
The Man, The Legend, The Mythos!
SWRP Writer
Sep 3, 2023
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Species: Nixons

Designation: Humanoid

Classification: Dragonoid Avian Humanoid

Diet: Vegan

  • Eggling (0-50 years)
  • Hatchling (50-60 years)
  • Nestling (60-90 years)
  • Juvenile (90-190 years)
  • Adult (190-799 years)
  • Elderly (800-1000+ years)

  • Height: Galactic Average

    HomeWorld: Nix’ On-Doe Sae (Nix’on)


The Nixons are a baseline humanoid species, albeit with hollow bones seen in the Avian species with skin cell sized scales rather than skin as seen in Humanoids. Horns protrude from both the male and female Nixons at varying lengths, however, the males are larger in average. And both male and female Nixons possess scaled wings with similar textures to their skin. They also possess elongated lifespans, averaging a millennia, yet a few have been recorded to live longer. They are birth from what seems to be stone eggs, and emerge from the eggs in a state similar to young children. Maturity isn't reached for at least two centuries.


The Nix are born from an external fertilized egg that grows along side the Nix within, and for the first five decades are spent in development. When they emerge from its shell, the hatchling Nixon is welcomed as a child of the Clan and raised by all. This is due to the rarity of conception amongst the Nix and is a complex preparation that spans a millennia by it's self.


The Nix, despite their appearance, are vegetarian. Most Nix would find meat to be poisonous and likely lethal. As it stands, however, even the most poisonous plants to humanoid sentients, would have no ill effect. Nixons are also known to produce stones in their stomach which help with aiding in digestion and antioxidants in their blood that kill most poisons.

Behavior & Temperament

The male and female Nixons have always been known to see each other as equals, and as such, the whole of the Nixons often work in tandem for the betterment of each nest and Clan. This brings a staunch pride and comradery to each other, and sets the Nix off as a peaceful and devoted species. If disagreements or grudges are produced, it's settled before an open council. Only a handful have ever committed unforgivable sins and been put to death.

Communication & Language

The native tongue of the Nix is On-Doe which also means ”to speak” in their native tongue. However, most Nix are capable of telepathically projecting mental images through thoughts as a means to both self confer amongst themselves as well as bridge language gaps.


Due mainly to their extreme longevity, the Nix are a highly druidic society. They live in minor outlaying settlements and villages with a few larger metropolitan cities established for trading purposes. For the most part, the Nix are reclusive and rarely look to the stars. Gatherings happen only a couple times a year in the major cities, mostly for the Solstices, but two other holidays do take place. One is the Rite of the Fist, an annual gathering of Clan Leaders and Warriors meant to both test their Juveniles and entertain the others. And the other is the Trail of Embered Stones, a time of remembrance and retelling of the Nix's creation; a time of trials and tribulation of ancient God's whom birthed their species.


In the Galactic scheme of things, the Nixon’s are rather archaic and primitive. Their society, despite having been around since before the time of Xim the Despot, has never entered an industrial age. All technology has been acquired through trade and a few Nixons whom traveled offworld. And yet, for the most part, the Nix and their homeworld of Nix’ On-Doe Sae have remained an undisturbed ecosystem.


To create a species and world for the new discovered Stygian Reach.
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Mr. Teatime

Story Admin
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score
In its current state I'm going to ask for changes, as follows:

Armorweave skin is a hard denial.
An otherwise sterile species that is "reborn" through phoenix magic is also a no-go. A fixed population that drops more, violence, disease, accidents, etc. makes no sense and would've died out.
Telepathy should be limited by language and close proximity.

Side notes: I think their diet restriction of no fruit is odd if they're herbivores.

Please make edits accordingly.


Mr. Teatime

Story Admin
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry for the wait.

Please significantly adjust the age categories downward. Not being considered an adult for 1899 years or so is excessive.


The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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So, this is my feedback as a writer.

But the species' lifespan span as a whole seems excessive even by Star Wars standards. Going by Legends, Yoda's species averages up to 900 years. Hutts around 1000. And the Neti around 4500, and those are a tree species.

Maybe remove one digit from all the numbers?


The Man, The Legend, The Mythos!
SWRP Writer
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score