Tales of Bai Sing Sai

Who Wrecks?

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Dec 6, 2005
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The street-rat was stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak. He was now being dragged by his arms into a prison block. What crimes had he comitted? Just the small desire to meet the avatar! To ask for his protection against the Dia Li!
Well that worked out well... he thought as he watched the many rows of cells pass by. He was stuck in here again. Not many people could claim that. Ya know, the whole brainwashing thing. But they had no idea who they were messin' with! He was the son of Dan Rah for the Avatar's sake! He was in the linage of the first true earthbenders! His resolution could not crumble! At least... that's what he told himself while they strapped him into the stone chair once more.


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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[OOC: Is it cool if I use the same name as my SWRP char?]

Feris walking thru the narrow alleys of a densely populated area of Ba Sing Se. Peeking up into the windows of the dwellings he passed. Feris peeked into one such building and spotted what he thought was the Avatar.

Feris' eye widened. He scurried closer to the building. Feris lay flat against the wall listening to the people inside. It sounded like kids.

Yes! Yes, this must be the Avatar. Feris thought.

He listened closer to conversations going on inside. He heard a young boy say:

"Sokka's writing a love letter to his girlfriend, Suki! Isn't that right, Sokka?"

"She's not my girlfriend! Besides, if I told her you said that, she would probably beat you up Aang!"

AANG! That's his name. It is the Avatar. Feris thought.

Feris didn't want to be caught, so he hurried along. I heard somewhere that the Avatar was in Ba Sing Se, but I never beleived it. This is the last place he needs to be, considering there are people here working for the Fire Nation, that are constantly seeking the Avatar and his companions. Feris couldn't help but wonder what price the Fire Nation would pay to know the whereabouts of Aang.

Feris traveled along to the local market. He eyed the passerbys looking for someone to steal from. Feris meandered around the vendors, sneaking fruit here and there, stuffing them into his baggy pants. Then he spotted his next objective.

There was a fat rich man walking threw the market with his little neice, trying to buy her happiness. As Feris watched the fat man buy the little girl trinket after expensive trinket, he noticed the man had a fine pocket watch chain dangling from his waist. Feris waited for the man to pass him by. As the man neared, Feris began to walk the opposite way, snagging the pocket watch right off the man. The fat rich man never noticed and continued on with his bratty little neice.

Feris was rounding the corner away from the market. Suddenly, his luck changed horribly.

Two armed gaurds grabbed Feris up and took him to jail for theivery.

CRAP! Feris knew the drill. This was not the first time he was popped for stealing. But this time, he had a little bit of information that would ultimatly insure his survival.

As they flung Feris into a cell and left him to starve, Feris never despaired. He looked over to the guy across from him strapped into the stone chair.

"So, what are you in for?"

Who Wrecks?

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SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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The earthbender allowed his eyes to wonder, they immedately fell upon Feris drawn by his voice. Using his earthbending skills to push the metal chair closer and closer to the edge of the cell, he grimaced before talking.

"Tryin' ta meet the avatar, boy-oh.... Didn't think that was a problem, you?"

It was a child, the man was talking to, though in the darkness and thanks to the deepness of the earthbenders voice it could hardly be guessed.


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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Feris noticed the man was an earth-bender. What an amazing talent that must be...

Although ... if it were such an amazing talent, why would this earth bender be in a place like this. Surely an earth bender could escape such a dreadful environment. This jail was dark and dreary and Feris could barely see the identity of the earth bender nextdoor.

"Trying to meet the Avatar huh? Is that what got you thrown in here?" Feris wondered.

Surely Feris could blab his mouth and tell the guy where the Avatar is, but how would that serve Feris? Feris wanted to learn a little bit about the guy in the jailcell nextdoor, before giving him any assistance. Feris is completly self-fulfilling, and chooses to help people only if it help himself more...

"My name is Feris, and in case you were wondering, they threw me in here because I was stealing from the market. I was only trying to feed myself..." Feris elaborated.

Feris remembered the fruit he stole from that market, which was still stuffed down his baggy pants. Feris shuffled with his hand down his pants. pulling it out with a baseball-sized melonfruit. Feris chomped a hunk out of it. The juice ran down his face.

Who Wrecks?

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SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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Dan Woo smiled, as the words touched his young heart. How many times had he himself been caught theiving? Yet he had never had so much trouble until the Dia Li had come.

"Yes, that is my trade as well... But I steal as little as I can, those families work hard to sell those items, ya know. I'd getcha out of here... if only I could get out of this chair... damn metal bars..."


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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"You would get me outta here? Wow! You are really nice. As many times as I have sat in one of these cells, which is not a small number mind you, I have never had someone else offer to get me outta here. Thanks! Even if you can't get past your metal bars ... thanks!"

Feris began to ponder the situation. Feris was in no immediate rush to break out of jail, so he contemplated every step. Every possible option he and his new friend had at their disposal. Feris was positive neither he nor Dan Woo would spend the night in this dark, miserable place.

"So ... you are an Earth Bender huh? Whats that like?" Feris questioned Dan Woo...

Who Wrecks?

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SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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"Solid... Being an earthbender is a way of life, not just a cheap trick..."
The child immedately spat out. It was far unlike his orginal personality, as it sounded snotty and immature.
"Forgive me, I just meant that it is not all fun. It takes dedication and preseverence. I have trained for years to gain the little knowledge I have... But their are pirks..."
He said with a smile. Suddenly, a large massive hole opened up before Feris.
"Jump down and get out of here... look for some keys and help me out of here... Sorry I had to wait so long... we needed...yes!"
Almost as if summoned by the earthbender, the cell block door began to creak. Guards were coming... Guards with keys.


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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Dan Woo was moving much to fast for Feris' tastes. Feris was already thinking up an escape plan that involved Woo's earthbending, however, Feris' plan would not have involved gaurds...

But now there were two gaurds headed right this way. Feris began to wonder if he was supposed to 'beat up'the gaurd or if Dan Woo was going to subdue them with his earthbending powers. After all, Feris was only a mere thief.

"So when these gaurds get down here, what do I do then? Huh?" Feris was begining to swell with adrenaline due to all the excitement. Feris felt strong enough in that minute to attack a whole team of gaurds, but the reaity was not such. Feris would not be able to over power these gaurds...

Who Wrecks?

Active Member
SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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"I unno! Your the ones with your hands and feet! Do what you do best! Steal!"


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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The gaurds came over to where Feris and Woo were being held captive.

As the gaurds came to Feris's cell, they peered inside and studied Feris. Feris was sitting comfortably with his back against the wall. He had his arms crossed and was holding a small melonfruit that he was eating. Feris looked up at the gaurds and with his other hand, he slowly pointed 'next cell' to the gaurds. The gaurds continued a few steps further, peeking into the next cell where Dan Woo was still stuck beneath his metal harnesses in his stone chair.

Feris darted up and ran to gates of the cell and reached thru the bars, swiping the keys off the gaurd. The guard did not noticed, and looked back at Feris only to find him sitting in his original position, eating his fruit.

"Hey! How did you get fruit in here?" The dumb gaurd asked, then he banged his stick against the metal bars.

"Now is that neccesary?" Feris asked sarcastically.

The Gaurds returned to their post down the hall.

Feris turned to talk to Earthbender:

"Hey! I got the keys. In a minute or two I will sneak out of my cell and unlock you from your metal chair. But first I have some questions I want you to answer before I let you out. Alright?"


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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Not so Fast! I have some questions. Here's a couple for starters:

Why do you want to meet the Avatar?
Where is your Earthbending tribe?
And who is Dia Li?

Feris said as he jingled the keys to let Dan Woo hear that Feris held his freedom within his hand...

Who Wrecks?

Active Member
SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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"Have you been under a rock or something? Everyone wants to meet the avatar! I aint from a tribe, and the Dia Li are the guys that put me here... they're ruining Ba Sing Sai!"


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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"Yes I have been living under a rock. But I call it a 'ceiling'!" Feris joked with Dan Woo.

Feris walked over to jail cell door, trying each key on the huge key ring.

"So why do you want to meet the Avatar? You want an autograph or something?" Feris continued.


Feris walked into Dan's cell and began to work on unlocking his metal harnesses.

Alright! So since your an earthbender, you can make a whole in this wall right? Or you can make a tunnel underground, thru which we can escape, right?" Feris asked Dan.

Feris unlocked Dan from his metal chair and stood beside him, asking him what to do...

Who Wrecks?

Active Member
SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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"Yeah... but I gotta be touching the ground... And the Dia Li want me dead... So I want the avatar's help, got it?!"


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2007
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[OOC: You cant gimme more than 2 lines?]

Feris freed Dan Woo and was now waiting for him to get them out of the jail cell using his earthbending skills.

"Well there's the ground! What r u waiting for?" Feris joked.