Ask [Metalorn] Horned Baby's Momma and the Frog

Preef Callo


Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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It isn't that the kid's big eyes didn't do nothing to Preef, but it was hard to- "Stop looking at me like that!" the rodian yelled and shoved the blaster a bit deeper in in it's father's cheek. "Or do you want to be the reason your papa gets a bolt to the face!?"

Ofcourse, now tears started streaming down its face and its lips started shaking uncontrollable and independently of each other, producing a shaky, raspy and beautiful Shadaa-Blues sound that was unfortunately way too high-pitched and waaay TOO LOUD. "Shut her up!" the rodian pressed the barrel of his blaster pistol even deeper into the man's cheek but the worthless thirty-something human was utterly useless as he himself was whimpering even worse than his child.

Now, you're probably wondering how a handsome young rodian gunslinger like Preef Callo ended up robbing a simple laborer on a mid rim industrial planet like Metalorn. One word: Hutts. About two weeks ago a Hutt was overheard by his lackey about a shipment of Auridium being delivered to a factory on Metalorn intended as currency for the sale of about a dozen old Sorosuub starfighters. Now, rumor had it the shipment was protected by a Sector Ranger escort (@Sreeya) and Preef didn't really feel like having a showdown with the law, so here he was trying to get this laborer's access pass to the factory..

Ofcourse he didn't know that the laborer's wife wasn't just a beautiful Zabrak with an hourglass figure to die for, but that she was also the factory secretary assigned to liaison with the Sector Ranger. Who had not only come home early that day to celebrate the kid's seventh birthday, but had also overheard the events inside the apartment before betraying her own presence. She had dialed up that ranger's holo-frequency quicker that Preef could let out a fart.

So while the ranger was no doubt already on her way, Preef was still trying to check the human's teeth for molars with his pistol while shouting at the roaring baby girl to shut the kriff up. In all the commotion he had completely forgotten to ask for the access pass and didn't realize that for the past three minutes they'd been laying in full view right there on the coffee table.


Trys Aran


Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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Trys had expected to run into trouble when it concerned the shipment. However, she hadn’t expected a call when she wasn’t actually on duty. For a moment, she simply groaned at the comlink, not wanting to go investigate. However, she the message appeared frantic, and she knew anyone she sent in her stead wouldn’t quite cut it.

She was on her way within moments, parking her speeder a short distance away from the apartment and stationing her back up rangers outside and surrounding the building. Trys commed the woman back that she was here, and she quickly made her way up the stairs. She had her stun blaster out, pausing in front of the door. The woman implied that the intruder was armed, and Trys didn’t want to risk him getting trigger happy.

The wife slowly crept to the door to open it and Trys slipped inside, putting a finger to her lips to keep the wife quiet. The woman was all but hyperventilating, and she was amazed that she hadn’t blown her cover yet. Trys made her way upstairs, hearing a crying child at this point along with some muffled garbling from a man with a gun in his mouth.

She didn’t hesitate any longer, kicking the door open and pointing her blaster, “Ranger! Drop your weapon!”


Preef Callo


Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
The words of the ranger -and the whole doorkicking- startled Preef and he immediately turned his head towards the new arrival. His blaster stayed firmly pressed into the man's cheek, however, and formed an immediate and lethal threat. "No, you drop your weapon!" the rodian shouted back, making sure that the ranger saw where the barrel of Preef's blaster was pointing.

Then he slowly walked around the human, putting him between the child and more importantly the ranger, while keeping the blaster pointed point-blank at the human's head. Now, Preef might be a bit thick in the head, but even he knew that the response time of this ranger was remarkable. "How did you know?" his mind raced the same simple laps for a moment and then he frowned bitterly, "I knew it! He didn't just overhear a Hutt! It was all a trap!"

Now feeling determined to return to Nar Shaddaa and blaster Grik Toras in the face, Preef only had one obstacle in his way and that one he might now be able to pass with his wickedly smart wits. That obstacle? The decorated ranger that's pointing a blaster at him. He hoped that she wouldn't risk being the cataclyst that would end up with the man dead and the crying child in harm's way, but then he wouldn't let that stop him if the roles were reversed...

It's the little things that get ya, in the end.
