Seafoam's Seashore


SWRP Writer
Oct 1, 2019
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His last memory was tumbling into bed the night before after an hour's stroll, a walk in the cool night air with only the chittering of insects for conversation and only the stars to watch him. His many hours of work in the hospital had felt longer than usual. More difficult. Something out there had changed recently, though Cavo could not put it into words. It was as if the tides had begun to turn against them - or, as if the waters had simply begun to roughen. Yes, that was it, it was simply that a crueler wind had begun to blow. The wounds were a little harsher, a little deeper, but the cruelty that had birthed them would pass as all things did. This, Cavo told himself as he lay there with the morning sunshine spread over his face. He could see only a little of the room around him, the bed opposite him with it's occupant, their chest rising and falling with their breath. That was what he assumed he could see at least, as his eyes came into focus, but it quickly became apparent that the bed was empty. If it was empty, that meant...

It took him only a moment to spring out of his bed and hurl himself through the door. Luckily there was nothing he needed for this particular meeting besides himself in high spirits and good health. Currently he was certainly in possession of the latter with his extra hours of sleep in hand. The former had completely deserted him, lost beneath the furious thundering of his feet and the cloying jungle air that nearly suffocated him as he sprinted. Over hillocks he sprang, under branches he dived, dancing in time with the landscape that presented itself. His rhythm was good and so it did not take him long to arrive in the east of the grounds; puffing and wheezing, yes, but ready for work.

"C-Cavo Bresk, sir. Sorry for the wait. Ever so sorry..." If there had been more to his sentence it vanished beneath continued heavy breathing. At least he showed enthusiasm.

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