Mirya Solasan

Fiera Sabre

SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
NAME: Mirya Solasan
FACTION: The Accord--The Initiative
RANK: Not Yet Established
AGE: 22
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 140 lbs
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black, straight
SKIN: Olive brown
CREDITS: 928 credits
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Mechanical left arm, painted bright red

As a mechanic, Mirya’s upper body strength is quite good, and enhanced by her mechanical arm, which she’s modified to be stronger than her biological arm to make lifting heavy equipment a little easier. She’s fairly fit, and a firm believer in lifting with your legs, not your back, but beyond the mechanical arm has no extra-human strength.

She’s learned to become quite good at contorting herself into complex positions while working on ships, and has continued practicing an evasive form of self-defense she learned growing up. She’s quite agile with good reflexes.

Mirya’s family doctor always praised her good health—she’s active and tries not to indulge in junk food when she can help it.

A dedicated mechanic and inventor, Mirya has always been an intellectual, good at math, physics, and engineering. She designed and built her mechanical arm, working closely with one of her father’s colleagues when designing the biological interface.

While not particularly wise, Mirya often gets by using her common sense. She is not known for poignant statements of wisdom and advice.

Mirya is sarcastic, with a sometimes dark sense of humor, and is capable of being manipulative but doesn’t like to be, preferring to be forthright about her intentions. People generally enjoy her company, but she has very few close friends. She has trouble being decisive.

In general, Mirya has a happy, outgoing personality. She will talk at length with just about anyone and is willing to lend an ear to just about anyone who needs to talk. She rarely judges people on their past deeds, and prefers to judge based on how they treat her and the people around them. Because of this, her moral code can best be described as “grey.” Mirya often prefers sarcasm and jokes to serious topics, and has a tendency to make light of her own past. While independent and a bit of a loner, she still enjoys company from time to time, and feels that perhaps she’d enjoy company more often if she was somewhere that she felt she really belonged. (Essentially, a fairly happy and well-adjusted 20-something who wants a bit of adventure in her life).

Mirya Solasan was born on the bustling planet Paqualis III, in the city-state Anderbor. She was a happy, healthy baby human girl, born to two healthy parents who loved her very much. She is the oldest child of the Solasan family, as three years after her birth her parents welcomed twin boys into the world, Kieran and Aeran. Mirya took her big sister responsibilities seriously, and watched over them constantly. The twins are characteristically mischievous, and when they were 13, they wandered one day to the more industrial section of the city where Mirya worked part time. In a disastrous series of events, Mirya was forced to shove Aeran away from a dangerously unsecured freighter engine turbine as it toppled. She briefly attempted to right it before it tipped too far, but the effort was in vain and as it rolled it crushed her left arm badly. Despite doctors’ best attempts, the damage was too severe to be fully repaired, and she was left with a weak arm that suffered tremors.

Mirya was forced to quit her part-time job as mechanic’s assistant and poured her time and frustrations into her schoolwork. She couldn’t afford to buy a pre-made bio-mechanical arm, much less afford the surgeries it would take to remove her biological arm and install a receiver cuff for the mechanical one. Her parents were aware of her longing, however, and started putting their extra money away in a fund, a little at a time. They contacted relatives and friends who had some money to spare as well and asked that they contribute to the fund, as a gift. And as Mirya’s studies became more advanced, and she studied the currently available technology, she toyed with some designs of her own for an arm, basing them at first off existing design until she felt she had a good grasp of the necessary mechanics and electronics. She then worked on her own design, tweaking it over time until she found the right balance of strength and dexterity, with room for future improvements and modification.

With the help of one of her father’s colleagues who worked on bio-mechanical interfaces, she also designed a custom interface cuff for the arm that would integrate the technology with her biology smoothly. At nineteen, her parents revealed that they had saved enough money to cover the cost of the necessary surgeries for the installation the cuff. Thrilled, Mirya set to work gathering materials for the arm and cuff, machining, welding, and sautering it to completion. With the arm and cuff examined and approved by the doctors performing the surgery, dates were set. The first surgery was complete removal of the arm, and some initial preparation of the cuff site. After a couple months of recuperation, it was back under the knife for the cuff installation. While the arm was attached to the cuff a few days after the surgery, it was only while Mirya was lying down to prevent strain on the newly healing interface, and only to check that it was functioning properly.

With a few minor tweaks here and there in the electronics, things were set, and a month later her arm was attached for the first time to be used properly. It ran smoothly, and Mirya was thrilled to have two useful arms again, applying for a job at another mechanics shop as soon as she was able. She’s been working at a ship’s mechanic shop called Remmett’s near the local space port for the last few years, developing a steady routine of her own after moving out of her parent’s house. She regularly goes for drinks at the local bar after work, sometimes with her friends, sometimes with her coworkers, occasionally alone. In her free time she holes up in a rented workspace near her apartment and tinkers with designs for a multitude of things, often potential upgrades for her arm, but also things she thinks might be useful if she were ever to set off on her own, looking for adventure (or “Looking for death” as her friends say to her).

Mirya is a talented mechanic and engineer, and as part of her job is more than capable of tinkering with droids, ships, and just about anything that is mechanical/electrical. Proficient at making things explode. She’s studied the martial art Tëras Käsi from a retired master her parents paid to teach her, starting when she was 13, and is proficient in the basic forms and meditation. For all her training, however, she has never gone up against an opponent outside formal matches in the ring. She knows very little of how to use a blaster beyond “Point and shoot.”

Strengths: Logical, agile, capable of keeping a level head when others are depending on her. Good at improvising.
Weaknesses: She can be persuaded to do something not particularly morally right if a logical argument is made. Can be incredibly indecisive. Her arm needs recharging periodically and can, of course be damaged and become dead weight until she can fix it.

-Portable arm charger and repair kit
-Mechanics’ belt which includes:
-Screw/laser sauter gun
-Spare wires
-Random assortment of washers, nuts, bolts, and other small metal scraps
-Diagnostic scanner, capable of performing thermal and electric-field scans and also plugging in to a ship or droid’s system to allow for analysis and modification of code.
-Clothing, which includes loose gray pants made out of a heavy canvas material, with thick leather pads on the knees, leather boots, tan tank top, leather waist/back brace. She has a worn brown leather jacket as well.
-Personal Commlink
-A handful of credits for everyday purchases

Mirya does have a ship, but as the new timeline stock ship list hasn’t been released yet (to my knowledge, anyways) I can’t say what it is.





None yet!

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