Sylas Nokatzu II


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score

Name: Sylas Nokatzu II

Race: Half Dematri

Age: 22

height: 5'8

Hair: White

eyes: gray

Appearance: Sylas is commonly seen wearing a black combat suit handed down from his father. in the chest are 3 ablative armour tiles which are placed over both pectorals and the abdomen. they are rather weak compared to the tiles used in starships, but they get the job done. over his suit he wears a blue overcoat, and on his back is a katana, which is also passed down through his family line.

weapons: dual dematri forge revolvers and a katana. he also has a miniature rocket launcher that be strapped to his back, but because of its weight and inconveiniance, it is generally kept in his ship. for demolitions, he generally sticks with fragmentation grenades of his own custom design and thermal detonators. he also keeps a supply of smoke pellets in a pouch on his belt.


Sylas is in short, a test tube baby. when sylas I was killed horrifically by the hutts clan, his mangled body was found and was to be destroyed, but was then perchased by his lover, Dera Tillins. Dera had planned to clone the man so that they could be together, but things went wrong. a week after she had put money down on a clone, kamino, the planet on which the labs were located, were raided. the DNA which had been extracted from the decaying body was taken and thought to have never of been seen again. however, 32 years ago, it had appeared in a black market auction and sold to an undercover Coruscant PD officer, who had heard the tales of the great bounty hunter who had brought so many criminals to justice... he had thought, perhaps, with the increased crime rate that was overpowering the coruscant system, the CPD could use a master bounty hunter to help take down a few of the crime lords who were plagueing the republic. the DNA was analyzed and found very suitable for cloning (as it had been prepared by the kaminoans anyhow.) HOwever, the only known cloning facility, Kamino, was out of commission, due to many constant raids by barberous pirates. the Cloning, would have to be turned into artificial birth, which Coruscant was capable of.

In a bold decision, the daughter of Dera Tillins, Terra Opono, stepped fourth and volunteered to concieve the child, but due to an illness she died and her womb was removed and placed within a machine, where the process took place. 6 months later, a boy was born, and after 70+ years, a "clone" of Sylas Nokatzu came into existance.

The boy was remarkably strong, and he was one of the best shots the Police Academy had ever seen, but he refused to join the CPD. he claimed it would not have been honourable to join an affiliation that hated his father so much, and so he left them and started where his father's career took its first steps, as a bounty hunter for hire on coruscant.
