Rejected The Ghosts of Alderaan


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 17, 2017
Reaction score
What is going to happen in your plot?

Renard Harlow, a recent contractor for Blackwell Technologies, will go on a search for a Blackwell transport that went missing. This ship contains valuable parts for the company and a prototype weapon that Renard was going to be assigned to assist in the development and refinement of. As usual with his one-track mind, and his almost neurotic desire to prove himself, the Shistavanen and his friends will embark on a journey to track down the missing transport and recover what was taken. After some investigation, Renard and his friends track the ship down to the asteroid field where Alderaan used to be, the thieves using the place to avoid detection. Infiltrating the ship, they manage to rescue a security guard who had hid away and survived and take back the transport, returning it to Blackwell with all contents accounted for.

What other writers (and their characters) will be a part of this?

@Nefieslab with Flynn
@Darasuum with Wesk
@AutoFox with Helen
@Killa Ree with Ilana

Where are all the locations in which your plot will take place?

Corellia, Ruins of Alderaan

Please provide a basic in-character timeline of what you expect to happen. Include opposition type for each thread:

Thread 1: Dude, Where's my Prototype? - (Dice) Having decided to take recovering the lost prototype, and full missing transport, into his own hands, Renard and his friends go to the last known world the transport was seen to investigate. If successful, they manage to find a clue pointing them towards the ruins of Alderaan.

Thread 2: The Song of Silence - (Dice) Having found the ship hidden in the asteroid field, waiting for the heat to die down before moving on to be looted and stripped, Renard and friends board the ship with the help of the Shistavanen Blackwell Security Officer that managed to hide away on board waiting for an opportunity to expel the thieves. If successful the ship is retaken.

Thread 3: The Edge of Duty - (Dice) Returning to Corellia, Renard and friends are about to turn over the recovered transport when the Shistavanen Security Officer recognizes one of the supposed Blackwell recovery crew to be one of the original thieves who had left shortly before the previous thread. A gunfight ensues, victory of which allows the players to turn over the ship and contents to the correct members of Blackwell.

What do you or your character hope to achieve with this plot? What is the "end-game?” Link any items you’re seeking if applicable.

The goal is for Renard to gain in reputation with Blackwell Technologies by proving his worth outside of just being a contractor. Also, the NPC Shistavanen Security Officer will be assigned as a bodyguard to Renard, becoming an NPC companion of his.

Do you need any involvement of canon NPCs or faction leaders to be DMed by a staff member? If so, please detail who/what and for what purpose.

No, dice should be just fine for all these threads, but if not please let me know.


SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
This can be done without a plot. Simply do the threads and track whatever reputation increase in your tracker as necessary.
