Shieo workshop


SWRP Writer
Aug 24, 2018
Reaction score



NAME: Krevil
AGE: Thirty-Six

FACTION: Independent
RANK: Rank 1/Level 1

HEIGHT: 2.8m / 9'-01"
WEIGHT: 254kg / 561lbs

Born on a low-technologically advanced planet called T'surr, which in turn was too the name of his species. This planet served as his home for the early years of his life into what would be the adolescence of a normal human. Here he learned how to survive incredibly taxing and vile environments, with virtually no aid from any alien species. This was primarily due to the locale of the planet; serving in a fairly unknown part of what would later be known as the 'Expansion Region' located between the Inner-Rim and Mid-Rim. Visitors were something only told in the fables of the past and horror stories of the present and future.

Due to the nature of their survival, the T'surr were something of a scavenging species; that adapted to the brutally harsh climates of their planet. With it's asinine gravitational pull, and the biting ice-winds of the surface, they sparingly departed out of what would be caves, turned to tribal homes. Through and through, the expectations of living imposed on their race was harsh; and it bred harsh creatures.
Krevil. Was no exception.

From birth Krevil was born of a tribe of no-name; as are all tribes on the planet. Instead, they simply brand their recognized symbol into the upper-biceps of their off-spring. Theirs was Four Eyes, to match their facial feature. With his kin of equal or similar age; he was bred into that like all of his fellow T'surr, a scavenger with the potential of ferocity in power. They hunted a great deal for their meals, not only for themselves but the unified whole of the tribe. Through this level of unity, each member of the tribe develops something akin to a community of support; even if it does conflict somewhat with the general personality of the species.

This life was his own for a great deal of his early life, with little interaction with alien species to the planet; and little interaction with the other tribes that span across the gargantuan planet; he grew fondness, respect and honor to his kin as brothers, sisters, friends and rivals. With the daily and mundane life of a tribe, a huntsman and a supporter along side many others; this had retained his life until he was sixteen.
Around this time, the planet T'surr was visited by a freighter ship; or more appropriately, emergency landed. Like the scavenging race of technologically inferior they were, the tribe centered in onto the ship; awaiting the signs of the explorers in their eyes. After two days of rotational shifts, and no reveal of those within'.
Krevil and two others of the tribe took it upon themselves through impatience and eagerness to show their strength; and went to engage the ship to discover the inhabitants, and secure the ship for salvage.
While the process required some hours work to crack through the mundane defenses of a powerless ship, the three entered to discover a slew of starved bodies. Each with dull lifeless eyes, while morality would normally play a part to the average sentience around the galaxy. The three had disposed the bodies out of the ship for the domesticated animals to feed on; while those of the tribe along with Krevil worked on the ship. While their technological aptitude was fairly minimalist, they with the help of each other slowly reconstructed some semblance of a functioning ship for their tribe.

Through the next year, the tribe had undergone something akin to training of a group of the T'surr to actively pilot and expand the tribes influence with the ship; and it's superiority- or at least in their eyes; amongst the crew was Krevil. It was more or less a shoddy attempt at preparing them for motion sickness and working together in a different environment, built with a general understanding of the ship systems through testing, and then practical application.
At the end of this training, group was sent out to the stars, with the mind to return with what the tribe had hoped; was honor, glory and influence to bring in their banner.

Years had gone by in their time. Krevil and the crew had traveled too and from many varying planets, involved in the occasional mercenary-like contracts; primarily acting as bodyguards and hired muscle. Given their large size as the statistical average of the T'surr, they were favored. If a bit feared due to the rarity of their kind outside their planet; and due to the sheer fact of their size, and biological advantages.
Though most of the crew remained, some left; others replaced with varied races to fill the gaps. As more and more of the T'surr had departed from the crew due to diverted interests, or the common ending of the stars; death.
Nearing the age of of Thirty, Krevil was slowly growing weary of the life of bodyguarding, acting as a bouncer or otherwise just muscle with the occasional transportation of goods as an excuse to try a different planet in the galaxy.

Through this dreary feeling; it was decided that he wanted some greater. His tribe had wished that the crew he left with would come to find glory, and as his age steadily rose. The honor and influence he wished to provide to his home, was still far from in his grasp.
Though it wasn't a quick decision, or quick in execution. Krevil had begun plotting himself something different. Continuing his work, the man had started to save money for equipment to operate and pursue things on his own; without the burden of the crew who's jurisdiction decided the course that the unified whole went with.
Some two years had come and gone during this time, granting the man plenty of time to prepare himself. Having established an alright kit of weapons, armors and some vehicles he can call his own through deeds. The man eventually expressed his departure, without much resistance.

Taking the start of his new life with both fear of the unknown, and eagerness to see what he could accomplish. He sat down in his newish freighter. And took to the stars, what he had in mind? Something lucrative, he had the strength, the weapons and the brutal harshness of morality. He thought, just maybe. Bounty-Hunting could work for him.























Krevil is otherwise a fairly brutally straight-forward individual. Having been raised in an environment that emphasized strength, endurance and survival; he was what one would typically perceive is rather barbaric. If a problem can't be solved by one's fists or intimidation, get a bigger weapon. Sort.

While tact isn't completely lost on him, it is certainly prioritized low; unless in the seat of a star-ship; or in a particularly challenging situation that forces him to stand back ever so slightly to re-evaluate the conundrum for a better outcome; stemming from his inclination for survival. This particular skill of the mind, while in nearly all sentient denizens; is something that had kept him alive for many years post his departure of the crew that he spent the vast majority of his life with. Given the independence he had to adapt to survive against odds that were nearly always against him, especially due to the field of work he was intent on working in.
Many years into the hunt of bounties, the cold man; grew ever colder. To a point of problems in some circumstances; when a target is marked. It is difficult to dissuade him from fulfilling the task, regardless of the circumstances- Which has led to some morally blacking actions that even he will hesitate to bring to the table, even though the pay was good.

Though in the past he had decided to depart from the crew for some more independence to decide the course of his own life; and to eventually be able to return to his home with an influence that could benefit them. This doesn't preemptively stop him from aiding, or being aided towards jobs; or whatever challenge happens to arise. Given his cultural upbringing of some communal work is better for the greater whole; it doesn't necessarily hurt his honor, or pride to be helped; nor doe he intrinsically demand repayment from others when he steps in to assist them. An autonomous action without better description for some of his motions and actions.



Clovoc Armor

—MOD - N/A
—AMMO - 2 power packs of 10

Tri-Barrel Pistol
—AMMO - 6 (18 shot pack, 3 bolts per shot)

Ascension Gun
—AMMO - Single shot

Model 1-48 Stun Baton
—AMMO - Melee


Terrex T-12 Speeder Bike

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