Strange's 9th TL Nonsense

Caught in Strangereal

Creatively Addicted
SWRP Writer
Jul 2, 2019
Reaction score

Jade McLaren


► 32
► Human
► 1.78 m
► 70 kg
► Blue
► Blonde
► Cantonica
► XX
► Five Syndicates
► Scoundrel
► No
Cantonica was a haven in the seedy corporate underbelly. Canto Bight being the beautiful tainted jewel that exuded wealth and circumstance. From the movers and gamblers to the fledgling businessman and the lowly slave. One of the Families that lived on Cantonica was the Wealthy McLaren family. The McLaren family had ran a moderately successful mining business that had been stable and running for several generations, until recently.

Jade was the middle child of 7 that her mother and father would raise. Used to a pampered lifestyle and all the luxuries money could buy. Jade would use this to practice fencing and skeet shooting for example as it allowed her to hone her focus. As she grew up there was one thing Jade and all of her siblings knew in the back of their minds: Eventually someone would stand up and run the family business and they wanted to be the one. This would taint every interaction the siblings would have with eachother as they all began to compete with one another... All except Jade.

Jade would quietly study, read, and observe keeping herself impartial to the drama that the rest of the Family, actively declaring that she had no interest in taking over. A lie told so many times it became fact to her family. Meanwhile she would act as a mediator and vent for many of her siblings resulting in her acquiring a significant amount of dirt as they squabbled more and more.

When her Father died it would open the floodgates as all the siblings would squabble over the will and rights to ownership, causing the stability that the family business had to implode. Soon all the troubles and vices of each sibling self destructed as Jade helped fuel their destructive tendencies. The business would find itself on the verge of bankruptcy until she reached out to the syndicates using the information she had learned to silence, imprison, terrify or otherwise nullify each sibling leaving her the only heir to the McLaren name.

The process was brutal and turned the wealth it had into merely a shell of it's former self but it put Jade in control with the freedom to rebuild and reinvent the McLaren name into whatever she wanted all while getting her connected to the syndicates, for better and worse. Seeing a galaxy now in turmoil as fear over mysterious mass murderers with lightsabers, and organizations all sprawling to address the issue, Jade merely sees opportunity rise over the ashes she inherited.
Those who interacted with jade would note one thing. Her ice cold exterior. Her face always resting in what appears to be a displeased scowl and a voice that is devoid of emotion. Nothing seems to get a rise out of her. Jade is a woman of rational insanity, as she looks upon everything with both indifference and purpose. A person's value is their potential to be useful divided by their liability factor in her business oriented mind. There is a softer spot in Jade but very few have ever seen it and the few times it does manifest is packaged in her emotionless delivery. It often times takes reading into her actions to see if it's there.
Jade is a manipulator, often talking people into a limited field of view where their only option is to help her out. She has a good business sense and is quite accomplished at reading people, often making her quite the shrewd negotiator. She's adept at the sports of Fencing and skeet shooting. These skills could also translate to combat but Jade prefers to keep her hands clean letting others do her dirty work for her unless absolutely necessary. She is knowledgeable in many languages including Basic, Huttese, and Bocce.


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Caught in Strangereal

Creatively Addicted
SWRP Writer
Jul 2, 2019
Reaction score

_N A M E
Sera Jex

_F A C T I O N

_R A N K

_S P E C I E S

_A G E

_G E N D E R

_H E I G H T
160 CM

_W E I G H T
54 kg / 120 lbs

_F O R C E


Sera Jex once lived a quiet life on Jakku working a moisture farm with her parents. She loved her parents and wanted nothing nothing more than their love and admiration, yet all that seemed to be recuperated for the child was anger and spite. Still no matter what they tried their hardest to support her and keep her around, leading to a complicated and confusing mindfield that she was forced to wander through. Sera never knew why they would watch after her health and yet grill her and watch her every move. No matter what it felt like everything she did was wrong in their eyes.

One day when she was thirteen her life would change as she was sold off to a hutt that was a part of the Five syndicates. Being the personal pet of the hutt she had every part of her life painstakingly watched over to please her hutt master. Everything from the clothes she wore, the food she ate and the people she could interact with was monitored and controlled. She felt no love from her master just the feeling that she was just an object or plaything. One to be paraded and used with little care for it's well being. Combined with lots of time where she could speculate on the fact that all she ever amounted to in her parents eyes was a sack of dirty money. The things she was forced to do was degrading and violating to her very person. Slowly over time her discontent with her slavery grew ever more powerful as she tried to escape several times each time being met with a dedicated man hunt and a brutal punishment in the form of a whipping session that would leave her oozing agony and blood.

Several times Sera considered just giving in and complying in order to avoid the punishments and to tolerate her station but she always had a gnawing in the back of her mind. A frantic manic whisper and constant surrealistic nightmares. Each new day the desire to escape, to no longer answer anybody and dole out retribution to her tormentors was growing and growing until it reach a watershed moment. One day when she was 20, locked in a room with no one but herself and her Hutt master being asked to do something she always dreaded she finally snapped. A hail of lightning leapt from her hand like instinct tinting the room in blue as the deafened room hid the cries of pain from the hutt. Minutes later only Sera would walk out of of it as she then escaped from captivity.

The next four years would be a manic blur to her as she spent the rest of her life frantically on the run learning not to trust anyone as the the hutts would always try to keep a look out for her. Still it was a worthwhile cost for freedom. Dying her hair jet black and being able to wear whatever she wanted, go anywhere she decided, and punish anyone who got in her way proved to be liberating. Especially as she got a chance to save those in her a similar position she was in and damn every pig she could with righteous lightning. She always felt like the horror of her past followed her but at the same time she could use it to stop others from inflicting that pain onto others.



Standoffish, introverted, cynical to nigh nihilism. A few things that describes Sera. After a hard life though that's almost to be expected. Sera never had a moment where she could just sit down and completely relax leading to a natural paranoia into today. Always expecting something to go wrong, something to hunt her, something to bring her down. She doesn't trust so much as tolerate people. As a result Sera has difficulty with forming relationships with people and is often very isolated. Combined with the strained nature of her interactions throughout her life has led to her still being socially awkward.

Still she holds onto a sense of right and wrong, if she sees any sign of someone being abused or taken advantage of she will do whatever it takes to stop it. Though this leads to her choosing to go to extreme methods to stop this, even if it means murder. Believing that it's better to put people down then to give them a chance to continue on. After all you can't hurt someone if your dead. She is also generally uncomfortable around men especially if they're trying to flirt or hit on her. A dark past having hammered that feeling into her.

While she channels the Dark side she doesn't see it as a means to gain ultimate power but merely as a way she can empower herself. It was something that came to her in her darkest moments in life and she used it to help break the viscous cycle of her old life. Still it isn't a pure blessing to her as often times it manifests in strange visions, nightmares and even gnawing voices and urges leading to her to question her very sanity at times.


Sera had found herself becoming attuned to the wanderer criminal way of life and as such developed a set of skills related to that. She's an a decent shot with a blaster rifle, and can handle her way around a fist or knife fight. She is used to sneaking around and having her tiny frame fit into small spaces that would be claustrophobia inducing for many people. She had developed a slight of hand as she found she often needed to pickpocket or steal to sustain herself. Having to scavenge for all her belongings has lead her to becoming quite savvy with tech and she also a knowledge of slicing. She has an understanding of Binary and can speak both basic and huttese fluently.

She has an understanding of the force and how to channel it into abilities like telekinesis, force lightning, force sense and Force Enhancement. Though her force abilities are often wild and threaten to spiral out of control accidentally exhausting her or causing more damage than she ever intended as she let's the dark side channel her powers.




  1. felt like tracking my threads. Might delete later

New character for the 9th TL template taken from Dara's Malakai profile
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Caught in Strangereal

Creatively Addicted
SWRP Writer
Jul 2, 2019
Reaction score
Ok new template let's just transfer my character over to that

Felix Targrin

► 25​
► Human​
► 183 cm (6'0")​
► 75 Kg​
► Blue​
► Brown​
► Coruscant​
► Male​
► Jedi Order​
► Jedi Knight​
► Yes​
Felix had an easier upbringing than most. Instead of toiling on a moisture farm or being subjected to the woes of being a lowlife criminal he grew up on coruscant from a well to do family. His mom being a psychiatrist and his dad having been a physical therapist. The two co-ran a clinic/shelter that often treated veterans and took in people who had no place to turn to. Felix spent much of his time at the clinic growing up in part because it meant that his busy parents could still keep an eye on him and because Felix enjoyed his time spent there as he often listen to the stories that each person had to tell and brightening up people's days. Though often times their tales would curb his optimism with a healthy bit of caution now knowing how bad things could get.

Sadly things at the clinic would begin to spiral downward as increasing and ever changing government regulations made it more and more difficult for Felix's parents to afford their business. Eventually they would be forced to shut the clinic down and find jobs elsewhere when Felix was 16. While it had an impact on Felix's parents seeing their pride and joy get taken away from them it hit Felix just as hard. Feeling now lost as the one thing that he looked forward too and the one thing he had dreamed of wanting to take over and run himself get reduced to nothing but just idle memories. This combined with feeling uncomfortable with the realization of the amount of privilege he had compared to so many in the galaxy and the feeling smothered by his parents lead to him making a rather rash decision.

He decided to board a ship and set off for the outer rim. Done with little foresight and a quickly draining cash supply the young vagabond got a swift and cutting awakening for how most people lived in the galaxy. Often times armed with nothing more than a goofy smile and a desire to lend a hand Felix would travel from one town and world to another trading service for service and learning more than he had ever imagined. Often times finding that he had a new fondness for working on items. Finding the history and stories one could derive from them the touch and feel be be just as fascinated as the piece of machinery in question. In fact he felt more connected to the world and more alive than he ever had before. This new life he forced upon himself was difficult but well worth it in his opinion.

Everything changed however one day when Felix was 19 after a chaotic auction on Nar Shadda. An event that led to him attaining a lightsaber dating from the clone wars that was missing it's kyber crystal. Touching the object had given him the most vivid image of the user's final moments and completely recolored the world around him. It's was then he discovered he was force sensitive and later on he would discover that his appraising of objects was a very weak unfocused form of Pyschometry. After weeks of research and wandering searching for answers about himself and his force sensitivity he would be discovered by the Jedi order. Accepting the invitation to join the order and train to become a jedi was the moment when Felix finally felt a sense of purpose again. Deep inside him was always a desire to help people and he felt like now as a Jedi Knight he had a far better ability to do that than he ever could had he stayed on coruscant. He eagerly approached each new lesson his masters brought to him and was also eager to engage them and learn of their own histories and past. A habit he brought from his old life as Father believed that student should challenge their teachers as much as the teacher challenged the student. He felt dedicated to cause and beliefs to the Jedi order and sought to carry out it's code to better help out the Galaxy. Six years of training and experience would lead to Felix reaching to rank of knight.
Upon first inspection Felix comes off as a total goofball. His hair always seems to be in some sort of barely contained mess, his lips quick to curl into a grin and packaged with what would appear at first glance as a live and let live attitude. Add to that a strong amount of wit and snark that has been known to be just as charming as it was aggravating. While it may be a far cry from the traditional image of the stoic Jedi he still keeps the code dear and close to his heart. Felix is slow to jump to violence and will often try to find other ways to absolve situations. He also has a very deeply held notion to avoid killing whenever possible often considering it a last resort. Even then to need to kill is to have failed in his eyes.

Though underneath it lies a darkness to Felix, though not in the sense he's prone to fall to the seductive whims of the darkside. Rather his mind wanders and ponders over whether he's doing enough. A constant doubt that is insipid and eats away at the jedi over whether he's actually helping or making things worse. Any failure whether real or perceived weighs heavily on Felix. Combined with the fact that Felix very rarely gives himself time and space to take care of himself, instead his mind is always oriented towards how he can help others. This has led to him being prone to entering depressives states at times states he often keeps to himself as he never wants to burden people with his problems.
Skills and Abilities
Felix being a member of the Jedi order has developed the skills one would expect. He's proficient with a lightsaber, though he finds himself using a stun baton in lieu of it to avoid drawing unwanted attention. He's pretty agile and limber leading to him to proficient at parkour getting around and dodging and weaving through attacks from others. His fighting style often relying on using the moment of others to commit them to attacks he can take advantage of.

Felix has a pretty strong understanding of the Force now due to his training leading to him being pretty adept with most established abilities though more advanced force techniques still lies outside his grasp. He however finds a special proficiency with Pyschometry often using it to learn more and investigate about the area around him.

Though Felix still has plenty of areas he struggles with. He's a terrible shot with anything relating to blasters often times being more of a detriment in a fight then an aid. He only has a basic understanding of flying with most combat maneuvers being beyond him. He alright behind the control of land and air speeders though he can be a bit reckless with his piloting.
A purple lightsaber(Note: Felix doesn't carry it around everywhere with him. Assumed to not be on his person unless stated otherwise.)
A datapad most often used for music playback
A Personav
A Stun Baton
A YT-2400
A gunmetal gray R6 droid with yellow trim color named "Rar-rar"
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