The Exile of Doghus Dei

Flying Dutchman

SWRP Writer
Sep 5, 2014
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(OOC: This is a small personal story that is meant to bridge my characters activities of the time-skip.)

" War. Conflict. Destruction. These fears I know of. But against the evil that has returned from the shadows, the Sith, it endangers us all."

Doghus Dei, Senator of Balmorra. A proud member of the Republic Senate and an advocate against Sith aggression, even in the early days. For some time, he even served alongside Chancellor Gregory Rhone of Chandrila as his vice-Chancellor. But the war had brought danger to the Core. Coruscant, had fallen. The Republic rocked to its very foundations. It was to much for Doghus.

He had refrained to convey in the great Senate Dome on Chandrila for some already. And with the war coming ever more closer to the Republic capital, it was just in time. Doghus was not on Coruscant, that faithful day. The fires that were unleashed on the city world were to bright for Doghus to bear. The death of so many Republic soldiers and civilians alike, however, only strengthened his resolve.

After a devastating attack on Tython, in which the Jedi Council was all but completely destroyed, Doghus returned to the Jedi for help. On the grass world of Dantooine, the Order's only remaining stronghold, Doghus negotiated to exchange services between Balmorra and the Jedi. The negotiations were fruitful, and most important, unknown to the Sith. And so, for several months, Balmorra began working up its industrial power for an inevitable invasion.

At the centre of it, stood Doghus himself. Coordinating the work of the Balmorran companies and its supplies to the Jedi, Doghus was at last the true quartermaster of Balmorra's war effort. This all changed, however, with Chandrila's fall.

The invasion of Chandrila was devastating to the Republic as a whole, but for Doghus personally as well. To see the Senate, where he had proudly sat and debated for a long time, burn with the fires of the Sith conquest, was a heavy loss. Doghus took it upon himself to take in the refugees that fled the destruction in the Inner Core. With that, Balmorra became a bastion of a last hope. A swiftly fleeting hope as it would seem. With the Sith firmly in control of the Core, and indeed the Republic itself, Balmorra and others like Alderaan had only a limited time until their unavoidable demise.

With the Republic falling into anarchy, Doghus lost his official employment as a Senator. With the Senate in dismay, and more and more refugees pouring in to the already stretched world, tensions began rising. While Doghus continued his work with the Jedi, the Empire took note and became aware of Balmorra's continuing transgressions. As they firmed their grip on the galaxy, they turned their eye to Balmorra.

Doghus had long prepared for the day that the Sith would once again try to rule his home. But the Balmorran people's ideals were strong, and their skills were honed. With the massive influx of refugees, Balmorra stood up to defend itself against tyranny and opression. At its head, stood Doghus himself, hell-bent on defending his home to the last man....

Battle of Balmorra
(One year into time-skip)
The day had come. Balmorra was under siege. Doghus had been preparing with the most skilled of Balmorra's tacticians, generals, and soldiers alike. And while Balmorra's strength lay indeed in arms, a large contingent of war droids stood ready to defend the factories. The epicentre of Doghus' command was in Sobrik. As the ancient capital of Balmorra, as well as its proximity to other key companies gave it a pivotal role in the upcoming battle.

Balmorra was on its own. The collapse of the Republic saw the vast array of funds for mutual defence, welfare and economy cast aside, with the rigour of the Imperial fist replacing liberty and democracry with security and supremacy. The battle in the skies, above Balmorra, was quickly resolved. The few ships Balmorra hd left was quickly decimated by an immense Imperial fleet. The Sith were lead by a ruthless Lord, known as Lord Vadron. With a vile smirk, he called upon a global channel, to adress the people below directly. " Citizens of Balmorra. You stand accused. On behalf of the Emperor, I accuse you of treachery. Prepare for your subjugation." The dark energy flowing from the Sith Lord was felt by everyone who saw it. But with a sudden twist, DOghus felt the urge to respond: " Balmorra will not bow to you. We are a free people, and so we shall remain. Be gone now, Sith." After Doghus finished, the soldiers and civilians of Sobrik cheered for their Senator. But the cheering was suddenly stopped, by multiple incoming fire. The fighters had come.

The man in charge of Sobrik was a General by the name of Breburdd. He was a seasoned fighter, having commanded Balmorran and GAR soldiers across the galaxy. And he was a Balmorran local. As the battle in the air began, the few fighters that Balmorra had left were launched. But most of their defence was in the AA-guns that remained. And as fighters was pit against fighter, the battle intensified. From both sides, ship after ship were destroyed and their parts found their way to the surface. And then, a new element joined the fight.

The emergence of Imperial troopers saw the begin of the battle on the ground. Ikara, Balmorran Arms, and more factories were assaulted on multiple fronts across the Sobrikarill lands. The opening of multiple fronts overwhelmed the watchful protectors of Balmorra. On fields across Balmorra, soldiers and droids engaged in combat over Balmorra's ownership. From the command centre in Sobrik, Doghus saw the battle moving into new stages from close by. For several moments, it appeared that the dug-in Balmorran fighters prevailed over the assaulting Stormtroopers. But soon, the Balmorran soldiers were wore out over each new wave of enemies coming their way. And little by little, the Balmorran soldiers began loosing ground. From the Sundari Flatlands to the Markaran Plains, Sith troopers began securing beachheads to storm the factories. The battle worsened, however, with the arrival of Sith Marauders on the scene.

The dark Force-users proved a too large challenge to the inexperienced Balmorrans, and soon, they were nothing but targets to the Sith. First Okara, then Troida, and then Balmorran Arms fell to Sith invaders. And then, the invasion moved towards Sobrik, to finish the resistance against Imperial power. Doghus and the commanders inside the bunker all saw the inevitable end. And then it became even worse. Lord Vadron arrived on the battlefield, ammasing his forces and frontally assaulting Sobrik itself. And when the defensive shields fell, it was over. The bombardment of the city left its defences in shambles, as Lord Vadron marched towards the command centre.

Doghus knew that his final chance to get out was nearing. If it would mean to leave Balmorra to its people, he would regretfully do so. But he made a promise to himself, to one day return to his home, and free it from Sith tyranny. As the bunker was evacuated, commanders and staff moved to their shuttles, ready for the same thing as Doghus: To leave Balmorra, and to be exiled from their homes.

As Doghus moved towards his own ship, with his own wife Jaina safely inside, there was a tremor. With a laud explosion, the hangar door were forced open. And trough it, came Lord Vadron. As guards struggled to secure Doghus into his shuttle, they were one by one stripped down by Lord Vadron and his troopers. And then it happened. Another explosion, and fire emerged from what Doghus had not hoped possible: his own ship.

Doghus screamed out in terror. With a sudden burst, the Sith had taken everything he held dear. Not only his ship, but more important: his wife, and his son. As Doghus fell to the ground in grief, he yelled at the smoking remains of his ship. And, then, a sudden rage boiled up in him. As he looked to the Sith, his grief was replaced by blind hate. He screamed at Vadron, and then yelled: " You are a monster! They were innocent! They were not yours to take!" Vadron remained unmoving, as he lowered his saber, and cynically returned: " They are as innocent as you are yourself. You have betrayed your Emperor, you have betrayed your people by making their lives meaningless. There stands, once Grand Master Dei, hero of his people. Advocate for war, and yet you cower away in moments of danger." Doghus slowly, stood up, and continued: " I will not forgive you for this. For all my remaining years, I will hunt you down, only to make you suffer with as much pain as I am suffering." Vadron slowly came closer, as he spoke: " I have not come to let you life. If you desire to be with your loved ones, I shall grant you your wish." Doghus anger was now replaced in quiet contemplation. His final remark was simply: " If you kill me, others will do my work for me. You will not escape." And then, he looked up, and whispered: " I will be with you soon."

Vadron once again raised his saber, and Doghus closed his eyes for the fatal blow. His thoughts were flashing before him: his youth, his beloved Jaini, and his son. The time appeared to completely stop, as Vadron rose his saber above his head, ready to split Doghus' body in half. With what appeared to be a lifetime, Doghus awaited his death.

But the strike never came. In a split second before Vadron let down his saber in attack, he was stopped. A sudden burst blew the Sith Lord backwards, away from Doghus. As Doghus opened his eyes again, he looked to the side. And there, dressed in drapes, stood a lonely Jedi Master. With his green lightsaber out in his right hand, he pushed back Vadron with the Force. The stormtroopers beside the Sith Lord looked in anguish at the Jedi, uncertain about confronting him. As Vadron slowly stood up again from his push, he faced the Jedi Master, shouting: " Impossible!" while he restarted his saber. With a firm stance, and a strong voice, he spoke: " This ends here, Sith. You have taken enough lifes today." And with that, the Jedi moved forward, pushing back the troopers at the Sith Lord's side, and raised his saber. With a typical hiss, the two sabers clashed. Doghus looked with a mix of awe and fear. The Jedi had with only moments to go, saved his life. But he feared that with the two clashing, more useless blood would be spilled. As he looked at the lightsaber duel unfolding before him, he suddenly heard a familiar sound. That of a Jedi cruiser. As the two Force Wielders duelled on, Doghus turned to the shuttle. As the doors opened, DOghus was met with temporal relief.

In the doorway stood his trusted servant and oldest friend, Miron. Beside him stood a Temple Guard. As Miron looked towards Doghus, he waved, and yelled:
" Quickly Masters! No time to loose." With that, the Jedi once again pushed back Vadron, and the ship began firing at the troopers. The Jedi ran towards Doghus, and took him by the shoulders. They rn towards the shuttle, and as DOghus walked in, he took a final look at Vadron. The Sith was still furious, and he yelled: " You cannot hide, Doghus Dei! Wherever you go, I will follow. And when I've found you, I will end it." After that, the doors closed and Doghus was inside the shuttle. The shuttle turned, and left the infuriated Sith lord with its engine exhausts. As they came out of the hangar, Doghus took a last look at his home. Balmorra. It was the last he would take in a long time.

With the battle beneath, the Jedi Cruiser got past the Sith fleet undetected. With that, the men were safely in Hyperspace, on the way to Dantooine. Doghus sighed heavily over the relief, sure that he was safe for now. But he knew what was to come. He had fled Balmorra, he had left his own people behind. For the first time, Doghus was truly without a home and a people. He was an exile and a nomad. But he took a solemn vow: to the remove the Sith from the galaxy, and to return peace and freedom to his people and to the Galaxy....

Four Years Later
Doghus Dei, a Jedi advisor. The Senator's loss of his home, his family and indeed his whole career, affected the man more than anything. His exile on Dantooine, the Jedi Stronghold, gave him some time to rest under the Jedi's watchful protection. Indeed he mourned for his wife and son, and the Jedi gave him the means to process his loss by a small ceremony. For several months, he was unable to move past his mourning. And with the loss of Alderaan, he was once again struck with grief. But when he finally got a grip on himself, he knew what his next goal was. With the Republic gone, the Jedi were the only ones who could stand up against the Sith and their evil rule. And so it was, that Doghus worked his way up. He became more and more invested in studying the Jedi history, its culture and its people. From endless studies and countless debating with any willing Jedi, he grew to become a collector of Jedi heritage. And while as a non-Force Sensitive he would never truly understand the ways of the Force, he attempted to know as much about it as possible....