Ask Scuba Diving

Vossari Kressh

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
The Jedi Padawan was locked safely away in the confines of their ship. The knight, on the other hand, was brought with the pair of them - bound and gagged - along with the injured cultist. The incursion of the Jedi was an opportunity borne from the chaos of this moment, and he would use it. When Azar asked about a 'plan,' Vossari sighed. He hadn't yet realized it. "Arak, there's never a plan. We just bullshit until we land on top - got it?" He nodded affirmatively, with the bound and gagged Jedi pulled behind him.

With the hostages in tow, Vossari waved to the guards, drawing irate glares in response. With fishing spears in tow, they swarmed Arak and Vossari, as a commanding boom of an aquatic voice from a one-eyed commander sounded. "Who are you? What have you done to our ward?"

Vossari raised his hands up, as he cleared his throat to explain the current affairs. "Vossari..." He gestured to himself, before pointing to the Pureblood. "And Arak. We're Sith!" The spears seemed to get closer, the attitudes more angry, and the glares more intense. Vossari used his metal thumb to move the tip of the closest spear. A movement of the tides shifted the Jedi knight forward. "You've had an infiltrator. Not just with the police - the Jedi Order has caught wind of your actions. They killed one of your own. We have brought the murderer for you to exact justice." The captain eyed them cautiously, but took the captured with them. A pair of the guards swam him down to their dungeons. The poison Vossari manipulated into his bloodstream ensured that the Knight would die before he would ever be questioned. Along with the cultist. No witnesses, yet they had still bought their audience.

"And why would you do us this kindness?" She asked, as she began to urge them into the palace. She couldn't trust the Sith as far as she could throw them, but increased police repression and Jedi infiltration were two threats that their Order could not ignore. The Sith, a fellow dark side religion, were a devil they knew, even if they could not fully trust.

"We face a similar threat. The Jedi have reignited. We know who their targets will be. If we work together, we have a chance at victory. We can permanently displace the Light." Vossari screened his head at Arak. "I have with me a diplomat from Korriban, and the backing of Thule." Two lies, but ones he hoped Arak would implicitly back.

The cultist turned her head past Vossari, to regard Arak.
"What is it you have to offer, boy?" Vossari turned towards Arak, curious to hear the answer, as medics rushed to treat the poisoned cultist.

@Javier esschoolbus

Arak Ragnos

Sith Order

Character Profile
Javier Esschoolbus
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
Arak listened and watched as Voss made introductions. He even went as far as to label them as Sith to the cultists which caused tensions to rise and Arak to get on guard. Voss continued to quickly throw out an explanation that painted the two of them as saviors to the cult and friends.

She urged them through the coral gates into a large courtyard with a couple coral buildings of various colors and types of coral. It was obvious this functioned more as a fortress than a city. It also seemed that specific coral was used to mark certain buildings. As they walked through the courtyard and towards the keep Vossari went on to explain that Arak was an emissary from Korriban. Which caused Arak to immediately side eye him and regret just following his lead.

Before they entered the keep the guard captain stopped Arak and asked what he could offer the cult. Arak cleared his throat, “I offer that whatever dark side knowledge and rituals that aren’t culturally important to the Sith people will be shared.” He explained simply, “Vossari is close to our king so any inquiries would likely have higher weight requested through him.” He said with a smirk, if Voss thought he could throw Arak to the wolves he’d find that the pureblood would just as quickly pull him down with him.

The guard captain gave a simple nod before opening the doors to the throne room. On the throne sat an old Selkath, he wore regal robes and held a scepter. He gazed at the two Sith with a curious yet cautious look, as the guard lead them to the throne. “What makes you Sith believe my order needs your help?” He questioned, his voice bellowing across the halls, “Do you believe you could take my throne from me Wrean?” His voice hissed at Vossari, the ‘King’ not liking the idea of being challenged.

@Fine Dining Set

Vossari Kressh

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score

"Wise and noble king," Vossari flitted towards the aquatic overlord, kicking his feet gingerly as his eyes roamed across the palace. He felt at home here. Except, there was a stranger sitting on his throne. "Only an aquatic being like myself can appreciate the cultural complexities of a water world. And, only a Sith can know the powers of the Dark Side." He raised his hand, and sparks of green, venomous energy crackled around his fingers.

"Already, I have rescued your Order from captivity. It is only through the Sith that you can rise from the depths and reclaim your place within this society." His eyes glimmered with dark promise. "Imagine it, my King. The magics of Korriban and Tund at your fingertips. The power to control the tides with your very thoughts." He weaved a gust of oceanic spray between his fingers, controlling hot and cold water with ease. "Your Order has a rudimentary control of the Dark Side. We offer you the tools to master it." The king considered his words carefully.

"Fine, Sith. But you will be kept on a short leash." They were wise to distrust the Sith, that was true. But, it was equally true that they desperately needed partnerships.

Finally. With a handshake, the planet was in his hands. Manaan would grow. A banquet was held that night in their honor, where jubilation and drinking met with ritual and darkness to commemorate their wicked pact. The next day, they were on the ship back to Umbara, as Vossari sat sipping a glass of Selkath brandy on their flight home. Arak had proven himself this day - swam when he could have sunk. In return, they now had the seeds of a new empire and a Jedi captive in tow. He would have to give him flying marks on his next few class assignments, at least. Maybe a gift card to the school bookstore, too.

His shares in the SubTorrel Mining Corporation quickly went to work beneath the waves of the watery planet. While the cult grew within the shadows, aided by the Dark Side oceanic rituals that Vossari had long sought to master, Voss grew his holdings in public. Industrial experts from Saleucami helped him to identify the best sites of kolto production.

Thus, two instruments of power grew. Two power bases, in one. Between . Finally, a world, within his fingers. Finally, a taste of the success he so desperately craved. With both cultists and kolto in his hand, the Sith were the firm rulers of this planet from beneath its shadows. A civilian government would reign, perhaps. But there lived now a shadow government, a coalition of kolto growers, students of sorcery, criminals, and industrialists. A force to be reckoned with. And none, save Vossari, could hold all the pieces together. The blue marble was a pearl between his fingers.

In the coming months, the throne room would become his home and command station.

@Javier esschoolbus

/exit thread