Nirea Vavra


The Inconsistent
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2017
Reaction score

Nirea Vavra

► over 700
► Near Human (Anzat)
► 1.57m
► 72kg
► Azure Blue
► Jet Black
► Anzat
► Female
► Independant
► -
► Severed

  • To describe Nirea in a word; weathered. Nirea has lived longer and more traumatically than a great number of people could dare to imagine. Yet despite this, she loves life. She finds joy and wonder in all of the smallest and largest places. The completion of a project, a well measured and crafter chair, the smile of a student working out the answer for the first time. Nirea's hardships and tribulations have taught her the truth and beauty of life and all that it is worth.

    Another good word would be conflicted. Nirea has always struggled with and fought her own nature as an Anzat. The fact that for her to survive others must not has plagued her with doubts anxieties and a number of complexes. However she has come to terms with much of what once concerned her about her dual affliction of valuing life and requiring its extinguishing. She is confident that she isn't a monster, but it is because she chooses to shun her nature as opposed to revelling in it.

    Ancient. Both in attitude and understanding of the galaxy and its inhabitants Nirea's both self imposed and accidental exile have left her out of the loop. As a result many of her opinions or reactions may well be far out of the expectations of those around her. There is also something about the way that she speaks that puts people in the mind of a force of nature, eternal and unchanging, rather than the relatively short woman they see before them.

    In daily life Nirea tries to be warm and open to all who might wish to know her, but she was never very good at expressing herself emotionally and she can come across as stiff or unfeeling. She is fiercely loyal to those she has made a connection to and her beliefs in the sanctity of life and the will of good in the universe outweighing the bad when those that can do what they must. She is slow to anger but quick to act when the situation calls for it. When in a position of authority or command she is a strict taskmaster but knows that rigidity tempered with kindness is the most efficient way to bring about someone's inner strength and guide them to what they seek.

  • Nirea Vavra is both typical of and unlike any other Anzati you might find in the Galaxy. From birth she had the fear of death and the art of the hunt drilled into her. Every waking moment of her first Hundred years of life on the Planet Anzat were designed to fill her with the lust for survival and forger her through sweat and tears into a functioning and successful Anzat Hunter. Were is not for the gift of the force she had been touched with her story and development might have ended the day she left Anzat, nothing but the eternal hunt until one day the predator became the prey. This was not the fate for Nirea.

    At the hands of a rebellious Master who shunned the advice of the council Nirea was taught the value of life and how it all connects. The lessons from this master were not only a mind altering awakening for her but also gave her the first real friend that she'd had. Her master's death and her banishment from the order sent her down a new path, she chased after the mundane arts of healing, the sciences of biology. It was in an effort to never allow another friend to die before her, a resolution to allow no one to suffer at her hands. But nothing in her life up until this point had taught her true introspection. She did not know that her actions were driven by fear.

    She found work in a Merchant Navy at the end of the expansion era, starting as a simple medical assistant her natural longevity and focus of task had her as the Director of medical Services aboard a Way-station along a hyperlane in a mere century. But in that tie a great schism had emerged and the saber-war had begun. Nirea continued to hide and toil in the small sanctum she had found herself. Safe in routine, coddled by self justification and purified by a sense of self sacrifice; she was oblivious to how her fear had crystallised into impenetrable walls around her. The death of her master had torn a jagged wound in her heart and the fear of that pain coming again prevented her form forming new attachments, prevented her from living. Just like any other Antazi she was locked into a perpetual cycle of survival, but one of her own making.

    Eventually the saber-war spilled onto the Way-station.

    The security team aboard the station were a credit to their company. Their commander had kept them well drilled, highly trained and as well supplied as could be afforded. He knew that in time the Exiles or one of the factions that had come to fill the void opened up by the conflicts, would sweep down and take the station like a ripe juicemelon. Despite this though, the security teams were not soldiers, and the were mostly armed with non-lethal weapons for the sake of detaining criminals. The most they did was buy the station precious moments. In the chaos of the assault and confusion it would be the panic of one of the docked service freighters that would spell the destruction of the station. Terrified at the prospect of being swept up by the exile warpath the trader come smuggler pulled the safety cards from his nav-computer and slammed down the initiator on his Hyperdrive assuming the force of the jump would be enough to tear his ship free from the external mooring clamps. He wasn't entirely wrong.

    The force of the jump had torn his ship free from the station, but the splash back destroyed the freighter and rent the station asunder. Nirea had been in emergency triage when this happened. Surrounded by the injured, who had been dragged to the far side of the habitation ring as the security did their best to hold the line, and badgered by medical assistance droids she had noticed one exile in particular break the line. She could see that the looming figure was a Pau'an, it twirled a double bladed crimson saber and rushed towards her and the emergency triage. Handing her current patient to the beeping assistant she dashed forward to meet the assailant, low to the ground, one hand reaching out behind her for her Anzati Vibrodagger, the other reaching forward to begin to focus the force into a shove. Just as they charged into ten paces of each other the habitat ring exploded.

    Hours later Nirea awoke on a dishevelled medical cot. Tens of similar cots scattered around her, one solitary Droid struggling to do it's best to see to the patients but its motor coil was damaged and it could only move at a slow crawl. The unit perked up to see Nirea awake and slowly trundled over to her. It informed Nirea of its designation as Medical Assistant Niner Niner and that it was glad to see the director awake and would defer further treatment to her judgement and authority. Struggling to sit she realised her injuries must have been severe to take so long to heal. Looking down i was mostly contact burns and really not that significant, she could see them healing but not at the speed that they should. She grimaced, living on the edge of starvation must have slowed her Anzat regeneration. Putting it to the back of mind she glanced around to better take in her surroundings. Beyond the cluster of makeshift beds that would have to count as a ward, Nirea could see that they were still inside the habitation ring, or part of it.

    Great stretches of twisted metal had been hastily welded together with plasma burners. The once smooth white corridors were now a patchwork of grey metals, bright welds and burns. All around there was frantic an panicked activity. As the station's former medical director, Nirea recognised all of the faces strewn about the chaos. She spotted the Engineering chief alive but fighting to reconnect all of the functions she could to keep what few who were aboard this fragment alive. Nirea decided to follow suit.

    The following days were a blur of furious activity and the whole thing nearly fell apart dooming everyone on board more than once. But when it was clear that their chunk of metal would hold the atmosphere properly and wouldn't suddenly fall apart it was time to take stock of the situation. Of the original compliment of over 200 passengers and crew aboard Way-station 22 there were 37 survivors. They had power jury rigged from a fighter and freighter generators, enough recyclers to keep their space breathable and a hydroponic bay to produce food and waters. However the chunk was without propulsion and with limited resources to build any new tech they might need would be adrift with no hope of dictating course. It dawned then on Nirea that she was trapped, in a fairly small space with people she had lied to, people that might kill her should she reveal the truth and she'd need to do so soon because she would need to eat and unlike the rest of the crew, the Hydroponics weren't going to produce the required sustenance.

    It took Nirea the better part of a day to screw up the courage to potentially sign her own death warrant. She gathered the other high ranking member of the survivors, the chief engineer, the more senior of the two security officers and the botanist in charge of the hydroponic bay. Twisting all the nerve she could muster into a steely fist she told them who and what she was. They were surprised to say the least, they had all known that Nirea as strange but none had imagined her to be an Anzat, one of the galaxies most feared boogeymen. There was confusion, concerns and no small amount of panic. But it was the chief's reaction that Nirea was most interested in. They had known each other since the chief was a young woman, barely out of her teens. Nirea had lied to her all her life and they had even had built up something more between them than the kind of work colleague connection that Nirea usually cultivated.

    The chief took a long moment to answer, in which time much of the shock had subsided into apprehension. When she spoke the chief's words were considered and specific, essentially they knew nothing about Anzati save for the horror stories told to children and anyone would be rightly concerned in the face of that negative image and in the whole time that Nirea had been aboard the station there had never been disappearances or deaths with odd unsolved complications, in fact it seemed that despite her nature Nirea had clearly done all that she could to keep the residents on board alive, even so far as to throw herself against raiders when the time called. After hearing these thoughts the rest of the survivor's leaders seemed less worried but still concerned. They then pressed Nirea about the fine details of Anzat life and behaviour to better understand their situation and so that they might make a judgment. Nirea answered as clearly and concisely as she could until there were no more questions, then she stood and waited for their response.

    After much deliberation and the character evidence presented by the chief the survivor leaders realised that the need for a medical practitioner of her skill would out weigh any fears that her presence might illicit but that also the other survivors would need to be aware of the situation. And so Nirea's first safe haven and routine was shattered and slowly drifted into a claustrophobic and chilly life. The other survivors were slow to accept this new truth about Nirea, many assuming that the moment she were hungry she's simply have to kill to eat, a thought that persisted in the tiny community for a long time. Were it not for Nirea's undeniable ability as a doctor she would likely have been completely ostracized by all but the chief. As it was she was tolerated, much like her time on the station and a frigid disciplinarian health dictator, she was considered an outsider, though now it came with hints and whispers of the word monster.

    Nirea spent this time diligently doing what she could to keep occupied. She was inevitable reminded of her life at the Jedi temple, other acolyte whispering behind her back, their fears driving them towards exclusion and bitterness, her only solace her continued training and the kind words of her master. Without her master and without the station's old computer database Nirea new she was in danger of her medical knowledge waning over time she was well aware that to keep her skills honed she had had to constantly study and review material. She came to the chief with her concerns who saw it as an opportunity and as an excuse to do some tinkering with some of the rare unused technology salvaged from the wrecked segments of the fragment.

    Between them they upgraded MA99 into a more complete droid. Replacing her non-functioning aspects with suitable protocol component and linking several scavenged memory banks together to massively increase the unit's memory. After the droid was constructed the chief spent time teaching Nirea how to use and maintain it. This training culminated one day with the chief insisting that Nirea should give the droid a new name. Nirea was confused at first but seeing the look in the chief's eyes she understood. While Nirea looked as she had when she'd met the chief as a girl, the chief was now a grizzled silver haired battleaxe of a woman with as many lines on her face and grease burns on her arms. Nirea couldn't help but feel the wave of sudden emotion, the dawning realisation of what her only friend was trying to impart, despite years of frigidity, despite years of running hiding and shutting her emotions away with all the strength of a trained jedi. Her heart ached with the knowledge of her imminent loss, the knowledge that once again the closest person to her would be ripped away from her by time and would leave an open gash where her life had been. For the first time in centuries Nirea embraced another sentient being and as she did she wept, hidden suppressed emotions all piling up and bursting forth at the same time and so too wept the leathery hard bitten mechanic for despite her self she had always wondered if her doctor companion had had a heart, had the strength to love and the capacity for grief.

    In that moment Nirea came to a new resolve. She would push past her own walls and stupidity, she would surge forth with all that she could muster and would try to do more than just survive aboard this wretched shell, she would try to live. Nirea decided to call the droid Nina. This simple name was close to its previous designation and wouldn't be hard to remember.

    The days aboard the fragment turned into weeks which turned into months and soon years. When the chief finally passed Nirea's grief was loud and ugly. The depth of emotion she showed to her lost friend shocked many of the other survivors who had known her to be cold and emotionless. The funeral changed a lot of minds, or at east some thoughts and afterwards the general attitude to her became less one of tolerance and more one of acceptance. As the years scrolled by the population aboard the fragment began to change. Slowly new children were being born even as the elders were dying. As the number of people aboard the husk grew more work was done to make the space liveable. Even with limited equipment and tools much work was done by hand to smooth out the twisted chunks that made up their bulkheads and broadened the corridors to make ample room. Many internal walls were pulled down for excess parts and to increase space.

    Before long a whole new generation of people lived aboard the fragment and Nirea was doctor to them all. Each new child was less afraid than their parents. More accepting of the world as it is with no knowledge of what it was. As generation began to beget generation, Nirea became and Immutable figure on the ship. Seemingly immortal and ever present both capable provider of medical assistance and in time matronly advice for each and any subject that might trouble an individual in their limited world in the void of space. New children being born did however inevitably lead Nirea to a new choice one that would change her life forever.

    Until this point, as an Anzat, Nirea had consumed the grey matter of every individual that passed. This had quickly become the accepted norm when it became clear she would refuse to kill to eat. While this sustenance was limited, Nirea was no stranger to prolonged periods of abstinence and fasting, if anything the new extreme limitations on her food source simple strengthened her resolve. Also until now Nirea has bolstered her medical expertise with her control over the force, especially in matters of healing. So it was of great concern to her when she realised that one of the newborns on the ship was also force sensitive.

    Nirea had consumed a great number of brains in her time but had explicitly gone out of her way to avoid the brains of force users, even so far as to not eat them when there were no other brains available at the time. But she new instinctively that she would not have a choice in the matter this time. When this force sensitive died Nirea would have to consume them and with that struggle with the rumoured intoxication other Anzat had described of feeling the connection to the force through their food. The thought terrified her, in away that no other before her had, not death, not the void. The idea that something could feel so good as to strip her resolve and reason and make her the monster she feared herself to be was beyond comprehension. In that moment she knew what she would have to do to avoid her own decent into madness.

    As the sensitive grew Nirea took her on as a padawan as in the old ways and trained her in the use of the force. The training allowed the two to grow a bond that was more than any Nirea had felt before. When she discussed this feeling with some of the others aboard, they all agreed that this was what it was like to experience motherhood, or at least something very close to it. Years passed and the padawan became as competent if not more so with the force than Nirea and when her training had reached its peak Nirea asked her for her help. Tearfully and mournfully Nirea explained her need, her need to part with the force. Her padawan was against it. Surely these were unfounded fears and that nothing could turn her master into a monster. But Nirea begged her to see from her position, to understand the decades of thought that had gone into her planning. Slowly and with much convincing the padawan agreed.

    The ritual took a few days, neither of them were well versed in the techniques required to sever someone from the force. But with perseverance, tears and wave upon wave of untempered emotion the two sat in each others arms, the padawan exhausted and Nirea hollow in a way she couldn't describe.

    The loss of her connection to the force took a long while to get used to. But as the decades and eventually centuries passed she came to terms with her own life. Though the peace of each successive generation began to wear heavily on Nirea. She dutifully catalogued each of the residents and their descendants in as much detail as she could. With Nina's assistance she kept immaculate records so that should the husk be found one day adrift in the depths of the galaxy, someone would be able to remember them. But this routine would not last. Even in the vast emptiness of space it is only a matter or time before something hits you. The swarm of micro meteors swept through the station like hot embers through butter. While the inhabitants did their best to plug the holes and save the atmosphere, the hydroponic bay was completely destroyed and with it the source of food for most of the remaining survivors.

    Apart form Nirea everyone still onboard died. In the end many chose different fates. Some decided to starve but try to last as long as they could, others asked for their suffering to be swift and many ask for Nirea to be the one to do this. Eventually Nirea was alone. Now more than ever she was determined to survive this tragic twisted metal prison.

    She made the sudden abundance of grey matter last a very long time. But in that period between just her and Nina she grew intensely lonely. Only the droid's presence and now both buggy and quirky personality kept Nirea sane. Once they had finished the full catalogue of the residents and Nirea had finally run out of food as well she made her last choice aboard the fragment. Giving Nina a primer on Anzat biology and medicine Nirea taught her how to put her into a prolonged medical coma. Through the last of limited medicine they had been able to cultivate with the bay and a freezer unit that survived the meteor shower Nina put Nirea into a long sleep not dissimilar to a state of stasis where she would do her best to care for her.

    And so Nirea slept, through another century, though the rest of the Fragment's systems slowly failing, though one if the two generators going offline, though the last generator's output lowering to only being able to manage the Freezer unit and Nina making the decision to power off in the hopes that Nirea would last long enough to be found.

    Until finally, the fragment drifted into the path of a team of scavengers on their way back from a successful trip.

    • Strength: █████████

      Like many Anzati Nirea is deceptively strong for her size. Beneath her calm and even demeanour there lies a honed muscular physique of tightly corded muscles.

      Dexterity: ██████████

      Centuries of training, stretching and repetition have left Nirea with remarkable flexibility, reflexes and hand eye coordination.

      Consitution: █████████

      Nirea’s appearance does not belie her fortitude or stamina. Despite this her resolve and determination aren't what they once were after centuries of being tested to their limits.

      Intelligence: ██████████

      Nirea was never particularly Academically minded however after hundreds of years of what amounts to imprisonment her memory and sharpness of thought have declined significantly.

      Wisdom: █████████

      Nirea is one of the oldest beings in the galaxy. Despite the fact that much of that time was spent in a fixed environment, the accumulated experience of her time and the epiphanies it has brought her are approaching an unique level.

      Charisma: ████████

      Through no choice of her own Nirea learned to open up and communicate with others and became less apart from the universe, but subsequent isolation then left her somewhat sullen and slow to respond.

    • Biology: ██████████

      While still an accomplished biologist Nirea's vast swathes of knowledge have been erased somewhat due to the worsening of her memory and her lack of opportunity to practice the breadth of her knowledge.

      Surgery: ██████████

      Nirea is a very skilled surgeon. Her ability to retain muscle memory has always served her better than her mental memory. However there are some procedures she needs assistance for, just to remember the correct steps and checks.

      Tech Use: ██████████

      Through necessity and over time Nirea became more familiar with the operation and use of technology. In particular she knows just enough to keep her droid Nina functional.

      Music: ██████████

      Almost as a joke, a patient of Nirea's once told her to take up a hobby to appear more approachable, perhaps take up an instrument. Years beyond count of practice improved her technical ability and performance skills to legendary levels. However, it was the suffering and emotional turmoil of her time on the fragment of Way-station 22 that leant resonance and gravitas to her playing and pushed the merely mechanical operation of an instrument into the pure expression of her very spirit. Her instrument of choice (and the only one she owns) is the Dorenian Beshinquel also known as a "Fizzz".

      Melee Combat: ██████████

      Like all Anzati Nirea was trained to hunt on Anzat for a century before she left to travel the galaxy. She excelled in the art of close up combat both with and without weapons and she has practised almost every day since to keep these skills sharp should she ever need them.

      Mentoring: ██████████

      Nirea has experienced the lifetimes of countless individuals. She has had to learn to understand and give advice on all conceivable situations that a person might encounter in their life time, a hundred fold.

  • Severed from the Force: Nirea was once trained as a jedi and trained another in the ways of the force. However not only was her training so long ago as to be completely forgotten, but by her own choice she gave up and traumatically severed her connection to the force out of fear and to help her to survive her centuries trapped aboard the fragment of Way-Station 22.

    Deceptive Build: Nirea has shockingly compact dense muscles like durasteel cords. This is a fact that is hard to ascertain by simply looking at her. Not only does this hide much greater physical power and endurance from many who may see her as a potential threat but it also makes her significantly heavier than her height and shape would suggest. More than anything this tends to lead opponents to drastically underestimate the speed and striking strength she can bring to bear in a fight.

    One track mind: Nirea has uncompromising focus. This allows her to shut all manner of distractions out when she is performing a difficult or strenuous task. However this also means she gets particularly caught up with single topics almost to the point of obsession. This aspect of her personality combined with her long life span has lead her to become a highly specialised individual. This also affects her lateral thinking skills. She isn’t much of a problem solver, if it isn’t something she has already learnt it’s not something she will necessarily think of. This is part of what makes her such a slow learner.

    Fasting Artist: Through unprecedented suffering and unbelievable steeling of will Nirea experienced extremely prolonged periods of starvation in order to both survive on the limited food sources she had aboard the station fragment and to improve the quality of life for the other survivors as long as she could. Nirea is capable of not eating for a staggering amount of time both by normal standards of consumption but also by the more complex sustenance requirements of the Anzati. This ability does however limit the amount that she can eat in a single sitting without causing herself damage, which is difficult when combined with the pronounced urge to gorge she developed when the opportunity to feed does arise.

    Fearless: In her time aboard the fragment, one of the many epiphanies of her long retrospection was that her personal philosophies had trapped he into a prison of fear of her own creation. As all Anzati she had once been instilled with a fear of mortality and of death in general. More so than this though she had been terrified of the void of space (as one of the most abundant things that will unquestionably kill an Anzat with little to no ability to affect the outcome). Due to endless exposure to many individuals and their relationships with both death and the endless void they were trapped in she realised that her fears had been pointless and were caused by her drive for survival. Shrugging off that deeply encoded desperation had been difficult but it was the first step on her path toward living rather than surviving.

    Mother to a Mausoleum: Nirea has been a mother figure to countless individuals, all of whom are now dead. What's more, due to the circumstances of her last 460 years of life she also had to eat every single one of their brains in order to survive.This has created a permanent bond with each of her surrogate children that transcends the bounds of what would normally be associated with a departed loved one, it is not an exaggeration to say that each of them are now literally a part of her and she now carries them with her. In practical terms what this means is that she can struggle to organise individuals in her mind, especially those in a younger or mentoree relationship with her. It is not uncommon (especially with Vavra's deteriorating memory) for her to confuse people with long dead individuals or to impose feelings she has or had for other dead individuals on to the living. She is also utterly unflappable and stoic in the face of the opinions and actions of those younger than her, in the way that only a mother to thousands could be. She has very much seen and heard it all before.

  • A Custom Archaic Medical Assistance droid
    A ship
    A vibroaxe
    Two throwing knives
    A scavenged helmet
    sawn-off light repeater
    A Fizzz
    This section to be elaborated on in terms of descriptions and item acquisition after the first thread in which she acquires most of it.

  • Residents of Corellia Systems' Way-station 22 and their descendants:

    Nirea is intrinsically connected and entwined with the lives and histories of the residents and their descendants. First as their doctor and the director of medical serviced aboard the station. Then after the stations destruction as a figure of authority. Eventually as a motherly constant, seemingly immortal to the limited lives of the other survivors. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to describe her relationship with the hundreds of now dead individuals from the station as underpinning and informing every action and relationship she undertakes.


    Nina is a droid composed of the surviving parts of several droids from Way-station 22. Apart from being Nirea's only companion for almost a century. Due to the quirks of programming errors and a long unwiped memory, Nina's behaviour is particularly sentient like. Due to this and the fact that she contains a record of every person who once lived aboard the station, Nirea treats the droid like it not only were alive but also like a close and loved family member.


Key= Ongoing Completed Not started Abandoned

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Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Could you give me a tl;dr version of her bio? When was she born, when was she trained as a jedi, and big events. I want to get a clear picture of her timeline.

Also, all anzats are Force Sensitive, so that is not something that would make her unique.


The Inconsistent
SWRP Supporter
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Jan 8, 2017
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So the website version of Anzati as written by Soverin for last TL and re-accepted for this TL are not all force sensitive, this is something that was also brought up here. Essentially Anzati are not more force sensitive than any other species, but the ones that are have a predilection towards mentally manipulative uses of the force. A force sensitive Anzati isn't unique, but is as rare as any other race with a standard relationship with the force, they would have a similar ratio of force sensitives to Humans living on Coruscant for example.

I understand that my bio is long, but it needed to be considering the character's age.

So, a timeline:
  • Nirea is born, around 760-770 years ago.
  • For her first 100 or so years she is trained on Anzat by her mother in the ways of hunting and survival as is traditional in Anzat culture. (Citation).
  • As a force sensitive Anzat who has just come to the Anzat equivalent of late teens she seeks out the jedi order for tutelage (This happens before the start of last TL "the 7th").
  • For 40 of so years she is trained under her master who finally dies of old age, at this point she is ejected from the order as much of the council believed her too old (Truthfully) and of sinister intention seeking training in the force.
  • Spurred by the death of her master and the lessons she taught, Nirea joins the merchant navy to learn as a medical assistant she is posted to the newly Build Waystation 22.
  • This is the end of the Expansion era, Nirea lives on the station for the next 140 years or so becoming an incredible doctor and the director of medical services aboard the station due to her high rank for many years of service. During which time the war between the Jedi and the Exiles takes place leading to the formation of the Sith empire.
  • The station is destroyed and for the next 400 years Nirea is trapped on it with what few survivors remained and their eventual descendants.
  • Nirea's only real frrind the Cheif engineer of the station succumbs to old age and as a result Nirea resolves to try to live her life as best she can rather than just hiding and surviving.
  • During this time, another force sensitive is born on the fragment.
  • Nirea trains the force sensitive as best she can given that her own training is around 350 years old at this point. Between them they sever Nirea's connection to the force so that she does not have to experience the feeling of consuming a force sensitive mind as a force sensitive, an act that Nirea is afraid would make her into a monster.
  • The food source aboard the fragment is lost and the survivors other than Nirea all die. With the assistance of her droid Nina Nirea is put into a medical coma when her food runs out.
  • 100 years or so later the fragment of Waystation22, the sleeping Nirea and powered down Nina are discovered by a group of scavengers. (Thread start)

    @Wit Hope that helps :)
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Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Unfortunately that Anzat lore article in not approved. The link to last TL's article probably got carried over while copy pasting the link from last TL but that has not been cleaned up. So till it is approved I am not considering that as canon.

As for the rest, I am sorry but a 700 year old character who was trained by Jedi before the previous TL is not going to work. I'd suggest cutting the time frame down drastically and getting rid of the Jedi training and severance of the Force if this is still the general back story you want to you use but with a much younger age for the character.

I can either move this to workshops for you to work on that as this will probably require significant changes, or archive this character and let you work on it and submit a fresh character once ready.



The Inconsistent
SWRP Supporter
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Jan 8, 2017
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Well, part of the point is that the jedi traning is no longer active aspect of the character she couldn't do a lot with the force by the time she decided to give it up. This was a character I was playing last TL and due to the collapse of my personal life I didn't get a chance to do much with her, since it's only 500 years later I decided I'd write the time gap out and give myself a way to actually play her. I was hoping to maybe take her on a long journey to regain her connection to the force and train from the start again given that there are basically no jedi in the current tl, I thought that'd be fun to roleply and i took her ability to use the force currently and her memories of the training away to comply with the no starting jedi rules of this TL.

I would like to know if the problem is the age of the character or that it looks like I'm trying to circumvent the Jedi starting rules, which I'm not.

I hadn't noticed that the page hadn't be re-approved but frankly it's more flavourful and less powerful than the legends version of Anzati. I'm happy to change the aspects of the character related to the old write up but reserve the right to revert them if and or when approved.

Otherwise I'd very much like a more detailed explanation of your objections if at all possible please.


The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Well, part of the point is that the jedi traning is no longer active aspect of the character she couldn't do a lot with the force by the time she decided to give it up. This was a character I was playing last TL and due to the collapse of my personal life I didn't get a chance to do much with her, since it's only 500 years later I decided I'd write the time gap out and give myself a way to actually play her. I was hoping to maybe take her on a long journey to regain her connection to the force and train from the start again given that there are basically no jedi in the current tl, I thought that'd be fun to roleply and i took her ability to use the force currently and her memories of the training away to comply with the no starting jedi rules of this TL.

I would like to know if the problem is the age of the character or that it looks like I'm trying to circumvent the Jedi starting rules, which I'm not.

I hadn't noticed that the page hadn't be re-approved but frankly it's more flavourful and less powerful than the legends version of Anzati. I'm happy to change the aspects of the character related to the old write up but reserve the right to revert them if and or when approved.

Otherwise I'd very much like a more detailed explanation of your objections if at all possible please.


So, just a quick chime in here: Unfortunately carrying over characters from timeline to timeline has historically never been a thing on this site, regardless of how long-lived the species is. (A Hutt character made last timeline won't be able to be transferred either even though it can live more then 500 years for example).

While you can make a similar character/concept of course if it fits in our timeline. (and if it's a descendant character, follows the descendant character rules in the character creation guide), we can't transfer over characters from timeline to timeline. A new timeline, a new character .etc

I hope this helps.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
The fact that this is a character from last TL changes things. Characters cannot be reused from one TL to the next, so unfortunately you cannot simply age up the character and use it again. Sorry but I am going to have to reject this character.