Historical Nilrebmah Setep


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Feb 13, 2012
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Nilrebmah Setep

The Nilrebmah Setep was an Ancient ‘Pretty-Kingdom’ in the Expansion Region of the Galaxy, which had survived for centuries, from the era of the ‘Old Republic’ through to the modern-day. Functionally a feudalistic absolute Monarchy, power was centred around the ruling dynasty and supported by a class of lesser nobles with strong links to the military infrastructure of the Kingdom.

A powerful group within its region, the Nilrebmah Setep was known for its domineering and autocratic leaders, known as Pharaohs - force-sensitive monarchs who held near-absolute power over the Kingdom.

In the modern-day, the Nilrebmah Setep is governed by the ageing Ramanhotep IV, of the Kept-Hensuut Dynasty, the fourth force-sensitive dynasty to command the region. Ancient, Ramanhotep’s death is expected to cause a schism in the Kingdom, with his twin children, Ramanhotep V and Nefertari VII both believing themselves to be the rightful claimant to their father's throne.


Founded nearly eight thousand years ago, the Nilrebmah system rested along a minor sub-space route called Iteru Path, with each of its twelve worlds in rough alignment across the lane. Initially colonised by hundreds of tribal species of humans and near-humans, there arose from their number a force-sensitive known in modern historic records as ‘In'ekesibi’, known in modern times by Nilrebmah historians as ‘In'ekesibi the Magnificent’. Rumoured to have once been a member of the early Order of Jedi knights, legends suggest he left the Order, ‘following the calling of the force’ to the region. Upon arrival, he is meant to have unified a series of minor tribes under his banner, through conquest and bloodshed, In'ekesibi would go on to proclaim himself the first ‘King of Kings’ in the system, establishing the ‘First Pharaonic Dynasty’.

First Dynasty

With the establishment of his family as the first rulers of the system, In'ekesibi began a process of ordering society under his banner, instead of through the old tribal systems that had led to an age of disorder in his worlds. Setting up a semi-feudalistic system, which was commonplace across the galaxy at the time, he appointed the commanders of his armies to be ‘Nobles’, granting them estates on various worlds to hold ‘in perpetuity’. In'ekesibi went further, proclaiming that only his own dynasty could command the Kingdom as its Pharaoh.

However, owing to the complexity of ancient linguistics, the proclamation has been interpreted to read that the firstborn ‘Force Sensitive’ human could command the dynasty. As the long history of the realm continued, this ruling caused schisms and division, especially as the force-sensitivity of the Pharaonic line was never guaranteed.

It was to be this that proved to be the undoing of the In'ekesibi Dynasty, the first to command a unified Kingdom. When In'ekesibi III fell in battle, he left behind a legion of children, some thirty in number, none of which had been blessed with the power of the force. As such, when the Pharoah perished, he was succeeded by one of his Nobles, who revealed themselves to be a force-user, naming themselves Mehmet I.

Second Dynasty

Mehmet I began his reign by silencing any possibility of dissent from within the Nobility. Rounding up the children of the previous Pharoah, Mehmet I had them executed and displayed publicly on Nilrebmah I, the ‘throne world’ of the First Dynasty. Keen to thereafter establish a new lineage and a new legacy for himself, Mehmet I constructed a new palace on Nilrebmah II, beginning a long tradition in which each successive dynasty would establish a different planet or moon within the system as their seat of power.

The era of the second Dynasty was one of great advancement for the Kingdom, with considerable enhancements being made to the armed forces. With the Nilrebmah Setep standing as one of the few unified and prosperous systems in the region, it was a prime target for pirates, requiring the Kingdom to undertake a series of excursions against these raiders.

For many of the Kingdom's leaders, these skirmishes provided ample opportunity to expand on their own reputation and name, as the often vastly better equipped and trained starfighter corps of the Nilrebmah could easily out-do the ramshackle pirate groups. As such, the Second Dynasty oversaw a period of stability, wealth and prosperity for the subjects of the Mehmet Pharaohs, before, under the reign of Mehmet XVI, disaster struck.

Following a hyperspace incident over the agricultural world, which causes a cessation of exports from the planet, the Kingdom entered into a prolonged famine, causing two planets to rise up in open rebellion. The rebellion was only concluded when Mehmet XVI was assassinated by his own Vizier, who in turn placed his son, Aminkopesh, on the throne.

Third Dynasty

With Aminkopesh I assuming the throne, under the domineering influence of his father, who he allowed to stay on as Vizier, the Nilrebmah Setep entered into a period of stagnation. Raids against the more distant worlds increased in frequency, with an ever increasing portion of the treasury being emptied to keep the Kingdom safe. Coupled with the increased material efficiency of the invaders, the Third Dynasty saw many civilians falling in raids, with the Pharaohs resorting to a darker path to keep their economy afloat.

Slavery. Conducting its own raids on some of the outlying worlds and moons of the Setep, Aminkopesh II decreed that all non-humans were ‘inferior’ and could therefore be taken by any noble as slaves. In dark times, this move bolstered the struggling workforce, as well as provided increased fodder for the armed forces. Aminkopesh II oversaw a series of campaigns, making use of slaves to construct huge complexes to train up the armed forces and, and constructed vast manufactories to build entire legions of droids.

This renewed effort allowed for the Aminkopesh Dynasty to survive, albeit with a stagnant Kingdom that lasted for several generations. With the death of Kushep II without an heir, the Kingdom fell into the hands of a minor Noble, Serantep I, a member of the armed forces who was revealed to be a force-adept shortly before the death of Kushep II.

Forth Dynasty

Spanning some one-thousand years, the Fourth Dynasty was established after the demise of Kushep II. Serantep I, a member of the Royal Guard and a minor noble, took power thereafter, and established a series of traditions intended to enhance the survivability of the royal line. Abolishing the agnatic system of inheritance, therefore enabling female descendants of the Pharaohs to inherit as well, Serantep I also introduced a law enabling the incumbent ruler to take more than one partner, thereby increasing the likelihood of force-sensitive offspring.

Under Serantep I, the Kingdom left its period of stagnation, moving into a new era considered by modern historians to be one of the golden eras of the Nilrebmah Setep. A new palace on one of the moons of Nilrebmah III was constructed, and a vast pyramidic structure was built to hold the body of Serantep upon the occasion of his death.

Serantep I would reign for sixty years, during which time the Kingdom experienced renewed growth and prosperity, enshrining laws that effectively made the Pharaonic Dynasty the absolute and undisputed rulers of the region. A new priestly class was established to help keep the growing population in line, and upon the occasion of the death of Serantep I shortly after he turned 80 years of age, his son, Serantep II assumed the throne.

Around this period, Serantep II was approached by a member of a trans-galactic government, known as the ‘Republic’ (referred to by modern historians as the ‘Old Republic’), an organisation based in the deep core. Invited to join the organisation, Serantep II refused, but appointed his Brother, Hotep, as Ambassador for the Sector, and positioned his Kingdom firmly on the fringes of the Galactic Stage.

However, such a move was not without consequences. With the banning of slavery by the OId Republic soon after, Serantep II was forced to emancipate around ten per cent of the population of his realm or face invasion. With slaves now living as free men alongside their masters, many of whom were non-humans in a human-dominated Kingdom, social unrest grew, and before long, a civil war was brewing in the northernmost reaches of the Kingdom.

Unwilling to see his Kingdom fall to unrest once again, as it had under previous Dynasties, Serantep II took decisive action to resolve the dispute - ordering his fleet to lay siege to one of the largest holdouts of anti-alien militias on Nilrebmah VI. Flattening the holdout from orbit, Serantep II brought a conclusive end to the civil war in a matter of moments, proclaiming that his Kingdom would abide by Senate law, and would welcome non-humans with open arms.

For successive generations, Serantep IIs offspring ruled as an uninterrupted familial dynasty, all the way through to Serantep X, who passed the throne to his Uncle, as he had been unable to sire a force-sensitive heir. Amanhotep I assumed the throne shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, sheltering his Kingdom from the worst of the conflict, before opting to enter a period of isolationism around the time of the rise of the Empire.

This period continued throughout the Imperial Era, only being broken when Amanhotep XVI sent pilots to side with the rebellion at the battle of Exegol. Thereafter the Kingdom attempted to partially rejoin galactic society, and now, under the reign of Ramanhotep IV, the next chapter of the Kingdom's history can be written.


Expanding the length of the Nilrebmah System, the Kingdom after which the system is named is formed of twelve planets and their associated moons. Consisting of hundreds of millions of people, mostly human or near-human, the realm of the Nilrebmah is dominated by a sub-space lane, which cuts directly through to the system. Each world is strung out along the lane, in a rough line, with each world numbered in the order of its position across the lane.


With a diverse economy, the Nilrebmah Setep sees most of its population working in assorted agricultural jobs, with a series of industrial sectors to be found, mostly around the major cities of the system. Another important economic activity of the Kingdom is tourism, with several sentient beings coming to the system to visit the buildings that the Pharaohs of the past left. The most visited is the Great Pyramid of Serantep I in Materiya, one of the moons of Nilrebmah III.

Political Structure

Dominated almost completely by the nobility, who are in turn controlled by the Pharaoh, the entire Nilrebmah Setep is commanded by a force-sensitive Pharaoh, who is believed to be a direct descendant of the founder of the system. There is no democracy in the entire system, instead, each world and moon are controlled by a Noble, some of which inherit their positions as ‘Nomes’ of specific worlds, whilst others are gifted rulership of the planet by the incumbent Pharoah. Importantly, whilst nobility is inherited, positions such as a ‘Nome’ of a world, are normally not - with only stronger and more capable families being able to hand their positions down without the direct consent of the incumbent Pharaoh.

The present political class is supported by an underclass of priests, scribes and scholars that operate in a variety of Governmental functions. Universally adherents to a force-based religion established by the fourth dynasty, the priesthood class preaches the dominance of the Pharaonic line and is mostly used to administer the realm and keep the populace in line.

At the bottom of the political power structure lies the vast majority of the population, ordinary men and women of the Setep, who work in a huge variety of roles, afforded status in the eyes of the law based on the usefulness of their position to the regime. Most workers pay a range of tithes and taxes to their regional noble, who in turn pays this up to the Pharaoh to provide ‘security and protection’ to the people.


Boasting centralised armed forces, the Nilrebmah Setep makes use of a professional army mostly designed to keep the status quo intact and to protect the region from pirates and hostile invaders. Consisting of a large infantry force, the army makes use of conventional weapons known commonly throughout the region, with soldiers using energy bows, electro-spears, shock mauls and hand-held shields as standard equipment. Lightly armoured, mostly with flak vests, they cut a distinctive look on the battlefield.

Nilrebmah also makes use of a wide range of combat-ready pod-racers, mostly piloted by the nobility, for rapid attacks. Augmenting this with a committed starfighter corp, and a modest sector fleet under the royal family's command, the sector is more than capable of defending its people from those who would wish to do them harm.


Across Star Wars, there have always been groups of planets that seem to be ‘inspired’ by some historical civilisations in real life. Working with @LouJoVi, we have drafted one inspired by the ancient Egyptian civilisation and adapted it to incorporate sci-fi elements. We would like to see this become something people interact within RP, and with a new location and region with its own character and culture to come and explore.