d have more space. There, he took more of a managerial role in his business, and trained the eldest of the children in the ways of the con.

Chipa was homeschooled by Miffle along with her menagerie of adopted siblings, though most of it was either home-ec or watching educational holovids. As a young adult she attended university in Theed, Naboo. Though her father wanted her to get a degree in business, she instead was enamored by Xenobiology. However, despite her ambition and drive, she struggled to earn her degree. YOU try dissecting a eight-foot Kaadu as a two-foot tall lizard. Nevertheless, she succeeded, albeit one year later than her peers. As a scientist fresh to the field, she scurried off to the outer rim on a romanticized quest for new undiscovered species. Instead, she found danger, hardship, and an unexpected opportunity.

A few years into taking part of fauna studies, and scraping a living from population surveys and research papers, her dream began to feel more and more lackluster. Not only that, but her efforts seemed completely pointless in the long run. Exotic animal smuggling was a rampant and lucrative business, and thousands of rare and endangered species were carted by the ton to be used as luxury pets and pit fighters. But having inherited her father’s sly nature, she didn’t see why she couldn’t hop in on the bandwagon. Perhaps her time in the badlands of space blurred the lines of her morality, or perhaps it was simply a logical conclusion. Reasonably speaking, it would be impossible for the Republic to simply place enough restrictions and regulations on animal imports to smother a criminal empire. So better her, a licensed Xenobiologist with a moral code, then some amateur pirate, right? Sure, she’ll get you a Nexu for your arena, but she’ll make sure it’s taken from a healthy population, and that no cubs are left without their mother. And thus began Chipa’s life of crime.

It was in the height of her career that she happened upon a handsome Besalisk musician in a bar on some moon. His name was Chungo, and he had a voice that could soothe a rabid rancor. She thought he was a beefy dreamboat. He thought she was adorably gutsy. A couple drinks later, and the most unlikely couple in the Galaxy was born. They had an on-and-off playful relationship for the next few years, with Chipa visiting that particular bar whenever she had the chance. On one particular visit, a regular patron teased them with how ridiculous their hypothetical wedding would be. Another bet them two-hundred credits they wouldn’t actually have the guts to do it, which turned into a betting pool on whether or not an Aleena and a Besalisk could or would get married. In response, both already very drunk, Chipa and Chungo stormed out to elope in a nearby city. The next morning they were so hungover they forgot to go pick up their winnings.

Chungo, armed with his own colorful background as a disgraced heavyweight champion, joined Chipa on her smuggling runs from then on. With her skills in tracking and hunting, and his skills in— well, punching— they made a formidable team. Eventually the two returned to live on Naboo, building a secluded riverside home in the swamp as a base of operations. A barn out back hid a few exotic beasts waiting for a credit transfer, along with a few Chipa decided to keep for herself. Much of her extended family later arrived to settle in the area as well, making it an oddly multi-cultural little pocket of the planet.

Now in her forties, Chipa ain’t no spring mynock anymore. She still takes the occasional hunting trips, but usually only goes after the easy gigs. More along the lines of bagging a couple Peko-Pekos than a month long Acklay chase. Those days are behind her. Unless, of course, you’ve got enough cash to lure her back into the fray. Chipa’s not a particularly greedy or materialistic person, but she does have a few dozen nieces and nephews who need college education.
























• She’s endearing and she knows it. Even though she’s past her prime, many folks still think she’s a cute little critter. If she gets the sense that someone is enamored with her, she’ll milk it for all its worth— or at least until she’s gotten what she wanted.

• Despite her small stature, she is aggressively charismatic and gregarious. If she’s being ignored, she’ll grab a step ladder or have a friend hold her up so she can take the argument, as she says, “straight to ya busted face.”

• In her youth, Chipa always had an interest in animals and various creepy-crawlies. In her opinion, the weirder the better. Whenever the family would arrive on a new planet, she would exasperate her mother by chasing after rats and other pest animals, often getting filthy in the process. Later when her pet Voorpak died, she dissected it on the kitchen table. Eventually her parents learned that books and nature documentaries (particularly the gory ones featuring Rancors hunting their prey) could placate her temporarily.

• Having been raised in a very large, close-knit, multi-species family, She has a tendency to act motherly to creatures many times her size. She’s gotten out of trouble numerous times by asking potential troublemakers in for tea, which often either leaves them so taken aback that they leave, or even sparks a genuine friendship. You’d be surprised how many outlaws she has in her address book.

• She WILL try to adopt you if you're sad, lost and under the age of eighteen. Do not underestimate her maternal instincts.



The Rhapsody in Jade

link here


  • Spouse
    — Chipa is legally married to a Besalisk musician named Chungo- her part-time lover and full-time friend. Their marriage is... unusual, to say the least, but they do genuinely love each other. They have the same taste in music, and love entertaining guests in their home and cooking together.

    — Enormous and constantly growing, which too many distant members to list. Many of Chipa's adopted siblings and their respective families live in a commune of connected houses built along the river in a lovely stretch of swampland not too far from the capital of Naboo. At this point it's become its own mini-village.

    — Chipa has collected a number of non-sentient species as part of her bestiary, but her favorites include an elderly Dewback and a three-legged, toothless Nexu. Of course, these animals wouldn't really be considered pets. The only animal that accompanies her off planet is her Kowakian Monkey Lizard, Baby, whom she treats more like her son than a pet. She’s taught him numerous phrases like “that’s what she said”, but often denies ever doing such a thing.

    — TBA

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