Oatu's Covert Set


Thermal Detonator
SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2019
Reaction score


Based on the Imperial Covert Dress. As the name suggests, this dress was created exactly to blend in. It would be impossible to recognize someone's affiliation solely by these clothes. The dark pieces suggest nothing out of order.

Duraplast plates cover several parts of the body, but it is far from being heavy. The head is not covered at all, but a rebreather is at arm's reach, should the user need it. The dress allows agents to move easily and conceal the equipment they need to complete their mission. An operator belt along with an inner belt keeps the user's waistline intact. Rigid enough to support any and all gear, yet has enough flexibility for comfort and fluid movement. No itching, even after hours of motionless hanging from the roof.

Oatu had this specific set modified to fit his agile combat style and to minimize weight.

Developed by Imperial scientists, heavily based on agent's feedback to meet their needs.


This set is legal anywhere. So long the functions remain hidden, thinking of military presence would not be reasonable. The black plates might be frowned upon where armor is an uncommon sight.


To create an unmarked set for my agent, other soldiers, who wish to handle stealth missions with comfort and decent protection.

The four functions are completely optional, they are up to changes and can be easily modified to fit your character's taste. The default setup for imperial covert military or political operations use is below.


No. This gear is meant to be used in field deployments by every day special agents.

Type and Coverage

Type: Medium


    • Head: Duraplast helmet, specially made to accompany Oatu's horns.
    • Torso: Duraplast plates from the crotch to neck.
    • Back: Duraplast plates from top to bottom.
    • Lower Arms: Cortosis weaved armguards.
    • Upper Legs: Duraplast plates around the thighs.

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