The Bakery


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my Den, this will be where my creative Mind drafts things that I wish to put to Paper yet not fully out there yet, it is where I tweak, adjust, collaborate and the likes, if something on these Pages interests you feel free to reach out and voice whatever you wish my way!

I am a Storywriter, and this... this is my Domain.


1: The Breadian Guide

2: Inside a Mandalorian

3: Mandalorian History

4: Social Life of Mandalorians

5: The Concept of Dar-Manda and Mandalorian Religion

6: Do you know, Mando'a? Eh. Not needed

7: Warfare in writing Too much work.

8: Techie Stuff

9: Player Character WiPs


- Be a responsible Adult
- Fix Formatting on dumps
- Flesh out Write-Ups
- Summon the Elector Counts
- Praise Sigmar
- Write

With all that out of the Way, it is PARAMOUNT that this Thread stays clean from postings that aren't done by me or a respective Administrator, thats what DMs are for people.​
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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score

Workshop Chapter 1:

The Breadian Guide

Greetings and welcome to Breads Guide and Advice to Roleplay here you will find resources of my old Forum days aswell as Advice on Character Building, how to Game Master a Roleplay Scenario aswell as how to play non Player Characters and prolong storylines.

DISCLAIMER: This should not be seen as a Guideline of writing and is to be considered as a abstractive opinion.

Lets start with the basics.

Character building, sheets and very important Backstories, there is much to learn and overlooked in these respective categories and many smaller Categories, it is often the very Foundation that changes over the Course of Roleplay because many Roleplayers do not know what they wish their Characters to be in the beginning which brings us to the first and most important problem of Roleplayers; attachment to Characters.

I will below start talking about how to build respective Characters and how to do it right.

- 1: Character Building

First off we must layer out what is important in building a Character and it is rather simple when one thinks about yet hard to flesh out the deeper you get into it, I will give you a very simple spine of pointers below;

- A Character Biography
- A Character Alignment ( This one can be optional!)
- A Name and Surname
- A assortment of Character Traits
- A diverse and fitting Personality Type
- A Character Archetype

Now there is a very important thing to note in this list, I did not list Gender as a decentralized point, with very good Reason.

when I write Characters I think of them as Human Beings, not as Male or Female, because frankly playing the respective Gender changes nothing in how you may play them, a Biography and Persona may apply to both Genders interchangeably, some may disagree by saying that Women inherently behave different than Males and vice versa but through extensive study and conversation with both respective genders, and Experience I can confidently say that Gender will not impact your Character in the slightest.

Gender should be a choice of what you wish to write, this however can change dependent on realism and Time Period, if a set setting depicts Genders to behave differently then my concept is obviously flawed BUT that should not restrict you to writing after a streamline of a Setting.


A Female Character in a Medieval World for example is easily perceived as a Housewife, a Maid, or a Servant while some Stories have already perceived in fiction that Female's became Knights which is Historically inaccurate but give a intriguing story and disposition, it can create Story-driven Drama and can be a struggle that is very necessary for a Characters life and relevance, so instead of creating a Female Character as a Tavernkeep or a Maid, consider making her a Soldier oppressed by the Male populace.

Now then back on track we will jump straight into the most important of a Character, a Biography.

How to write a Character Biography

Many people struggle to come to terms with the perfect idea of their Character in their head and its honestly a rather daunting task when first faced, sometimes you would want to fill a niche, stand apart from the others or even be generic, yet how to do so? Many struggle to find the proper tools for it, here I will list a few Pointers to keep in mind whilst creating your personal Biography:

- When writing your characters don’t rush to make it into a deadline. Treat evey character with the same amount of time. Sure some of them don’t need as many details as others, but try to keep them the same length and as interesting.

+ Create a bio layout so they all match.

+ Make sure they are all equally as important within the plot of the roleplay, don’t make some characters the center of the universe.

+ Don’t just give brief details if you are going to make the bios long and detailed. Really tell the story, make sure you are interested in the character, because if you are writing just to fill a word quota there is a good chance no one will be interested in him.

- Make sure to keep all the characters diverse, and don’t be afraid to write a character who is not likeable. We all love villains there is a reason Draco became one of the most beloved characters in Harry Potter. Because he was very layered and people were very interested into his story. But not every character needs to have a dramatic background. Some are not as nice because of what they believe in.

Now despite the things noted here you will realize I have colourized these pointers differently, in red and green, why you may ask? The Plus symbol gives you an idea of very essential Pointers for Character Biography whilst the Minus is a thing to consider for those who wish to expand their repertoire.

Onwards we go! Mastered your Biography yet? I doubt it! Wanna know why? Because there is more to a Character than just his Biography and once there is more, the Biography automatically grows! Now in order to determine a Character's Alignment we have to weigh it with its Backstory and Biography in a whole, but to do that we must first understand what Alignment is and what Alignments exist, allow me to be your Teacher.

What is Alignment? And which exist?:

A creature’s general moral and personal attitudes are represented by its alignment: lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil.

Alignment is a tool for developing your character’s identity. It is not a straitjacket for restricting your character. Each alignment represents a broad range of personality types or personal philosophies, so two characters of the same alignment can still be quite different from each other. In addition, few people are completely consistent.

Now what is Good? And what is Evil? So many people misconstrue and misunderstand what Evil and Good truely means and its perception changes from individual drastically, noone truely knows the true meaning of either of those Words and its important to understand that when following this guide, but if you wish to follow my examples of them I will list them here for you to use in your Characters to follow or even presently!

The Understanding of Good and Evil:

Good characters and creatures protect innocent life. Evil characters and creatures debase or destroy innocent life, whether for fun or profit.

"Good" implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others.

"Evil" implies hurting, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient. Others actively pursue evil, killing for sport or out of duty to some evil deity or master.

People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Neutral people are committed to others by personal relationships.

Being good or evil can be a conscious choice. For most people, though, being good or evil is an attitude that one recognizes but does not choose.

Being neutral on the good-evil axis usually represents a lack of commitment one way or the other, but for some it represents a positive commitment to a balanced view. While acknowledging that good and evil are objective states, not just opinions, these folk maintain that a balance between the two is the proper place for people, or at least for them.

Animals and other creatures incapable of moral action are neutral rather than good or evil. Even deadly vipers and tigers that eat people are neutral because they lack the capacity for morally right or wrong behavior.

Now that we understand what Good and Evil is, there is yet another very important thing we must understand, and that is Law versus Chaos which I will explain to you in the following paragraph.

The Eternal struggle of Law versus Chaos:

Lawful characters tell the truth, keep their word, respect authority, honor tradition, and judge those who fall short of their duties.

Chaotic characters follow their consciences, resent being told what to do, favor new ideas over tradition, and do what they promise if they feel like it.

"Law" implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include close-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote lawfulness say that only lawful behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.

"Chaos" implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.

Someone who is neutral with respect to law and chaos has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to obey nor a compulsion to rebel. She is honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others.

Devotion to law or chaos may be a conscious choice, but more often it is a personality trait that is recognized rather than being chosen. Neutrality on the lawful-chaotic axis is usually simply a middle state, a state of not feeling compelled toward one side or the other. Some few such neutrals, however, espouse neutrality as superior to law or chaos, regarding each as an extreme with its own blind spots and drawbacks.

Animals and other creatures incapable of moral action are neutral. Dogs may be obedient and cats free-spirited, but they do not have the moral capacity to be truly lawful or chaotic.

Now understanding these two Concepts finally enables us to speak about the Nine Alignments of Characters, with a clear Alignment it is easier for us as Writers to write a Backstory and flesh out our Biography.

The Nine Alignments:

Lawful Good, "Crusader"

A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished.

Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

Neutral Good, "Benefactor"

A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them..

Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.

Chaotic Good, "Rebel"

A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he’s kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.

Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit.

Lawful Neutral, "Judge"

A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government.

Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.

Neutral, "Undecided"

A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil—after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.

Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run.

Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.

Chaotic Neutral, "Free Spirit"

A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn’t strive to protect others’ freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society’s restrictions and a do-gooder’s zeal.

Lawful Evil, "Dominator"

A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises.

This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains.

Some lawful evil people and creatures commit themselves to evil with a zeal like that of a crusader committed to good. Beyond being willing to hurt others for their own ends, they take pleasure in spreading evil as an end unto itself. They may also see doing evil as part of a duty to an evil deity or master.

Lawful evil is sometimes called "diabolical," because devils are the epitome of lawful evil.

Lawful evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents methodical, intentional, and frequently successful evil.

Neutral Evil, "Malefactor"

A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has.

Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies.

Neutral evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.

Chaotic Evil, "Destroyer" A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him.

Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil.

Chaotic evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.

Now that we understand how diverse Alignment and the conflict between them is, we know how to apply them to Characters, now with that, a Name, mayhaps even a Gender we already have a very firm spine for what will be our Character, but it lacks still very fundamental parts and things that have to be addressed, one of which I will teach you right now.

How to pick Traits that compliment your Character:

Now with Traits for your Character it is very important that you do NOT oversaturate your sheet with too many Traits, for when a Character becomes driven by too many things he becomes easily unlikeable, unrealistic and hard to play in the first place.

Now to understand I will reitterate what Character Traits are to you:

Character traits are valued aspects of a person's behavior. Everyone has character traits, both good and bad, including our favorite fictional characters. Character traits are often labeled with descriptive adjectives such as patient, unfaithful, or jealous.

Often, someone's character and personality are intertwined. But, believe it or not, the two are quite distinct. The easiest way to separate the two is to say personality traits are surface-level observations, visible from the outside, while character traits are deep-seated, not immediately obvious, and developed over time.

A new friend's outgoing, amiable personality can be easily observed. However, her honest character will take more time to become apparent. You will have to get to know her better to learn that her parents stressed the importance of honesty and she has taken those lessons to heart. This would make honesty one of her character traits.

This also makes core values similar to character traits. They're more than surface-level observations; they're guiding principles for life. Let's take a look at some character trait examples and learn how to recognize the many variations.

Some Character Traits show a Person's underlying values or beliefs:

+ Generosity
+ Loyalty
+ Self-control
+ Determination
+ Patience
+ Persistence

While other Character Traits may show a Characters more Dark Side with negative connotations:

- Dishonesty
- Disloyalty
- Unkindness
- Greed
- Disrespectfulness
- Cruelty

How about a Leader or someone who likes to be in charge? we might look for the following character Traits in a Boss:

+ Dominance
- Bossy
+ Resourcefulness
+ Charisma

- Boldness
+ Enthusiasm

Then there are the Kids, Their characters may not be fully developed but there are some inherent traits that are associated with children and some qualities you want them to learn:

- Rowdy
+ Lively
- Stubborn
+ Affection
- Silliness
+ Active

In stories, novels and movies, there are often archetypes of characters. For instance, there might be a fearless hero, a cruel leader, or a helpless heroine who needs to be rescued.

The writer uses these classic traits to help you to identify what role each character play in the story. How often have you grown attached to characters in literature and movies? No doubt, certain character traits have appealed to you.

If someone is a romantic trying to woo their sweetheart, they may possess these character traits:

+ Charm
+ Wit
+ Affection

- Sentimentality
- Intensity
- Charisma

When describing a story's villain, it would be common to use these kinds of character traits:

+ Cunning
+ Deception
+ Evil

- Maniacal
- Vengeful
- Murderous

By spending some time thinking about and observing character traits, you can learn more about yourself and others, and also develop rich characters in your writing that are more true-to-life. For additional help in rounding out a character, check out this list of personality trait words.

ow that we´ve spent our time studying the Traits of a Character and applying them to our Character we come to our final few polishes which is assigning a Archetype to our Character and reviewing it to be certain it is what we want and from that we forge the final, Personality Type of our Character, how he acts and how he truely comes to life.

Now a Archetype of a Character is very important, it gives us a Goal, start and End of a Character in pure black and white and we can crossreference from it on a continues and rigorous matter some of said Archetypes could be as follows:

The Innocent:

Every era has myths of a golden age or of a promised land where life has been or will be perfect. The promise of the Innocent is that life need not be hard. Within each of us, the Innocent is the spontaneous, trusting child that, while a bit dependent, has the optimism to take the journey. The Innocent, fearing abandonment, seeks safety. Their greatest strength is the trust and optimism that endears them to others and so gain help and support on their quest. Their main danger is that they may be blind to their obvious weaknesses or perhaps deny them. They can also become dependent on others to fulfill their heroic tasks.

Goal: Remain in safety
Fear: Abandonment
Dragon/Problem: Deny it or seek rescue
Response to Task: Fidelity, discernment
Gift/ Virtue: Optimism, trust, hope, faith, simplicity
Pitfalls: Naiveté, childish dependence, denial, obliviousness
Addictive Quality: Denial
Addiction: Consumerism/sugar/cheerfulness

The Orphan:

The Orphan understands that everyone matters, just as they are. Down-home and unpretentious, it reveals a deep structure influenced by the wounded or orphaned child that expects very little from life, but that teaches us with
empathy, realism, and street smarts. The Orphan, fearing exploitation, seeks to regain the comfort of the womb and neonatal safety in the arms of loving parents.

To fulfill their quest they must go through the agonies of the developmental stages they have missed. Their strength is the interdependence and pragmatic realism that they had to learn at an early age. A hazard is that they will fall into the victim mentality and so never achieve a heroic position.

Goal: Regain safety
Fear: Exploitation
Dragon/Problem: Is victimized by it
Response to Task: Process and feel pain fully
Gift/ Virtue: Interdependence, realism, resilience, empathy
Pitfalls- Cynicism, tendency to be the victim or victimize, chronic complaining
Addictive Quality: Cynicism
Addiction: Powerlessness/worrying

The Destroyer:

The Destroyer embodies repressed rage about structures that no longer serve life even when these structures still are supported by society or by our conscious choices. Although this archetype can be ruthless, it weeds the garden in ways that allow for new growth.

The Destroyer is a paradoxical character whose destructiveness reflects the death drive and an inner fear of annihilation. As a fighter, they are thus careless of their own safety and may put others in danger too. Their quest is to change, to let go of their anger or whatever force drives them and return to balance, finding the life drive that will sustain them. Living on the cusp of life and death, they are often surprisingly humble.

Goal: Metamorphosis
Fear: Annihilation
Dragon/Problem: Allow dragon to slay it
Response to Task: Let go
Gift/ Virtue: Humility, metamorphosis, revolution, capacity to let go
Pitfalls: Doing harm to self/others, out of control anger, terrorist
Addictive Quality: Self-destructiveness
Addiction: Suicide/self-destructive habits

These are some of the Archetypes of many that Characters may adopt and orientate themselves around, through reading these you may understand how such a structure can benefit you should you struggle with driving your Characters to a clear goal or even keeping them lively.

Right, now that we have come to understand building a Character and how to apply it in a World already set with standards, different people and the likes, we now come to a very important part concerning this World, its creation.

Now the first thing that likely comes to mind is; "What is World Building?"

Right so there are many way to explain such terminology, but in the easiest and most commonly acceptable way I will denote it here:

"World building is the process of creating a fictional or imaginary world that is the basis of your novel or series, hell even your Roleplay. These worlds usually have their own histories, geographies, back stories, species, etc. Although the World you're creating is fictional, it will most likely share aspects of our own realities." - Bread, also uh... me

There are a few things you should understand before you begin world building.

Make sure you keep these things in Mind:

+ Your World has to make sense.

Now this is a dodgy one because many people might understand this differently, i'm not saying you can't switch things up, but everything that happens has to be a logical part of YOUR OWN world. Your characters should react appropriatly based on his or her environment. Properly setting up your world will help us understand your characters, so make sure you take the time to develop it. Excellent world building means nothing if you don't take the time to share it with your audience.

+ The culture of your world does not have to be the same as it was in our histories.

A lot of Fantasy novels lack diversity because people say to themselves "Well that's the way it was." First of all, that's not always the case. Secondly, YOU'RE CREATING YOUR OWN WORLD. You don't have to abide by our history. While you should always show respect for the cultures you're basing things on, you don't have to follow what's happened in our own world. Get creative and build a wolrd no one's ever seen before.

+ Figure out what sort of technology your wolrd has and spend time developing it.

There are so many novels and stories I've read where the technology doesn't make sense. Sometimes a world has all this crazy technology, but they're still behind on medical advancements. You can do what you want, but make sure it matches up and make sure it's believable. Also, there will be some sections of your world that will be poorer than others, so places won't have the technology of the richer areas. Take some time to think about how class and race will play a part on where certain technologies are utilizied.

Be as creative and crazy as you want. Why participate in world building if you don't use it to your advantage? Put in everything you love. Have fun creating your own world. If you do it in a thoughtful way, everyone will enjoy it.

Creating a world from scratch isn’t easy. Developing everything takes time and there’s a lot to think about. Worldbuilding doesn’t just mean focusing on locations; you need to take the time to do extensive planning. If you have some ideas, but aren’t sure how to link them together, try asking yourself some questions. I’ve compiled a list that should help you focus your ideas and create an incredible world for your story:

+ The World

• Is this place like Earth? Is it an alternate Earth?
• What types of creatures live in my world? Are there humans? Will I be making up different races?
• Is my world based on science or magic? Or a combination of both? Is the magic in my world explained?
• What does the world look like physically? Are there mountains? Are there oceans?
• How has my world been built up? Are there cities?
• How much land is habitable?
• What is your world’s history and how does that change the plot?
• What is an average day like for my main characters?
• How do people travel between lands? Is space travel possible?
• What is the technology like? Is it more advanced than Earth’s technology?
• What type of climate does my world have?

+ The Culture

• What types of jobs do people have? What is a good job to have? What’s respectable?
• Do people believe in myths or have stories to explain their history?
• Do people believe in story-telling? What do they do for fun? How to they share their history?
• What are the customs of different groups? What do they hold as sacred? Do they worship a God or Gods?
• What are families like? Relationships?
• How do people deal with certain life events? Death? Marriage? Childbirth?
• What foods do people eat? What’s eaten during celebration? Is any food sacred?
• How do people eat? At a table? Alone?
• How to people share their affections? How do they greet each other? How do they say goodbye?
• Do people have different languages? How do they communicate?
+ Government

• What is the basic style of government? Is it different everywhere?
• Are there armies? How do you protect citizens? Who controls the armies?
• Are government officials elected?
• Do people pay taxes? How are taxes collected?
• Are government and religion separated?
• Who rules? Are they kind? Are the citizens afraid of him or her? Is there corruption?
• What services does the government provide?
• Does the government deal with criminals? How? What types of laws are there?

+ Daily Activities

• What do people do on a daily basis?
• What is considered “fun”? What’s a relaxing activity?
• What do people wear? Does it change for different activities? Is there a dress code or any kind?
• What is considered normal? What’s abnormal behavior? How are these people judged?
• Do people go to school? What’s the school like? What do they learn?
• Are their holidays? How are they celebrated?
• What are homes like? Are people settled in one spot? Do they travel?
• Do most people know how to read? What is considered smart? How is intelligence judged?

You can ask yourself tons of questions to expand on your world and figure out exactly how you want it to be. Worldbuilding is a long process, so take the time necessary to develop everything.

A lot of people are trying to write more diverse worlds, but a lot of people are also perfectionists who need to know every detail and reason in their world. Here are some ways and explanations for creating a diverse world. This is geared toward pre-industrial and early industrial societies.

+ Trade

Trade can do wonders. Trade is how your characters get rare fabrics, different foods, knowledge of other cultures, knowledge of other languages, cultural diffusion, and more. Trade can occur over land or over water. You can get characters to travel halfway around the world. You can have trade posts near major cities. Groups of traders who travel over land can go through cities, towns, and tiny villages. Entire cultures can be centered around trade and they can have influence on many parts of your world.

+ Exile

This can make for some interesting stories for characters. Using exile can put entire families or even whole groups of people (ethnic groups, religious groups, a village, etc.) in faraway lands where they’ll probably stay for a long time. Means of exile can vary. They might have been banished from their land or a natural disaster could have forced them to move.

+ Hiding

Like exile, you can uproot characters and place them in another place while also coming up with an interesting back story for why they are hiding. This can also reveal a bit about your world. If there are several people in hiding from one particular place, what does that say about the relationship between these two places or these places themselves (i.e., corruptness, law, freedom, etc.)?

+ Politics

Political rulers are not confined to their homes. They can travel to other nations for political or personal reasons. They might need to discuss political matters with another ruler or they might be guests at a party. There are also political marriages or children of political leaders who live elsewhere as a ward.

+ War

War, past or present, can bring people to your setting. Some people might be refugees, some might be descendants of prisoners of war, and some might be allies. Or, a past war could have acquired more land and the people who were there, making them citizens of the new nation post-war (depending on the rules of citizenship). Whether they’re citizens or not, they’re still in the same nation and it’s likely some will travel to major cities or elsewhere within the nation’s borders. There can also be forts and camps for a military of another nation.

+ Education

Does your setting have some type of prestigious school? If schools are few, ones like these can attract the rich, powerful, and/or connected from several surrounding areas. Even if there are several schools a prestigious one can still attract many people.

+ Religion

Some religions have a goal of spreading their beliefs, so you can bring that into your world. Other times, if there is something of religious significance in your setting, religious people may travel there on a regular basis. Those who spread religion might travel on similar routes of traders (or they might be the traders) to talk about their religion. Or there might be places where religious leaders gather and live.

+ Exploration

You can get some explorers, or even just wandering travelers, to go to faraway places in search of resources, people, enlightenment, religion, important objects, and more. Another option would be researchers.

+ Festivals and Ceremonies

These can be tied to religion, history, politics, and many other things. Large celebrations can bring tons of people to one place, whether it’s in a city or not. If you’ve got something like this in your story, take advantage of it to introduce new people and cultures.

With these many things in mind and being respectful of the whole idea that we shape inside our head it makes it easier for us to create a setting and World that we find ourselves familiar with and makes it easier for us to write a proper story that may fit our beliefs and our thoughts, with that being said Worlds do not apply to rules especially when they are your own, one should also remind themselves that as a Writer your goal is it to break a rule because that is the way forwards.​



SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score

Workshop Chapter 2:

Hello again. We have to stop meeting like this you know? The others will start to look...

Today I will be speaking about a few things that I think alot of people are missing when they look at... Mandalorians, I noticed that things were very vague and alot of self imposed effort was needed to establish your character as a Mandalorian and I want to shed some insight for those that might be interested to know more or even convert some minds to go out and write one.

Inside a Mandalorian

The Mandalorian Origins

Mandalorians are people of contradictions.

They have an unmistakeable identity, yet they're not a true race. They have no country in the conventional sense and are scattered across the galaxy.

these feared warriors have a savage reputation but they cherish family life and will adopt children orphaned by war, rather than kill them as other species might. This odd blend of tough pragmatism, brutality and affectionate family life makes them a mystery to many.

And they're probably not even the orignal Mandalorian race. Anthropologists disagree about their roots; did they begin as humans or, as a few academics still claim, a gray-skinned non-human species? Whichever theory you find most convincing, they became a species of predominantly human nomadic warriors.

For the vast majority ofspecies, culture is the unique expression of their being. When species are overrun by other cultures, and adopt their beliefs and practices, they still retain something of their old ways.

But the Mandalorians are an exception. They adopted a culture and became completely defined by it. Their nearest parallel, ironically, is the Jedi--with whom the Mandalorians have had so much antagonism and conflict.

But they're still predominantly human, and a large percentage of the popultion shows genetic markers typical of the peoples of Concord Dawn and nearby planets. Although there is no true Mandalorian ethnic type, the prevalence of common gene clusters indicates that specific populations were either absorbed by the Mandalorians or joined them.

Concord Dawn is a good example Jango Fett, one of the icons of Mandalorian history, was adopted. And yet his genome already shared many markers with his adopted community. Without deliberate plannin, Mandalorians nevertheless selectively bred themselves for certain traits that are now considered their defining characteristics: discipline, close family bonds, extraordinary physical fighting skills and intense loyalty.

Warrior Nomads

Nomadic people prize portable skills more than posessions, and this aspect of the Mando mindset still underpins their society even when settled on Mandalore. Even when living in settled communities on Mandalore, their nomadic warrior ethic remains.

Inevitably, a nomadic warrior race with no fixed territory to defend becomes associated with mercenary activity. For centuries the Mando'ade--or children of Mandalore, as they call themselves--have been seen as little more than bounty hunters, assassins and mercenaries.

But not all Mando'ade spend their lives as hired soldiers. Their mercenary history is very recent and relatively brief, and they have other trades related to soldiering that earn them a living when they aren't at war.

Many, scattered across the galaxy in small communities, earn their living as weaponsmiths, bodyguards and other occupations that the host population finds too dangerous or too dirty. Many remain in the Mandalore sector, workin the land or laboring in factories and workshops. All of them though are capable of becoming an army at a moment's notice.

Over the centuries, some have questioned the Mandalorian compulsion to cling to nomadic ways despite having a home world in Mandalore. The practice thought, is more than attachment to tradition. Mandalorians spread themselves to avoid presenting enemies wit ha convenient target. Despite repeated attacks that were thought to have wiped them out, the resilient Mandalorians keep coming back.

While they have earned their living more recently as soldiers of fortune, most of the Mandalorians' history has been spent fighting for their own purposes, not for others'. But although they're a ruthless enemy, they display an unexpectedly gentle side in warfare by adopting war orphans.

What makes a Mandalorian

Geography has played a nebulous role in Mandalorian identity. Although Mandalore is regarded as their home world, many Mandalorians were not born there and many have never even seen the planet.

Their society places no emphasis on birthplace, species, or citizenship and so Mando'ade have no "state" as modern galactic politics understands it. They ignore rank and status and prefer to judge by actions and achievements a true meritocracy; the Mandalore, or leader of the Clans, is the nearest they have to a head of state. And yet nobody mistakes Mandalorians for any other people when they see them.

Mando'ade regard the following six acts--known as the Six Actions, or Resol'Nare--as central to Mandalorian identity: wearing armor, speaking the Mandalorian language, defending themselves and their families, raising their children as Mandalorians, contributing to the clan's welfare and rallying to the Mand'alor when called to arms. Anyone who practices them is considered a Mando'ad. The emphasis is on carrying out these acts daily, not simply paying lip service to them.

For a people who appear to have little interest in rank and hierarchy, Mandalorians are extremely co-operative in combat. The rugged individuality so marked in their approach to most things is set aside to reach a common goal, and they'll do whatever it takes to achieve their objective. Their fighting forces settle into informal command structures almost without thought or effort, focused on the outcome and not personal ambition. This instinctive flexibility is also what makes them superb mercenaries.

Because they're self-selecting, they attract and retain people with the same mindset and genetic predisposition, which reinforces these traits. The more that soldiers are to inclined to co-operate on the battlefield, the more likely they are to survive and produce children with the same characteristics.

Mandalorian Society

There is no gender in the Mandalorian Language. This mirrors the equal status of men and women and the general flexibility of societal roles, despite what appears to many to be a traditional division of tasks along gender lines.

Men are expected to be warriors and to raise and train their sons to be the same. Women maintain the home wherever the nomads happen to travel, and raise daughters. But women also are expected to have the combat skills of a man in order to defend the homestead when the men are away. Women also fight alongside men on the battlefield if they have no dependent children to care for, they're expected to share the responsibilities of defense and warfare.

Not surprisingly, the mandalorian female ideal that men respect is not fragile and raceful but physically strong, enduring and gritty. The word laandur (delicate), is a common insult among women. If you imply that a Mando woman is a bad mother, a poor fighter, or a laandur (weakling) you'll find out the hard way that she's none of these things.

Marriage is expected to be for life--which is sometimes prematurely short for warriors--and usually takes place soon after Mandalorians turn 16. A couple enters into a legal commitment simply by making the following pledge to each other:


Mhi solus tome,
Mhi solus dar'tome
Mhi me'dinul an
Mhi ba'juri verde


We are one when together
We are one when parted
We share all
We will raise warriors

Despite their emphasis on fidelity and chastity before marriage, Mandalorians are surprisingly forgiving and relatively unconcerned with parentage. As they prize action and pragmatism above words and intentions, they take the view that aliit or'shya tal'din (family is more than bloodline). It's the daily affirmation of family life that matters to them, which explains their propensity for adoption and even welcoming adults into the Mando fold. With many widows and orphans in the Mandalorian community, suitable foreign adult males are not only welcome but alsol necessary.

The adoption process, like marriage is a simple statement of intention: the gai bal manda (name and soul) takes its place in the declaration ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad (I know your name as my child). That, and the ongoing adherence to the six tenets of Mandalorian life, is all it takes to become Mandalorian.

Just as it's possible to become a Mandalorian, it's also possible to lose your Mandalorian status, renounce it, or even have it taken from you. Exile is a rare but feared punishment.

The Mandalorian Family

"Their definition of offspring or parent is more by relationship than birth: Adoption is extremely common, and it's not unusual for mercenaries to take war orphans as their sons or daughters if they impress them with their aggression and tenacity."

(Mandalorians: Identity and Its Influence on Genome, published by the Galactic Institute of Anthropology.)

In exceptional circumstances such as the abandonment or a failure to live up to the responsibilities, partners can divorce each other simply by declaring that they are shuk'la riduurok (a broken love). Children may also disown their father or mother by declaring them dar'buir (no longer a parent). This is rare and usually only follows abandonment or an act of cowardice that shames the family.

If the first child is a son, parents may wait eight years before having another child so that the first is old enough to accompany his and be as a soldier for five years until he reaches adulthood at 13. Then his Father is free to train a younger son. At 13, both girls and boys undergo a rite of passage in military and survival skills that makes them legally adults.

If the firstborn is a girl, the couple may try for a son soon afterwards. A daughter will usually stay with her mother until she marries. But if a couple has only daughters, the girls will be trained as warriors by their exactly as boys would be. Boys learn their earliest lessons from their mothers before the age of eight, so her fighting skills are critical; a couple pledges to raise warriors, and this is a joint commitment.

Women are expected to train their daughters in combat skills, but fathers also take part in their daughters' education. Despite their fiercely masculine reputation, Mandalorian Men play an active role in raising their families. Most have a strong parenting instinct, one of the reinforced genetic traits from absorbed populations.

The parents' duty is to train their child in survival skills and Mandalorian culture and language, and to prepare them to raise the next generation of warriors. Elders imbue children wit hthe essential Mandalorian ideals of loyalty to clan and family, personal discipline, curage and respect for their heritage.

The Mandalorian way of life is a dangerous one and widows and orphans are a fact of life.

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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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Workshop Chapter 3:


Oya Manda! Here to learn about the ancient ancient History of Mandalore? Come in come in, the Stories shall begin...

The History of Mandalorians blurs when looking at Canon and Legends content both interchangeably, while the Canon only acknowledges only a select amount of such as the Darksaber and a select few Mand'alors it is also important to note that Disney's recent dive into Mandalorian Lore has given me hope.

During the Episodes of The Mandalorian the Mandalorian Resol'nare is often referenced aswell as a very unique phrase "There is only one way, the Way of Mandalore" which is a direct reference to Mandalore the Ultimate.

Curiously enough the Resol'Nare never stated the curious antic of never taking ones helmet off and this is inherently only done by traditionalists such as the Mandalorian Supercommandos.

Ancient History Lesson

The history of the Mandalorians goes back a long way, some say to the dawn of recorded galactic history. Though in modern times the Mandalorians have become a grab-bag of alien races, includinghumanoids, togorians and kerestians, the Mandalorians were once strictly a gray-skinned warrior race. Xenoanthropologists believe that this original Mandalorian species was descended from the ancient Taung Shadow Warriors of Dha Werda Verda Legend. Particularely compelling are similarities between the Mandalorian language and surviving Taung texts.

The Planet Mandalore has figured steadily in Mandalorian history, though wheter it was the planet of origin remains disputed; legend has it the world was named after its conqueror Mandalore the First, whose warriors slaughtered the mammoth mythosaurs that dominated the planet.

Historically, the Mandalorians often made conquered Planets their home, planets such as the great galdiatorial combat world Kuar during the Great Sith War and the surreal Shogun years before that. This practice led to the use of the name "Mandalore" as a title signifying the appointed leader of the Mandalorian clans. Thus "home" was acknowledged as wherever the Mandalore deemed to hang his mask.

The traditional Mandalorian crest(Image left), frequently mistaken for a bantha skull, bears a striking resemblance to the skull of a male mythosaur. But in truth, the symbol was actually adopted in reverence to a legendary Mandalorian combat-training master.

The Mandalorians have undergone many permutations. The oldest documented incarnation is the Mandalorian Crusaders from around 4000-5000 BBY. Made up of clans of simianlike humanoids, these nomads roamed space seeking conflict, following a code called the Canons of Honor. The Canons aimed at helping warriors attain personal glory via combat and loyalty to one's clan. Despite this simplistic aim, the Crusaders were scarcely primitive, placing highest priority on plundering cutting-edge weaponry at every opportunity.

The label of Mandalorian Crusader is misleading. It's thought that the Crusaders' forefathers were a religious warrior society with sophisticated laws that devolved into the Canons. But following the Mandalorians' epic clashes with the insectoids of Nevoota, war, once a ritual form of worship to Mandalorian gods, became itself divine and reverential. Henceforth any campaign promising holy carnage was regarded a "crusade."

This mentality led the Crusaders to eradicate entire species like the Fenelar, Tlönians, and Kuarans. Thousands of years later, the Ithullans too would suffer the same fate. In fact, the only species to survive a full-fledged Mandalorian onslaught were the neighboring Mandallian Giants. These fierce combatants not only repelled Mandalorian attacks but earned enough respect to later fight beside them.

Unsurprisingly, the Mandalorian Crusaders jumped at the chance to participate in the Great Sith War in about 4000 BBY(See image above). Fighting for the Sith, these soldiers of furtune struck at the Republic's very heart on Coruscant. However, the Jedi eventually rallied and defeated the Sith and their Mandalorian allies.

But that didn't stop the Mandalorians. On the contrary, the temporary defeat precipitated a frenzied conviction that the "Great Last Battle" was at hand. For 20 years, the Mandalorians zealously invaded small non-Republic worlds on the fringe of Known Space, raiding their resources and building up a powerful army. Anticipating an apocalyptic war, the Neo-Crusaders began accepting members of other species into their midst, treating these "converts" as equals. Together, they unleashed a series of jihads known simply as the Mandalorian Wars.

After three long years, the reigning Neo-Crusader Chieftain Mandalore the Ultimate(see image left) was killed and the Mandalorians were defeated. Many thought them extinct, and it's largely conceded that the Mandalorian species itself all but vanished from the galaxy then. However, its warrior culture survived.

Followowing their failed campaign, the Crusaders found a new object of worship--the almighty credit. Decimated and embittered, the surviving Mandalorian warriors turned ruthlessly mercenary in order to survive. Informally called the Mandalorian Mercs, these individuals hired out their lethal talents to the highest bidders without regard to silly notions like justice morals and honor.

Some loyal Mandalorians, such as Canderous Ordo and Master Jaing, successfully brought some of the clans to heel. Many other Mandalorian Mercs, however, carried on this ruthless agenda for millennia as evidenced by the villainous Ung Kusp as well as Mandalorian participation in the seemingly endless New Sith Wars, lasting from 2000-1000 BBY. But then, a few decades before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, one man changed everything.

Jaster Mereel a deeply pious human and extraordinary soldier, immedietly noticed a deep-seated dissatisfaction in the hearts of many a hard-boiled Mandalorian as a former Journeyman Protector, Mereel brought a strong ethic that extended far beyond the limited Mandalorian ideology of fighting for credits. His prowess in combat earned him the respect of his peers, and when Mereel fought tooth-and-nail to become reigning Mand'alor and unite the disparate clans, his ideals became the foundation of a new creed: the supercommando Codex(This is the OG "Way").

Not all agreed with Mereel's ideas, however. Many bloodthirsty and amoral Mandalorians resented him, having enjoyed the unaccountability of their mercenary lifestyles. Among them was the soldier Vizsla, who gathered the dissenters into a splinter group, the Mandalorian Death Watch. Mereel's supercommandos, in turn, recast thenselves as the True Mandalorians, and total war ensued.

The Mandalorian Civil War not only killed Mereel and Vizsla, but it also nearly destroyed the Mandalorians. Only a handful of Death Watchmen survived the superior organization and skill of the True Mandalorians, hiding out in the Outer Rim for decades. The latter, though, were totally wiped out when the Jedi were duped into thinking the True Mandalorians had wrought grave atrocities on the population of Galidraan. Only one True Mandalorian, Jango Fett(see image below), survived, and he later became the primary donor for the Republic's clone army.

Jango died as the Clone Wars began, but thanks to one of his clones, the Mandalorian tradition survived. Alpha-O2, an aberrant ARC trooper the Kaminoans failed to recondition, became obsessed with rebuilding the Mandalorian supercommandos. Returning to Mandalore, he recruited an army of 200 soldiers from local police units, and another dozen came from the unlikeliest source--former Death Watchmen. Near the Clone Wars' climax, these new Mandalorian Protectors helped Mandalore's government seize MandalMotors' facilities in the capital of Keldabe for Seperatist use. Squads of Mandalorian supercommandos carried out covert missions for the Confederacy of independent Systems. Following the death of a prominent Seperatist commander, the Mandalorian Protectors armed with a Battle Legionnaire droid army executed multiple devastating blitzkriegs on republic targets, including Kamino and New Bornalex.

By the end of the war, however, only a trio of the 212 shock troopers was thought to have survived: childhood firends Tobbi Dala and Fenn Shysa, and a shell-shocked Alpha-O2. Dala and Shysa returned to their impoverished homeworld, hoping to live out their lives in peace. However, the Galactic Empire eventually caught up with them. When Dala gave his life to rid Mandalore of Imperials, Shysa realized that the time to revive the Mandalorian supercommandos had come.

Under Shysa as Mandalore, the Protectors flourished. They assited the Alliance of Free Planets in defending Known Space from Nagai and Tof invaders, and helped deliver the crucial blow in the New Republic's Campaign against Lord Shadowspawn. For decades, however the Protectors served chiefly as guardians of the Mandalore sector until the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion.

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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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Workshop Chapter 4:

Social Life of a Mandalorian

Daily Life-and Death

The Mando concept of home (yaim) describes the sense of safety and comfort that can be found even in temporary settlements. For a Mandalorian, home is where the armor lies.

Some nomadic races carry tents, but Mando'ade prefer to build temporary structures , known as vheh'yaime, from woven green wood and mud, or to take over the homes of enemies defeated in combat. "Temporary" can mean any period of time from overnight to years. The only certainty is that the Mando soldier or family never expects any home to be a permanent one. They're ready to move at a moment's notice.

Settled races usually derive their annual festivals from the cycle of the seasons on their home world, but because Mando'ade travel from world to world, they have often become disconnected from these cycles. Those from Concord Dawn--traditionally a farming community--do still mark the end of harvest by that world's calendar, but generally the life cycle
events-- birth, coming of age, marriage, death--have become the only ones celebrated. The uncertainty of nomadic warrior existence means most Mandalorians celebrate life whenever they get the opportunity, enjoying ale, coomunal singing and relaxing with their family and clan.

For professional soldiers, sudden death is an occupational hazard. But Mandalorians don't take it quite as calmly as aruetiise might imagine.

Burial is unusual--Mand'alor and other people of national importance are exceptions--because nomads traditionally had no cemeteries. It's also impractical to carry dead bodies with the Army when men die in combat. Communities cremate their dead if they can recover the body, scatter the ashes, and keep one of the deceased's posessions as a memorial. This is often a whole suit of armor which is valuable. In cases where the Armor can't be recovered or kept, parts such as helmets , gloves or buckles will be taken instead. Mando'ade recite the names of dead loved ones and comrades each night before sleep as a conscious act of keeping their memories--and so their existence--alive.

There is a single Mando'a word, aay'han, which describes the state of mind when Mandalorians savor a peaceful moment with family and comrades and also grieve for those who've died. The nearest Basic translation is "bittersweet," but it hardly comes close to defining what a significant concept it is for Mandalorians. The emotions's duality is very much in keeping with a people who are a mass of contradicitions.

Food and Drink

Soldiers and nomads both need their food to be portable, nourishing, and preferably to require little cooking. Mandalorians are no exception. They have a few distinctive dishes that are, at best, an acquired taste but that fit the need for food that's more like field rations.

Gihaal is a dried fishmeal mixture like pemmican, a nutritious blend of fat and protein that lasts for years without refrigeration but that has a pungent, clinging aroma many find offensive.

Aruetiise find some other Mandalorian foodstuffs more acceptable.

Uj'alayi (uj cake) is a dense, flat and extremely sweet cake made of ground and crushed nuts, dried fruit, spices and scented uj'jayl syrup.

Tihaar is a strong, colorless spirit made out of any fruit that's available, like an eau-de-vie. While Narcolethe is often seen as the quintessential Mandalorian alcoholic drink, many Mando'ade prefer nat'ra gal (black ale) which is a sweet beer very much like stout or porter.

Shig is any infusion of herbs or spices drunk hot, and is often made from a quick-growing citrus-flavored herb called behot.


Ask anyone what they associate with Mandalorians, and they'll probably say armor. The Mando'ade call it beskar'gam which means ironskin--an indication of how central it is to their life.

Armor, especially the distinctive full-face helmet with t-shaped visor, is the enduring image the galaxy has of Mando'ade. Amor is prized, especially if it's made from near-impervious beskar (Mandalorian iron), a metal that gets its remarkable strength not only from its natural properties but also from Mandalorian metalworking techniques. The addition of carbons in the foundry creates a molecular cage structure--lighter than normal metals and yet still remarkably strong. Repeated folding of the metal during forging further enhances beskar's strength. It's still regarded as more desirable than durasteel and even cortosis.

Armor is often handed down between generations, especially the beskar type. It's intricately customized to suit the wearer's needs and tastes and is worn by both genders.

Armor colors and markings can indicate many things, from clan or family to more ephemeral concepts such as state of mind or a particular mission. Sand-gold represents a quest for vengeance; black, for justice. Mando'ade will often repaint their armor with new colors if they're on a particular task or have changed clans. With the exception of the Mand'alor, markings never correspond to fixed rank--a concept they find hard to accept.

Sometimes, though, colors on armor simply express personal preference. Blue and green are especially popular. While other soldiers opt for camouflage, Mandalorians seem not to care about being conspicous: "It's one thing to see us coming, and anotter to do something about it" is a common Mando saying.

Sigils--symbols painted on the helmet or chest-plate--often identify the wearer's allegiance, lineage or loved ones. But they can also be marks of honor, such as the jai'gallar'la sur'haii'se (shriek-hawk eyes). Jaig, as they're better known, are bestowed as awards for bravery by some clan leaders.

But however central amor is to the Mandalorians' culture and self-image, they never forget that it's swhat lies beneath the armor that makes a soldier. "Verd ori'shya beskar'gam" (a warrior is more than his armor) is a popular Mando saying.

Mando'ade are a frugal people, and many amass sizeable fortunes. Although modern banking practices mean most put their credits into shares and saving, they still invest much of their wealth in their armor and weapons. Jewelry, when worn, is plain and functional. It's often a heavy belt of precious metal--a very portable form of currency--or a collar.

Ear piercing is especially frowned upon because earrings can be torn off in a fight, causing injury. If you ever encounter a Mandalorian with pierced ears, and they remove their earrings, run for it. It's a sign that they plan to fight.

Mixing with Mando'ade

Mandalorians are much more sociable than generally supposed. Most aruetiise encounter them at the point of a blaster, but if you meet them in a more peaceful setting they're usually gracious hosts and honest business associates. As long as you observe the following rules, you need never discover their aggressive side.

- Say what you mean.

- Never refuse the offer of a drink or a meal--for nomadic people, who live hand to mouth, this is the greatest compliment they can pay a guest.

- Never make a pass at a Mando'ad of either sex unless you intend to offer marriage and become Mando.

- Look them in the eye or, if they're wearing helmets, look straight into the horizontal section of the Visor.

- Take off your boots when entering their home.

- Pay your debts immediatly.

- Make a fuss of their children.

- Treat elderly Mando'ade with reverence, any Mando who survives to a venerable age must be an exceptional warrior, and will still be capable of making you regret your lack of respect.

Some aruetiise find the Mandalorian character and culture so appealing that they join them. This life is not for the faint-hearted, but those who value loyalty, commitment to family, and a passionate zest for life will find the Mandalorian way irresistible.

After all, aliit ori'shya tal'din--family is more than bloodlines.

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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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Workshop Chapter 5:

The Concept of Dar-Manda and Mandalorian Religion

Religion and Spirituality

Mandalorians were once intensely religious but disillusionment with the old
fanaticism and worship of war itself gave way to a far less supernatural belief system among modern Mandalorians. They now regard creation tales, such as Akaanati'kar'oya (The War of Life and Death), as parables to illustrate a deeper philosophical meaning rather tahn literal supernaturalism. The stars were mythologized as fallen kings of Mandalore, and there are tales of the mythosaurs, but the pragmatic and skeptical Mandalorians look for allegory in these stories.

The Manda--best described as a combination of the collective state of being , the essence of being Mandalorian, and an oversoul--is not viewed as a literal heaven. Traditionally, the Mando afterlife is seen as a plane of spiritual energy in constant conflict between stagnation, and the opportunity for change brought about by destruction--a parallel with modern theories of cosmology. In Mandalorian myth, this conflict is symbolized by the eternal war between the sloth-god Arasuum--the personification of idle consumption and stagnation-- and the vigorous destroyer god kad Ha'rangir, who forces change and growth on the universe.

Every Mando warrior who dies is said to add to the army of the afterlife, defending wives and children living in its permanent, peaceful homestead--the only place Mandalorians believe they can ever readch a non-transitory state of existence.

The Concept of Dar-Manda

Mandalorian spirituality has its roots in pragmatism. Living the Mandalorian way and believing in the community's ideals are all that keep a nomadic people together and preserve its identity. Without a commitment to those principles, the community either perishes or is subsumed into the host population. In the absence of a single species, ethnic heritage and fixed territory, only values and culture survive to pass from generation to generation. If they are not rigorously maintained and reinforced, the community is doomed.

Tradtional Mandalorians regard being a dar'manda--someone ignorant of their Mandalorian heritage--as the worst fate imaginable. It's a difficult concept for non-Mandalorians (aruetiise, which can mean anything from non-Mando to enemy) to grasp, but it's the equivalent of having no soul and no afterlife. The obliteration of personal identity mirrors the real obliteration that faces a people who lose their defining culture. Although few Mandalorians believe in a literal afterlife, they do believe in the manda.

To be part of the manda, the communal spiritual state of being Mando'ade, a man or woman must understand the basics of their culture and embody the ideals of the Mandalorian kar'ta--the heart, or in this case the soul. This means responsibility for the next generation, loyalty to their people and a fighting spirit. Without this, a person is considered lost for eternity.

The duty to ensure children know enough of their heritage to be part of the manda motivated the Cuy'val Dar--the Mandalorian instructors recruited to train clone troops for the Grand Army of the Republic--to educate their men in Mando customs as they would their own sons. The instructors believed that even if the troops died in combat and never lived in a proper Mando community, they would have an eternal place in the collective consciousness.

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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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Open Market

if someone knows, tell me.

Assembled: 57 in (1,448 mm)
Disruptor Assembly 60 in (1,655 mm)

20 Kilograms

Solid Durasteel
Modular Longblaster


4 Shots per Power Pack
1 Disruptor Cartridge per Shot

Semi Automatic

Stock: 400 Metres
Macroscope Assembly: 500 Metres
Macroscope and Disruptor Assembly: 500 Metres

The NT-242 is the step between a Longblaster with sniping precision and a Anti-Material Blaster, it is specifically designed to be a modular Blaster that can be used as a multi-purpose tool for multiple occassions, be it as a Big Game Blaster, on the front of a Battlefield or for the discerning Assassin that prefers very long ranges.

It features multiple ways to be modified from its stock Longblaster capabilities and is designed to fit a high powered Macroscope, due to the high pressures that this Blaster experiences every time it fires it generates a very distinct and loud sound that is entirely unique to the weapon.

Additionally this Blaster is capable to be reassembled with a longer Barrel and high power cooling cell to funtion as a Disruptor Rifle for the purposes of punching through heavily armored vehicles/walls and emplacements aswell as incur disintegration on flesh targets, this however puts the weapon under very great pressure and consumes a entire cartridge per shot to allow the Weapon to cool down, without significant cooling the Weapon would explode from the pressure and cause LETHAL damage to its user.

Restricted. Personal ownership of a Longblaster with sniping capabilities of very long ranges undergoes special licensing. In Disruptor Assembly counting as a Disruptor Blaster which are subject to a blanket Ban on civil worlds and are heavily scrutinized.

To present a Modular Longblaster aswell as expand the Market for Disruptor Blasters for the discerning Sniper that prefers very long ranges.

Under no circumstance may the NT-242 be used against a Player Character in PVP if it is assembled as a Disruptor Blaster. They can be used in PvP to attack and disable vehicles, but not their crews in Disruptor Configuration. Reconfiguring the Weapon takes significant time and may take up an entire post and requires advanced knowledge in gunsmithing to do in the field, otherwise it must be done before entering a Thread.

Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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Open Market


Length 806 mm (31.7 in)
Barrel length 510 mm (20 in)
Width 59.2 mm (2.33 in)
Height 200.4 mm (7.89 in)

4.5 kg (9.9 lb)

Chromium and Titanium
Blaster Rifle


20 Shots per power pack

Semi Automatic
Two-Shot Burst

200 Metres

The Legendary Vortex Rifle is a Rifle rumoured to have existed during the Galactic Civil War and floated around as a Exotic piece of Hardware that was INCREDIBLY hard to get ones hands on as it was distributed only to a select amount of people.

The uniqueness of the Blaster Rifle in question is that it was built to last almost indefinently, built from very expensive and carefully chosen materials it is rumoured that Rifles of this kind found nowadays aren't remanufactured but rather Rifles that had outlasted the Civil War to this day and are in almost pristine condition even after such a long time.

The Blaster Rifle itself had a very unique fire mechanism in which it cycled blaster Bolts behind the actual trigger giving alot more room for experimental designs which introduced a faster fire rate than traditional semi automatic Blaster Rifles aswell as introduced the experimental Fire Mode the Vortex got its name for.

The "Two-Tap" or "Double-Tap" introduced in the Vortex was a Fire Mode that fired two shots almost directly back to back where said projectiles would leave the barrel almost at the same time offset by only a fraction of milliseconds, this however came with its own detriments as it would heat up the Barrel more consistently and thoroughly which caused the Chromium Barrel to begin to glow once a specific heat was reached.

The Rifle was an acquired taste and entered a honorable mention in most Historical Weaponry Entries.

Restricted. This Weapon is a Military Grade Weapon and undergoes the respective licensing of such a Weapon.

Additionally this Weapon features a unique firing mechanism that counts as excessively modified weaponry and undergoes that licensing aswell.

To introduce a unique and exotic Blaster Rifle that is both sexy and sleek in design aswell as expand upon a Legends Weapon that caught my eye.

This weapon falls under the Ruleset of overheating weapons, every third consecutive use of the "Double-Tap" function may incur an overheat in PVP environments and is subject to a roll of a d6 which will cause the Weapon to overheat on the roll of a 1 rendering it unuseable for 2 rounds.

Additionally this Weapon counts as gear that is incredibly hard to get a hold off and therefore may not be specified as starting equipment for a Player Character as it is EXCEEDINGLY EXPENSIVE.

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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score

The following templates are Weaponry and Technology that I am brainstorming in order to EVEN the playing field between FS and non-FS.

Take these Templates with a grain of salt because trying to balance these is INCREDIBLY hard.

Should you wish to give your input please do so either through a PM or over Discord.​


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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DF-D1 Duo-Flechette Rifle


Golan Arms

Rough dimensions

In kg

Wood/durasteel/chromium, etc
Flechette Launcher


2x 2x4 Flechette Shells

Single Action

In meters

Describe your weapon in more detail here. What features does it have? Does it have a scope, a folding stock, or a grenade launcher? Is it modular or have self-repair features? Who was it designed for? What's your weapon's purpose? If it's a melee weapon, is it lightsaber resistant, and does it have any unusual properties? You can only use features you've written down and had approved, so include everything you intend to use. What makes this different from other, similar tech?

Legal? Illegal? Restricted? Describe any nuances on the legality of your weapon to own and carry in different places around the galaxy. Pulse Wave and most Slugthrower weapons are banned in many places, just like disruptors would be in the future, whereas simple stun pistols would be legal on all but the most extremely pacifistic worlds. Portable missile launchers and such are likely illegal in much of the Core, but whipcord launchers and other non lethal devices would be considered humane and legal. Basically, what happens if you get caught by the authorities with this?

To create a Weapon that is designed to go up against larger amounts of Enemies at once, additionally to create a Weapon that could stand toe to toe with a Lightsaber.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.

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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score


Cortosis Shot

Is your device made by, or used by, a faction?

Who makes it?

Is it a Computer? A welding tool? A portable reactor?
Power Supply:
What kind of power source does your device have?

Does it have or need Sensors?

How big is it? Use the metric system if possible.

What kind materials is your device made out of?

Describe your device in good detail here. What is its function? What can it do? What can't it do? Who makes it? Put in as much as you can. You can only use features you've written down, so include everything you intend to use.

Is this a device that merits being restricted or illegal in some places? If so, describe where, how, and why. If this doesn't seem applicable, you can omit this section.

What did you create this? What is its purpose? Is it for personal use? Are you making it for the sake of making it? Do you intend to sell or market it? What makes this different from other similar tech? This will influence any ruling made on your technology, so please explain at length what your intentions are!

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.



SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score

Howler Rifle

Republic/Hutts/Open Market, etc

Name of manufactuer

Rough dimensions

In kg

Wood/durasteel/chromium, etc
Blaster/Pulse Wave/Slugthrower/Melee


Shots per power pack

Semi Automatic/Automatic

In meters

Describe your weapon in more detail here. What features does it have? Does it have a scope, a folding stock, or a grenade launcher? Is it modular or have self-repair features? Who was it designed for? What's your weapon's purpose? If it's a melee weapon, is it lightsaber resistant, and does it have any unusual properties? You can only use features you've written down and had approved, so include everything you intend to use. What makes this different from other, similar tech?

Legal? Illegal? Restricted? Describe any nuances on the legality of your weapon to own and carry in different places around the galaxy. Pulse Wave and most Slugthrower weapons are banned in many places, just like disruptors would be in the future, whereas simple stun pistols would be legal on all but the most extremely pacifistic worlds. Portable missile launchers and such are likely illegal in much of the Core, but whipcord launchers and other non lethal devices would be considered humane and legal. Basically, what happens if you get caught by the authorities with this?

Why? Why did you create this? No, seriously. Weapons are judged with greater scrutiny than other tech. Guns in Star Wars go "pew pew" and burn your opponent, that's pretty much all you need to know. If you're submitting a weapon for approval, it needs to be pretty exotic or special. This will influence any ruling made on your technology, so please explain at length what your intentions are.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.



SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score

The Darksaber


The Legendary Darksaber, an ancient and unique black-bladed Lightsaber that was wielded by the first Mandalorian Jedi: Tarre Vizla. It has become one of the striking Artifacts of Mandalorian History and a unifier of People for those that wield it rightfully, it is said that it is one of the TWO ancient Artifacts with which a Mandalorian has the right to lay claim to become Mand'alor.

The Darksaber dates back all the way to 1032 BBY where the Weapon was crafted by Tarre Vizla and used as his Lighsaber, it was kept in the Jedi Temple upon Coruscant after Vizla's passing but was appropriated illicitly by House Vizla during the Fall of the Old Republic.

The Darksaber itself was passed down from generation to generation by the Ancestors of Pre Vizla who held the Weapon as a form of strength and rebellion against the New Mandalorians that were against the Warrior ways of Mandalore.
Pre Vizla, Leader of Death Watch and House Vizla used the Darksaber during conflicts with the New Mandalorians, including his successful takeover of Mandalore and assumed the position of Mand'alor wielding the Darksaber.

It was during a duel that Pre Vizla fell at the hands of the Sith Lord Maul who killed him and laid claim to the Darksaber assuming leadership over Death Watch. Shortly afterwards a Duel between Mauls old Master, Darth Sidious and himself ensued where Maul was bested and taken Prisoner.

The Darksaber remained in the Sundari Royal Palace until it was reclaimed by Maul after his emprisonment was ended due to a Rescue.

During the Imperial Era the Darksaber traded Masters respectively when the young Mandalorian Rebel Sabine Wren retrieved the Darksaber from the Nightsister Lair on Dathomir where it had resided.

Later on the Darksaber was offered to Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, the Sister of the former Duchess of Mandalore who took it up unrightfully after having it offered to her dooming the Mandalorian people under her leadership.

Following the Great Purge of Mandalore the Darksaber was known to be lost forever, Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls have ever since sought it out and attempted to reclaim it.

Moff Gideon, Leader of an Imperial remnant on Nevarro was in posession of the Darksaber and yielded the Saber to the infamous Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Din Djarin during their duel making Din Djarin the last and final rightful Wielder of the Darksaber.

Today the Darksaber is assumed to be lost to time yet some rumor that it was hidden away on Mandalore both as a sign of tribute to the cause aswell as to hide it, the exact location of it is unknown yet many a Mandalorian has made the Journey to try and find it... for naught. Mayhaps one day a Mandalorian worthy of Leadership may find and claim it.

The Darksaber is one of the oldest Mandalorian Relics and is considered one of the two Major Artifacts of Mandalorian History with which a Mandalorian can lay claim to the Seat of Mand'alor.




Mandalorian Artifact

Tarre Vizla

Hilt: 28 centimetres

Blade Length: 90 centimetres
Blade Width: 7 centimeters
Blade Depth: 3.5 centimeters
2 kg


Single-bladed lightsaber


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SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score
- Cleaning up and reapplying images if needed. -

- Speak with Orbit/Darasuum to create a updated Clan Solus writeup/transfer the current. -


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score

Reforming the Structure

"To ensure that we can continue teaching, training and equipping our Foundlings and newer Mandalorian Warriors, we need to be able to source War Gear. Thankfully, much of said War Gear was left behind in the wake of the Crusade. Many a Planet was left unattended with our Presence, it is now time that we embark on a "Visit" to reclaim our Assets. Be aware that once our Presence is known, it is only a matter of time until the first Diplomat or crazed Warlord wishes to bend our influence and strength to their benefit. It's on us to ensure that we can stand on two feet by then, instead of one knee."

The Solus Rally Master Van'Aria is determined that whilst other parts of the Mandalorian People work on reclaiming a Defensive Ring and the Rancor Squadron working on returning a shattered Fleet it was time that those that remain work on reclaiming equipment lost during the Crusade, it is unlikely that the Mandalorian People would be able to fully restore a working War Machine within a few Expeditions, but a beginning would be to start by resupplying the newer Warriors to ensure steady and ample growth so that they can set sights on larger Fish.

- To Fly We Need Wings - (Ask) SELF DM - INACTIVE -

- Participants: @Van'Aria Solus

"During the Crusade, The Mand'alor had given challenge to many Places, this one was named Bannister Station. Vitally posing as a refuelling station, it later was converted into a Mandalorian Resupply Station. Who holds dominion over it is uncertain now that the Crusade efforts have halted, we assume Pirates have reclaimed it for themselves, but be ready for anything."

If we succeed in wrestling the stored equipment from the Station, we would be returning vital shipments of Mandalorian Wings to the Mandalorian people. Do not be fooled, however, even during Crusade efforts this Station proved difficult to overwhelm. Arrive with plenty of Cargo Space and a Plan.
- The Costs of Armour - (Ask) SELF DM - INACTIVE -

- Participants: (Preferably Vizsla Clan Members)

"Disposable Resources are a rare commodity for Warriors. Thankfully we have intercepted a signal of an old Lucrehulk Cargo Freighter liberated during the Crusade, it has been repurposed to Haul Cargo mainly designed for Ship Construction and disappeared during the Crusade on the outer fringes of the Mandalore System. It is likely that Rogue Mandalorians and Ex-Crusaders are the culprits."

If we were to liberate it and return it to the Mandalorian People, we could distribute these Supplies among the Clans and most importantly the Armourers of Mandalore, it would be a major boon in the potential of Starship Production as well as the making of various Vehicles and Alloys.

- Secrets of Mandalore - (Ask) SELF DM - INACTIVE -

- Participants:

"Almost every Mandalorian has heard the fabled words "Beskar Mines" before, today not much of that is still left, yet rumours of many Battles and Conflicts beneath the broken Surface of Mandalore are still being whispered and spoken openly, these Battles usually come with the same need for Battle Stations and more importantly... Mandalorian historical value."

A Salvage operation as well as an assessment of the suitability of striking new Ore would not be unwise, that and the extermination of any... Pests left behind, perhaps the deeper depths of our Planet hold yet more secrets.

- War Droids Are Still Droids - (Ask) SELF DM - INACTIVE -

- Participants:

"The Crusade made use of many traditional ways of Mandalorian Warfare, one of which were Basilisk War Droids. Crude yet highly effective, they transformed a Mandalorian into a force of Nature. Word is a storage facility on Garos still houses unused models left behind during a failed attempt of liberation. It is very likely that the Locals will not want anything to do with the Mandalorians, so a discreet approach would be advisable. wish to bring hellfire down upon those that subvert your goals those Droids remain on that planet, returning them to us would mean that we are one step closer to our goals of building a foundation.​

Who can participate?
All Mandalorians are welcome to help the efforts of rebuilding what was lost. This Mission Pack was specifically designed for newer Mandalorians to have a way to enter and make their first impacts within the larger Mandalorian Fold.

What is the Purpose of this Mission Pack?
This Mission Pack was designed to build a Foundation for a fractured former Faction and touches on reclaiming former Faction Rewards in the form of Threads.

Time Table?
It would be ambitious for me to hope for a month of time to finish, but if that was achieved... it would be nice.

Please adhere to the following Template when signing up for a Mission:

