Sapient Pangos (Pangolin Humanoids)


SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score

Species Name
Mammalian Humanoid
Average Height
  • Thaldek 7' or 213.36
  • Phata: 2'3" or 68.58 cm
Skin Color
Dark Brown
2 Sub-Breeds:
  • Thaldek - Sharp Keratin Scales, Thick Claws, Heavy Tail
  • Phata - Smooth Keratin Scales, Light Tail,
Sexual; Litters of 1-3
Mature at 5 when scales harden. Live to 50
Destroyed (Now Secundus, see History)

Pangos all have two arms, two legs, and a semi-prehensile tail. All Pangos have large, protective keratin scales, similar in material to fingernails and toenails, covering a majority of their skin and their tails. Their skin and scales are usually brown, though some Pangos have white or orange colorations.

Most pangos are very flexible. When falling asleep, pangos roll into a defensive ball position, utilizing their scales to protect vulnerable areas from the elements. Their scales are incapable of protecting against blaster shots and vibroknives, but can provide protection against weapons like basic knives or the teeth and claws of predators. This trait was believed to protect them against the natural predators of their home world.

Pangos come in two sub-breeds: The heavier, bulkier Thaldek and the lighter, smaller Phata.

Thaldek: Also known as Giant Pangos, the Thaldek evolved from surviving on the giant insect mounds of their home planet. Their large size, averaging between 6 and 8 feet tall, and sharpened scales allowed them to burrow into the mounds to hunt the insects, and their large claws enable them to tear apart insect chitin for feeding. While they lost the ability to manipulate their prehensile tails for climbing, they still are able to use them to keep themselves upright against forces before them, or swing the sharpened scales as a makeshift weapon.

Phata: Evolved from Pangos that survived in the forests of their home planet, the 'Tree Pangos' are much smaller and lighter compared to their giant cousins. Tree Pangos tend to grow between two to two and ½ feet tall. Their tails are semi-prehensile, capable of performing tasks such as securing themselves onto objects like trees and helping them climb, but incapable of performing delicate movements such as using a weapon or activating devices that require hands or fingers.

Strengths: Natural armor and tails. See Subspecies.

Weaknesses: Giant Pangos are heavy and slow moving, literally unable to break into a sprint and must either waddle, crawl on all fours, or roll down a hill. Tree Pangos are much weaker and, while faster than their large cousins, still struggle to keep up with humans. All Pangos' flesh is said to be delicious, making them a prime target for cannibalistic species. The name Pango has become synonomous with 'delicious' on some worlds.

Behavior/Temperament: Many Pango’s share a lack of foresight. ‘Thinking things through’ is not a common practice, and as a result, Pangos often jump into situations blindly.

Giant Pangos are often seen as brutish and straightforward. Most Giants seem to understand their own inadequacies, leading to them being humble creatures. They are often taken advantage of by their smaller cousins. Despite their size, Giants are not inherently violent. When they get into trouble, they would rather roll up until the problem is solved instead of fighting.

Tree Pangos are often times more conniving and deceptive, leading to them being the de-facto rulers of the species, sometimes to the Giant's detriment. Often times, they are the mechanics and generals of their species, concocting wild schemes and daring plans that utilize their bigger cousins.

Typically in the Galaxy: Pangos found off their home are typically victim's of their own lack of foresight, whether its by being mercs for hire on suicidal missions, criminals trying to rob the wrong big business, or someone who owes favors to everyone in exchange for their Scale insignias. Thankfully, their natural evolution has guaranteed that wherever a Pango is, there is something foolish for it to attempt. Many people see Giant Pangos as foolish, albeit brave, creatures, and the Tree Pangos as clever annoyances. Those who are aware of the Killiks value their nuisance to the bugs.

Relationships: Due to their diet, most Pangos are viewed negatively by insectoid species such as Verpine and Colicoids. After a situation on Kubindi, involving a group of Tree Pangos stealing insect breeding secrets , all Pangos are hated by most Kubaz. Universally, all Pango’s see Killiks of every type as delicious.

Culture: Scale-Giving is the art of declaring forms of love or respect to each other. By removing several of the scales on their backs, a Pango will create a crude but identifiable insignia that act as a ‘favor token’. Whoever holds these insignias hold a high degree of favor from the original maker, even if it had been traded away. Having one of these guarantees that the original owner will most likely help in the future, though they may request the insignia in return. Scale-Giving is considered to be the one thing that has helped prevent the Pango's from completely cutting themselves off from everyone else.

A game developed by Pangolins that has begun to spread (Not necessarily for the better) is Pango-Striking. By rolling up into a ball, a Pango's friends and family will roll the mentioned Pango down a hill towards a series of targets, similiar to bowling. Unfortunately, this sport has spread and earned some attraction with other species, and several Pangos have been kidnapped or coerced for illegal 'Strikematches'.

History: Pangos evolved on a planet lost to history somewhere in the Unknown regions. According to the Pango's earliest recorded star charts, their home planet was remarkably close to Yoggoy, the adopted homeworld of the Killiks. Whether they evolved and attained sentience before the Killiks arrived or not is unclear.

What is clear is that the Pango’s developed Hyperdrive tech as a result of dooming their homeworld to industrial pollution, unable to sustain life. For a degree of time, they survived on their space ships, until they found a lost Ithorian Herdship, its original pilots long since dead. Unable to build anything this grandiose, the Pangos settled on the Herdship as their new home ‘planet’ and base of operations.

When they left their homeworld, they quickly came into contact with the Killiks. The Pango’s did prove to be one of the biggest nuisances of the Killik hives, despite their small sizes. Due to the fact that the species spread rapidly across space and their home ‘ship’ had never been found by the Killiks, the Pangos . Most often, the history of the Pangos is they would find a planet controlled by the Killiks, set up a colony, begin a decades long war with the Hive, and then leave when the Killiks became too powerful. Whenever a hive controlled planet is actually defeated, (a rare and time consuming feat), Pangos consider that world to be ‘claimed’ and harvest everything possible, until it too ends up like their original home planet. Ironically, planets that Pango’s land on do best when there is a Killik threat on the world.

After the defeat of the Killik hive on Rago, Pangos have begun to interact with the wider galaxy more actively, establishing a diplomatic colony while feeding on the leftover disconnected Killiks. Numerous Pangos have been following the Jedi, curious at these beings who took on a hive single handedly, while others have been trying (and failing) to establish relations with other neutral worlds in exchange for their resources. People who have spoken with Pango diplomats worry that their claims of 'bigger hives' may not be an exaggeration.

Planet: Right now, the Pango’s consider their home a moderately functioning Ithorian Herdship known as Secundus, located in Unknown Regions (Approx H8). They make colonies wherever food sources (insects) can be found. Most of their colonies are found on previously Killik controlled planets. The biggest colony is now Rago. The government on the Secundus is a democratic government.

Technology: Pangos have developed starship technology, and are capable of breeding massive swarms of insects for eating, but seem to be either unable to, or unwilling to, evolve their technology to keep their planets from becoming uninhabitable.

Intent: To create a species that is both a fighting force against the Killiks, as well as to create a pangolin species in Star Wars. Hoping to create a character if apporved.
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